IA072 Seminar on Concurrency
- 25. 9. 2009 - Arrangements
- 2. 10. 2009 - Andrej Pančík - Roope Kaivola, Rajnish Ghughal, Naren Narasimhan, Amber Telfer, Jesse Whittemore, Sudhindra Pandav, Anna Slobodová, Christopher Taylor, Vladimir Frolov, Erik Reeber, Armaghan Naik: Replacing Testing with Formal Verification in Intel CoreTM i7 Processor Execution Engine Validation. CAV 2009, LNCS 5643, 414-429, 2009.
- 9. 10. 2009 - Martin Milata - Patrice Godefroid, Michael Y. Levin, David Molnar: Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing. NDSS'2008, 151-166, 2008.
- 16. 10. 2009 - Fanda Blahoudek - Ahmed Bouajjani, Cezara Drăgoi, Constantin Enea and Mihaela Sighireanu: A Logic-Based Framework for Reasoning about Composite Data Structures. CONCUR 2009, LNCS 5710, 178-195, 2009
- 23. 10. 2009 - Instead of the seminar, please attend the the ceremony at the Faculty of Law at 11:00, where prof. Javier Esparza receives the "doctor honoris causa" title from Masaryk University.
- 30. 10. 2009 - Tomáš Laurinčík - Saurabh Srivastava, Sumit Gulwani and Jeffrey Foster: VS3: SMT Solvers for Program Verification. CAV 2009, LNCS 5643, 702–708, 2009.
- 6. 11. 2009 - David Molina Alarcón - Ben Hardekopf and Calvin Lin: Semi-Sparse Flow-Sensitive Pointer Analysis. POPL 2009, 226-238.
- 13. 11. 2009 - cancelled (MEMICS 2009)
- 20. 11. 2009 - ???
- 27. 11. 2009 - Enrique Gutierrez Santos - Cristiano Calcagno, Dino Distefano, Peter O'Hearn, Hongseok Yang: Compositional Shape Analysis by means of Bi-Abduction. POPL 2009, 289-300. (cancelled)
- 4. 12. 2009 - Honza Obdržálek - Frama-C
- 11.12. 2009 - Tomáš Laurinčík - SAT and SMT solvers: an overview (cancelled - illness)
- 18. 12. 2009 - Tomáš Laurinčík - SAT and SMT solvers: an overview
papers to present:
- a paper on symbolic executions (will be specified later)
tools to present: