VB035 - English 1
Authors: Martin Dvořák, Kateřina Řepová, Ivana Tulajová
All the texts in this textbook have been taken from Encyclopedia of Database Systems (Özsu, M.
Tamer; Liu, Ling (Eds.) 2009. Approx. 4100 p. 60 illus. ISBN: 978-0-387-49616-0) and
Access Control
University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Access control deals with preventing
unauthorized operations on the managed data.10
Access control is usually performed against a set
of authorizations stated by Security
Administrators (SAs) or users according to the
access control policies of the organization.
Authorizations are then processed by the access15
control mechanism (or reference monitor) to
decide whether each access request can be
authorized or should be denied.
Historical Background
Access control models for DBMSs have been
greatly influenced by the models developed for
the protection of operating system resources. For25
instance, the model proposed by Lampson [16] is
also known as the access matrix model since
authorizations are represented as a matrix.
Then, in the 1970s, as research in relational
databases began, attention was directed towards30
access control issues. Around the same time,
some early work on multilevel secure database
management systems (MLS/DBMSs) was
reported. However, it was only after the Air
Force Summer Study in 1982 [1] that35
developments on MLS/DBMSs began. In the
1990s, numerous other developments were made
to meet the access control requirements of new
applications and environments, such as the
World Wide Web, data warehouses, data mining40
systems, multimedia systems, sensor systems,
workflow management systems, and
collaborative systems. Recently, there have been
numerous developments in access control,
mainly driven by developments in web data45
management. For example, standards such as
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and RDF
(Resource Description Framework) require
proper access control mechanisms [7]. Also, web
services and the semantic web are becoming50
extremely popular and therefore research is
currently carried out to address the related access
control issues [13]. Access control is currently
being examined for new application areas, such
as knowledge management [4], data outsourcing,55
GIS [10], peer-to-peer computing and stream
data management [8]. For example, in the case of
knowledge management applications, it is
important to protect the intellectual property of
an organization, whereas when data are60
outsourced, it is necessary to allow the owner to
enforce its access control policies, even if data
are managed by a third party.
The basic building block on which access control
relies is a set of authorizations: which state, who
can access which resource, and under which70
mode. Authorizations are specified according to
a set of access control policies, which define the
high-level rules according to which access
control must occur. In its basic form, an
authorization is, in general, specified on the basis75
of three components (s,o,p), and specifies that
subject s is authorized to exercise privilege p on
object o. The three main components of an
authorization have the following meaning:
* Authorization subjects: They are the
``active'' entities in the system to which
authorizations are granted. Subjects can be
further classified into the following, not
mutually exclusive, categories: users, that is,85
single individuals connecting to the system;
groups, that is, sets of users; roles, that is,
named collection of privileges needed to
perform specific activities within the system;
and processes, executing programs on behalf90
of users.
* Authorization objects: They are the
``passive'' components (i.e., resources) of the
system to which protection from
unauthorized accesses should be given. The95
set of objects to be protected clearly depends
on the considered environment. For instance,
files and directories are examples of objects
of an operating system environment, whereas
in a relational DBMS, examples of resources100
to be protected are relations, views and
attributes. Authorizations can be specified at
different granularity levels, that is, on a
whole object or only on some of its
components. This is a useful feature when an105
object (e.g., a relation) contains information
(e.g., tuples) of different sensitivity levels and
therefore requires a differentiated protection.
* Authorization privileges: They state the types
of operations (or access modes) that a subject110
can exercise on the objects in the system. As
for objects, the set of privileges also depends
on the resources to be protected. For instance,
read, write, and execute privileges are typical
of an operating system environment, whereas115
in a relational DBMS privileges refer to SQL
commands (e.g., select, insert, update,
delete). Moreover, new environments such as
digital libraries are characterized by new
access modes, for instance, usage or copying120
access rights.
A basic distinction when dealing with access
control is between discretionary and mandatory
access control. Discretionary access control125
(DAC) governs the access of subjects to objects
on the basis of subjects' identity and a set of
explicitly specified authorizations that specify,
for each subject, the set of objects that he/she can
access in the system and the allowed access130
modes. When an access request is submitted to
the system, the access control mechanism
verifies whether or not the access can be
authorized according to the specified
authorizations. The system is discretionary in the135
sense that a subject, by proper configuring the set
of authorizations, is both able to enforce various
access control requirements and to dynamically
change them when needed (simply by updating
the authorization state). In contrast, mandatory140
access control (MAC) specifies the accesses that
subjects can exercise on the objects in the
system, on the basis of subjects and objects
security classification [14].
When mandatory access control is enforced,145
authorizations are implicitly specified, by
assigning subjects and objects proper security
classes. The decision on whether or not to grant
an access depends on the access mode and the
relation existing between the classification of the150
subject requesting the access and that of the
requested object. In addition to DAC and MAC,
role-based access control (RBAC) has been more
recently proposed [12]. In RBAC, permissions
are associated with roles, instead of with users,155
and users acquire permissions through their
membership to roles.
Key Applications160
Access control techniques are applied in almost
all environments that need to grant a controlled
access to their resources, including, but not
limited, to the following:165
DBMSs, Data Stream Management Systems,
Operating Systems, Workflow Management
Systems, Digital Libraries, GIS, Multimedia
DBMSs, E-commerce services, Publishsubscribe
systems, Data warehouses.170
Future Directions175
Although access control is a mature area with
consolidated results, the evolution of DBMSs
and the requirements of new applications and
environments pose new challenges to the180
research community.
Social networks. Web-based social networks
(WBSNs) are online communities where
participants can establish relationships and share185
resources across the web with other users. In
recent years, several WBSNs have been adopting
semantic web technologies, such as FOAF, for
representing users' data and relationships,
making it possible to enforce information190
interchange across multiple WBSNs. So far, this
issue has been mainly addressed in a very simple
way, by some of the available WBSNs, by only
allowing users to state whether a specific
information (e.g., personal data and resources)195
should be public or accessible only by the users
with whom the owner of such information has a
direct relationship.
