Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP An Introduction to Information Retrieval Draft of April 1, 2009 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP An Introduction to Information Retrieval Christopher D. Manning Prabhakar Raghavan Hinrich Schütze Cambridge University Press Cambridge, England Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! DO NOT DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION © 2009 Cambridge University Press By Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan & Hinrich Schütze Printed on April 1, 2009 Website: Comments, corrections, and other feedback most welcome at: Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. v Brief Contents 1 Boolean retrieval 1 2 The term vocabulary and postings lists 19 3 Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval 49 4 Index construction 67 5 Index compression 85 6 Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model 109 7 Computing scores in a complete search system 135 8 Evaluation in information retrieval 151 9 Relevance feedback and query expansion 177 10 XML retrieval 195 11 Probabilistic information retrieval 219 12 Language models for information retrieval 237 13 Text classification and Naive Bayes 253 14 Vector space classification 289 15 Support vector machines and machine learning on documents 319 16 Flat clustering 349 17 Hierarchical clustering 377 18 Matrix decompositions and latent semantic indexing 403 19 Web search basics 421 20 Web crawling and indexes 443 21 Link analysis 461 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. vii Contents List of Tables xv List of Figures xix Table of Notation xxvii Preface xxxi 1 Boolean retrieval 1 1.1 An example information retrieval problem 3 1.2 A first take at building an inverted index 6 1.3 Processing Boolean queries 10 1.4 The extended Boolean model versus ranked retrieval 14 1.5 References and further reading 17 2 The term vocabulary and postings lists 19 2.1 Document delineation and character sequence decoding 19 2.1.1 Obtaining the character sequence in a document 19 2.1.2 Choosing a document unit 20 2.2 Determining the vocabulary of terms 22 2.2.1 Tokenization 22 2.2.2 Dropping common terms: stop words 27 2.2.3 Normalization (equivalence classing of terms) 28 2.2.4 Stemming and lemmatization 32 2.3 Faster postings list intersection via skip pointers 36 2.4 Positional postings and phrase queries 39 2.4.1 Biword indexes 39 2.4.2 Positional indexes 41 2.4.3 Combination schemes 43 2.5 References and further reading 45 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP viii Contents 3 Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval 49 3.1 Search structures for dictionaries 49 3.2 Wildcard queries 51 3.2.1 General wildcard queries 53 3.2.2 k-gram indexes for wildcard queries 54 3.3 Spelling correction 56 3.3.1 Implementing spelling correction 57 3.3.2 Forms of spelling correction 57 3.3.3 Edit distance 58 3.3.4 k-gram indexes for spelling correction 60 3.3.5 Context sensitive spelling correction 62 3.4 Phonetic correction 63 3.5 References and further reading 65 4 Index construction 67 4.1 Hardware basics 68 4.2 Blocked sort-based indexing 69 4.3 Single-pass in-memory indexing 73 4.4 Distributed indexing 74 4.5 Dynamic indexing 78 4.6 Other types of indexes 80 4.7 References and further reading 83 5 Index compression 85 5.1 Statistical properties of terms in information retrieval 86 5.1.1 Heaps’ law: Estimating the number of terms 88 5.1.2 Zipf’s law: Modeling the distribution of terms 89 5.2 Dictionary compression 90 5.2.1 Dictionary as a string 91 5.2.2 Blocked storage 92 5.3 Postings file compression 95 5.3.1 Variable byte codes 96 5.3.2 γ codes 98 5.4 References and further reading 105 6 Scoring, term weighting and the vector space model 109 6.1 Parametric and zone indexes 110 6.1.1 Weighted zone scoring 112 6.1.2 Learning weights 113 6.1.3 The optimal weight g 115 6.2 Term frequency and weighting 117 6.2.1 Inverse document frequency 117 6.2.2 Tf-idf weighting 118 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Contents ix 6.3 The vector space model for scoring 120 6.3.1 Dot products 120 6.3.2 Queries as vectors 123 6.3.3 Computing vector scores 124 6.4 Variant tf-idf functions 126 6.4.1 Sublinear tf scaling 126 6.4.2 Maximum tf normalization 127 6.4.3 Document and query weighting schemes 128 6.4.4 Pivoted normalized document length 129 6.5 References and further reading 133 7 Computing scores in a complete search system 135 7.1 Efficient scoring and ranking 135 7.1.1 Inexact top K document retrieval 137 7.1.2 Index elimination 137 7.1.3 Champion lists 138 7.1.4 Static quality scores and ordering 138 7.1.5 Impact ordering 140 7.1.6 Cluster pruning 141 7.2 Components of an information retrieval system 143 7.2.1 Tiered indexes 143 7.2.2 Query-term proximity 144 7.2.3 Designing parsing and scoring functions 145 7.2.4 Putting it all together 146 7.3 Vector space scoring and query operator interaction 147 7.4 References and further reading 149 8 Evaluation in information retrieval 151 8.1 Information retrieval system evaluation 152 8.2 Standard test collections 153 8.3 Evaluation of unranked retrieval sets 154 8.4 Evaluation of ranked retrieval results 158 8.5 Assessing relevance 164 8.5.1 Critiques and justifications of the concept of relevance 166 8.6 A broader perspective: System quality and user utility 168 8.6.1 System issues 168 8.6.2 User utility 169 8.6.3 Refining a deployed system 170 8.7 Results snippets 170 8.8 References and further reading 173 9 Relevance feedback and query expansion 177 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP x Contents 9.1 Relevance feedback and pseudo relevance feedback 178 9.1.1 The Rocchio algorithm for relevance feedback 178 9.1.2 Probabilistic relevance feedback 183 9.1.3 When does relevance feedback work? 183 9.1.4 Relevance feedback on the web 185 9.1.5 Evaluation of relevance feedback strategies 186 9.1.6 Pseudo relevance feedback 187 9.1.7 Indirect relevance feedback 187 9.1.8 Summary 188 9.2 Global methods for query reformulation 189 9.2.1 Vocabulary tools for query reformulation 189 9.2.2 Query expansion 189 9.2.3 Automatic thesaurus generation 192 9.3 References and further