Advanced Features of SAT Solvers IA085: Satisfiability and Automated Reasoning Martin Jonáš FI MUNI, Spring 2025 Last Time • Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL): DPLL + clause learning + backjumping • literal decision heuristics • restarts 1 / 42 Incremental SAT solving Normal Usage 1. Call solve(Φ). 2. Get the answer (+ possibly a model). 3. ??? 4. Profit. 2 / 42 Incremental Usage Some applications issue incremental queries: 1. Is Φ1 satisfiable? 2. Is Φ1 ∪ Φ2 satisfiable? 3. Is Φ1 ∪ Φ2 ∪ Φ3 satisfiable? 4. . . . Examples • checking feasibility of program paths • checking feasibility of plans 3 / 42 Incremental Usage Some applications issue incremental queries: 1. Is Φ1 satisfiable? 2. Is Φ1 ∪ Φ2 satisfiable? 3. Is Φ1 ∪ Φ2 ∪ Φ3 satisfiable? 4. . . . Examples • checking feasibility of program paths • checking feasibility of plans 3 / 42 Incremental Usage: Checking Feasibility of Paths 1 x = input() 2 if (x > 0) { 3 target() 4 x = x + 1 5 if (x < 1) { 6 target() 7 } 8 } • Target on line 3: is (x0 = i) ∧ (x0 > 0) SAT? 4 / 42 Incremental Usage: Checking Feasibility of Paths 1 x = input() 2 if (x > 0) { 3 target() 4 x = x + 1 5 if (x < 1) { 6 target() 7 } 8 } • Target on line 3: is (x0 = i) ∧ (x0 > 0) SAT? • Target on line 6: is (x0 = i) ∧ (x0 > 0) ∧ (x1 = x0 + 1) ∧ (x1 < 1) SAT? 4 / 42 Incremental Usage Modern solvers support incremental interface: 1. Add clauses Φ1. 2. Call solve(). 3. Do something with the answer. 4. Add clauses Φ2. 5. Call solve(). 6. Do something with the answer. 7. Add clauses Φ3. 8. . . . Why is this better than calling solve for Φ1, for Φ1 ∪ Φ2, for Φ1 ∪ Φ2 ∪ Φ3, . . .? 5 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions What if we need to solve multiple queries that are not incremental, but differ in some literals? • Is Φ ∧ A satisfiable? • Is Φ ∧ ¬A ∧ B satisfiable? • Is Φ ∧ ¬B ∧ D ∧ E satisfiable? • . . . Examples • planning (common constraints + individual goals) • package dependencies (common constraints + individual queries for installed packages) 6 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions Solving under assumptions (MiniSAT) • Add clauses Φ. • Call solve([A]) and do something with the result. • Call solve([¬A, B]) and do something with the result. • Call solve([¬B, D, E]) and do something with the result. • . . . The calls to solve() reuse the learnt clauses! 7 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions (alternative API) Solving under assumptions (CaDiCaL) • Add clauses Φ. • Call assume(A). • Call solve() and do something with the result. • Call assume(¬A) and assume(B). • Call solve() and do something with the result. • Call assume(¬B) and assume(D) and assume(E). • Call solve() and do something with the result. • . . . 8 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions: Implementation solve([l1, l2, ..., lk]) • before the search, decide l1, l2, . . ., lk on dummy decision levels before decisions level 1 • when backjumping before the real decision level 1, return UNSAT 9 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions: Example Consider Φ = {{¬A, B}, {¬C, D}, {¬E, F}, {¬E, ¬F}, {E, G}, {¬E, H}, {E, ¬G, ¬B, ¬D}} Compute solve([A, C, H]) after adding all clauses of Φ. 10 / 42 Solving Under Assumptions: Failed Assumptions Nice bonus • when UNSAT, a slight modification of clause learning (last UIP) can compute a conflict clause C = ¬µ with µ ⊆ {l1, l2, . . . , lk} • identifies failed assumptions that contributed to the unsatisfiability 11 / 42 Varying Clauses What if we need to vary additional clauses, not only literals? • Is Φ ∧ C1 satisfiable? • Is Φ ∧ C2 ∧ C3 satisfiable? • Is Φ ∧ C4 satisfiable? • . . . Examples • symbolic execution • planning 12 / 42 Activation Literals Solution • add a new activation literal to each clause that should be possible to disable Φ ∧ C2 ∧ C3 Φ ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ (¬A3 ∨ C3) • use solving under assumptions to enable clauses 13 / 42 Activation Literals Solution • add a new activation literal to each clause that should be possible to disable Φ ∧ C2 ∧ C3 Φ ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ (¬A3 ∨ C3) • use solving under assumptions to enable clauses – solve([¬A2,¬A3]) ≡ is Φ sat? – solve([ A2,¬A3]) ≡ is Φ ∧ C2 sat? – solve([¬A2, A3]) ≡ is Φ ∧ C3 sat? – solve([ A2, A3]) ≡ is Φ ∧ C2 ∧ C3 sat? 13 / 42 Proof generation Proof Generation Facts • SAT solvers are used in safety-critical systems • SAT solvers are pieces of software • all software has bugs 14 / 42 Proof Generation Facts • SAT solvers are used in safety-critical systems • SAT solvers are pieces of software • all software has bugs • 14 / 42 Proof Generation Facts • SAT solvers are used in safety-critical systems • SAT solvers are pieces of software • all software has bugs • Solution • besides SAT/UNSAT answer, produce an artifact that can be independently checked • for SAT results = model • for UNSAT results = unsatisfiability proof 14 / 42 Resolution Proof Generation from DPLL Recall Each UNSAT run of DPLL corresponds to a tree resolution proof of unsatisfiability Algorithm • conflicting clauses (leaves) input clauses • unit propagation steps resolution with the clause that triggered the unit propagation • decision nodes resolution steps on the decided variable 15 / 42 Resolution Proof Generation from DPLL: Example {{A, B}1, {¬B, C}2, {¬B, ¬C}3, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}4, {¬A, B, ¬D}5, {¬A, B, D}6} [] [A] [¬A] [A, B] [A, ¬B] [¬A, B] [A, B, C] [A, ¬B, ¬D] [¬A, B, C] A B C ¬B ¬D ¬A B C 16 / 42 Resolution Proof Generation from DPLL: Example {{A, B}1, {¬B, C}2, {¬B, ¬C}3, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}4, {¬A, B, ¬D}5, {¬A, B, D}6} [] [A] [¬A] [A, B] [A, ¬B] [¬A, B] [A, B, C] [A, ¬B, ¬D] [¬A, B, C] A B C ¬B ¬D ¬A B C ∅ {¬A} {A} {¬B} {¬A, B} {¬B}{A, B} {¬B, ¬C}{¬B, C} {¬A, B, D}{¬A, B, ¬D} {¬B, ¬C}{¬B, C} A B C ¬B ¬D ¬A B C 16 / 42 Resolution Proof Generation from CDCL CDCL observations • the final conflict was achieved by backtracked literals and unit propagated literals (no decisions, why?) • the final conflict is derived by unit propagation from input clauses and learnt clauses • the final conflict can be obtained by resolving input clauses and learnt clauses • each learnt clause was obtained by resolving input clauses and previous learnt clauses 17 / 42 Resolution Proof Generation from CDCL Algorithm 1. express the final conflict as resolution of input clauses and learnt clauses 2. while the proof contains a leaf that is a learnt clause, replace it by its resolution proof Practical considerations • the solver needs to remember for each learnt clause its antecedent clauses from which it was obtained • might require significant amount of memory and makes the solver more complex 18 / 42 Clausal Proofs For easier implementation: clausal proofs • proof is a list of clauses • each clause has to be entailed by some previous clauses (input or derived) • SAT solver only outputs the learnt clauses during the search • proof checker checks the entailment • examples: DRUP, DRAT 19 / 42 Clausal Proof Formats {{A, B}1, {¬B, C}2, {¬B, ¬C}3, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}4, {¬A, B, ¬D}5, {¬A, B, D}6} DIMACS formula p cnf 4 6 1 2 0 -2 3 0 -2 -3 0 -1 -2 -4 0 -1 2 -4 0 -1 2 4 0 Clausal proof -2 0 1 0 -1 2 0 -1 0 0 20 / 42 Reverse Unit Propagation (RUP) Φ |= (l1 ∨ l2 ∨ . . . ∨ ln) ⇐⇒ Φ ∧ ¬l1 ∧ ¬l2 ∧ . . . ∧ ¬ln |= ⊥ To check clause C = {l1, l2, . . . , ln} using reverse unit propagation (RUP) 1. assign ¬l1, ¬l2, . . . , ¬ln 2. check that unit propagation produces a conflict Reverse Unit Propagation • obviously not complete (find an example!) • sufficient for clauses learnt by CDCL, because it learns clauses that were conflicting by unit propagation • previous example was RUP proof 21 / 42 Delete Reverse Unit Propagation (DRUP) • proof checking of RUP requires checking large number of clauses • some were actually deleted by the solver and are not needed for the proof anymore → express deleting (D) in the proof (DRUP) DIMACS formula p cnf 4 6 1 2 0 -2 3 0 -2 -3 0 -1 -2 -4 0 -1 2 -4 0 -1 2 4 0 Clausal proof -2 0 d -2 3 0 d -2 -3 0 1 0 -1 2 0 -1 0 0 22 / 42 Clausal Proof Formats Multiple clausal proof formats exist besides DRUP • DRAT • LRAT • LPR • . . . Most of them have efficient proof checkers (some even formally verified). 