* Data streams. In many applications, such as200
telecommunication, battle field monitoring,
network monitoring, financial monitoring,
sensor networks, data arrive in the form of
high speed data streams. These data typically
contain sensitive information (e.g., health205
information, credit card numbers) and thus
unauthorized accesses should be avoided.
* Semantic web. The web is now evolving into
the semantic web. The semantic web [5] is a
web that is intelligent with machine-readable210
web pages. The major components of the
semantic web include web infrastructures,
web databases and services, ontology
management and information integration. If
the semantic web is to be effective, it is215
necessary to ensure that the information on
the web is protected from unauthorized
accesses and malicious modifications. Also, it
must be ensured that individual's privacy is
maintained. To cope with these issues, it is220
necessary to secure all the semantic web
related technologies, such as XML, RDF,
Agents, Databases, web services, and
Ontologies and ensure the secure
interoperation of all these technologies [13].225
Recommended Reading230
1. Air Force Studies Board, Committee on
Multilevel Data Management Security. Multilevel
data management security. National Research
Council, 1983.235
2. Berners-Lee T. et al. The semantic web. Scientific
American, 2001.
3. Bertino E., and Sandhu R.S. Database security:
concepts, approaches, and challenges. IEEE
Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing,240
2(1):219, 2005.
4. Bertino E., Khan L.R., Sandhu R.S., and
Thuraisingham B.M. Secure knowledge
management: confidentiality, trust, and privacy.
IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. A, 36(3):429245
438, 2006.
5. Carminati B., Ferrari E., and Perego A. Enforcing
access control in web-based social networks.
ACM trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., to appear.
6. Carminati B., Ferrari E., and Tan K.L. A250
framework to enforce access control over Data
Streams. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., to appear.
7. Carminati B., Ferrari E., and Thuraisingham B.M.
Access control for web data: models and policy
languages. Ann. Telecomm., 61 (34):245266,255
8. Carminati B., Ferrari E., and Bertino E. Securing
XML data in third party distribution systems. In
Proc. of the ACMFourteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management260
(CIKM05), Bremen, Germany, 2005.
9. Castano S., Fugini M.G., Martella G., and
Samarati P. Database security. Addison Wesley,
10. Damiani M.L. and Bertino E. Access control265
systems for geo-spatial data and applications. In
Modelling and management of geographical data
over distributed architectures, A. Belussi, B.
Catania, E. Clementini, E. Ferrari (eds.). Springer,
11. Fagin R. On an authorization mechanism.
ACMTrans. Database Syst., 3(3):310319, 1978.
12. Ferraiolo D.F., Sandhu R.S., Gavrila S.I., Kuhn
D.R., and Chandramouli R. Proposed NIST
standard for role-based access control. ACM275
Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., 4(3):224274, 2001.
13. Ferrari E. and Thuraisingham B.M. Security and
privacy for web databases and services. In
Advances in Database Technology, Proc. 9th Int.
Conf. on Extending Database Technology, 2004,280
pp. 1728.
14. Ferrari E. and Thuraisingham B.M. Secure
database systems. In O. Diaz, M. Piattini (eds.).
Advanced databases: technology and design.
Artech House, 2000.285
15. Griffiths P.P. and Wade B.W. An authorization
mechanism for a relational database system. ACM
Trans. Database Syst., 1 (3):242255, 1976.
16. Lampson B.W. Protection. Fifth Princeton
Symposium on Information Science and Systems,290
Reprinted in ACM Oper. Sys. Rev., 8(1):1824,
Answer the following questions:
1. How would you define access control?
2. What is reference monitor?
3. What does the abbreviation of DBMS
stand for?
4. The article mentions terms such as data
warehouses, data mining systems,
workflow management systems, and
semantic Web. Do you know what these
5. What is data outsourcing?
6. Why is access control needed in the area
of knowledge management?
7. How would you describe authorizations?
8. What is the difference between
discretionary and mandatory access
9. What is the use of access control in data
Match the following terms with their
1. access control policy
2. authorization subjects
3. authorization objects
4. authorization privileges
a) entities in the system that authorizations
are granted to
b) an online community where participants
can establish relationships across the
c) entities that are subject to protection
d) a set of rules specifying access control
e) access modes
Mark the following statements as true or
1. The systems developed for the protection
of operating system resources greatly
influenced the access control models
utilized for DBMSs.
2. Mandatory access control governs the
access of subjects to objects on the basis
of subjects' identity and a set of
explicitly specified authorizations.
3. Discretionary access control is based on
assigning subjects and objects proper
security classes.
4. Semantic Web represents a term used to
refer to the technology that is concerned
with the form of Web pages rather than
their contents.
attribute atribut, rys
authorization autorizace
building block stavební kámen
classify st klasifikovat něco
component komponent
consolidate st posílit něco
control ovládat něco; ovládání
carry st out uskutečnit něco, provádět něco
data data; data is/are
discretionary přenechaný volnému uvážení
dynamic dynamický
explicit explicitní, jasně řečený
granularity zrnitost
implicit implicitní, naznačený
interoperation vzájemná spolupráce
issue záležitost, problém
maintenance údržba
major hlavní
malicious zlovolný, zákeřný
mandatory povinný
matrix matice
mature zralý, dospělý
mode mód, způsob, režim
model model; modelovat
modification modifikace, změna
mutual vzájemný
numerous četný, početný
object objekt
pose (challenges) představovat, vytvářet
privilege privilegium, právo
protection ochrana
privacy soukromí
reference to st odkaz na něco
relational relační
relational database relační databáze
sensitivity citlivost
set množina
third party třetí strana
therefore tudíž
tuple n-tice
to access st přistupovat k něčemu
to address an issue zabývat se problémem
to assign st to st přiřadit něco něčemu
to avoid st vyhnout se něčemu
to be characterized by st být
charakterizován něčím
to configure st (na)konfigurovat něco
to consider st zvažovat něco; to consider 1
to be 2 považovat 1 za 2
to cope with st vypořádat se s něčím
to deal with st zabývat se něčím
to enforce st prosadit, prosadit si
to ensure st zajistit něco
to execute st provést něco, vykonat
to exercise st on st uplatňovat něco na
něčem; e.g. exercise a strong influence on st
to maintain st udržovat něco
to have access to st mít přístup k něčemu
to object to st mít námitky vůči něčemu
to propose st nabídnout něco, navrhnout
to submit st to st předat něco něčemu
to verify st ověřit něco
whereas kdežto
As for ... Co se týče ...