reading 193 10 XML retrieval 195 10.1 Basic XML concepts 197 10.2 Challenges in XML retrieval 201 10.3 A vector space model for XML retrieval 206 10.4 Evaluation of XML retrieval 210 10.5 Text-centric vs. data-centric XML retrieval 214 10.6 References and further reading 216 10.7 Exercises 217 11 Probabilistic information retrieval 219 11.1 Review of basic probability theory 220 11.2 The Probability Ranking Principle 221 11.2.1 The 1/0 loss case 221 11.2.2 The PRP with retrieval costs 222 11.3 The Binary Independence Model 222 11.3.1 Deriving a ranking function for query terms 224 11.3.2 Probability estimates in theory 226 11.3.3 Probability estimates in practice 227 11.3.4 Probabilistic approaches to relevance feedback 228 11.4 An appraisal and some extensions 230 11.4.1 An appraisal of probabilistic models 230 11.4.2 Tree-structured dependencies between terms 231 11.4.3 Okapi BM25: a non-binary model 232 11.4.4 Bayesian network approaches to IR 234 11.5 References and further reading 235 12 Language models for information retrieval 237 12.1 Language models 237 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Contents xi 12.1.1 Finite automata and language models 237 12.1.2 Types of language models 240 12.1.3 Multinomial distributions over words 241 12.2 The query likelihood model 242 12.2.1 Using query likelihood language models in IR 242 12.2.2 Estimating the query generation probability 243 12.2.3 Ponte and Croft’s Experiments 246 12.3 Language modeling versus other approaches in IR 248 12.4 Extended language modeling approaches 250 12.5 References and further reading 252 13 Text classification and Naive Bayes 253 13.1 The text classification problem 256 13.2 Naive Bayes text classification 258 13.2.1 Relation to multinomial unigram language model 262 13.3 The Bernoulli model 263 13.4 Properties of Naive Bayes 265 13.4.1 A variant of the multinomial model 270 13.5 Feature selection 271 13.5.1 Mutual information 272 13.5.2 χ2 Feature selection 275 13.5.3 Frequency-based feature selection 277 13.5.4 Feature selection for multiple classifiers 278 13.5.5 Comparison of feature selection methods 278 13.6 Evaluation of text classification 279 13.7 References and further reading 286 14 Vector space classification 289 14.1 Document representations and measures of relatedness in vector spaces 291 14.2 Rocchio classification 292 14.3 k nearest neighbor 297 14.3.1 Time complexity and optimality of kNN 299 14.4 Linear versus nonlinear classifiers 301 14.5 Classification with more than two classes 306 14.6 The bias-variance tradeoff 308 14.7 References and further reading 314 14.8 Exercises 315 15 Support vector machines and machine learning on documents 319 15.1 Support vector machines: The linearly separable case 320 15.2 Extensions to the SVM model 327 15.2.1 Soft margin classification 327 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xii Contents 15.2.2 Multiclass SVMs 330 15.2.3 Nonlinear SVMs 330 15.2.4 Experimental results 333 15.3 Issues in the classification of text documents 334 15.3.1 Choosing what kind of classifier to use 335 15.3.2 Improving classifier performance 337 15.4 Machine learning methods in ad hoc information retrieval 341 15.4.1 A simple example of machine-learned scoring 341 15.4.2 Result ranking by machine learning 344 15.5 References and further reading 346 16 Flat clustering 349 16.1 Clustering in information retrieval 350 16.2 Problem statement 354 16.2.1 Cardinality – the number of clusters 355 16.3 Evaluation of clustering 356 16.4 K-means 360 16.4.1 Cluster cardinality in K-means 365 16.5 Model-based clustering 368 16.6 References and further reading 372 16.7 Exercises 374 17 Hierarchical clustering 377 17.1 Hierarchical agglomerative clustering 378 17.2 Single-link and complete-link clustering 382 17.2.1 Time complexity of HAC 385 17.3 Group-average agglomerative clustering 388 17.4 Centroid clustering 391 17.5 Optimality of HAC 393 17.6 Divisive clustering 395 17.7 Cluster labeling 396 17.8 Implementation notes 398 17.9 References and further reading 399 17.10 Exercises 401 18 Matrix decompositions and latent semantic indexing 403 18.1 Linear algebra review 403 18.1.1 Matrix decompositions 406 18.2 Term-document matrices and singular value decompositions 407 18.3 Low-rank approximations 410 18.4 Latent semantic indexing 412 18.5 References and further reading 417 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Contents xiii 19 Web search basics 421 19.1 Background and history 421 19.2 Web characteristics 423 19.2.1 The web graph 425 19.2.2 Spam 427 19.3 Advertising as the economic model 429 19.4 The search user experience 432 19.4.1 User query needs 432 19.5 Index size and estimation 433 19.6 Near-duplicates and shingling 437 19.7 References and further reading 441 20 Web crawling and indexes 443 20.1 Overview 443 20.1.1 Features a crawler must provide 443 20.1.2 Features a crawler should provide 444 20.2 Crawling 444 20.2.1 Crawler architecture 445 20.2.2 DNS resolution 449 20.2.3 The URL frontier 451 20.3 Distributing indexes 454 20.4 Connectivity servers 455 20.5 References and further reading 458 21 Link analysis 461 21.1 The Web as a graph 462 21.1.1 Anchor text and the web graph 462 21.2 PageRank 464 21.2.1 Markov chains 465 21.2.2 The PageRank computation 468 21.2.3 Topic-specific PageRank 471 21.3 Hubs and Authorities 474 21.3.1 Choosing the subset of the Web 477 21.4 References and further reading 480 Bibliography 483 Author Index 521 Index 537 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. xv List of Tables 4.1 Typical system parameters in 2007. The seek time is the time needed to position the disk head in a new position. The transfer time per byte is the rate of transfer from disk to memory when the head is in the right position. 68 4.2 Collection statistics for Reuters-RCV1. Values are rounded for the computations in this book. The unrounded values are: 806,791 documents, 222 tokens per document, 391,523 (distinct) terms, 6.04 bytes per token with spaces and punctuation, 4.5 bytes per token without spaces and punctuation, 7.5 bytes per term, and 96,969,056 tokens. The numbers in this table correspond to the third line (“case folding”) in Table 5.1 (page 87). 