Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Maximum Likelihood Greg Ewing CIBIV Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Stochastic Models Mathematical Model A mathematical description of the process of interest, usually describing how things change over time. Mathematically define how things change over time. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Stochastic Models Mathematical Model A mathematical description of the process of interest, usually describing how things change over time. Mathematically define how things change over time. So if we have a given state, we can predict what will happen next how the system will behave. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Stochastic Models Mathematical Model A mathematical description of the process of interest, usually describing how things change over time. Mathematically define how things change over time. So if we have a given state, we can predict what will happen next how the system will behave. Sometimes we can only predict the probability that something will happen at some time in the future. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Stochastic Models Mathematical Model A mathematical description of the process of interest, usually describing how things change over time. Mathematically define how things change over time. So if we have a given state, we can predict what will happen next how the system will behave. Sometimes we can only predict the probability that something will happen at some time in the future. This is a stochastic model. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Stochastic Models Mathematical Model A mathematical description of the process of interest, usually describing how things change over time. Mathematically define how things change over time. So if we have a given state, we can predict what will happen next how the system will behave. Sometimes we can only predict the probability that something will happen at some time in the future. This is a stochastic model. Allows a more rigorous mathematical treatment of the problem of tree reconstruction. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing Given a box with 3 coins of different fairness 1 3, 1 2, 2 3 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing Given a box with 3 coins of different fairness 1 3, 1 2, 2 3 We take out one coin and toss it 20 times: H, T, T, H, H, T, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T, T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing Given a box with 3 coins of different fairness 1 3, 1 2, 2 3 We take out one coin and toss it 20 times: H, T, T, H, H, T, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T, T Probability p(k heads in n tosses|) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing Given a box with 3 coins of different fairness 1 3, 1 2, 2 3 We take out one coin and toss it 20 times: H, T, T, H, H, T, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T, T Probability Likelihood p(k heads in n tosses|) L(|k heads in n tosses) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing Given a box with 3 coins of different fairness 1 3, 1 2, 2 3 We take out one coin and toss it 20 times: H, T, T, H, H, T, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T, T Probability Likelihood p(k heads in n tosses|) L(|k heads in n tosses) = n k k (1 - )n-k (The binomial distribution) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing (Estimate) Three coin case L(|7 in 20) = 20 7 7 (1 - )13 for each coin 1 3 , 1 2 , 2 3 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing (Estimate) Three coin case L(|7 in 20) = 20 7 7 (1 - )13 for each coin 1 3 , 1 2 , 2 3 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing (Estimate) Three coin case L(|7 in 20) = 20 7 7 (1 - )13 for each coin 1 3 , 1 2 , 2 3 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing (Estimate) Three coin case L(|7 in 20) = 20 7 7 (1 - )13 for each coin 1 3 , 1 2 , 2 3 For infinitely many coins = (0...1) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction: ML on Coin Tossing (Estimate) Three coin case L(|7 in 20) = 20 7 7 (1 - )13 for each coin 1 3 , 1 2 , 2 3 For infinitely many coins = (0...1) ML estimate: L(^) = 0.1844 where coin shows ^ = 0.35 heads Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Consider 4 coins labelled A, G, T, C. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Consider 4 coins labelled A, G, T, C. At each time step we pick any coin at random and flip it. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Consider 4 coins labelled A, G, T, C. At each time step we pick any coin at random and flip it. If a coin comes up heads, we replace it from a random pick of the other coins. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Consider 4 coins labelled A, G, T, C. At each time step we pick any coin at random and flip it. If a coin comes up heads, we replace it from a random pick of the other coins. Note that the statistics of any column is independent of other columns. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT We can extend this to continuous time. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT We can extend this to continuous time. Each coin can be biased. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT We can extend this to continuous time. Each coin can be biased. Formally a Markov process. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT We can extend this to continuous time. Each coin can be biased. Formally a Markov process. Result is that we can calculate a probability of a sequence at some time in the future or past, given the sequence now. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Coins and Mutations Flip coins ACACTTTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTGGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTGTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGTGGT ACACATTGTAGTTTGGAGGT We can extend this to continuous time. Each coin can be biased. Formally a Markov process. Result is that we can calculate a probability of a sequence at some time in the future or past, given the sequence now. Need to get mathematical. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. As Maths Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn, . . . , X1 = x1) = Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. As Maths Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn, . . . , X1 = x1) = Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn) In the coin example above, the probability of the new sequence is completely determined by the previous state. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. As Maths Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn, . . . , X1 = x1) = Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn) In the coin example above, the probability of the new sequence is completely determined by the previous state. Consider Evolution. The probability of a DNA sequence of the next generation is completely determined by the current generation's DNA sequence. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. As Maths Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn, . . . , X1 = x1) = Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn) In the coin example above, the probability of the new sequence is completely determined by the previous state. Consider Evolution. The probability of a DNA sequence of the next generation is completely determined by the current generation's DNA sequence. In other words the process is memoryless. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Markov Property The probability distribution of the next state is completely determined by the previous state. As Maths Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn, . . . , X1 = x1) = Pr(Xn+1 = x|Xn = xn) In the coin example above, the probability of the new sequence is completely determined by the previous state. Consider Evolution. The probability of a DNA sequence of the next generation is completely determined by the current generation's DNA sequence. In other words the process is memoryless. We can therefore use a Markov process to model evolution. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Assumptions Ergodic. That is, there is some equilibrium distribution. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Assumptions Ergodic. That is, there is some equilibrium distribution. Stationary. The base frequencies are in this equilibrium distribution. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Assumptions Ergodic. That is, there is some equilibrium distribution. Stationary. The base frequencies are in this equilibrium distribution. Reversible. The model is the same when time is reversed. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Markov Process Assumptions Ergodic. That is, there is some equilibrium distribution. Stationary. The base frequencies are in this equilibrium distribution. Reversible. The model is the same when time is reversed. Each site in the alignment is independent and identically distributed. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing The Rate Matrix Substitution Models Evolutionary models are often described using a substitution rate matrix R and character frequencies . Here, 4 × 4 matrix for DNA models: A C T G S P 3' O H N N N H CH3 S P 3' O H N N O S P 3' HN N N N O N H H S P 3' N N N N H H N b a d c f e Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing The Rate Matrix Substitution Models Evolutionary models are often described using a substitution rate matrix R and character frequencies . Here, 4 × 4 matrix for DNA models: A C T G S P 3' O H N N N H CH3 S P 3' O H N N O S P 3' HN N N N O N H H S P 3' N N N N H H N b a d c f e R = A C G T - a b c a - d e b d - f c e f - = (A, C, G, T ) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing The Rate Matrix Relations between DNA models equal base frequencies JC69 2 transitions) (transversions, 3 subst. types 6 subst. types (4 transversions, 2 transitions) frequencies different base 2 subst. types (transitions vs. transversions) frequencies 1 substitution type, different base F81 2 subst. types (transitions vs. transversions) HKY85 TN93 GTR K2P Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing The Rate Matrix Protein Models Generally this is the same for protein sequences, but with 20 × 20 matrices. However unlike DNA the matrix is never optimised. Some protein models are: Poisson model ("JC69" for proteins) Dayhoff (Dayhoff et al., 1978) JTT (Jones et al., 1992) mtREV (Adachi & Hasegawa, 1996) cpREV (Adachi et al., 2000) VT (Müller & Vingron, 2000) WAG (Whelan & Goldman, 2000) BLOSUM 62 (Henikoff & Henikoff, 1992) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities From Substitution rates to probabilities . . . R and are combined into the instantaneous rate matrix Q Q = ~A aC bG cT aA ~C dG eT bA dC ~G fT cA eC fG ~T ~A = -(aC + bG + cT ) ~C = -(aA + dG + eT ) ~G = -(bA + dC + fT ) ~T = -(cA + eC + fG) (where the row sums are zero). Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities From Substitution rates to probabilities . . . R and are combined into the instantaneous rate matrix Q Q = ~A aC bG cT aA ~C dG eT bA dC ~G fT cA eC fG ~T ~A = -(aC + bG + cT ) ~C = -(aA + dG + eT ) ~G = -(bA + dC + fT ) ~T = -(cA + eC + fG) (where the row sums are zero). Given now the instantaneous rate matrix Q, we can compute a substitution probability matrix P at time t as P(t) = eQt . With this matrix P we can compute the probability Pij(t) of a change i j over a time t. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities From Substitution rates to probabilities . . . R and are combined into the instantaneous rate matrix Q Q = ~A aC bG cT aA ~C dG eT bA dC ~G fT cA eC fG ~T ~A = -(aC + bG + cT ) ~C = -(aA + dG + eT ) ~G = -(bA + dC + fT ) ~T = -(cA + eC + fG) (where the row sums are zero). Given now the instantaneous rate matrix Q, we can compute a substitution probability matrix P at time t as P(t) = eQt . With this matrix P we can compute the probability Pij(t) of a change i j over a time t. That is Pr(Xt = j|X0 = j) = Pij(t) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. First we calculate P(t) = eQt usually using some eigenvalue decomposition of Qt. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. First we calculate P(t) = eQt usually using some eigenvalue decomposition of Qt. Let si be the character at the i'th position, be the number of characters in s and s. Pij(t) is the probability that character i changed to character j. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. First we calculate P(t) = eQt usually using some eigenvalue decomposition of Qt. Let si be the character at the i'th position, be the number of characters in s and s. Pij(t) is the probability that character i changed to character j. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. First we calculate P(t) = eQt usually using some eigenvalue decomposition of Qt. Let si be the character at the i'th position, be the number of characters in s and s. Pij(t) is the probability that character i changed to character j. P(s |s, t) = i=1 Psis i (t) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Probability of the data Start with a sequence s = {AGGT} at time 0. We can calculate the probability that the sequence changed to s = {ACGA} at t. First we calculate P(t) = eQt usually using some eigenvalue decomposition of Qt. Let si be the character at the i'th position, be the number of characters in s and s. Pij(t) is the probability that character i changed to character j. P(s |s, t) = i=1 Psis i (t) Consider finding the value of t where this is maximised. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Computing ML Distances Using Pij(t) The Likelihood of sequence s evolving to s in time t: L(t|s s ) = P(s |s, t) = i=1 Psis i (t) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Computing ML Distances Using Pij(t) The Likelihood of sequence s evolving to s in time t: L(t|s s ) = P(s |s, t) = i=1 Psis i (t) Likelihood surface for two sequences under JC69: GATCCTGAGAGAAATAAAC GGTCCTGACAGAAATAAAC Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Computing ML Distances Using Pij(t) The Likelihood of sequence s evolving to s in time t: L(t|s s ) = P(s |s, t) = i=1 Psis i (t) Likelihood surface for two sequences under JC69: GATCCTGAGAGAAATAAAC GGTCCTGACAGAAATAAAC Note: we do not compute the probability of the distance t but that of the data D = {s, s }. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of a Single column tree A G C T 1 T G C A 0.0009 0.0273 0.0273 0.0009 U Ut =10 tV=10 V 1 A G C T A G C T 1 t =10Tt =10S TS A C G T 0.000075 0.023402 0.000075 0.000771 W Likelihoods of nucleotides at inner nodes: Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of a Single column tree A G C T 1 T G C A 0.0009 0.0273 0.0273 0.0009 U Ut =10 tV=10 V 1 A G C T A G C T 1 t =10Tt =10S TS A C G T 0.000075 0.023402 0.000075 0.000771 W Likelihoods of nucleotides at inner nodes: LU (i) = [PiC(10) L(C)] [PiG(10) L(G)] LW (i) = u Piu(tU ) LU (u) v Piv(tV ) LV (v) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of a Single column tree A G C T 1 T G C A 0.0009 0.0273 0.0273 0.0009 U Ut =10 tV=10 V 1 A G C T A G C T 1 t =10Tt =10S TS A C G T 0.000075 0.023402 0.000075 0.000771 W Likelihoods of nucleotides at inner nodes: LU (i) = [PiC(10) L(C)] [PiG(10) L(G)] LW (i) = u Piu(tU ) LU (u) v Piv(tV ) LV (v) Site-Likelihood of an alignment column k: L(k) = i i LW (i) = 0.024323 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of Trees (multiple columns) G CT T AA 10 10 1010 U W T V S CAA 0.047554 0.047554 0.024323 Considering this tree with n = 3 sequences of length = 3 the tree likelihood of this tree is L(T ) = k=1 L(k) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of Trees (multiple columns) G CT T AA 10 10 1010 U W T V S CAA 0.047554 0.047554 0.024323 Considering this tree with n = 3 sequences of length = 3 the tree likelihood of this tree is L(T ) = k=1 L(k) = 0.0475542 0.024323 = 0.000055 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Rates and Probabilities Likelihoods of Trees (multiple columns) G CT T AA 10 10 1010 U W T V S CAA 0.047554 0.047554 0.024323 Considering this tree with n = 3 sequences of length = 3 the tree likelihood of this tree is L(T ) = k=1 L(k) = 0.0475542 0.024323 = 0.000055 or the log-likelihood ln L(T ) = k=1 ln L(k) = -9.80811 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Starting with a branch, adjust the length calculating the log Likelihood until a maximum is found. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Starting with a branch, adjust the length calculating the log Likelihood until a maximum is found. Do the same to other branches and repeat until no further improvement can be made. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Starting with a branch, adjust the length calculating the log Likelihood until a maximum is found. Do the same to other branches and repeat until no further improvement can be made. Model parameters can also be optimised (ie ). Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Starting with a branch, adjust the length calculating the log Likelihood until a maximum is found. Do the same to other branches and repeat until no further improvement can be made. Model parameters can also be optimised (ie ). Note traditional multivariate optimisation can apply. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Optimise branch lengths To compute optimal branch lengths: Initialise the branch lengths Starting with a branch, adjust the length calculating the log Likelihood until a maximum is found. Do the same to other branches and repeat until no further improvement can be made. Model parameters can also be optimised (ie ). Note traditional multivariate optimisation can apply. Changing the topology is much harder. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Finding the ML Tree Exhaustive Search Guarantees to find the optimal tree, because all trees are evaluated, but not feasible for more than 10-12 taxa. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Finding the ML Tree Exhaustive Search Guarantees to find the optimal tree, because all trees are evaluated, but not feasible for more than 10-12 taxa. Branch and Bound Guarantees to find the optimal tree, without searching certain parts of the tree space ­ can run on more sequences, but often not for current-day datasets. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Finding the ML Tree Exhaustive Search Guarantees to find the optimal tree, because all trees are evaluated, but not feasible for more than 10-12 taxa. Branch and Bound Guarantees to find the optimal tree, without searching certain parts of the tree space ­ can run on more sequences, but often not for current-day datasets. Heuristics Cannot guarantee to find the optimal tree, but are at least able to analyse large datasets. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B BA C D BA CD A B C D Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B BA C D BA CD A B C D -3920.21 -3689.22 -3920.98 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B BA C D BA CD A B C D -3920.21 -3689.22 -3920.98 B D A C Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B BA C D BA CD A B C D -3920.21 -3689.22 -3920.98 B D A C BC D A E B A D C E BC A D E B A C D E D A C B E Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Build up a tree: Stepwise Insertion A C B BA C D BA CD A B C D -3920.21 -3689.22 -3920.98 B D A C BC D A E B A D C E BC A D E B A C D E D A C B E B A C D E -4710.37 -4560.70 -4521.39 -4579.17-4610.40 Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Local Maxima What if we have multiple maxima in the likelihood surface? Use Tree rearrangements to escape local maxima. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG B A C D E F H IG Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG B A C D E F H IG B A C D G H I E F Possible NNI trees = O(n) Nearest Neighbor Interchange Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG B A C D E F H IG B A C D G H I E F Possible NNI trees = O(n) Nearest Neighbor Interchange A B C D E F G H I Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG B A C D E F H IG B A C D G H I E F Possible NNI trees = O(n) Nearest Neighbor Interchange A B C D E F G H I H IG D BA C FE ... subtree pruning + regrafting Possible SPR trees = O(n*n) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Local Maxima Tree Rearrangements B A C D E F H IG B A C D E F H IG B A C D G H I E F Possible NNI trees = O(n) Nearest Neighbor Interchange A B C D E F G H I H IG D BA C FE ... subtree pruning + regrafting Possible SPR trees = O(n*n) H IG D BA FE C ... ...... tree-bisection + reconnection Possible TBR trees = O(n*n*n) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. We want to be able to do the same with trees. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. We want to be able to do the same with trees. The bootstrap is a general statistical method that can be used in this case. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. We want to be able to do the same with trees. The bootstrap is a general statistical method that can be used in this case. Nonparametric bootstrap, just re-samples the alignment. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. We want to be able to do the same with trees. The bootstrap is a general statistical method that can be used in this case. Nonparametric bootstrap, just re-samples the alignment. Parametric bootstrap uses model parameters to generate replicate data. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstraps Usually when we estimate some parameter from data, we have some measure of variability. ie Mean and standard deviation. We want to be able to do the same with trees. The bootstrap is a general statistical method that can be used in this case. Nonparametric bootstrap, just re-samples the alignment. Parametric bootstrap uses model parameters to generate replicate data. Bayesian methods usually get this for "free" because we already have a large set of trees that represent potions in the posterior density. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Cons Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Simple to implement. Cons Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Simple to implement. Studies indicate that iťs quite conservative. Cons Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Simple to implement. Studies indicate that iťs quite conservative. Cons Results have no convenient interpretation. ie 50% support does not mean 50% probability. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Simple to implement. Studies indicate that iťs quite conservative. Cons Results have no convenient interpretation. ie 50% support does not mean 50% probability. Some strong assumptions are imposed on the data. ie iid. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Pros and Cons Pros Established statistical method. Simple to implement. Studies indicate that iťs quite conservative. Cons Results have no convenient interpretation. ie 50% support does not mean 50% probability. Some strong assumptions are imposed on the data. ie iid. Relies on the fact that the data sample we are using is representative of entire "population" of data. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstrap flow Estimate a ML tree and the model parameters . Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstrap flow Estimate a ML tree and the model parameters . From the data/or estimateted parameters, generate replicate data sets. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstrap flow Estimate a ML tree and the model parameters . From the data/or estimateted parameters, generate replicate data sets. For each replicate data set estimate a replicate ML tree. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Introduction Bootstrap flow Estimate a ML tree and the model parameters . From the data/or estimateted parameters, generate replicate data sets. For each replicate data set estimate a replicate ML tree. Combine the replicate ML trees into some kind of consensus tree. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. A site, or column in the alignment is picked at random. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. A site, or column in the alignment is picked at random. This column of sequence data is placed into the replicate alignment. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. A site, or column in the alignment is picked at random. This column of sequence data is placed into the replicate alignment. Some columns will appear more than once in the replicate alignment. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. A site, or column in the alignment is picked at random. This column of sequence data is placed into the replicate alignment. Some columns will appear more than once in the replicate alignment. Other columns will not appear at all. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric Bootstrap Nonparametric bootstrap samples the alignment with replacement. A site, or column in the alignment is picked at random. This column of sequence data is placed into the replicate alignment. Some columns will appear more than once in the replicate alignment. Other columns will not appear at all. Requires that the data is IID across sites. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C G C T T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C G C T T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A G A C A T T T A Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T G A T C A T T T T A T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C G A T G C A - C T T T T T A T T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C G A T G T C A - C C T T T T C T A T T - Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T G A T G T T C A - C C G T T T T C T T A T T - T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T G A T G T T A C A - C C G T T T T T C T T T A T T - T T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T G A T G T T A T C A - C C G T G T T T T C T T T T A T T - T T T Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G A T G T T A T T C A - C C G T G C T T T T C T T T C T A T T - T T T - Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G G A T G T T A T T G C A - C C G T G C C T T T T C T T T C C T A T T - T T T - C Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G G A T G T T A T T G C A - C C G T G C C T T T T C T T T C C T A T T - T T T - C Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G G A T G T T A T T G C A - C C G T G C C T T T T C T T T C C T A T T - T T T - C Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G G A T G T T A T T G C A - C C G T G C C T T T T C T T T C C T A T T - T T T - C Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Nonparametric Bootstrap Original Data A C A C G C T T T A A G A T G C T T A A A C C C C - - G T A A T A C C C T T T T A T - - C C T T T A Re-sampled Data C A T C C T T T C G G A T G T T A T T G C A - C C G T G C C T T T T C T T T C C T A T T - T T T - C Jackknife is the same without replacement Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Start by estimating a ML tree and model parameters . Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Start by estimating a ML tree and model parameters . Using these estimated parameters and the estimated ML tree simulate a new replicate data set. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Start by estimating a ML tree and model parameters . Using these estimated parameters and the estimated ML tree simulate a new replicate data set. Estimate a new ML tree and parameters . Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Start by estimating a ML tree and model parameters . Using these estimated parameters and the estimated ML tree simulate a new replicate data set. Estimate a new ML tree and parameters . In some cases model parameters can be fixed. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Parametric bootstrap Parametric Bootstrap Instead of re-sampling the data, we use estimated model parameters. Start by estimating a ML tree and model parameters . Using these estimated parameters and the estimated ML tree simulate a new replicate data set. Estimate a new ML tree and parameters . In some cases model parameters can be fixed. Parametric bootstraps do not make any extra assumptions about the data over the model. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Combining the trees 50% Majority rule is conservative and all nodes cannot be conflicting. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Combining the trees 50% Majority rule is conservative and all nodes cannot be conflicting. Extended consensus rules can vary slightly in implementation. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Combining the trees 50% Majority rule is conservative and all nodes cannot be conflicting. Extended consensus rules can vary slightly in implementation. In particular the extended majority rule (default in Consensus) can have nodes in the final tree that conflict with nodes that are more frequent. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Summarising Trees: Consensus Methods E Tree A Tree B Tree C E A C B B C A C B A D F D F D F E Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Summarising Trees: Consensus Methods E Tree A Tree B Tree C E A C B B C A C B A D F D F D F E AB|CDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF ABCD|EF AC|BDEF - 2 (66.7%) ABCD|EF - 1 (33.3%) AB|CDEF - 1 (33.3%) ABC|DEF - 3 (100%) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Summarising Trees: Consensus Methods E Tree A Tree B Tree C E A C B B C A C B A D F D F D F E AB|CDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF ABCD|EF AC|BDEF - 2 (66.7%) ABCD|EF - 1 (33.3%) AB|CDEF - 1 (33.3%) ABC|DEF - 3 (100%) B strict consensus EABC|DEF C A D F Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Summarising Trees: Consensus Methods E Tree A Tree B Tree C E A C B B C A C B A D F D F D F E AB|CDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF ABCD|EF AC|BDEF - 2 (66.7%) ABCD|EF - 1 (33.3%) AB|CDEF - 1 (33.3%) ABC|DEF - 3 (100%) B strict consensus EABC|DEF C A D F A semi-strict ABCD|EF ABC|DEF B C D F E Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Summarising Trees: Consensus Methods E Tree A Tree B Tree C E A C B B C A C B A D F D F D F E AB|CDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF AC|BDEF ABC|DEF ABCD|EF AC|BDEF - 2 (66.7%) ABCD|EF - 1 (33.3%) AB|CDEF - 1 (33.3%) ABC|DEF - 3 (100%) B strict consensus EABC|DEF C A D F A semi-strict ABCD|EF ABC|DEF B C D F E C EAC|BDEF ABC|DEF A B D F majority-rule Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Interpretation Unfortunately in this setting interpreting bootstrap scores is not straight forward. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Interpretation Unfortunately in this setting interpreting bootstrap scores is not straight forward. It is not a probability. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Interpretation Unfortunately in this setting interpreting bootstrap scores is not straight forward. It is not a probability. Generally it appears to be somewhat conservative. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Interpretation Unfortunately in this setting interpreting bootstrap scores is not straight forward. It is not a probability. Generally it appears to be somewhat conservative. On the other hand it is not uncommon to see high bootstrap support for the wrong tree. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Interpretation Unfortunately in this setting interpreting bootstrap scores is not straight forward. It is not a probability. Generally it appears to be somewhat conservative. On the other hand it is not uncommon to see high bootstrap support for the wrong tree. One interpretation is that the bootstrap attempts to measure sampling variance. (Swofford, et al 1996) Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Consensus and interpretation Example Support of a known tree Hills et al, 1992. Bacteriophage T7 DNA sequences with a known phylogeny. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Outline 1 Introduction Markov Process 2 The Likelihood The Rate Matrix Rates and Probabilities 3 Optimisation Local Maxima 4 Bootstrap Introduction Nonparametric Bootstrap Parametric bootstrap Consensus and interpretation 5 Hypothesis testing LRT KH & SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing What question do I want to answer? Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing What question do I want to answer? Say should I use the JC model or the GTR model? Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing What question do I want to answer? Say should I use the JC model or the GTR model? Or perhaps, Is tree A statistically significantly different from tree B? Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing What question do I want to answer? Say should I use the JC model or the GTR model? Or perhaps, Is tree A statistically significantly different from tree B? Answering these question is the advantage of using ML. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing Hypothesis testing What question do I want to answer? Say should I use the JC model or the GTR model? Or perhaps, Is tree A statistically significantly different from tree B? Answering these question is the advantage of using ML. Iťs important to note that you should know the null hypothesis/hypotheses before you "collect" the data. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. In such a situation we can consider the likelihood of both models. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. In such a situation we can consider the likelihood of both models. The Hypothesis: Is the more complicated model better? Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. In such a situation we can consider the likelihood of both models. The Hypothesis: Is the more complicated model better? The Null Hypothesis: Both models are equally good. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. In such a situation we can consider the likelihood of both models. The Hypothesis: Is the more complicated model better? The Null Hypothesis: Both models are equally good. Note that the more complicated model always has an equal or higher likelihood. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT Nested models A model is nested in another model, if it is a simplification of the complicated model. eg Star topology. GTR vrs JC. In such a situation we can consider the likelihood of both models. The Hypothesis: Is the more complicated model better? The Null Hypothesis: Both models are equally good. Note that the more complicated model always has an equal or higher likelihood. We can use a Log Likelihood ratio test. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT LRT Log Likelihood ratio test = -2 log L0 L1 = 2(log L1 - log L0) is asymptotically distributed to the 2 distribution with the appropriate degrees of freedom. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT LRT Log Likelihood ratio test = -2 log L0 L1 = 2(log L1 - log L0) is asymptotically distributed to the 2 distribution with the appropriate degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom are the difference between the two models i.e. Star tree compared to a given tree, iťs the number of internal branches. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing LRT LRT Log Likelihood ratio test = -2 log L0 L1 = 2(log L1 - log L0) is asymptotically distributed to the 2 distribution with the appropriate degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom are the difference between the two models i.e. Star tree compared to a given tree, iťs the number of internal branches. We calculate and check if iťs outside our P-value range on the 2 distribution. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing KH & SH Tree Tests LRT cannot be used on different topologies. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing KH & SH Tree Tests LRT cannot be used on different topologies. So two tree test methods have been developed. KH and SH Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing KH & SH Tree Tests LRT cannot be used on different topologies. So two tree test methods have been developed. KH and SH Note that the first test (KH) is often misapplied. Introduction The Likelihood Optimisation Bootstrap Hypothesis testing KH & SH Tree Tests LRT cannot be used on different topologies. So two tree test methods have been developed. KH and SH Note that the first test (KH) is often misapplied. The idea is similar to the LRT that there is a statistic that is compared to a distribution. Only now we must estimate that distribution.