IV054 Coding, Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols 2009 ­ Exercises VII. 1. Let f : {0, 1} {0, 1} be a one-way function. Find a one-way function f for which the Lamport signature scheme does not have the following property. For any message m and a valid signature s for m, it is infeasible to find a pair (m , s ) = (m, s) such that s is a valid signature for m . 2. Use the Ong-Schnorr-Shamir subliminal channel scheme with n = 5617 and k = 111 to verify and decrypt the message (w , S1, S2) = (1234, 3058, 4806). 3. Consider the following signature scheme. Let q be a large prime, g a generator of the group Z q and h a proper (publicly known) hash function. Alice's private key is an integer x {1, 2, . . . , q - 1} and her public key is y = gx (mod q). Alice signs a message m by computing gz (mod q) where z = x h(m) (mod q) (we require that h(m) = 0 (mod q)). Alice's signature s is accepted if sh(m) = y (mod q). Decide whether the described signature scheme is correct and secure. Explain your reasoning. 4. Alice is using the DSA scheme for signing her messages. She has the following public key: p = 3583, q = 199 and r = 1614. Alice has sent a message m = 46 with signature (102, 0). Malicious Eve has intercepted the message and she wants to change the message to m = 50 so that Bob will not find it. Find a valid signature for m = 50 (do not use brute force attack) and verify it. Explain your answer. 5. Suppose that there is a web service which offers its users on-line computation of discrete logarithms for any cyclic group and its generator. Alice needs to compute a discrete logarithm of a G in basis g G where G is a cyclic group. She would like to use the web service but she does not want to give it any information about a. Decide whether there is a way for Alice to achieve her goal. 6. Let us consider the Chaum's blind signature RSA scheme with n = pq, p = 71, q = 83, e = 31. Only Bob knows d and he uses it to sign documents. Alice wants him to sign message m = 2431 without him knowing m. Compute in detail a signature for m with k = 128. 7. Consider the DSA signature algorithm with public key p, q, r and a secret key x. Suppose a lazy signer has precomputed one pair (k, a), satisfying a = (rk mod p) mod q, and uses the same pair for each signature. Show how to recover his secret key.