70 4.3 The five steps in constructing an index for Reuters-RCV1 in blocked sort-based indexing. Line numbers refer to Figure 4.2. 82 4.4 Collection statistics for a large collection. 82 5.1 The effect of preprocessing on the number of terms, nonpositional postings, and tokens for Reuters-RCV1. “∆%” indicates the reduction in size from the previous line, except that “30 stop words” and “150 stop words” both use “case folding” as their reference line. “T%” is the cumulative (“total”) reduction from unfiltered. We performed stemming with the Porter stemmer (Chapter 2, page 33). 87 5.2 Dictionary compression for Reuters-RCV1. 95 5.3 Encoding gaps instead of document IDs. For example, we store gaps 107, 5, 43, ..., instead of docIDs 283154, 283159, 283202, ... for computer. The first docID is left unchanged (only shown for arachnocentric). 96 5.4 VB encoding. 97 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xvi List of Tables 5.5 Some examples of unary and γ codes. Unary codes are only shown for the smaller numbers. Commas in γ codes are for readability only and are not part of the actual codes. 98 5.6 Index and dictionary compression for Reuters-RCV1. The compression ratio depends on the proportion of actual text in the collection. Reuters-RCV1 contains a large amount of XML markup. Using the two best compression schemes, γ encoding and blocking with front coding, the ratio compressed index to collection size is therefore especially small for Reuters-RCV1: (101 + 5.9)/3600 ≈ 0.03. 103 5.7 Two gap sequences to be merged in blocked sort-based indexing 105 6.1 Cosine computation for Exercise 6.19. 132 8.1 Calculation of 11-point Interpolated Average Precision. 159 8.2 Calculating the kappa statistic. 165 10.1 RDB (relational database) search, unstructured information retrieval and structured information retrieval. 196 10.2 INEX 2002 collection statistics. 211 10.3 INEX 2002 results of the vector space model in Section 10.3 for content-and-structure (CAS) queries and the quantization function Q. 213 10.4 A comparison of content-only and full-structure search in INEX 2003/2004. 214 13.1 Data for parameter estimation examples. 261 13.2 Training and test times for NB. 261 13.3 Multinomial versus Bernoulli model. 268 13.4 Correct estimation implies accurate prediction, but accurate prediction does not imply correct estimation. 269 13.5 A set of documents for which the NB independence assumptions are problematic. 270 13.6 Critical values of the χ2 distribution with one degree of freedom. For example, if the two events are independent, then P(X2 > 6.63) < 0.01. So for X2 > 6.63 the assumption of independence can be rejected with 99% confidence. 277 13.7 The ten largest classes in the Reuters-21578 collection with number of documents in training and test sets. 280 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP List of Tables xvii 13.8 Macro- and microaveraging. “Truth” is the true class and “call” the decision of the classifier. In this example, macroaveraged precision is [10/(10 + 10) + 90/(10 + 90)]/2 = (0.5 + 0.9)/2 = 0.7. Microaveraged precision is 100/(100 + 20) ≈ 0.83. 282 13.9 Text classification effectiveness numbers on Reuters-21578 for F1 (in percent). Results from Li and Yang (2003) (a), Joachims (1998) (b: kNN) and Dumais et al. (1998) (b: NB, Rocchio, trees, SVM). 282 13.10 Data for parameter estimation exercise. 284 14.1 Vectors and class centroids for the data in Table 13.1. 294 14.2 Training and test times for Rocchio classification. 296 14.3 Training and test times for kNN classification. 299 14.4 A linear classifier. 303 14.5 A confusion matrix for Reuters-21578. 308 15.1 Training and testing complexity of various classifiers including SVMs. 329 15.2 SVM classifier break-even F1 from (Joachims 2002a, p. 114). 334 15.3 Training examples for machine-learned scoring. 342 16.1 Some applications of clustering in information retrieval. 351 16.2 The four external evaluation measures applied to the clustering in Figure 16.4. 357 16.3 The EM clustering algorithm. 371 17.1 Comparison of HAC algorithms. 395 17.2 Automatically computed cluster labels. 397 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. xix List of Figures 1.1 A term-document incidence matrix. 4 1.2 Results from Shakespeare for the query Brutus AND Caesar AND NOT Calpurnia. 5 1.3 The two parts of an inverted index. 7 1.4 Building an index by sorting and grouping. 8 1.5 Intersecting the postings lists for Brutus and Calpurnia from Figure 1.3. 10 1.6 Algorithm for the intersection of two postings lists p1 and p2. 11 1.7 Algorithm for conjunctive queries that returns the set of documents containing each term in the input list of terms. 12 2.1 An example of a vocalized Modern Standard Arabic word. 21 2.2 The conceptual linear order of characters is not necessarily the order that you see on the page. 21 2.3 The standard unsegmented form of Chinese text using the simplified characters of mainland China. 26 2.4 Ambiguities in Chinese word segmentation. 26 2.5 A stop list of 25 semantically non-selective words which are common in Reuters-RCV1. 26 2.6 An example of how asymmetric expansion of query terms can usefully model users’ expectations. 28 2.7 Japanese makes use of multiple intermingled writing systems and, like Chinese, does not segment words. 31 2.8 A comparison of three stemming algorithms on a sample text. 34 2.9 Postings lists with skip pointers. 36 2.10 Postings lists intersection with skip pointers. 37 2.11 Positional index example. 41 2.12 An algorithm for proximity intersection of postings lists p1 and p2. 42 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xx List of Figures 3.1 A binary search tree. 51 3.2 A B-tree. 52 3.3 A portion of a permuterm index. 54 3.4 Example of a postings list in a 3-gram index. 55 3.5 Dynamic programming algorithm for computing the edit distance between strings s1 and s2. 59 3.6 Example Levenshtein distance computation. 59 3.7 Matching at least two of the three 2-grams in the query bord. 61 4.1 Document from the Reuters newswire. 70 4.2 Blocked sort-based indexing. 71 4.3 Merging in blocked sort-based indexing. 72 4.4 Inversion of a block in single-pass in-memory indexing 73 4.5 An example of distributed indexing with MapReduce. Adapted from Dean and Ghemawat (2004). 