Both ... and ... Jak ..., tak ...
In contrast, ... Naopak, ...
1Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China
2Delft University of Technology, Delft,
The Netherlands5
Audio refers to audible sound the sound
perceivable by the human hearing system, or the
sound of a frequency belonging to the audible
frequency range (20-20,000 Hz). Audio can be
generated from various sources and perceived as15
speech, music, voices, noise, or any combinations
of these. The perception of an audible sound
starts by the sound pressure waves hitting the
eardrum of the outer ear. The generated
vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea of the20
inner ear to produce mechanical displacements
along the basilar membrane. These displacements
are further transduced into electrical activity
along the auditory nerve fibers, and finally
``analyzed'' and ``understood'' in the central25
auditory system [4,7].
Historical Background
The step from the fundamental definition of
audio towards the concept of audio signal can be
seen as a step towards the birth of the modern
consumer electronics. An audio signal is a signal
that contains audio information in the audible35
frequency range. The technology for generating,
processing, recording, broadcasting and
retrieving audio signals, first analog and later on
digital ones, has rapidly grown for over a
century, from the pioneering radio broadcasting40
and telephony systems to advanced mobile
communication infrastructures, music players,
speech recognition and synthesis tools, and audio
content analysis, indexing and retrieval solutions.
This growth may have been initiated by the45
research in the field of signal processing, but it
has been maintained and has continuously gained
in strength through an extensive interdisciplinary
effort involving signal processing, information
theory, human-computer interaction,50
psychoacoustics, psychology, natural language
processing, network and wireless technology, and
information retrieval.
Digital Audio
An audio signal is an analog signal, which can be
represented as a one-dimensional function x(t),
where t is a continuous variable representing65
time. To facilitate storage and processing of such
signals in computers, they can be transformed
into digital signals by sampling and quantization.
Sampling is the process in which one audio
signal value (sample) is taken for each time70
interval (sampling period) T. This results in a
discrete audio signal x(n) = x(nT), where n is a
numeric sequence. The sampling period T
determines the sampling frequency that can be
defined as f = 1/T. Typical sampling frequencies75
of digital audio are 8, 16, 32, 48, 11.025, 22.05,
and 44.1 kHz (Hz represents the number of
samples per second). Based on the NyquistShannon
sampling theorem, the sampling
frequency must be at least 2 times larger than the80
band limit of the audio signal in order to be able
to reconstruct the original analog signal back
from its discrete representation. In the next step,
each sample in the discrete audio signal is
quantized with a bit resolution, which makes85
each sample be represented by a fixed limited
number of bits. Common bit resolution is 8-bit or
16-bit per sample. The overall result is a digital
representation of the original audio signal, that is
referred to as digital audio signal or, if it is just90
considered as a set of bits, for instance for the
purpose of storage and compression, as digital
audio data.
Audio Coding and Compression95
The digitization process described above leads to
the basic standard of digital audio representation
or coding named Pulse Code Modulation (PCM),
which was developed in 1930-1940s. PCM is100
also the standard digital audio format in
computers and Compact Disc (CD). PCM can be
integrated into a widely used WAV format,
which consists of the digital audio data and a
header specifying the sampling frequency, bits105
per sample, and the number of audio channels.
As a basic audio coding format, PCM keeps all
samples obtained from the original audio signal
and all bits representing the samples. This format
is therefore also referred to as raw or110
uncompressed. While it preserves all the
information contained in the original analog
signal, it is also rather expensive to store. For
example, a one-hour stereo (A Cambridge
Dictionary definition of stereo: a way of115
recording or playing sound so that it is separated
into two signals and produces more natural
sound) audio signal with 44.1 kHz sampling rate
and 16 bits per sample requires 635MB of digital
storage space. To save storage in computers and120
improve the efficiency of audio transmission,
processing and management, compression theory
and algorithms can be applied to decrease the
size of a digital audio signal while still keeping
the quality of the signal and communicated125
information at the acceptable level.
Starting with the variants of PCM, such as
Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) and
Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
(ADPCM), a large number of audio compression130
approaches have been developed [5]. Some most
commonly used approaches include MP3/ACC
defined in the MPEG-1/2 standard [2,3],
Windows Media Audio (WMA) developed by
Microsoft, and RealAudio (RA) developed by135
RealNetworks. These approaches typically lead
to a compressed audio signal being about 1/5 to
1/10 of the size of the PCM format.
Audio Content Analysis140
Audio content analysis aims at extracting
descriptors or metadata related to audio content
and allowing content-based search, retrieval,
management and other user actions performed on145
audio data. The research in the field of audio
content analysis has built on the synergy of many
scientific disciplines, such as signal processing,
pattern recognition, machine learning,
information retrieval, and information theory,150
and has been conducted in three main directions,
namely audio representation, audio
segmentation, and audio classification.
Audio representation refers to the extraction of
audio signal properties, or features, that are155
representative of the audio signal composition
(both in temporal and spectral domain) and audio
signal behavior over time. The extracted features
then serve as input into audio segmentation and
audio classification. Audio segmentation aims at160
automatically revealing semantically meaningful
temporal segments in an audio signal, which can
then be grouped together (using e.g. a clustering
algorithm) to facilitate search and browsing.