23 / 42 Clausal Proof Formats Multiple clausal proof formats exist besides DRUP • DRAT • LRAT • LPR • . . . Most of them have efficient proof checkers (some even formally verified). Challenge • implement (D)RUP proof generation in your solver • use e.g. DRAT-TRIM for proof checking ( 23 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores Unsatisfiable Cores Definition For an unsatisfiable formula Φ in CNF, its subset of clauses Ψ ⊆ Φ is called unsatisfiable core if Ψ is unsatisfiable. Important The set Ψ does not have to be minimal. Applications • analysis of requirements • package dependencies • abstraction refinement 24 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Proof-based Algorithm Proof-based algorithm 1. Compute a resolution proof of unsatisfiability of Φ. 2. Return the set Ψ ⊆ Φ of clauses that occur as leaves in the proof. 25 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Proof-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} 26 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Proof-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {¬B, C} {¬B, ¬C} {¬B} {A, B} {¬A, B, ¬D} {¬A, B, D} {¬A, B} {A} {¬A} ∅ 26 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Proof-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {¬B, C} {¬B, ¬C} {¬B} {A, B} {¬A, B, ¬D} {¬A, B, D} {¬A, B} {A} {¬A} ∅ 26 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm Assumption-based algorithm 1. Add a new activation literal ¬Ai to each clause Ci of Φ. 2. Solve under assumptions solve([A1, A2, . . . , A|Φ|]). 3. The result will be UNSAT. 4. The set F ⊆ {A1, A2, . . . , A|Φ|} of failed assumption literals corresponds to an unsatisfiable core of Φ. 27 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} 28 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {{¬A1, A, B}, {¬A2, D, ¬E}, {¬A3, ¬B, C}, {¬A4, ¬B, ¬C}, {¬A5, B, ¬E, F}, {¬A6, ¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A7, ¬A, ¬F}, {¬A8, ¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬A9, ¬E, ¬F}, {¬A10, ¬A, B, D}} 28 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {{¬A1, A, B}, {¬A2, D, ¬E}, {¬A3, ¬B, C}, {¬A4, ¬B, ¬C}, {¬A5, B, ¬E, F}, {¬A6, ¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A7, ¬A, ¬F}, {¬A8, ¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬A9, ¬E, ¬F}, {¬A10, ¬A, B, D}} solve([A1, A2, . . . , A10]) = 28 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {{¬A1, A, B}, {¬A2, D, ¬E}, {¬A3, ¬B, C}, {¬A4, ¬B, ¬C}, {¬A5, B, ¬E, F}, {¬A6, ¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A7, ¬A, ¬F}, {¬A8, ¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬A9, ¬E, ¬F}, {¬A10, ¬A, B, D}} solve([A1, A2, . . . , A10]) = UNSAT 28 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {{¬A1, A, B}, {¬A2, D, ¬E}, {¬A3, ¬B, C}, {¬A4, ¬B, ¬C}, {¬A5, B, ¬E, F}, {¬A6, ¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A7, ¬A, ¬F}, {¬A8, ¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬A9, ¬E, ¬F}, {¬A10, ¬A, B, D}} solve([A1, A2, . . . , A10]) = UNSAT failed literals {A1, A3, A4, A8, A10} 28 / 42 Unsatisfiable Cores: Assumption-based Algorithm {{A, B}, {D, ¬E}, {¬B, C}, {¬B, ¬C}, {B, ¬E, F}, {¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A, ¬F}, {¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬E, ¬F}, {¬A, B, D}} {{¬A1, A, B}, {¬A2, D, ¬E}, {¬A3, ¬B, C}, {¬A4, ¬B, ¬C}, {¬A5, B, ¬E, F}, {¬A6, ¬A, ¬B, ¬D}, {¬A7, ¬A, ¬F}, {¬A8, ¬A, B, ¬D}, {¬A9, ¬E, ¬F}, {¬A10, ¬A, B, D}} solve([A1, A2, . . . , A10]) = UNSAT failed literals {A1, A3, A4, A8, A10} 28 / 42 Interpolation Craig Interpolants Definition (Craig Interpolant, 1957) Given a pair of formulas (A, B) such that A ∧ B |= ⊥, a Craig interpolant is a formula I such that • A |= I • B ∧ I |= ⊥ • Atoms(I) ⊆ Atoms(A) ∩ Atoms(B) This is the definition used in formal methods, sometimes called reverse Craig interpolant. 