76 4.6 Map and reduce functions in MapReduce. 77 4.7 Logarithmic merging. Each token (termID,docID) is initially added to in-memory index Z0 by LMERGEADDTOKEN. LOGARITHMICMERGE initializes Z0 and indexes. 79 4.8 A user-document matrix for access control lists. Element (i, j) is 1 if user i has access to document j and 0 otherwise. During query processing, a user’s access postings list is intersected with the results list returned by the text part of the index. 81 5.1 Heaps’ law. 88 5.2 Zipf’s law for Reuters-RCV1. 90 5.3 Storing the dictionary as an array of fixed-width entries. 91 5.4 Dictionary-as-a-string storage. 92 5.5 Blocked storage with four terms per block. 93 5.6 Search of the uncompressed dictionary (a) and a dictionary compressed by blocking with k = 4 (b). 94 5.7 Front coding. 94 5.8 VB encoding and decoding. 97 5.9 Entropy H(P) as a function of P(x1) for a sample space with two outcomes x1 and x2. 100 5.10 Stratification of terms for estimating the size of a γ encoded inverted index. 102 6.1 Parametric search. 111 6.2 Basic zone index 111 6.3 Zone index in which the zone is encoded in the postings rather than the dictionary. 111 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP List of Figures xxi 6.4 Algorithm for computing the weighted zone score from two postings lists. 113 6.5 An illustration of training examples. 115 6.6 The four possible combinations of sT and sB. 115 6.7 Collection frequency (cf) and document frequency (df) behave differently, as in this example from the Reuters collection. 118 6.8 Example of idf values. 119 6.9 Table of tf values for Exercise 6.10. 120 6.10 Cosine similarity illustrated. 121 6.11 Euclidean normalized tf values for documents in Figure 6.9. 122 6.12 Term frequencies in three novels. 122 6.13 Term vectors for the three novels of Figure 6.12. 123 6.14 The basic algorithm for computing vector space scores. 125 6.15 SMART notation for tf-idf variants. 128 6.16 Pivoted document length normalization. 130 6.17 Implementing pivoted document length normalization by linear scaling. 131 7.1 A faster algorithm for vector space scores. 136 7.2 A static quality-ordered index. 139 7.3 Cluster pruning. 142 7.4 Tiered indexes. 144 7.5 A complete search system. 147 8.1 Graph comparing the harmonic mean to other means. 157 8.2 Precision/recall graph. 158 8.3 Averaged 11-point precision/recall graph across 50 queries for a representative TREC system. 160 8.4 The ROC curve corresponding to the precision-recall curve in Figure 8.2. 162 8.5 An example of selecting text for a dynamic snippet. 172 9.1 Relevance feedback searching over images. 179 9.2 Example of relevance feedback on a text collection. 180 9.3 The Rocchio optimal query for separating relevant and nonrelevant documents. 181 9.4 An application of Rocchio’s algorithm. 182 9.5 Results showing pseudo relevance feedback greatly improving performance. 187 9.6 An example of query expansion in the interface of the Yahoo! web search engine in 2006. 190 9.7 Examples of query expansion via the PubMed thesaurus. 191 9.8 An example of an automatically generated thesaurus. 192 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxii List of Figures 10.1 An XML document. 198 10.2 The XML document in Figure 10.1 as a simplified DOM object. 198 10.3 An XML query in NEXI format and its partial representation as a tree. 199 10.4 Tree representation of XML documents and queries. 200 10.5 Partitioning an XML document into non-overlapping indexing units. 202 10.6 Schema heterogeneity: intervening nodes and mismatched names. 204 10.7 A structural mismatch between two queries and a document. 206 10.8 A mapping of an XML document (left) to a set of lexicalized subtrees (right). 207 10.9 The algorithm for scoring documents with SIMNOMERGE. 209 10.10 Scoring of a query with one structural term in SIMNOMERGE. 209 10.11 Simplified schema of the documents in the INEX collection. 211 11.1 A tree of dependencies between terms. 232 12.1 A simple finite automaton and some of the strings in the language it generates. 238 12.2 A one-state finite automaton that acts as a unigram language model. 238 12.3 Partial specification of two unigram language models. 239 12.4 Results of a comparison of tf-idf with language modeling (LM) term weighting by Ponte and Croft (1998). 247 12.5 Three ways of developing the language modeling approach: (a) query likelihood, (b) document likelihood, and (c) model comparison. 250 13.1 Classes, training set, and test set in text classification . 257 13.2 Naive Bayes algorithm (multinomial model): Training and testing. 260 13.3 NB algorithm (Bernoulli model): Training and testing. 263 13.4 The multinomial NB model. 266 13.5 The Bernoulli NB model. 267 13.6 Basic feature selection algorithm for selecting the k best features. 271 13.7 Features with high mutual information scores for six Reuters-RCV1 classes. 274 13.8 Effect of feature set size on accuracy for multinomial and Bernoulli models. 275 13.9 A sample document from the Reuters-21578 collection. 281 14.1 Vector space classification into three classes. 290 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP List of Figures xxiii 14.2 Projections of small areas of the unit sphere preserve distances. 291 14.3 Rocchio classification. 293 14.4 Rocchio classification: Training and testing. 295 14.5 The multimodal class “a” consists of two different clusters (small upper circles centered on X’s). 295 14.6 Voronoi tessellation and decision boundaries (double lines) in 1NN classification. 297 14.7 kNN training (with preprocessing) and testing. 298 14.8 There are an infinite number of hyperplanes that separate two linearly separable classes. 301 14.9 Linear classification algorithm. 302 14.10 A linear problem with noise. 304 14.11 A nonlinear problem. 305 14.12 J hyperplanes do not divide space into J disjoint regions. 307 14.13 Arithmetic transformations for the bias-variance decomposition. 310 14.14 Example for differences between Euclidean distance, dot product similarity and cosine similarity. 316 14.15 A simple non-separable set of points. 317 15.1 The support vectors are the 5 points right up against the margin of the classifier. 