Finally, an audio classification algorithm165
classifies a piece of audio signal into a predefined
semantic class, and assigns the corresponding
label (e.g. ``applause,'' ``action,'' ``highlight,''
``music'') to it for the purpose of text-based
search and retrieval.170
Audio Retrieval
Audio retrieval aims at retrieving sound samples175
from a large corpus based on their relation to an
input query. Here, the query can be of different
types and the expected results may vary
depending on the application context. For
example, in the content-based retrieval scenario,180
a user may use the text term ``applause'' to
search for the audio clips containing the audio
effect ``applause.'' Clearly, the results obtained
from audio classification can help annotate the
corresponding audio samples, audio segments or185
audio tracks, and thus facilitate this search and
retrieval strategy. However, audio retrieval can
also be done by using an audio data stream as a
query, i.e., by performing query-by-example [6].
For instance, one could aim at retrieving a song190
and all its variants by simply singing or humming
its melody line.
In another retrieval scenario, the user may want
to retrieve the exact match to the query or some
information related to it. This typically falls into195
the application domain of audio fingerprinting
[1]. An audio fingerprint is a highly compact
feature-based representation of an audio signal
enabling extremely fast search for a match
between the signal and a large scale audio200
database for the purpose of audio signal
Recommended Reading
1. Haitsma J. and Kalker T. A highly robust audio210
fingerprinting system with an efficient search strategy.
J. New Music Res., 32 (2):211221, 2003.
2. ISO/IEC 11172-3:1993. Information technology Coding
of moving pictures and associated audio for
digital storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s Part 3:215
Audio, 1993.
3. ISO/IEC 13818-3:1998. Information technology Generic
coding of moving pictures and associated audio
information Part 3: Audio, 1998.
4. Pickles J.O. An Introduction to the Physiology of220
Hearing. Academic Press, London, UK, 1988.
5. Spanias A., Painter T., and Atti V. Audio Signal
Processing and Coding. Wiley, NJ, 2007.
6. Wold E., Blum T., and Wheaton J. Content-based
classification, search and retrieval of audio.225
IEEEMultimed., 3(3):2736, 1996.
7. Yang X., Wang K., and Shamma S.A.Auditory
representations of acoustic signals. IEEE Trans. Inform.
Theory, 38:824839, 1992.
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe what the article refers to as
audible frequency range.
2. Describe the mechanism of sound
3. What is sampling?
4. How does quantization work?
5. What is WAV format and what does it
consist of? Why is it referred to as
6. What is the purpose of audio content
7. Describe what the article refers to as
audio retrieval. What is its purpose?
8. The text mentions query-by-example.
What is it?
Match the following terms with their
6. PCM
7. WMA
8. metadata
9. audio representation
10.audio segmentation
11.audio classification
a) a process of revealing semantically
b) meaningful elements in an audio signal
c) information about data
d) a process of assigning a piece of audio
signal to a pre-defined semantic class and
assigning a label to it
e) a process of extracting audio signal
f) a standard digital audio format in
computers and compact discs
g) an audio compression format
Mark the following statements as true or
1. During sampling, the sampling period T
determines the sampling frequency that
can be defined as f = T.
2. The WAV format preserves all the
information contained in the original
analog signal.
3. The query-by-example consists in
searching for an audio element by a
keyword assigned to the element.
4. Audio fingerprinting is based on
searching for similarities between a query
and an audio element.
5. Audio fingerprinting represents one of
the slowest search methods.
algorithm algoritmus
analog analogový
analysis, pl. analyses analýza; analyst
audible slyšitelný
audio audio
auditory sluchový
band pásmo
cochlea kochlea, hlemýžďovitá část ušního
concept koncept, pojetí
consumer spotřebitel
continuous neustálý
corpus korpus
decrease snížení
dimension rozměr, dimenze
discrete nespojitý, rozpojený
displace přemístit, přesunout, pohnout
domain - doména
eardrum ušní bubínek
efficiency efektivita, účinnost
electrical elektrický
fiber vlákno
fiction funkce
fundamental základní
generate st generovat něco, vytvářet
header hlavička, záhlaví
inner ear střední ucho
interdisciplinary mezioborový
mechanical mechanický
numeric numerický
one-dimensional jednorozměrný
outer ear vnější ucho
overall celkový
perceive vnímat
perceivable vnímatelný
perception vnímání
pre-defined předem definovaný
pressure tlak
properties vlastnosti, rysy
psychology psychologie
quantization kvantování
query dotaz
resolution rozlišení
retrieval vyzvednutí, získávání, hledání
sample vzorek; vzorkovat
sampling frequency, sampling rate vzorkovací
scenario scénář
signal signál
speech recognition rozpoznávání řeči
stereo stereo
storage uchovávání, ukládání
synthesis, pl. syntheses syntéza
theory teorie
transmission přenos
variable proměnná
WAV format fomát WAV
to aim at st zaměřovat se na něco, mít za
cíl něco
to analyze analyzovat
to conduct research dělat, podnikat
to decrease st snížit něco
to digitize st digitalizovat
to facilitate st zjednodušit něco
to fall into st spadat do něčeho
to gain in strength získávat na síle
to hum broukat, pobrukovat
to improve st zlepšit něco
to initiate st iniciovat něco, začít
to preserve st zachovat něco
to process st zpracovat něco
to quantize st kvantovat
to relate to st vztahovat se na něco
to retrieve vyzvednout, získat,
to reveal st odhalit něco
to transduce st přetvořit něco,
přetransformovat (energii)
to transmit st přenášet něco, vysílat
to vibrate vibrovat
vibration vibrace
Data Encryption
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Data encryption is the process of transforming
data (referred to as plaintext) to make it10
unreadable except to those possessing some
secret knowledge, usually referred to as a key.
