2007 - Exercises III. 1. Determine whether the following code are cyclic: (a) C\ = {x | x E Z3 and w(x) = 0 (mod 3)} (b) C2 = {x I x E Z3 and X\ + ... + x7 = 0 (mod 3)} (c) C3 = {x I x E Z% and x = i ˇ 22222, i E Z6} 2. Let C be the smallest binary cyclic code which contains the word 011011. (a) List the codewords of C. (b) Determine the polynomial g{x) which generates C. (c) Use g(x) to encode a message 11. 3. Find two different binary cyclic codes of length 8 which are equivalent or show that such codes do not exist. 4. (a) Factorize x6 -- 1 E 3[x] into irreducible polynomials. (b) Let rik be the number of ternary cyclic codes of length 6 and dimension k. Determine n^ for k E { 0 , 1 , . . . , 6}. (c) For each cyclic code of dimension 5, find the check polynomial and a parity check matrix and determine whether it contains the word 120210. 5. Let C\ and C2 be linear cyclic codes with generator polynomials g\[x) and g2Íx). Show that the following code is linear and cyclic and find its generator polynomial. C = {a + c2 I d E d, c2 E C2} 6. Let C be a g-ary cyclic code of length n and let f(x) be its generator polynomial. Show that all the codewords coC\... cn-\ E C satisfy Co + c\ ˇ ˇ ˇ + cn-\ = 0 in q if and only if the polynomial x -- 1 is a factor of f(x) in q[x]. 7. Let C\ and C2 be cyclic codes of the same length over Zg. Is C a cyclic code? (a) C = {cic2 I C\ E Ci,c2 E C2 }, where Cic2 denotes the concatenation of the codewords; (b) C = Ci U C2 (c) C = C\ n C2 (d) C = d U ci (e) C = S* \ C\, where S* is the set of all strings over Zq of the same length as codewords of C\; (f) C = {c\ c2 I C\ E Ci,c2 E C2 }, where denotes characterwise addition modulo q.