320 15.2 An intuition for large-margin classification. 321 15.3 The geometric margin of a point (r) and a decision boundary (ρ). 323 15.4 A tiny 3 data point training set for an SVM. 325 15.5 Large margin classification with slack variables. 327 15.6 Projecting data that is not linearly separable into a higher dimensional space can make it linearly separable. 331 15.7 A collection of training examples. 343 16.1 An example of a data set with a clear cluster structure. 349 16.2 Clustering of search results to improve recall. 352 16.3 An example of a user session in Scatter-Gather. 353 16.4 Purity as an external evaluation criterion for cluster quality. 357 16.5 The K-means algorithm. 361 16.6 A K-means example for K = 2 in R2. 362 16.7 The outcome of clustering in K-means depends on the initial seeds. 364 16.8 Estimated minimal residual sum of squares as a function of the number of clusters in K-means. 366 17.1 A dendrogram of a single-link clustering of 30 documents from Reuters-RCV1. 379 17.2 A simple, but inefficient HAC algorithm. 381 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxiv List of Figures 17.3 The different notions of cluster similarity used by the four HAC algorithms. 381 17.4 A single-link (left) and complete-link (right) clustering of eight documents. 382 17.5 A dendrogram of a complete-link clustering. 383 17.6 Chaining in single-link clustering. 384 17.7 Outliers in complete-link clustering. 385 17.8 The priority-queue algorithm for HAC. 386 17.9 Single-link clustering algorithm using an NBM array. 387 17.10 Complete-link clustering is not best-merge persistent. 388 17.11 Three iterations of centroid clustering. 391 17.12 Centroid clustering is not monotonic. 392 18.1 Illustration of the singular-value decomposition. 409 18.2 Illustration of low rank approximation using the singular-value decomposition. 411 18.3 The documents of Example 18.4 reduced to two dimensions in (V′)T. 416 18.4 Documents for Exercise 18.11. 418 18.5 Glossary for Exercise 18.11. 418 19.1 A dynamically generated web page. 425 19.2 Two nodes of the web graph joined by a link. 425 19.3 A sample small web graph. 426 19.4 The bowtie structure of the Web. 427 19.5 Cloaking as used by spammers. 428 19.6 Search advertising triggered by query keywords. 431 19.7 The various components of a web search engine. 434 19.8 Illustration of shingle sketches. 439 19.9 Two sets Sj1 and Sj2 ; their Jaccard coefficient is 2/5. 440 20.1 The basic crawler architecture. 446 20.2 Distributing the basic crawl architecture. 449 20.3 The URL frontier. 452 20.4 Example of an auxiliary hosts-to-back queues table. 453 20.5 A lexicographically ordered set of URLs. 456 20.6 A four-row segment of the table of links. 457 21.1 The random surfer at node A proceeds with probability 1/3 to each of B, C and D. 464 21.2 A simple Markov chain with three states; the numbers on the links indicate the transition probabilities. 466 21.3 The sequence of probability vectors. 469 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP List of Figures xxv 21.4 A small web graph. 470 21.5 Topic-specific PageRank. 472 21.6 A sample run of HITS on the query japan elementary schools. 479 21.7 Web graph for Exercise 21.22. 480 Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. xxvii Table of Notation Symbol Page Meaning γ p. 98 γ code γ p. 256 Classification or clustering function: γ(d) is d’s class or cluster Γ p. 256 Supervised learning method in Chapters 13 and 14: Γ(D) is the classification function γ learned from training set D λ p. 404 Eigenvalue µ(.) p. 292 Centroid of a class (in Rocchio classification) or a cluster (in K-means and centroid clustering) Φ p. 114 Training example σ p. 408 Singular value Θ(·) p. 11 A tight bound on the complexity of an algorithm ω, ωk p. 357 Cluster in clustering Ω p. 357 Clustering or set of clusters {ω1, . . . , ωK} arg maxx f (x) p. 181 The value of x for which f reaches its maximum arg minx f (x) p. 181 The value of x for which f reaches its minimum c, cj p. 256 Class or category in classification cft p. 89 The collection frequency of term t (the total number of times the term appears in the document collec- tion) C p. 256 Set {c1, . . . , cJ} of all classes C p. 268 A random variable that takes as values members of C Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxviii Table of Notation C p. 403 Term-document matrix d p. 4 Index of the dth document in the collection D d p. 71 A document d, q p. 181 Document vector, query vector D p. 354 Set {d1, . . . , dN} of all documents Dc p. 292 Set of documents that is in class c D p. 256 Set { d1, c1 , . . . , dN, cN } of all labeled documents in Chapters 13–15 dft p. 118 The document frequency of term t (the total number of documents in the collection the term appears in) H p. 99 Entropy HM p. 101 Mth harmonic number I(X; Y) p. 272 Mutual information of random variables X and Y idft p. 118 Inverse document frequency of term t J p. 256 Number of classes k p. 290 Top k items from a set, e.g., k nearest neighbors in kNN, top k retrieved documents, top k selected features from the vocabulary V k p. 54 Sequence of k characters K p. 354 Number of clusters Ld p. 233 Length of document d (in tokens) La p. 262 Length of the test document (or application document) in tokens Lave p. 70 Average length of a document (in tokens) M p. 5 Size of the vocabulary (|V|) Ma p. 262 Size of the vocabulary of the test document (or application document) Mave p. 78 Average size of the vocabulary in a document in the collection Md p. 237 Language model for document d N p. 4 Number of documents in the retrieval or training collection Nc p. 259 Number of documents in class c N(ω) p. 298 Number of times the event ω occurred Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Table of Notation xxix O(·) p. 11 A bound on the complexity of an algorithm O(·) p. 221 The odds of an event P p. 155 Precision P(·) p. 220 Probability P p. 465 Transition probability matrix q p. 59 A query R p. 155 Recall si p. 58 A string si p. 112 Boolean values for zone scoring sim(d1, d2) p. 121 Similarity score for documents d1, d2 T p. 43 Total number of tokens in the document collection Tct p. 259 Number of occurrences of word t in documents of class c t p. 4 