Paralelní a distribuované výpočty

voľba šéfa - dokončenie

Algoritmus Chang Roberts: poznámky v študijných materáloch

Voľba šéfa na kruhoch: dolný odhad Nancy A. Lynch : Distributed Algorithms, (Section 15.1 Leader Election in a Ring), Morgan Kaufmann 1997

Algoritmy GHS, KKM (a ďalšie veci)
G. Tel: Introduction to distributed algorithms, ( Chapter 7 : Election Algorithms ), Cambridge University Press, 1994,2000

orientovaný úplný graf: G. Singh: Leader election in complete networks Proceedings of the eleventh annual ACM symposium on Principles of distributed computing, October 1992, pp. 179-190

synchrónny kruh:

Greg N. Frederickson, Nancy A. Lynch: Electing a Leader in a Synchronous Ring JACM, 34(1), 1987, pp. 98-115

Nancy A. Lynch : Distributed Algorithms, (Section 15.1 Leader Election in a Ring), Morgan Kaufmann 1997
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