JDO - implementace

Existuje několik open-source i komerčních implementací JDO:

Solametric Kodo JDO

komerční implementace JDO, dostupná na http://www.solarmetric.com/

Popis: Kodo JDO is SolarMetric's robust, high-performing, feature-rich implementation of the Java™ Data Objects specification for transparent persistence. Unlike many proprietary object/relational mapping tools, Kodo JDO provides access to relational databases through the JDO standard, enabling Java developers to use existing relational database technology from Java without needing to know SQL or be an expert in relational database design. It can be used with existing database schemas, or can automatically generate its own schema.

Castor JDO

open-source, free (BSD-like licence), dostupný na http://www.castor.org/jdo.html

TriActive JDO (TJDO)

open-source, free implementace, dostupná na http://tjdo.sourceforge.net/. Charakteristika:

Supports JDO 1.0.1. Implements the entire JDOQL query language, including several useful method enhancements. Auto-creates all necessary schema elements (tables, foreign keys, indexes) according to your app's classes and JDO metadata. Auto-validates expected schema structure at runtime, reducing failures from schema evolution. Can map Java classes to SQL views, and allows for direct SQL queries, to leverage SQL capabilities not normally accessible through JDO. Designed to be lightweight and fast.