Introduction Jan Byška, Marek Trtík PA213 Advanced Computer Graphics / Intro Course Structure 2 Seminars (C119)Lectures (C119) Tuesday at 12:00 (4. 3., 11.3. & 15.4., 22.4.) BYOC (Bring Your Own Computer) Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio 2022 not compulsory – but highly recommended Tuesday at 12:00 Requirements 3 Written Exam Practical and theoretical questions Maximum: 70pts Required: 35pts 2 Project Assignments Path-tracing & NURBS Maximum: 30pts Required: 15pts Topics • 7 Lectures • 4 Coding Sessions • Assignment deadlines • 6.4. • 18.5. 18. 2. Intro + Monte Carlo Rendering (Part 1) 25. 2. Monte Carlo Rendering (Part 2) 4. 3. Coding: Path-tracing 11. 3. Coding: Path-tracing 18. 3. Terrains 25. 3. Volume Rendering 1. 4. Rational Curves and Surfaces (Part 1) 8. 4. Rational Curves and Surfaces (Part 2) 15. 4. Coding: NURBS 22. 4. Coding: NURBS 29. 4. Fluid Simulation and Rendering 6. 5. L-Systems ( Chmelík) 13.5 General processing on GPUs ( )