Academic Writing in English

Independent work - 19. 3. 2024

This week we will not be meeting in class. Instead, you will prepare for the workshop next week (see the next week in the interactive syllabus for more information); before the lesson on 26 March, everyone should read everyone else's text and follow the instructions in the workshop document.

In addition, you will also do the following independent work:

1) Journal selection & submission:

Select 3 target journals for article submission: 1) aspirational, 2) realistic + respectable, 3) fall-back option. Conference proceedings are also fine, but try to include at least one journal.

Review the Guidelines for Authors for each journal/c.p. What do you need to do to prepare your article for submission? Explain in detail.

2) Writing assignment:

Select a prominent published work from your field (article/book), one that is significant and influential to your own research. Write a short summary of the work (approx. 1/2 to 1 page max) and a reflection on why this work is so significant/influential and how it relates to your own research (1/2 to 1 page).

VV043 Week 5 Independent Work -- Writing Assignment
Select a prominent published work from your field (article/book), one that is significant and influential to your own research. Write a short summary of the work (approx. 1/2 to 1 page of "normostrana" max) and a reflection on why this work is so significant/influential and how it relates to your own research (again 1/2 to 1 page of "normostrana").