The result of the process is encrypted data
(referred to as ciphertext). Data encryption aims
at preserving confidentiality of messages. The15
reverse process of deriving the plaintext from the
ciphertext (using the key) is known as
decryption. A cipher is a pair of algorithms
which perform encryption and decryption. The
study of data encryption is part of cryptography.20
The study of how to break ciphers, i.e., to obtain
the meaning of encrypted information without
access to the key, is called cryptanalysis.
Historical Background
Encryption has been used to protect
communications since ancient times by militaries
and governments to facilitate secret30
communication. The earliest known usages of
cryptography include a tool called Scytale, which
was used by the Greeks as early as the seventh
century BC, and the Caesar cipher, which was
used by Julius Caesar in the first century B.C.35
The main classical cipher types are transposition
ciphers, which rearrange the order of letters in a
message, and substitution ciphers, which
systematically replace letters or groups of letters
with other letters or groups of letters. Ciphertexts40
produced by classical ciphers always reveal
statistical information about the plaintext.
Frequent analysis can be used to break classical
Early in the twentieth century, several45
mechanical encryption/decryption devices were
invented, including rotor machines most
famously the Enigma machine used by Germany
in World War II. Mechanical encryption devices,
and successful attacks on them, played a vital50
role in World War II.
Cryptography entered modern age in the 1970s,
marked by two important events: the introduction
of the U.S. Data Encryption Standard and the
invention of public key cryptography. The55
development of digital computers made possible
much more complex ciphers. At the same time,
computers have also assisted cryptanalysis.
Nonetheless, good modern ciphers have stayed
ahead of cryptanalysis; it is usually the case that60
use of a quality cipher is very efficient (i.e., fast
and requiring few resources), while breaking it
requires an effort many orders of magnitude
larger, making cryptanalysis so inefficient and
impractical as to be effectively impossible.65
Today, strong encryption is no longer limited to
secretive government agencies. Encryption is
now widely used by the financial industry to
protect money transfers, by merchants to protect
credit-card information in electronic commerce,70
by corporations to secure sensitive
communications of proprietary information, and
by citizens to protect their private data and
Data encryption can be either secret-key based or
public-key based. In secret-key encryption (also80
known as symmetric encryption), a single key is
used for both encryption and decryption. In
public-key encryption (also known as
asymmetric encryption), the encryption key (also
called the public key) and the corresponding85
decryption key (also called the private key) are
different. Modern symmetric encryption
algorithms are often classified into stream
ciphers and block ciphers.
Stream Ciphers
In a stream cipher, the key is used to generate a
pseudo-random key stream, and the ciphertext is
computed by using a simple operation (e.g., bit-95
by-bit XOR or byte-by-byte modular addition) to
combine the plaintext bits and the key stream
bits. Mathematically, a stream cipher is a
f :{0,1}l
, where l is the key size, and m100
determines the length of the longest message that
can be encrypted under one key.
Many stream ciphers implemented in hardware
are constructed using linear feedback shift
registers (LFSRs). The use of LFSRs on their105
own, however, is insufficient to provide good
security. Additional variations and enhancements
are needed to increase the security of LFSRs.
The most widely-used software stream cipher is
RC4. It was designed by Ron Rivest of RSA110
Security in 1987. It is used in popular protocols
such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) (to protect
Internet traffic) and WEP (to secure wireless
Stream ciphers typically execute at a higher115
speed than block ciphers and have lower
hardware complexity. However, stream ciphers
can be susceptible to serious security problems if
used incorrectly; in particular, the same starting
state (i.e., the same generated key stream) must120
never be used twice.
Block Ciphers
A block cipher operates on large blocks of bits,125
often 64 or 128 bits. The two most widely used
block ciphers are the Data Encryption Standard
(DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard
DES is a block cipher selected as Federal130
Information Processing Standard for the United
States in 1976. It has subsequently enjoyed
widespread use internationally. The block size of
DES is 64 bits, and the key size 56 bits. The
main weakness of DES is its short key size,135
which makes it vulnerable to brute force attacks
that try all possible keys.
One way to overcome the short key size of DES
is to use Triple DES (3DES), which encrypts a
64-bit block by running DES three times using140
three DES keys.
AES was announced as an U.S. Federal
Information Processing Standard on November
26, 2001. The algorithm has been invented by
Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen and is145
formerly known as Rijndael. AES uses a block
size of 128 bits, and supports key sizes of 128
bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits.
As messages to be encrypted may be of arbitrary
length, and as encrypting the same plaintext150
under the same key always produces the same
output, several modes of operation have been
invented which allow block ciphers to provide
confidentiality for messages of arbitrary length.
For example, in the electronic codebook (ECB)155
mode, the message is divided into blocks and
each block is encrypted separately. The
disadvantage of this method is that identical
plaintext blocks are encrypted into identical
ciphertext blocks. It is not recommended for use160
in cryptographic protocols. In the cipher-block
chaining (CBC) mode, each block of plaintext is
XORed with the previous ciphertext block before
being encrypted. This way, each ciphertext block
is dependent on all plaintext blocks processed up165
to that point. Also, to make each message
unique, an initialization vector must be used in
the first block and should be chosen randomly.
Public Key Encryption Algorithms
When using symmetric encryption for secure
communication, the sender and the receiver must
agree upon a key and the key must kept secret so175
that no other party knows the key. This means
that the key must be distributed using a secure,
but non-cryptographic, method; for example, a
face-to-face meeting or a trusted courier. This is
expensive and even impossible in some180
situations. Public key encryption was invented to
solve the key distribution problem. When public
key encryption is used, users can distribute
public keys over insecure channels.
One of the most widely used public-key185
encryption algorithm is RSA. RSA was publicly
described in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir
and Leonard Adleman at MIT; the letters RSA
are the initials of their surnames.
A central problem for public-key cryptography is190
proving that a public key is authentic and has not
been tampered with or replaced by a malicious
third party. The usual approach to this problem is
to use a public key infrastructure (PKI), in which
one or more third parties, known as certificate195
authorities, certify ownership of key pairs.
