Smart cards - basic principles a. ISO norms-IS07816-X IS07816-1 specifies the physical characteristics of integrated circuit like the limits to X-rays, UV, electromagnetic field, ambient temperature etc. Additionally, properties of smart card in flexion and robustness of contacts are specified. Important mainly for card manufactures. ISO 7816-2 defines size, location and function of the card contacts. Vcc - power supply, RST - card reset, CLK - external clock signal, GND - ground, Vpp -programming power supply for older types of EEPROM (not used now), I/O - data communication, 2 contacts reserved for future use. IS07816-3 specifies communication protocol between smart card and reader on the level of the electrical signals. • Protocol T=0 - byte-oriented protocol. Older than Tl, designed for maximal simplicity and minimal memory requirements. Error detection only on parit bits level. Used in GSM cards. • Protocol T=l - asynchronous, half-duplex, block-oriented. Support layers separation (transport layer in OSI model). IS07816-4 specifies: • Content of messages, commands and responses as are transported to card and back. • Structure and content of historical bytes send as response after RESET command (ATR). • Methods for accessing files and data on the card and algorithms offered by card. • Methods for the secure messaging. b. APDU (Application Protocol Data Unit) APDU is basic logical communication datagram, which allows to carry up to -260 bytes of data and contains header with possibility to specify target application on smart card which should process given APDU. CASE1 CLA PI P2 CASE 2 cl_a INS H P2 Lfl CASES CLA INS PI P2 Lc Dote CASE 4 CLA INS PI P? Lc Data Le figure 1 -APDU types CLA - instmction class, INS - instmction number, PI, P2 - optional data, Lc - length of incoming data, Le - length of the expected output data. Communication with smart cards a. PC/SC for Windows, PC/SC-Lite for Linux The PC/SC Specification builds upon existing industry smart card standards - ISO 7816 and EMV - and compliments them by defining low-level device interfaces and device-independent application APIs as well as resource management, to allow multiple applications to share smart card devices attached to a system. See picture figure 2 for overview. Smart card aware applications User Interface 3L User Applications Smart Card Service Providers CCOM Interface Model} B Smart Card Resource Manager (VVin32 APD 3 Reader Helper Driver Specific Reader Driver Specific Reader Driver DLLs Resource Manager Drivers Smart Card Subsystem ^i Reader ^i 4J "v -kj Hardware figure 2 -Windows PC/SC architecture overview Sending and receiving APDU commands in Windows There is the Win32 API for communicating with smart cards within Windows platform in form SCardXXX. Similar implementation for Linux is developed under Muscle project as PC/SC Lite API. We will work within Windows platform. Following functions will be used: SCardEstablishContext SCardListReaders SCardConnect SCardReconnect SCardDisconnect SCardReleaseContext SCardTransmit void CardConnect(APDL) apdu) { SCARDCONTEXT cardContext = NULL; SCARDHANDLE hCard; // OPENED SESSION HANDLE DWORD scProtocol; char* readers = NULL; // ESTABLISHING CONTEXT OF CARD DATABASE TO BE SEARCHED WITHIN SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER,0,0,&cardContext); // LIST AVAILABLE READERS (readers NULL SEPARATED ARRAY) SCardListReaders(cardContext, NULL, (char *) &readers, &len)); // ... PARSE AND SELECT ONE READER INTO targetCard // CONNECT TO CARD WITH NAME targetCard SCardConnect(m_cardContext, targetCard, SCARD_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_Tl, &hCard, &scProtocol)); // ... WORK WITH CARD // RESET CARD (POWER IS TURNED OFF AND THEN ON) // CARD IS IN DEFAULT STATE (NO SELECTED APPLETS...) SCardReconnect(m_hCard, SCARD_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_Tl, SCARD_UNPOWER_CARD, &m_scProtocol)); // DISCONNECT FROM CARD AND RELEASE CONTEXT SCardDisconnect(m_hCard, SCARD_LEAVE_CARD); SCardReleaseContext(cardContext); Function CardConnectQ establish context, list all available readers, connect to selected smart card, reconnect and finally release connection to smart card. High level function Exchange AP DU() send APDU to smart card and handle situation when some output data are prepared on smart card and should be received. Specific APDU with CLA=0x00 and INS=0xC0 is used to obtain response data. Internally, TransmitAPDUQ function is called to directly exchange one single apdu command. void ExchangeAPDU(APDU pAPDU) { // CLEAR SOFTWARE RETURN STATUS pAPDU->sw = SW_NO_ERROR; // SEND APDU if ((status = TransmitAPDU(pAPDU)) == STATJDK) { // CHECK FOR SOFTWARE ERROR if (pAPDU->sw == SW_NO_ERROR) { // NO SOFWARE ERROR } else{ // CHECK FOR 'RESPONSE DATA AVAILABLE' STATUS if ((pAPDU->sw & OxFFOO) == SW_BYTES_REMAINING_00) { if(pAPDU->lc==0x00){ // SYSTEM CALL TYPE TO OBTAIN RESPONSE OUTPUT DATA) // INSUFFICIENT OUTPUT DATA LENGTH BYTE realLen = LOWBYTE(pAPDU->sw); pAPDU->le = realLen; // NEW APDU WITH REQUIRED OUTPUT DATA LENGTH status = ExchangeAPDU(pAPDU); } else{ // USER CALL TYPE, OBTAIN RESPONSE DATA BYTE realLen = LOWBYTE(pAPDU->sw); CARDAPDU apdu; // PREPARE SYSTEM APDU FOR RECIEVE RESPONSE OUTPUT DATA apdu.cla = 0x00; apdu.ins = OxCO; = 0x00; apdu.p2 = 0x00; = 0x00; apdu.le = realLen; if ((status = ExchangeAPDU(&apdu)) == STATJDK) { // COPY RECIEVED APDU memcpy(pAPDU->DataOut, apdu.DataOut, apdu.le); pAPDU->le = apdu.le; } } } else{ // CHECK FOR 'CORRECT DATA LENGTH' STATUS if ((pAPDU->sw & OxFFOO) == SW_CORRECT_LENGTH_00) { pAPDU->le = LOWBYTE(pAPDU->sw); } else{ // SOFTWARE ERROR OCCURED status = TranslateIS07816Error(pAPDU->sw); } } } } void TransmitAPDU(APDU pAPDU) { DWORD outLen = pAPDU->le; BYTE sendData[260]; BYTE responseData[260]; // CLEAR SEND AND RESPONSE STRUCTURES pAPDU->le = 0; memset(sendData, 0, sizeof(sendData)); memset( responseData, 0, sizeof(responseData)); // TRANSFORM APDU STRUCTURE INTO ARRAY sendData[0] = pAPDU->cla; sendData[l] = pAPDU->ins; sendData[2] = pAPDU->pl; sendData[3] = pAPDU->p2; sendData[4] = pAPDU->lc; memcpy(sendData + 5, pAPDU->DataIn, pAPDU->lc); outLen = 4; // SEND APDU USING SCardTransmit FUNCTION ACCORDING TO TRANSMISSION PROTOCOL switch (m_scProtocol) { case SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0: SCardTransmit(m_hCard, SCARD_PCI_T0, send Data, send Data [4] + 5, NULL, responseData, &outLen)); break; case SCARD_PROTOCOL_Tl: SCardTransmit(m_hCard, CARD_PCI_T1, sendData, sendData[4] + 5, NULL, responseData, &outLen)); break; } // COPY SOFTWARE STATUS ((BYTE*) &(pAPDU->sw))[0] = responseData[l]; ((BYTE*) &(pAPDU->sw))[l] = responseData[0]; // RECEIVE RESPONSE DATA, IF ANY if (((pAPDU->sw & OxFFOO) == SW_BYTES_REMAINING_00) || ((pAPDU->sw & OxFFOO) == SW_CORRECT_LENGTH_00)) { // GET DATA APDU (FORM SPECIAL APDU FOR RECEIVING DATA) sendData[0] = OxCO; sendData[l] = OxCO; sendData[2] = 0x00; sendData[3] = 0x00; sendData[4] = LOWBYTE(pAPDU->sw); outLen = sendData[4] + 2; // DATA OUT + STATUS // ... SEND APDU (SEE ABOVE) // COPY RECEIVED DATA memcpy(pAPDU->DataOut, responseData, outLen - 2); pAPDU->le = outLen - 2; ((BYTE*) &(pAPDU->sw))[0] = responseData[outLen - 1]; // LAST BYTE ((BYTE*) &(pAPDU->sw))[l] = responseData[outLen - 2]; // PRE LAST BYTE } } References [JC221] Java Card specification 2.2.1 http://j ava. avacard/ [JPCSC] JPC/SC API http://www.linuxnet.eom/middleware/files/