Statistics for Computer Science

Evaluation methods


There are four sources from which you can obtain points during the semester and examination period for the final evaluation:

Time periodMaximum points
Three mid-term testsexpected at seminars 4, 7, and 123x10
approximately week 9 - 11  (will be specified later)10
The final examexamination period60
seminars 1 - 12-10 (for each case)

Students requiring special treatment (recorded in Information system) should contact their instructor or lecturer within the first two weeks of classes.

The final evaluation
 The final evaluation of the course is determined based on the total points earned: 
Total points[0,50)  
Completion: examination (zk) (zkouška)

The mid-term tests

  • At the beginning of the selected seminars.
  • Written, closed notes format (no materials or aids are permitted).
  • More detailed list of topics covered in the test will be specified before the test.
  • The test will include tasks focused on creating original examples, commenting on output in R, interpreting the results of statistical procedures, and similar activities.
  • The time to completion: 15 minutes. 
  • Replacement:  For students who will not be able to participate in a mid-term test and will have their absence properly excused in the Information System, one replacement date will be organized (at the beginning of the examination period). Contact a tutor in such a case.

Homework assignment

  • The assignment will be published centrally during the second half of the semester.
  • Deadline: will be specified later (about a week after publication).
  • It is an individual assignment.
  • All external sources must be properly cited. 
  • Solution: functional R code with comments on the solution in readable format (html or pdf).
  • RMarkdown or similar framework migh be used.
The final exam
  •  The aim of the final examination is to verify the ability to apply the taught methods to a real dataset and correctly interpret the results of statistical procedures.
  •  The examination is practical and takes place in a computer laboratory under an examination regime in statistical software RStudio (with R version 4.4.2) with only preinstalled libraries and access to help. No internet connection outside the local computer will be available.
  • Only selected lecture presentations, exercise materials, and sample solutions from the seminars will be available. No other own supporting materials are allowed.
  • Your output will be a commented source code in the R software. 
  • During the exam, you will be asked to prove your identity (showing your ID).
  • The time to completion: 120 minutes.