Asymmetric encryption algorithms are much
more computationally intensive than symmetric
algorithms. In practice, public key cryptography
is used in combination with secret-key methods200
for efficiency reasons. For encryption, the sender
encrypts the message with a secret-key algorithm
using a randomly generated key, and that random
key is then encrypted with the recipient's public
Attack Models
Attack models or attack types for ciphers specify
how much information a cryptanalyst has access210
to when cracking an encrypted message. Some
common attack models are:
* Ciphertext-only attack: the attacker has
access only to a set of ciphertexts.215
* Known-plaintext attack: the attacker has
samples of both the plaintext and its
encrypted version (ciphertext).
* Chosen-plaintext attack: the attacker has the
capability to choose arbitrary plaintexts to be220
encrypted and obtain the corresponding
* Chosen-ciphertext attack: the attacker has the
capability to choose a number of ciphertexts
and obtain the plaintexts.225
Recommended Reading
1. Federal information processing standards publication 46-3:230
data encryption standard (DES), 1999.
2. Federal information processing standards publication 197:
advanced encryption standard, Nov. 2001.
3. Diffie W. and Hellman M.E. New directions in
cryptography. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 22:644654,235
4. Kahn D. The codebreakers: the comprehensive history of
secret communication from ancient times to the internet.
5. Menezes A.J., Oorschot P.C.V., and Vanstone S.A.240
Handbook of applied cryptography (revised reprint with
updates). CRC, West Palm Beach, FL, USA, 1997.
6. Rivest R.L., Shamir A., and Adleman L.M. A method for
obtaining digital signatures and public-key cryptosystems.
Commun. ACM, 21:120126, 1978.245
7. Singh S. The code book: the science of secrecy from
ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography. Anchor, Garden
City, NY, USA, 2000.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is data encryption?
2. What is the difference between plaintext
and ciphertext?
3. Is decryption synonymous with
4. What are the main classical cipher
5. Name some of the ways in which data
encryption is currently used.
6. What is symmetric encryption?
7. Explain the difference between
symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
8. Into what two groups are modern
symmetric algorithms classified?
9. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of stream ciphers?
10. What are the two most widely used
block ciphers?
11. ,,The key must be distributed using a
secure method." Does this apply to
symmetric and public-key encryption?
12. What are some of the most common
attack models?
Match the following terms with their
1. plaintext
2. key
3. algorithm
4. block cipher
5. ciphertext
6. cryptanalysis
7. stream cipher
8. public key cryptography
9. encryption
a) an encrypted text message
b) a variable that is combined in some way
with the unencrypted text
c) a formula for combining the key with
the text
d) breaks a message up into chunks and
combines a key with each chunk
e) applies a key to each bit, one at a time
f) an ordinary readable text before being
encrypted or after being decrypted
g) algorithmic schemes that encode plain
text into non-readable form providing
h) retrieval of the plaintext from the
ciphertext, without necessarily knowing
the key or the algorithm
i) a system that uses two keys that work
Mark the following statements as true or
1. The process of deriving the plaintext
from the ciphertext using a key is
2. Cryptography is part of data encryption.
3. Cryptanalysis is a synonym of breaking
the cipher, ciphertext, or cryptosystem.
4. Transposition is systematic replacement
of letters or groups of letters with other
letters or groups of letters.
5. Secret-key encryption is also known as
asymmetric encryption.
6. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a
common encyption protocol used to
protect Internet traffic.
7. Triple-DES is no more secure than DES
even though it encrypts the data three
8. One of the most widely used public-key
encryption algorithms is RSA.
ancient starý, starodávný
approach to st přístup
brute force hrubá síla
ciphertext zašifrovaný text
confidentiality důvěrnost
cryptanalyst kdo se zabývá kryptanalýzou
cryptography kryptografie
decryption rozkódování, dešifrace
dependent on st závislý na něčem
efficient účinný
encryption kódování, kryptování, šifrování
enhancement vylepšení, posílení
formerly dříve
in particular obzvlášť, zejména
key klíč
merchant obchodník
nonetheless nicméně, přesto
order of magnitude řádová hodnota
publicly veřejně
randomly náhodně
reverse opačný
secretive uzavřený
subsequently později
substitution nahrazení, substituce
substitution substituce, nahrazení
susceptible náchylný
to agree upon ujednat, dohodnout se na
to aim at st zaměřovat se na něco, zamířit
to be ahead of mít náskok
to break a cipher prolomit šifru
to crack rozluštit
to derive st from st odvodit něco z něčeho
to encrypt st zašifrovat něco, zakódovat
to execute provést, vykonat
to facilitace st umožnit něco; zjednodušit
to overcome překonat, přemoci
to reveal odhalit, vyzradit
to reverse st obrátit něco, zvrátit, vrátit
to secure zabezpečit
to substitute 1 for 2 nahradit 2 1
to tamper with st hrát si s něčím
to transform st (pře)transformovat něco,
transposition transpozice, přemístění
vulnerable to st náchylný
one way to overcome způsob, jak překonat
Decision Tree
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Decision tree classifiers are decision trees used
for classification. As any other classifier, the10
decision tree classifiers use values of
attributes/features of the data to make a class
label (discrete) prediction. Structurally, decision
tree classifiers are organized like a decision tree
in which simple conditions on (usually single)15
attributes label the edge between an intermediate
node and its children. Leaves are labeled by class
label predictions.
Decision tree classifiers are especially attractive
in a data mining environment for several reasons.
First, due to their intuitive representation, the25
resulting model is easy to assimilate by humans
[2]. Second, decision tree classifiers are nonparametric
and thus especially suited for
exploratory knowledge discovery. Third,
decision tree classifiers can be constructed30
relatively fast compared to other methods [8].
