// CREATE PIN OBJECT (try limit == 5, max. PIN length == 4) OwnerPIN m_pin = new OwnerPIN((byte) 5, (byte) 4); // SET CORRECT PIN VALUE m_pin.update(INIT_PIN, (short) 0, (byte) INIT_PIN.length); // VERIFY CORRECTNESS OF SUPPLIED PIN boolean correct = m_pin.check(array_with_pin, (short) 0, (byte) array_with_pin.length); // GET REMAING PIN TRIES byte j = m_pin.getTriesRemaining(); // RESET PIN RETRY COUNTER AND UNBLOCK IF BLOCKED m_pin.resetAndUnblock(); JavaCard cryptography General hints: * Use existing algorithms/modes rather than write your own - Algorithms in JavaCard are much slower and most probably less secure against power analysis than the native functions provided by JavaCard library. * Store session data in RAM ­ operation in RAM are much faster and more secure against power analysis. Moreover, EEPROM has limited number of rewrites before becomes unreliable (105 - 106 writes). * Do NOT store keys and PINs in primitive arrays ­ Use specialized objects like OwnerPIN and Key for storage. These are better protected against power ad fault attacks. * Erase unused keys and arrays with sensitive values ­ Use specialized method if exists (Key::clearKey()) or overwrite with random data. * Use transactions to ensure atomic operations ­ Short parts of code that must be executed together should be protected by the transaction. Otherwise, power supply can be interrupted inside code and inconsistency may occur. Be aware of attacks based on interrupted transactions so called Rollback attack. * Do not use conditional jumps with sensitive data ­ Branching after condition is recognizable with power analysis. E.g., branch THEN increase offset for next instruction only by 1, but branch ELSE must compute new offset dependent on length of THEN code. This addition takes much longer time and is recognizable using power analysis. * Allocate all necessary resources in constructor ­ Applet installation is usually performed in trusted environment. Will prevent attacks based on limiting resources necessary for applet and thus introducing inconsistency into applet execution. JavaCard applet for PIN verification The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation of PIN object (OwnerPIN()) * Initial setting of the secret value of PIN (OwnerPIN.update()) * Verification of the correctness of the supplied PIN (OwnerPIN.check()) * Get remaining tries of PIN verification attempts (OwnerPIN.getTriesRemaining()) * Set tries counter to maximum value and unblock blocked PIN. (OwnerPIN.resetAndUnblock()) // .... INICIALIZATION SOMEWHERE (IN CONSTRUCT) // CREATE DES KEY OBJECT DESKey m_desKey = (DESKey) KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_DES, KeyBuilder.LENGTH_DES, false); // SET KEY VALUE m_desKey.setKey(array, (short) 0); // CREATE OBJECTS FOR ECB CIPHERING m_encryptCipher = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_DES_ECB_NOPAD, false); // INIT CIPHER WITH KEY FOR ENCRYPT DIRECTION m_encryptCipher.init(m_desKey, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); //.... // ENCRYPT INCOMING BUFFER void Encrypt(APDU apdu) { byte[] apdubuf = apdu.getBuffer(); short dataLen = apdu.setIncomingAndReceive(); // CHECK EXPECTED LENGTH (MULTIPLY OF 64 bites) if ((dataLen % 8) != 0) ISOException.throwIt(SW_CIPHER_DATA_LENGTH_BAD); // ENCRYPT INCOMING BUFFER m_encryptCipher.doFinal(apdubuf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen, m_ramArray, (short) 0); // COPY ENCRYPTED DATA INTO OUTGOING BUFFER Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(m_ramArray, (short) 0, apdubuf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen); // SEND OUTGOING BUFFER apdu.setOutgoingAndSend(ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, dataLen); } JavaCard applet for encryption of the supplied data The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation and initialization of the key object (KeyBuilder.buildKey()) * Set key value (DESKey.setKey()) * Allocation and initialization of the object of cipher (Cipher. getInstance(), Cipher. init()) * Receive incoming data (APDU.setIncomingAndReceive()) * Encrypt or decrypt data (Cipher.update(), Cipher.doFinal()) * Send outgoing data (APDU. setOutgoingAndSend()) JavaCard applet for hashing of the supplied data JavaCard 2.2.2 standard describes hashing functions MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and RIPEMD160. Not all must be implemented by a particular smart card. // CREATE SHA-1 OBJECT MessageDigest m_sha1 = MessageDigest.getInstance(MessageDigest.ALG_SHA, false); // RESET HASH ENGINE m_sha1.reset(); // PROCESS ALL PARTS OF DATA while (next_part_to_hash_available) { m_sha1.update(array_to_hash, (short) 0, (short) array_to_hash.length); } // FINALIZE HASH VALUE (WHEN LAST PART OF DATA IS AVAILABLE) // AND OBTAIN RESULTING HASH VALUE m_sha1.doFinal(array_to_hash, (short) 0, (short) array_to_hash.length, out_hash_array, (short) 0); private Signature m_sessionCBCMAC = null; private DESKey m_session3DesKey = null; // CREATE SIGNATURE OBJECT m_sessionCBCMAC = Signature.getInstance(Signature.ALG_DES_MAC4_NOPAD, false); // CREATE KEY USED IN MAC m_session3DesKey = (DESKey) KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_DES, KeyBuilder.LENGTH_DES3_3KEY, false); // INITIALIZE SIGNATURE DES KEY m_session3DesKey.setKey(m_ram, (short) 0); // SET KEY INTO SIGNATURE OBJECT m_sessionCBCMAC.init(m_session3DesKey, Signature.MODE_SIGN); // GENERATE SIGNATURE OF buff ARRAY, STORE INTO m_ram ARRAY m_sessionCBCMAC.sign(buff, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, length, m_ram, (short) 0); The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation of the hashing object (MessageDigest.getInstance()) * Reset internal state of hash object (MessageDigest. reset ()) * Update intermediate hash value using incoming array (MessageDigest.update()) * Finalize and read hash value of data (MessageDigest.doFinal()) JavaCard applet for computation of MAC based on symmetric cryptography Various cryptographic checksum algorithms are implemented by the card (see javacard.security.Signature). The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation of the signature object (Signature.getInstance ()) * Allocation of the key object used for signature (KeyBuilder.buildKey ()) * Set key for usage with signature object in SIGN mode (Signature.init ()) * Generation of MAC over buffer (Signature.sign()) // CREATE RSA KEYS AND PAIR m_privateKey = KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_RSA_PRIVATE,KeyBuilder.LENGTH_RSA_1024,false); m_publicKey = KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC,KeyBuilder.LENGTH_RSA_1024,true); m_keyPair = new KeyPair(KeyPair.ALG_RSA, (short) m_publicKey.getSize()); // STARTS ON-CARD KEY GENERATION PROCESS m_keyPair.genKeyPair(); // OBTAIN KEY REFERENCES m_publicKey = m_keyPair.getPublic(); m_privateKey = m_keyPair.getPrivate(); // CREATE SIGNATURE OBJECT Signature m_sign = Signature.getInstance(Signature.ALG_RSA_SHA_PKCS1, false); // INIT WITH PRIVATE KEY m_sign.init(m_privateKey, Signature.MODE_SIGN); // SIGN INCOMING BUFFER signLen = m_sign.sign(apdubuf, ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA, (byte) dataLen, m_ramArray, (byte) 0); private RandomData m_rngRandom = null; // CREATE RNG OBJECT m_rngRandom = RandomData.getInstance(RandomData.ALG_SECURE_RANDOM); // GENERATE RANDOM BLOCK WITH 16 BYTES m_rngRandom.generateData(m_testArray1, (short) 0, ARRAY_ONE_BLOCK_16B); JavaCard applet for signing of the supplied data JavaCard 2.2.2 standard describes various combination of signature functions based on asymmetric cryptography (RSA, DSA, ECDSA) and symmetric cryptography (MAC ­ DES, AES based). Again, not all must be implemented by a particular smart card. The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation of the key and signature objects (KeyBuilder.buildKey, new KeyPair, Signature.getInstance) * On-card generation of key pair (KeyPair.genKeyPair()) * Obtaining references to private and public key (KeyPair.getPrivate/Public) * Initialization of signature engine with private key (Signature.init) * Performing signature operation (Signature.update, Signature.sign) JavaCard applet for generating random data JavaCard 2.2.2 standard defines two types of random generators within object RandomData: RandomData.ALG_SECURE_RANDOM and RandomData.ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM. Sometimes, the ALG_PSEUDO_RANDOM is not implementated by the card. The sample applet implements the following logical steps: * Allocation of the random data object (RandomData.getInstance()) * Generation of random block with given length (RandomData.generateData()) Homework Design your own protocol for mutual authentication and secure message transmission. You do not need to actually implement the protocol. However, you have to describe it on very detailed level (e.g., what mode of cipher is used, how many blocks are encrypted, what padding is used, when the protocol should abort due to incorrect values, ...) and you can use only simple cryptographic primitives available on smart card (e.g., you can use DES cipher, SHA-1 hash function or random generator but not the OPSystem.getSecurityDomain() secure messaging object). You protocol must provide: * Mutual authentication between smart card and PC application based on pre-shared symmetric cryptography secret. * Secure message exchange after authentication ­ all subsequent commands send to and from smart card after authentication must be confidential and integrity protected. Few things you should keep in the mind: * It is not a good idea to use long-term secrets to directly protect ordinary communication. * Be aware of replay attack. * What block cipher mode are you using, how the IV is, what type of padding is used. * How the integrity is protected, is the apdu header and response protected as well? You have 2 weeks to complete this task. Submit your description of the protocol (informal language, but detailed description what primitives were used, why and what threat are mitigated by the construction ­ should be around 1-2 A4 text) into IS before 9.12. and prepare short presentation (5 minute max.) for 10.12. (resp. 11.12.) lesson. Your design will be discussed and "attacked" by your classmates.