29 / 42 Craig Interpolants: Examples A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ C3 B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ C3 30 / 42 Craig Interpolants: Examples A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ C3 B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ C3 I = C1 ∧ C2 30 / 42 Craig Interpolants: Examples A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ C3 B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ C3 I = C1 ∧ C2 A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 30 / 42 Craig Interpolants: Examples A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2) ∧ C3 B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ C3 I = C1 ∧ C2 A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 I = (C1 ∨ C3) ∧ (C2 ∨ C3) 30 / 42 Craig Interpolants (alternative definition) Definition (Craig Interpolant: alternative) Given a pair of formulas (A, B) such that A |= B, a Craig interpolant is a formula I such that • A |= I • I |= B • Atoms(I) ⊆ Atoms(A) ∩ Atoms(B) The definitions are dual: (A, B) is a reverse Craig interpolant iff (A, ¬B) is a Craig interpolant in the above sense. We discuss only reverse Craig interpolants from now on. 31 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Usage Interpolants widely used in formal verification • overapproximation of reachable states • computation of function summaries • generalization of spurious counterexamples • refinement of predicate abstraction • . . . 32 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Usage Interpolants widely used in formal verification • overapproximation of reachable states • computation of function summaries • generalization of spurious counterexamples • refinement of predicate abstraction • . . . 32 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Overapproximation of reachable states 1 x = 0 2 while (rand()) { 3 x = x * 2 4 } 5 assert(x != 3) Can assert be violated after three iterations? (x0 = 0) ∧ (x1 = x0 ∗ 2) ∧ (x2 = x1 ∗ 2) ∧ (x3 = x2 ∗ 2) ∧ (x3 = 3) 33 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Overapproximation of reachable states 1 x = 0 2 while (rand()) { 3 x = x * 2 4 } 5 assert(x != 3) Can assert be violated after three iterations? (x0 = 0) ∧ (x1 = x0 ∗ 2) ∧ (x2 = x1 ∗ 2) ∧ (x3 = x2 ∗ 2) A ∧ (x3 = 3) B • The formula is UNSAT. 33 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Overapproximation of reachable states 1 x = 0 2 while (rand()) { 3 x = x * 2 4 } 5 assert(x != 3) Can assert be violated after three iterations? (x0 = 0) ∧ (x1 = x0 ∗ 2) ∧ (x2 = x1 ∗ 2) ∧ (x3 = x2 ∗ 2) A ∧ (x3 = 3) B • The formula is UNSAT. • An interpolant of (A, B) is (x3 mod 2) = 0. 33 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Overapproximation of reachable states 1 x = 0 2 while (rand()) { 3 x = x * 2 4 } 5 assert(x != 3) Can assert be violated after three iterations? (x0 = 0) ∧ (x1 = x0 ∗ 2) ∧ (x2 = x1 ∗ 2) ∧ (x3 = x2 ∗ 2) A ∧ (x3 = 3) B • The formula is UNSAT. • An interpolant of (A, B) is (x3 mod 2) = 0. • The interpolant is an overapproximation of states reachable in 3 iterations. • Can be tried as an loop invariant! 33 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Existence and Size Theorem (McMillan, 2003) For every pair of propositional formulas (A, B) such that A ∧ B |= ⊥, a Craig interpolant can be computed in linear time with respect to the size of a resolution proof of unsatisfiability of A ∧ B. 34 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Existence and Size Theorem (McMillan, 2003) For every pair of propositional formulas (A, B) such that A ∧ B |= ⊥, a Craig interpolant can be computed in linear time with respect to the size of a resolution proof of unsatisfiability of A ∧ B. What does it say about the size of interpolant? 34 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Existence and Size Theorem (McMillan, 2003) For every pair of propositional formulas (A, B) such that A ∧ B |= ⊥, a Craig interpolant can be computed in linear time with respect to the size of a resolution proof of unsatisfiability of A ∧ B. What does it say about the size of interpolant? What does it say about size with respect to |A| + |B|? 34 / 42 Craig Interpolation: Algorithm Computing Craig Interpolants 1. Get resolution proof of unsatisfiability of A ∧ B. 2. Label nodes of the proof by preliminary interpolants, starting from leaves. 3. The label of root of the proof is the Craig interpolant of (A, B). 35 / 42 Preliminary Interpolants Definition A formula f is a preliminary interpolant of the resolution proof node C (written C [f]) if 1. A |= f 2. B ∧ f |= C 3. Atoms(C) ⊆ Atoms(A) ∪ Atoms(B) 4. Atoms(f) ⊆ Atoms(A) ∩ (Atoms(B) ∪ Atoms(C)) Preliminary interpolant f of the root C = ⊥ is the real Craig interpolant of (A, B). 36 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm Leaves C [C] C ∈ A C [⊤] C ∈ B where φ l replaces all l in φ by ⊤ and ¬l by ⊥ 37 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm Leaves C [C] C ∈ A C [⊤] C ∈ B Inner nodes (l ∨ C) [f] (¬l ∨ D) [g] (C ∨ D) [f ∧ g] var(l) ∈ Atoms(B) (l ∨ C) [f] (¬l ∨ D) [g] (C ∨ D) [f ¬l ∨ g l ] var(l) ̸∈ Atoms(B where φ l replaces all l in φ by ⊤ and ¬l by ⊥ 37 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 A2 ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 A2 ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 C2 ∨ C3¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 C2¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 [C1 ∨ C3] C2¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 [C1 ∨ C3] ¬B1 ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 [C1 ∨ C3] ¬B1 [C2 ∨ C3] ⊥ 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Example A = A1 ∧ (¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3) ∧ A2 ∧ (¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3) B = (¬C1 ∨ B1) ∧ (¬C2 ∨ ¬B1) ∧ ¬C3 A1 [A1] ¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3 [¬A1 ∨ C1 ∨ C3] A2 [A2] ¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3 [¬A2 ∨ C2 ∨ C3] C1 ∨ C3 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 ∨ C3 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C3 [⊤] ¬C3 [⊤] C1 [C1 ∨ C3] C2 [C2 ∨ C3]¬C1 ∨ B1 [⊤] ¬C2 ∨ ¬B1 [⊤] B1 [C1 ∨ C3] ¬B1 [C2 ∨ C3] ⊥ [(C1 ∨ C3) ∧ (C2 ∨ C3)] 38 / 42 Interpolation Algorithm: Correctness We can prove that 1. if C [f] , then f is a preliminary interpolant of C 2. if C [f] D [g] E [h] and f is a preliminary interpolant of C and g is preliminary interpolant of D, then h is preliminary interpolant of E 39 / 42 Where are we? Contents Propositional satisfiability (SAT) • (A ∨ ¬B) ∧ (¬A ∨ C) • is it satisfiable? • ← YOU ARE STANDING HERE Satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) • x = 1 ∧ x = y + y ∧ y > 0 • is it satisfiable over reals? • is it satisfiable over integers? Automated theorem proving (ATP) • axioms: ∀x (x + x = 0), ∀x∀y (x + y = y + x) • do they imply ∀x∀y ((x + y) + (y + x) = 0)? 40 / 42 We already know • normal forms of propositional logic (CNF) • efficient conversions (Tseitin encoding) • resolution method and Davis-Putnam algorithm • DPLL • two watched literal scheme for unit propagation and conflict detection • CDCL (clause learning and backjumping) • literal decision heuristics, restarts • incremental solving, proof generation, unsat core generation, interpolant generation 41 / 42 Next time • first-order logic • first-order theories • satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) • theories of interest (integer arithmetic, real arithmetic, uninterpreted functions, arrays, bit-vectors, . . .) 42 / 42