IA008: Computational Logic 4. Deduction Achim Blumensath blumens@fi.muni.cz Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno Tableaux Tableau Proofs For simplicity: first-order logic without equality Statements φ true or φ false Rule φ σ ψ0 τ0 . . . θ0 υ0 ψm τm θm υm Interpretation If φ σ is possible then so is ψi τi,...,θi υi, for some i. Tableaux Construction A tableau for a formula φ is constructed as follows: ▸ start with φ false ▸ choose a branch of the tree ▸ choose a statement ψ value on the branch ▸ choose a rule with head ψ value ▸ add it at the bottom of the branch ▸ repeat until every branch contains both statements ψ true and ψ false for some formula ψ ¬φ true φ false ¬φ false φ true φ ∧ ψ true φ true ψ true φ ∧ ψ false φ false ψ false φ ∨ ψ true φ true ψ true φ ∨ ψ false φ false ψ false φ → ψ true φ false ψ true φ → ψ false φ true ψ false φ ↔ ψ true φ true ψ true φ false ψ false φ ↔ ψ false φ true ψ false φ false ψ true ∀xφ true φ[x ↦ t] true ∀xφ false φ[x ↦ c] false ∃xφ true φ[x ↦ c] true ∃xφ false φ[x ↦ t] false c a new constant symbol, t an arbitrary term Example (A ∨ B) → ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) false ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) → (A ∨ B) false Example (A ∨ B) → ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) false A ∨ B true ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) false ¬A ∧ ¬B true ¬A true ¬B true A false B false A true B true ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) → (A ∨ B) false ¬(¬A ∧ ¬B) true A ∨ B false A false B false ¬A ∧ ¬B false ¬A false ¬B false A true B true Example ∃x∀yR(x, y) → ∀y∃xR(x, y) false ∀xR(x, x) → ∀x∃yR(f(x), y) false Example ∃x∀yR(x, y) → ∀y∃xR(x, y) false ∃x∀yR(x, y) true ∀y∃xR(x, y) false ∀yR(c, y) true ∃xR(x, d) false R(c, d) true R(c, d) false ∀xR(x, x) → ∀x∃yR(f(x), y) false ∀xR(x, x) true ∀x∃yR(f(x), y) false ∃yR(f(c), y) false R(f(c), f(c)) false R(f(c), f(c)) true Soundness and Completeness Theorem A first-order formula φ (without equality) is valid (over non-empty structures) if, and only if, there exists a tableau T for φ false where every branch is contradictory. Soundness and Completeness Theorem A first-order formula φ (without equality) is valid (over non-empty structures) if, and only if, there exists a tableau T for φ false where every branch is contradictory. Terminology A tableau for a statement φ value is a tableau T where the root is labelled with φ value. A branch β is contradictory if it contains both statements ψ true and ψ false, for some formula ψ. A branch β is consistent with a structure A if ▸ A ⊧ ψ, for all statements ψ true on β and ▸ A ⊭ ψ, for all statements ψ false on β. A branch β is complete if, for every atomic formula ψ, it contains one of the statements ψ true or ψ false. Proof Sketch: Soundness Lemma If β is consistent with A and we extend the tableau by applying a rule, the new tableau has a branch β′ extending β that is consistent with A. Corollary If A ⊭ φ, then every tableau for φ false has a branch that is not contradictory. Corollary If φ is not valid, there is no tableau for φ false where all branches are contradictory. Proof Sketch: Completeness Lemma If every tableau for φ false has a non-contradictory branch, there exists a tableau for φ false with a branch β that is complete and non-contradictory. Lemma If a branch β is complete and non-contradictory, there exists a structure A such that β is consistent with A. Corollary If every tableau for φ false has a non-contradictory branch, there exists a structure A with A ⊭ φ. Natural Deduction Proof Calculi Notation ψ1,...,ψn ⊢ φ φ is provable with assumptions ψ1,...,ψn Proof Calculi Notation ψ1,...,ψn ⊢ φ φ is provable with assumptions ψ1,...,ψn φ is provable if ⊢ φ. Proof Calculi Notation ψ1,...,ψn ⊢ φ φ is provable with assumptions ψ1,...,ψn φ is provable if ⊢ φ. Rules Γ1 ⊢ φ1 ... Γn ⊢ φn Δ ⊢ ψ premises conclusion φ1 ∧ ⋅⋅⋅ ∧ φn ⇒ ψ Proof Calculi