Exercise 1 Let A be a propositional variable. Decide (and prove) whether there is a formula such that 1. ( A) A 2. ( A) A 3. (A ) A 4. (A ) A Exercise 2 Given a formula A B C (D E) , find an equivalent formula of the system L(|). (we define | by 1 | 2 (1 2) for all 1, 2) Exercise 3 Prove that the system L() is not functionally complete (i.e. "plnohodnotný"). Exercise 4 Decide and prove whether the system L() is functionally complete. Exercise 5 Decide and prove whether the system L(, ) is functionally complete. Exercise 6 Let A, B be countable family and let R A × B be a relation such that for all a A the set Ba = {b | (a, b) R} is a finite nonempty family. Find a family of propositional formulae T such that T is satisfiable if and only if there is an injective function f : A B such that f R. Exercise 7 Give a polynomial time algorithm that to any finite directed graph G = (V, E) (i.e. E V × V , see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_(mathematics)) for detailed information) returns a formula G such that G is satisfiable if and only if G is strongly connected (see http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Strongly_connected_component). It suffices to describe the formula G and argue why it can be constructed in time polynomial in the size of G. (Note: The algorithm itself must not compute whether the graph is strongly connected. In particular, the solution "decide whether G is strongly connected and return A if yes and A A otherwise" does not count) Exercise 8 Give a polynomial time algorithm that to any finite directed graph G = (V, E) returns a formula G such that G is satisfiable if and only if G contains a Hamiltonian cycle (http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Hamiltonian_path). It suffices to describe the formula G and argue why it can be constructed in time polynomial in the size of G. 1