Index of the tth term in the vocabulary V t p. 61 A term in the vocabulary tft,d p. 117 The term frequency of term t in document d (the total number of occurrences of t in d) Ut p. 266 Random variable taking values 0 (term t is present) and 1 (t is not present) V p. 208 Vocabulary of terms {t1, . . . , tM} in a collection (a.k.a. the lexicon) v(d) p. 122 Length-normalized document vector V(d) p. 120 Vector of document d, not length-normalized wft,d p. 125 Weight of term t in document d w p. 112 A weight, for example for zones or terms wT x = b p. 293 Hyperplane; w is the normal vector of the hyperplane and wi component i of w x p. 222 Term incidence vector x = (x1, . . . , xM); more generally: document feature representation X p. 266 Random variable taking values in V, the vocabulary (e.g., at a given position k in a document) X p. 256 Document space in text classification |A| p. 61 Set cardinality: the number of members of set A |S| p. 404 Determinant of the square matrix S Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxx Table of Notation |si| p. 58 Length in characters of string si |x| p. 139 Length of vector x |x − y| p. 131 Euclidean distance of x and y (which is the length of (x − y)) Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP DRAFT! © April 1, 2009 Cambridge University Press. Feedback welcome. xxxi Preface As recently as the 1990s, studies showed that most people preferred getting information from other people rather than from information retrieval systems. Of course, in that time period, most people also used human travel agents to book their travel. However, during the last decade, relentless optimization of information retrieval effectiveness has driven web search engines to new quality levels where most people are satisfied most of the time, and web search has become a standard and often preferred source of information finding. For example, the 2004 Pew Internet Survey (Fallows 2004) found that “92% of Internet users say the Internet is a good place to go for getting everyday information.” To the surprise of many, the field of information retrieval has moved from being a primarily academic discipline to being the basis underlying most people’s preferred means of information access. This book presents the scientific underpinnings of this field, at a level accessible to graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates. Information retrieval did not begin with the Web. In response to various challenges of providing information access, the field of information retrieval evolved to give principled approaches to searching various forms of content. The field began with scientific publications and library records, but soon spread to other forms of content, particularly those of information professionals, such as journalists, lawyers, and doctors. Much of the scientific research on information retrieval has occurred in these contexts, and much of the continued practice of information retrieval deals with providing access to unstructured information in various corporate and governmental domains, and this work forms much of the foundation of our book. Nevertheless, in recent years, a principal driver of innovation has been the World Wide Web, unleashing publication at the scale of tens of millions of content creators. This explosion of published information would be moot if the information could not be found, annotated and analyzed so that each user can quickly find information that is both relevant and comprehensive for their needs. By the late 1990s, many people felt that continuing to index Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxxii Preface the whole Web would rapidly become impossible, due to the Web’s exponential growth in size. But major scientific innovations, superb engineering, the rapidly declining price of computer hardware, and the rise of a commercial underpinning for web search have all conspired to power today’s major search engines, which are able to provide high-quality results within subsecond response times for hundreds of millions of searches a day over billions of web pages. Book organization and course development This book is the result of a series of courses we have taught at Stanford University and at the University of Stuttgart, in a range of durations including a single quarter, one semester and two quarters. These courses were aimed at early-stage graduate students in computer science, but we have also had enrollment from upper-class computer science undergraduates, as well as students from law, medical informatics, statistics, linguistics and various engineering disciplines. The key design principle for this book, therefore, was to cover what we believe to be important in a one-term graduate course on information retrieval. An additional principle is to build each chapter around material that we believe can be covered in a single lecture of 75 to 90 minutes. The first eight chapters of the book are devoted to the basics of information retrieval, and in particular the heart of search engines; we consider this material to be core to any course on information retrieval. Chapter 1 introduces inverted indexes, and shows how simple Boolean queries can be processed using such indexes. Chapter 2 builds on this introduction by detailing the manner in which documents are preprocessed before indexing and by discussing how inverted indexes are augmented in various ways for functionality and speed. Chapter 3 discusses search structures for dictionaries and how to process queries that have spelling errors and other imprecise matches to the vocabulary in the document collection being searched. Chapter 4 describes a number of algorithms for constructing the inverted index from a text collection with particular attention to highly scalable and distributed algorithms that can be applied to very large collections. Chapter 5 covers techniques for compressing dictionaries and inverted indexes. These techniques are critical for achieving subsecond response times to user queries in large search engines. The indexes and queries considered in Chapters 1–5 only deal with Boolean retrieval, in which a document either matches a query, or does not. A desire to measure the extent to which