Kostra jednoduché aplikace

Demo HelloWorldMessage z adresáře IMQ_HOME/demo/helloworld/helloworldmessage má tyto hlavní prvky (viz tutoriál):

  1. Import the interfaces and Message Queue implementation classes for the JMS API.

    The javax.jms package defines all the JMS interfaces necessary to develop a JMS client.

    import javax.jms.*; 
  2. Instantiate a Message Queue QueueConnectionFactory administered object. A QueueConnectionFactory object encapsulates all the Message Queue-specific configuration properties for creating QueueConnection connections to a Message Queue server.

    QueueConnectionFactory myQConnFactory = 
      new com.sun.messaging.QueueConnectionFactory(); 

    ConnectionFactory administered objects can also be accessed through a JNDI lookup (see Looking Up ConnectionFactory Objects). This approach makes the client code JMS-provider independent and also allows for a centrally administered messaging system.

  3. Create a connection to the message server. A QueueConnection object is the active connection to the message server in the Point-To-Point programming domain.

    QueueConnection myQConn =
  4. Create a session within the connection. A QueueSession object is a single-threaded context for producing and consuming messages. It enables clients to create producers and consumers of messages for a queue destination.

    QueueSession myQSess = myQConn.createQueueSession(false,

    The myQSess object created above is non-transacted and automatically acknowledges messages upon consumption by a consumer.

  5. Instantiate a Message Queue queue administered object that corresponds to a queue destination in the message server. Destination administered objects encapsulate provider-specific destination naming syntax and behavior. The code below instantiates a queue administered object for a physical queue destination named “world”.

    Queue myQueue = new.com.sun.messaging.Queue("world"); 

    Destination administered objects can also be accessed through a JNDI lookup (see Looking Up Destination Objects). This approach makes the client code JMS-provider independent and also allows for a centrally administered messaging system.

  6. Create a QueueSender message producer. This message producer, associated with myQueue, is used to send messages to the queue destination named “world”.

    QueueSender myQueueSender = myQSess.createSender(myQueue);
  7. Create and send a message to the queue. You create a TextMessage object using the QueueSession object and populate it with a string representing the data of the message. Then you use the QueueSender object to send the message to the “world” queue destination.

    TextMessage myTextMsg = myQSess.createTextMessage(); 
    myTextMsg.setText("Hello World"); 
    System.out.println(“Sending Message: “ + myTextMsg.getText()); 
  8. Create a QueueReceiver message consumer. This message consumer, associated with myQueue, is used to receive messages from the queue destination named “world”.

    QueueReceiver myQueueReceiver = 
  9. Start the QueueConnection you created in Step 3. Messages for consumption by a client can only be delivered over a connection that has been started (while messages produced by a client can be delivered to a destination without starting a connection, as in Step 7.

  10. Receive a message from the queue. You receive a message from the “world” queue destination using the QueueReceiver object. The code, below, is an example of a synchronous consumption of messages (see Message Consumption: Synchronous and Asynchronous).

    Message msg = myQueueReceiver.receive();
  11. Retrieve the contents of the message. Once the message is received successfully, its contents can be retrieved.

    if (msg instanceof TextMessage) {
      TextMessage txtMsg = (TextMessage) msg; 
      System.out.println("Read Message: " + txtMsg.getText()); 
  12. Close the session and connection resources.
