2007 - Exercises IX. 1. Alice wants to login to a computer system and needs to communicate her password to the system. Alice uses a wireless keyboard but her husband Bob has infected her computer by a key-logger program. Bob also intercepts wireless communication between the keyboard and the computer. However, neither Alice's display nor the connection between Alice's computer and the system can be monitored. Propose a simple protocol that allows Alice to securely authenticate to the system. 2. Let CBC-MAC be of the following form: CBC-MACfc = /fc(/fc(... fkUkinn) e m a ) . . . 0 m,,_i) 0 mn), where fk : {0, l}m --ˇ {0, l}m is an encryption function with a key k and m = TOI||TO2|| ... \\mn is a message of length nm. (a) Show that CBC-MAC is not secure if messages can be of varying lengths. (Show that if messages have variable length then it is possible to mount a chosen message attack, ie. given valid MACs for messages M\, M 2 , . . . , MN, an attacker can produce a valid MAC for a new message M ^ Mi.) (b) Suppose that we append the length of the message, I, as an extra block at the end (m = mi||m2|| ... ||TO,,||/), before computing the MAC. Show that it is still possible to mount a chosen message attack. 3. Consider a generic secret sharing scheme. A dealer D wants to share a secret s between n parties so that t of them have no information about s, but t + 1 of them can reconstruct the secret. Let v denote the number of possible values of s and let w denote the number of different possible share values that a given party might receive, as s varies. Assume that w is the same for each party. What is the relation between v and w? Explain. 4. There are four people in a room and exactly one of them is an adversary. The other three people share a secret using Shamir's (3,2)-secret sharing scheme over Zu. The adversary has randomly chosen a pair of numbers for himself. The four pairs are (x\,yi) = (1,4), (2,2/2) = (3,7), (3,2/3) = (5,1) and (2:4,2/4) = Í7 '2 )Determine which pair was created by the adversary. Determine also the shared secret. Explain your reasoning. 5. Let p be a large prime and let n < p, t < n E N. Propose a protocol which enables n parties to colectivelly choose a secret random number s E {0,... ,p-- 1}. After executing the protocol the parties should share s using Shamir's (n, r)-secret sharing scheme. 6. Suppose that Alice uses the Okamoto identification scheme with p = 88667, q = 1031, ai = 58902 and a2 = 73611. (a) Alice chooses exponents a\ = 846 and a2 = 515. Compute in detail v. (b) Alice chooses exponents k\ = 899 and k2 = 16. Compute in detail 7. (c) Bob sends the challenge r = 489 to Alice. Compute in detail Alice's response j/i and j/2(d) Perform Bob's calculations to verify y1 and y2. 7. Consider the following protocol, involving a dealer and n recipients, for distributing information. Framework of the protocol is the following: * Let ŕ be a fixed number, 0 < t < n. * Each participant can send a private message to any other participant. * The dealer begins with information v. * After execution of the protocol, each recipient either accepts or rejects. * The dealer and/or up to t recipients may cheat. Steps of the protocol follows: (i) The dealer sends v to each recipient. (ii) Each recipient sends to each other recipient the value received in the previous step. (iii) Each recipient verifies whether more than t of the values received in the previous step are different from the value received in the first step. If more than t values are different, it sends a complaint to each recipient. (iv) Each recipient accepts if it receives at most t complaints (including its own). Otherwise the recipient rejects. Answer the following questions. Explain your reasoning. (a) Suppose that the dealer is honest. For which t every honest recipient ac­ cepts? (b) Suppose that the dealer cheats. For which t the honest recipients either all accept or all reject? (c) Suppose that no recipient complains in the third step. For which t all honest recipients have the same value from the dealer after the protocol has finished? (d) Suppose that the recipients later reconstruct the dealer's value by sending their values to a trusted (and honest) party who decides by majority. Suppose further that the dealer is honest. For which t the values which the cheating recipients send to the trusted party cannot influence the outcome of the reconstruction?