a document matches a query, or the score of a document for a query, motivates the development of term weighting and the computation of scores in Chapters 6 and 7, leading to the idea of a list of documents that are rank-ordered for a query. Chapter 8 focuses on the evaluation of an information retrieval system based on the Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Preface xxxiii relevance of the documents it retrieves, allowing us to compare the relative performances of different systems on benchmark document collections and queries. Chapters 9–21 build on the foundation of the first eight chapters to cover a variety of more advanced topics. Chapter 9 discusses methods by which retrieval can be enhanced through the use of techniques like relevance feedback and query expansion, which aim at increasing the likelihood of retrieving relevant documents. Chapter 10 considers information retrieval from documents that are structured with markup languages like XML and HTML. We treat structured retrieval by reducing it to the vector space scoring methods developed in Chapter 6. Chapters 11 and 12 invoke probability theory to compute scores for documents on queries. Chapter 11 develops traditional probabilistic information retrieval, which provides a framework for computing the probability of relevance of a document, given a set of query terms. This probability may then be used as a score in ranking. Chapter 12 illustrates an alternative, wherein for each document in a collection, we build a language model from which one can estimate a probability that the language model generates a given query. This probability is another quantity with which we can rank-order documents. Chapters 13–17 give a treatment of various forms of machine learning and numerical methods in information retrieval. Chapters 13–15 treat the problem of classifying documents into a set of known categories, given a set of documents along with the classes they belong to. Chapter 13 motivates statistical classification as one of the key technologies needed for a successful search engine, introduces Naive Bayes, a conceptually simple and efficient text classification method, and outlines the standard methodology for evaluating text classifiers. Chapter 14 employs the vector space model from Chapter 6 and introduces two classification methods, Rocchio and kNN, that operate on document vectors. It also presents the bias-variance tradeoff as an important characterization of learning problems that provides criteria for selecting an appropriate method for a text classification problem. Chapter 15 introduces support vector machines, which many researchers currently view as the most effective text classification method. We also develop connections in this chapter between the problem of classification and seemingly disparate topics such as the induction of scoring functions from a set of training exam- ples. Chapters 16–18 consider the problem of inducing clusters of related documents from a collection. In Chapter 16, we first give an overview of a number of important applications of clustering in information retrieval. We then describe two flat clustering algorithms: the K-means algorithm, an efficient and widely used document clustering method; and the ExpectationMaximization algorithm, which is computationally more expensive, but also more flexible. Chapter 17 motivates the need for hierarchically structured Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxxiv Preface clusterings (instead of flat clusterings) in many applications in information retrieval and introduces a number of clustering algorithms that produce a hierarchy of clusters. The chapter also addresses the difficult problem of automatically computing labels for clusters. Chapter 18 develops methods from linear algebra that constitute an extension of clustering, and also offer intriguing prospects for algebraic methods in information retrieval, which have been pursued in the approach of latent semantic indexing. Chapters 19–21 treat the problem of web search. We give in Chapter 19 a summary of the basic challenges in web search, together with a set of techniques that are pervasive in web information retrieval. Next, Chapter 20 describes the architecture and requirements of a basic web crawler. Finally, Chapter 21 considers the power of link analysis in web search, using in the process several methods from linear algebra and advanced probability the- ory. This book is not comprehensive in covering all topics related to information retrieval. We have put aside a number of topics, which we deemed outside the scope of what we wished to cover in an introduction to information retrieval class. Nevertheless, for people interested in these topics, we provide a few pointers to mainly textbook coverage here. Cross-language IR (Grossman and Frieder 2004, ch. 4) and (Oard and Dorr 1996). Image and Multimedia IR (Grossman and Frieder 2004, ch. 4), (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 6), (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 11), (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 12), (del Bimbo 1999), (Lew 2001), and (Smeulders et al. 2000). Speech retrieval (Coden et al. 2002). Music Retrieval (Downie 2006) and User interfaces for IR (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 10). Parallel and Peer-to-Peer IR (Grossman and Frieder 2004, ch. 7), (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 9), and (Aberer 2001). Digital libraries (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto 1999, ch. 15) and (Lesk 2004). Information science perspective (Korfhage 1997), (Meadow et al. 1999), and (Ingwersen and Järvelin 2005). Logic-based approaches to IR (van Rijsbergen 1989). Natural Language Processing techniques (Manning and Schütze 1999), (Jurafsky and Martin 2008), and (Lewis and Jones 1996). Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Preface xxxv Prerequisites Introductory courses in data structures and algorithms, in linear algebra and in probability theory suffice as prerequisites for all 21 chapters. We now give more detail for the benefit of readers and instructors who wish to tailor their reading to some of the chapters. Chapters 1–5 assume as prerequisite a basic course in algorithms and data structures. Chapters 6 and 7 require, in addition, a knowledge of basic linear algebra including vectors and dot products. No additional prerequisites are assumed until Chapter 11, where a basic course in probability theory is required; Section 11.1 gives a quick review of the concepts necessary in Chapters 11–13. Chapter 15 assumes that the reader is familiar with the notion of nonlinear optimization, although the chapter may be read without detailed knowledge of algorithms for nonlinear optimization. Chapter 18 demands a first course in linear algebra including familiarity with the notions of matrix rank and eigenvectors; a brief review is given in Section 18.1. The knowledge of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is also necessary in Chapter 21. Book layout  Worked examples in the text appear with a pencil sign next to them in the left margin. Advanced or difficult material appears in sections or subsections indicated with scissors in the margin. Exercises are marked in the margin £ with a question mark. The level of difficulty of exercises is indicated as easy (⋆), medium (⋆⋆), or difficult (⋆ ⋆ ⋆). ? Acknowledgments We would like to thank Cambridge University Press for allowing us to make the draft book available online, which facilitated much of the feedback we have received while writing the book. We also thank Lauren Cowles, who has been an outstanding editor, providing several rounds of comments on each chapter, on matters of style, organization, and coverage, as well as detailed comments on the subject matter of the book. To the extent that we have achieved our goals in writing this book, she deserves an important part of the credit. We are very grateful to the many people who have given us comments, suggestions, and corrections based on draft versions of this book. We thank for providing various corrections and comments: Cheryl Aasheim, Josh Attenberg, Daniel Beck, Luc Bélanger, Georg Buscher, Tom Breuel, Daniel Burckhardt, Fazli Can, Dinquan Chen, Stephen Clark, Ernest Davis, Pedro Domingos, Rodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes, Paolo Ferragina, Alex Fraser, Norbert Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP xxxvi Preface Fuhr, Vignesh Ganapathy, Elmer Garduno, Xiubo Geng, David Gondek, Sergio Govoni, Corinna Habets, Ben Handy, Donna Harman, Benjamin Haskell, Thomas Hühn, Deepak Jain, Ralf Jankowitsch, Dinakar Jayarajan, Vinay Kakade, Mei Kobayashi, Wessel Kraaij, Rick Lafleur, Florian Laws, Hang Li, David Losada, David Mann, Ennio Masi, Sven Meyer zu Eissen, Alexander Murzaku, Gonzalo Navarro, Frank McCown, Paul McNamee, Christoph Müller, Scott Olsson, Tao Qin, Megha Raghavan, Michal Rosen-Zvi, Klaus Rothenhäusler, Kenyu L. Runner, Alexander Salamanca, Grigory Sapunov, Evgeny Shadchnev, Tobias Scheffer, Nico Schlaefer, Ian Soboroff, Benno Stein, Marcin Sydow, Andrew Turner, Jason Utt, Huey Vo, Travis Wade, Mike Walsh, Changliang Wang, Renjing Wang, and Thomas Zeume. Many people gave us detailed feedback on individual chapters, either at our request or through their own initiative. For this, we’re particularly grateful to: James Allan, Omar Alonso, Ismail Sengor Altingovde, Vo Ngoc Anh, Roi Blanco, Eric Breck, Eric Brown, Mark Carman, Carlos Castillo, Junghoo Cho, Aron Culotta, Doug Cutting, Meghana Deodhar, Susan Dumais, Johannes Fürnkranz, Andreas Heß, Djoerd Hiemstra, David Hull, Thorsten Joachims, Siddharth Jonathan J. B., Jaap Kamps, Mounia Lalmas, Amy Langville, Nicholas Lester, Dave Lewis, Daniel Lowd, Yosi Mass, Jeff Michels, Alessandro Moschitti, Amir Najmi, Marc Najork, Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Paul Ogilvie, Priyank Patel, Jan Pedersen, Kathryn Pedings, Vassilis Plachouras, Daniel Ramage, Ghulam Raza, Stefan Riezler, Michael Schiehlen, Helmut Schmid, Falk Nicolas Scholer, Sabine Schulte im Walde, Fabrizio Sebastiani, Sarabjeet Singh, Valentin Spitkovsky, Alexander Strehl, John Tait, Shivakumar Vaithyanathan, Ellen Voorhees, Gerhard Weikum, Dawid Weiss, Yiming Yang, Yisong Yue, Jian Zhang, and Justin Zobel. And finally there were a few reviewers who absolutely stood out in terms of the quality and quantity of comments that they provided. We thank them for their significant impact on the content and structure of the book. We express our gratitude to Pavel Berkhin, Stefan Büttcher, Jamie Callan, Byron Dom, Torsten Suel, and Andrew Trotman. Parts of the initial drafts of Chapters 13–15 were based on slides that were generously provided by Ray Mooney. While the material has gone through extensive revisions, we gratefully acknowledge Ray’s contribution to the three chapters in general and to the description of the time complexities of text classification algorithms in particular. The above is unfortunately an incomplete list: we are still in the process of incorporating feedback we have received. And, like all opinionated authors, we did not always heed the advice that was so freely given. The published versions of the chapters remain solely the responsibility of the authors. The authors thank Stanford University and the University of Stuttgart for providing a stimulating academic environment for discussing ideas and the opportunity to teach courses from which this book arose and in which its Online edition (c) 2009 Cambridge UP Preface xxxvii contents were refined. CM thanks his family for the many hours they’ve let him spend working on this book, and hopes he’ll have a bit more free time on weekends next year. PR thanks his family for their patient support through the writing of this book and is also grateful to Yahoo! Inc. for providing a fertile environment in which to work on this book. HS would like to thank his parents, family, and friends for their support while writing this book. Web and contact information This book has a companion website at As well as links to some more general resources, it is our intent to maintain on this website a set of slides for each chapter which may be used for the corresponding lecture. We gladly welcome further feedback, corrections, and suggestions on the book, which may be sent to all the authors at informationretrieval (at) yahoogroups (dot) com.