And last, the accuracy of decision tree classifiers
is comparable or superior to other classification
models [8].
As it is the case for most classification tasks, the35
kind of data that can be represented by decision
tree classifiers is of tabular form, as depicted in
Table 1. Each data point occupies a row in the
table. The names of columns are characteristics
of the data and are called attributes. Attributes40
whose domain is numerical are called numerical
attributes, whereas attributes whose domain is
not numerical are called categorical attributes.
One of the categorical attributes is designated as
the predictive attribute. The predictive attribute45
needs to be predicted from values of the other
attributes. For the example in Table 1, ``Car
Type'' is a categorical attribute, ``Age'' is a
numerical attribute and ``Lives in Suburb?'' is
the predictor attribute.50
Figure 1 (see the exercise section) depicts a
classification tree, which was built based on data
in Table 1. It predicts if a person lives in a
suburb based on other information about the
person. The predicates, that label the edges (e.g.,55
Age <_30), are called split predicates and the
attributes involved in such predicates, split
attributes. In traditional classification and
regression trees only deterministic split
predicates are used (i.e., given the split predicate60
and the value of the the attributes, it can be
determined if the attribute is true or false).
Prediction with classification trees is done by
navigating the tree on true predicates until a leaf
is reached, when the prediction in the leaf (YES65
or NO in the example) is returned.
Formal Definition
A classification tree is a directed, acyclic graph 70
with tree shape. The root of the tree denoted by
Root () does not have any incoming edges.
Every other node has exactly one incoming edge
and may have 0, 2 or more outgoing edges. A
node T without outgoing edges is called leaf75
node, otherwise T is called an internal node.
Each leaf node is labeled with one class label;
each internal node T is labeled with one attribute
variable XT, called the split attribute. The class
label associated with a leaf node T is denoted by80
Recommended Reading
1. Agresti A. Categorical data analysis. John Wiley and
Sons. (1990).90
2. Breiman L., Friedman J.H., Olshen R.A., and Stone C.J.
(1984). Classification and regression trees. Belmont:
3. Buntine W. Learning classification trees. Artificial
Intelligence frontiers in statistics Chapman & Hall,95
London. (pp. 182201).
4. Cox L.A., Qiu Y., and Kuehner W. Heuristic least-cost
computation of discrete classification functions with
uncertain argument values. Annals of Operations
Research, 21, 130. (1989).100
5. Frank E. Pruning decision trees and lists. Doctoral
dissertation, Department of Computer Science,
University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. (2000).
6. Hyafil L., and Rivest R.L. Constructing optimal binary
decision trees is np-complete. Information Processing
Letters, 5, 1517. (1976).
7. James M. Classification algorithms.Wiley. (1985).
8. Lim T.-S., Loh W.-Y., and Shih Y.-S. An empirical
comparison of decision trees and other classification
methods (Technical Report 979). Department of
Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison. (1997).
9. Loh W.-Y. and Shih Y.-S. Split selection methods for
classification trees. Statistica Sinica, 7. (1997).
10. Murthy S.K. Automatic construction of decision trees
from data: A multi-disciplinary survey. Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery. (1997).
11. Quinlan J.R. Induction of decision trees. Machine
Learning, 1, 81106. (1986).
12. Quinlan J.R. Learning with Continuous Classes. In: Proc.
5th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(pp. 343348). (1992).
13. Quinlan J.R. C4.5: Programs for machine learning.
Morgan Kaufman. (1993b).
14. Murphy O.J. and Mccraw R.L. Designing storage
efficient decision trees. IEEE Transactions on
Computers, 40, 315319. (1991)
Answer the following questions:
1. What are decision trees?
2. How are decision tree classifiers
organized (structurally)?
3. What makes decision tree classifiers
useful in data mining environment?
4. The text says that "... the kind of data
that can be represented by decision tree
classifiers is of tabular form." What is
meant by this?
5. Describe the difference between
numerical and categorical attributes.
6. What are predictive attributes?
7. What is a leaf node?
Match the following terms with their
1. classification tree
2. predictive attribute
3. split attribute
4. data mining
a) a way of searching for certain
information in a huge amount of data
b) an attribute determined by values of other
c) an acyclic graph of a tree shape
d) an element of a split predicate
Mark the following statements true or
1. Deterministic split predicates are those on
the grounds of which it can be
determined whether an attribute is true or
2. A leaf represents an intermediate node.
3. Each leaf node is labeled with two or
more class labels.
4. Each internal node is labeled with one
predicative attribute.
Name the individual elements of the following tree (Figure 1):
accuracy přesnost
accurate přesný
acyclic necyklický
attribute atribut, rys
categorical kategorický5
categorical attributes kategorické atributy
classification klasifikace
classifier klasifikátor
column sloupec (abulky)
comparable to st srovnatelný s něčím10
compared to st ve srovnání s něčím
data mining dolování dat
decision tree rozhodovací strom
deterministic deterministický
discrete nespojitý, rozpojený15
edge hrana, okraj
exploratory průzkumný
feature rys, znak
incoming příchozí
intermediate node mezilehlý uzel20
internal node vnitřní uzel
intuitive intuitivní
label label, popisek
leaf, pl. leaves list
model model25
navigate st navigovat něco; pohybovat se
po něčem
node uzel
numerical numerický
numerical attributes numerické atributy30
outgoing odchozí
predicate predikát
prediction predikce, předpověď
row řádek (tabulky)
regression tree regresní strom35
split st rozdělit něco, rozštěpit
superior to st nadřazený něčemu
to assimilate přizbůsobit
to construct st vytvořit něco , zkonstruovat
to label st označit něco (popiskem,40
značkou atd.)
value hodnota
whereas kdežto
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Steganography (from the Greek ``steganos''
covered) is a term denoting mechanisms for10
hiding information within a ``cover'' such that,
generally, only an intended recipient will (i) have
knowledge of its existence, and (ii) will be able
to recover it from within its cover. In modern
digital steganography applications, the cover is15
often a multimedia object such as an image that
is minorly altered in the steganographic process.
