👷 Introduction to Information Retrieval
The term vocabulary and postings lists, and dictionaries and tolerant retrieval 24. 2. 2025
Lecture slides: The term vocabulary and postings lists
IIR slides chapter 2
Lecture slides: Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval
IIR slides chapter 3
The term vocabulary and postings lists
Chapter 2 from the Introduction to Information Retrieval book by Manning et al. (2008)
Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval
Chapter 3 from the Introduction to Information Retrieval book by Manning et al. (2008)
The term vocabulary and postings lists
Exercise for seminars in the second week
The term vocabulary and postings lists - solution
Exercise solution for seminars in the second week
The term vocabulary
Google Colaboratory code for seminars in the second week
Postings lists
Google Colaboratory code for seminars in the second week
Week 2: The term vocabulary and postings lists
Images of the whiteboard from the seminars
Quick Guide for GPU in A219
A quick guide on how to build your own Docker image to run jupyter-lab locally in A219, with specified do's and don't's. Can be used for seminars and the term-projects.