Notation ψ1,...,ψn ⊢ φ φ is provable with assumptions ψ1,...,ψn φ is provable if ⊢ φ. Rules Γ1 ⊢ φ1 ... Γn ⊢ φn Δ ⊢ ψ premises conclusion φ1 ∧ ⋅⋅⋅ ∧ φn ⇒ ψ Axiom Δ ⊢ ψ rule without premises Proof Calculi Notation ψ1,...,ψn ⊢ φ φ is provable with assumptions ψ1,...,ψn φ is provable if ⊢ φ. Rules Γ1 ⊢ φ1 ... Γn ⊢ φn Δ ⊢ ψ premises conclusion φ1 ∧ ⋅⋅⋅ ∧ φn ⇒ ψ Axiom Δ ⊢ ψ rule without premises Remark Tableaux speak about possibilities while Natural Deduction proofs speak about necesseties. Proof Calculi Derivation Γ ⊢ φ Δ0 ⊢ ψ0 Δ1 ⊢ ψ1 Γ′ ⊢ φ′ Σ ⊢ θ tree of rules Natural Deduction (propositional part) (I⊺) Γ ⊢ ⊺ (Ax) Γ,φ ⊢ φ (I∧) Γ ⊢ φ Δ ⊢ ψ Γ,Δ ⊢ φ ∧ ψ (E∧) Γ ⊢ φ ∧ ψ Γ ⊢ φ Γ ⊢ φ ∧ ψ Γ ⊢ ψ (I∨) Γ,¬ψ ⊢ φ Γ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ Γ,¬φ ⊢ ψ Γ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ (E∨) Γ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ Δ,φ ⊢ θ Δ′ ,ψ ⊢ θ Γ,Δ,Δ′ ⊢ θ (I¬) Γ,φ ⊢ Γ ⊢ ¬φ (E¬) Γ,¬φ ⊢ Γ ⊢ φ (I ) Γ ⊢ φ Γ ⊢ ¬φ Γ ⊢ (E ) Γ ⊢ Γ ⊢ φ (I→) Γ,φ ⊢ ψ Γ ⊢ φ → ψ (E→) Γ ⊢ φ Δ ⊢ φ → ψ Γ,Δ ⊢ ψ (I↔) Γ,φ ⊢ ψ Δ,ψ ⊢ φ Γ,Δ ⊢ φ ↔ ψ (E↔) Γ ⊢ φ Δ ⊢ φ ↔ ψ Γ,Δ ⊢ ψ ( + sym.) Examples ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ) → ¬(¬φ ∧ ¬ψ) Examples φ ∨ ψ,¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ φ ⊢ φ ¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ ¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ ¬φ φ,¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ ⋯ ψ,¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ,¬φ ∧ ¬ψ ⊢ φ ∨ ψ ⊢ ¬(¬φ ∧ ¬ψ) ⊢ (φ ∨ ψ) → ¬(¬φ ∧ ¬ψ) Natural Deduction (quantifiers and equality) (I∃) Γ ⊢ φ[x ↦ t] Γ ⊢ ∃xφ (E∃) Γ ⊢ ∃xφ Δ,φ[x ↦ c] ⊢ ψ Γ,Δ ⊢ ψ (I∀) Γ ⊢ φ[x ↦ c] Γ ⊢ ∀xφ (E∀) Γ ⊢ ∀xφ Γ ⊢ φ[x ↦ t] (I=) Γ ⊢ t = t (E=) Γ ⊢ s = t Δ ⊢ φ[x ↦ s] Γ,Δ ⊢ φ[x ↦ t] c a new constant symbol, s,t arbitrary terms Examples s = t ⊢ t = s Examples s = t ⊢ t = s s = t ⊢ s = t ⊢ s = s s = t ⊢ t = s (E=) Examples s = t ⊢ t = s s = t ⊢ s = t ⊢ s = s s = t ⊢ t = s (E=) s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u Examples s = t ⊢ t = s s = t ⊢ s = t ⊢ s = s s = t ⊢ t = s (E=) s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u t = u ⊢ t = u s = t ⊢ s = t s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u (E=) Examples s = t ⊢ t = s s = t ⊢ s = t ⊢ s = s s = t ⊢ t = s (E=) s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u t = u ⊢ t = u s = t ⊢ s = t s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u (E=) ∃x∀yR(x,y) ⊢ ∀y∃xR(x,y) Examples s = t ⊢ t = s s = t ⊢ s = t ⊢ s = s s = t ⊢ t = s (E=) s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u t = u ⊢ t = u s = t ⊢ s = t s = t, t = u ⊢ s = u (E=) ∃x∀yR(x,y) ⊢ ∀y∃xR(x,y) ∃x∀yR(x,y) ⊢ ∃x∀yR(x,y) ∀yR(c,y) ⊢ ∀yR(c,y) ∀yR(c,y) ⊢ R(c,d) (E∀) ∀yR(c,y) ⊢ ∃xR(x,d) (I∃) ∀yR(c,y) ⊢ ∀y∃xR(x,y) (I∀) ∃x∀yR(x,y) ⊢ ∀y∃xR(x,y) (E∃) Soundness and Completeness Theorem A formula φ is provable using Natural Deduction if, and only if, it is valid (over non-empty structures). Corollary Validity of first-order formulae is recursively enumerable, but not decidable. Isabelle/HOL Isabelle/HOL Proof assistant designed for software verification. General structure theory T imports T1 ... Tn begin declarations, definitions, and proofs end Syntax Two levels: ▸ the meta-language (Isabelle) used to define theories, ▸ the logical language (HOL) used to write formulae. To distinguish the levels, one encloses formulae of the logical language in quotes. datatype 'a list = Nil ("[]") | Cons 'a "'a list" (infixr "#" 65) primrec app :: "'a list => 'a list => 'a list" (infixr "@" 65) where "[] @ ys = ys" | "(x # xs) @ ys = x # (xs @ ys)" Logical Language Types ▸ base types: bool, nat, int,… ▸ type constructors: α list, α set,… ▸ function types: α ⇒ β ▸ type variables: 'a, 'b,… Terms ▸ application: f x y, x + y,… ▸ abstraction: λx.t ▸ type annoation: t α ▸ if b then t else u ▸ let x = t in u ▸ case x of p0 ⇒ t0 | ⋯ | pn ⇒ tn Formulae ▸ terms of type bool ▸ boolean operations ¬,∧,∨,→ ▸ quantifiers ∀x, ∃x ▸ predicates ==, <,… Basic Types datatype bool = True | False fun conj :: "bool => bool => bool" where "conj True True = True" | "conj _ _ = False" datatype nat = 0 | Suc nat fun add :: "nat => nat => nat" where "add 0 n = n" | "add (Suc m) n = Suc (add m n)" lemma add_02: "add m 0 = m" apply (induction m) apply (auto) done Proofs lemma add_02: "add m 0 = m" Proofs lemma add_02: "add m 0 = m" apply (induction m) Proofs lemma add_02: "add m 0 = m" apply (induction m) 1. add 0 0 = 0 2. ⋀m. add m 0 = m ==> add (Suc m) 0 = Suc m Proofs lemma add_02: "add m 0 = m" apply (induction m) 1. add 0 0 = 0 2. ⋀m. add m 0 = m ==> add (Suc m) 0 = Suc m apply (auto) datatype 'a list = Nil ("[]") | Cons 'a "'a list" (infixr "#" 65) fun app :: "'a list => 'a list => 'a list" (infixr "@" 65) where "[] @ ys = ys" | "(x # xs) @ ys = x # (xs @ ys)" fun rev :: "'a list => 'a list" where "rev [] = []" | "rev (x # xs) = (rev xs) @ (x # [])" theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" apply(induction xs) theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" apply(induction xs) 1. rev (rev Nil) = Nil 2. ⋀x1 xs. rev (rev xs) = xs ==> rev (rev (Cons x1 xs)) = Cons x1 xs theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" apply(induction xs) 1. rev (rev Nil) = Nil 2. ⋀x1 xs. rev (rev xs) = xs ==> rev (rev (Cons x1 xs)) = Cons x1 xs apply(auto) theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev (rev xs) = xs" apply(induction xs) 1. rev (rev Nil) = Nil 2. ⋀x1 xs. rev (rev xs) = xs ==> rev (rev (Cons x1 xs)) = Cons x1 xs apply(auto) 1. ⋀x1 xs. rev (rev xs) = xs ==> rev (rev xs @ Cons x1 Nil) = Cons x1 xs lemma app_Nil2 [simp]: "xs @ Nil = xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done lemma app_Nil2 [simp]: "xs @ Nil = xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev (xs @ ys) = rev ys @ rev xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) 1. ⋀x1 xs. rev (xs @ ys) = rev ys @ rev xs ==> (rev ys @ rev xs) @ Cons x1 Nil = rev ys @ (rev xs @ Cons x1 Nil) lemma app_Nil2 [simp]: "xs @ Nil = xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev (xs @ ys) = rev ys @ rev xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) 1. ⋀x1 xs. rev (xs @ ys) = rev ys @ rev xs ==> (rev ys @ rev xs) @ Cons x1 Nil = rev ys @ (rev xs @ Cons x1 Nil) lemma app_assoc [simp]: "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)" apply (induction xs) apply (auto) done lemma app_Nil2 [simp]: "xs @ [] = xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done lemma app_assoc [simp]: "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev(xs @ ys) = (rev ys) @ (rev xs)" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev(rev xs) = xs" apply(induction xs) apply(auto) done end Nonmonotonic Logic Negation as Failure Goal Develop a proof calculus supporting Negation as Failure as used in Prolog. Monotonicity Ordinary deduction is monotone: if we add new assumption, all consequences we have already derived remain. More information does not invalidate already made deductions. Non-Monotonicity Negation as Failure is non-monotone: P implies ¬Q but P,Q does not imply ¬Q. Default Logic Rule α0 ... αm β0 ... βn γ αi assumptions βi restraints γ consequence Derive γ provided that we can derive α0,...,αm, but none of β0,...,βn. Example bird(x) penguin(x) ostrich(x) can_fly(x) Semantics Definition A set Φ of formulae is consistent with respect to a set of rules R if, for every rule α0 ... αm β0 ... βn γ ∈ R such that α0,...,αm ∈ Φ and β0,...,βn ∉ Φ, we have γ ∈ Φ. Note If there are no restraints βi, consistent sets are closed under intersection. ⇒ There is a unique smallest such set, that of all provable formulae. If there are restraints, this may not be the case. Formulae that belong to all consistent sets are called secured consequences. Examples The system α α β β has a unique consistent set {α,β}. The system α α β γ α γ β has consistent sets {α,β}, {α,γ}, {α,β,γ} .