2007 - Exercises II. 1. Decide which of the following codes is linear. Find the standard form of generator matrix for codes that are linear. (a) quaternary code Cx = {000,123, 202, 321} (b) 6-ary code C2 = {00, 03, 43, 23, 20, 40} (c) ternary code C3 = {000, 221,112} 2. Compare the set of perfect codes with the set of maximum distance separable codes (ie. use C , = , . . . ) . 3. Let C be a binary code with generator matrix G = 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 (a) Write a generator matrix for the code obtained from C by puncturing the 1st and 4th coordinate. (b) Write a generator matrix for the extended code C. (If C is a linear code over FTM then C = {x\X2 ˇ ˇ ˇ xnxn+\ E FTM+1 |xi... xn E C and X\ + ... xn + xn+\ = 0} is the extended code.) (c) Describe the code that is obtained from a linear code first by extending this code and then puncturing on the new coordinate. What happens if we change the order of these operations? 4. Let C be a binary linear [4, 2]-code such that C = C^. Show that C contains at least two words of weight 2. 5. Let C be a perfect binary linear [7, 4]-code. Find the value of d. Suppose that C is transmitted over a binary symmetric channel with error probability p = 0.01 using the syndrome decoding strategy. Calculate the word error probability. 6. Consider the linear code C over the field Z7 spanned by the codewords 43352, 24545 and 31433. (a) Find a generator matrix in the standard form for C. (b) How many different messages can C encode? (c) Show that a received word containing at most one error can be corrected.