Steganographic techniques have been deployed
for millenia and several primitive war-time20
instances are described in the Histories of
Herodotus of Halicarnassus, including a case of a
message tattooed on the shaven head of a slave,
which, when covered with grown hair acted as an
effective ``cover'' when traversing enemy lines.25
Steganography versus Watermarking
A common trend of term misuse is associated30
with steganography. Specifically, many sources
consider the term ``watermarking'' as equivalent.
This is incorrect. There are fundamental
differences, from both application perspectives
and associated challenges. Steganography35
usually aims at enabling Alice and Bob to
exchange messages in a manner as stealthy as
possible, through a hostile medium where
Malory could lurk.
On the other hand, Digital Watermarking is
deployed by a rights holder (Alice) as a court
proof of rights over a Work, usually in the case
when an adversary (Mallory) would benefit from
using or selling that very same Work or45
maliciously modified versions of it. In Digital
Watermarking, the actual value to be protected
lies in the Works themselves, whereas pure
steganography usually makes use of them as
simple value ``transporters.'' In Watermarking,50
Rights Assessment is achieved by demonstrating
(with the aid of a ``secret'' known only to Alice
``watermarking key'') that a particular Work
exhibits a rare property (``hidden message'' or
``watermark''). For purposes of convincing the55
court, this property needs to be so rare that if one
considers any other random Work ``similar
enough'' to the one in question, this property is
``very improbable'' to apply (i.e., bound falsepositives
rate). It also has to be relevant, in that it60
somehow ties to Alice (e.g., by featuring the bit
string ``(c) by Alice''). There is a threshold
determining the ability to convince the court,
related to the ``very improbable'' assessment.
This defines a main difference from65
steganography: from the court's perspective,
specifics of the property (e.g., watermark
message) are not important as long as they link
to Alice (e.g., by saying ``(c) by Alice'') and, she
can prove ``convincingly'' it is she who induced70
it to the (non-watermarked) original. In
watermarking, the emphasis is on ``detection''
rather than ``extraction.'' Extraction of a
watermark, or bits of it, is usually a part of the
detection process but just complements the75
process up to the extent of increasing the ability
to convince in court.
In this application of steganography, license
violators are ``tracked'' by hiding uniquely
identifying ``fingerprints.'' If the Work would
then be found in the public domain, the85
fingerprints can then be used to assess the source
of the leak.
Recommended Reading
1. WatermarkingWorld. Online at
Answer the following questions:
1. What is steganography?
2. What is the meaning of the word
3. How is the information hidden?
4. What can be the "cover" in modern
digital steganography applications?
5. What is the difference between
steganography and watermarking?
6. In digital watermarking is the work
itself the actual value or is it just a
value "transporter"?
7. Why do people watermark their works?
8. What is digital fingerprinting?
9. Does the watermark affect the use of
the work?
10. What is the watermark key?
Match the following terms with their
1. steganography
2. watermarking
3. digital fingerprinting
4. cover
5. leak
a) adding new information, embedding it
within a video and/or video signal
b) a multimedia object such as an image
that is slightly changed in the
steganographic process
c) hiding of a secret message within an
ordinary message and extraction of it at
its destination
d) the act of making secret information
generally known
e) analysing the media, identifying a unique
set of inherent properties
Mark the following statements as true or
1. Digital watermarks and digital
fingerprinting are now in use to track the
copyright and ownership of electronic
2. Steganography hides the message so that
it cannot be seen.
3. Steganography is always used for
illegitimate reasons.
4. Steganography is the only way to protect
the confidentiality of data.
5. The watermark key is the same as the
encryption key.
6. Watermarks can just be applied to written
forms of communication.
7. Extracting invisible watermarks requires
a password.
8. Fingerprinting can be used to detect
copyright violators.
adversary protivník, soupeř
as long as pokud
assessment ohodnocení, posudek
convincingly přesvědčivě
court soud
detection zjištění
emphasis on st důraz na něco
evidence - důkaz
extent rozsah
holder držitel
hostile nepřátelský
characteristic typický znak
intended zamýšlený
leak únik informací, prozrazení
maliciously zlomyslně, záludně
minorly nepatrně
misuse nesprávné použití
particular konkrétní, jednotlivý
proof důkaz
property vlastnictví, majetek, vlastnost
pure čistý
purpose účel
random náhodný
rare vzácný
recipient příjemce
rights práva
shaven oholený
slave otrok
source zdroj
specifically konkrétně
specifics specifika
stealthy tajný, kradmý
steganography steganografie
string řetězec
technique technika, postup
threshold práh
to achieve dosáhnout
to aim at zaměřit se na co
to alter změnit
to apply uplatnit
to assess ohodnotit, posoudit
to associate st with st spojovat (si) co s
to benefit from st mít užitek, prospěch
to complement doplnit
to consider st považovat, pokládat
to convince přesvědčit, ubezpečit
to denote označit
to deploy rozvinout
to determine určit, stanovit
to enable umožnit
to exhibit projevit
to feature obsahovat
to fingerprint snímat otisky prstů
to hide skrýt
to increase zvětšit, zvýšit
to induce zavést
to lie ležet
to link spojovat, souviset
to lurk číhat
to make use of st využít, zužitkovat co
to recover from st získat z
to tie svázat, propojit
to track stopovat, sledovat
to traverse překročit
violator kdo porušuje zákon, dohodu
whereas kdežto, zatímco
work dílo
in a manner způsobem
in question dotyčný, zmíněný, příslušný
on the one hand na jedné straně
on the other hand na druhé straně
with the aid of st za pomoci, s pomocí
Web Spam Detection
Microsoft Research, Mountain View, CA, USA
Web spam refers to a host of techniques to10
subvert the ranking algorithms of web search
engines and cause them to rank search results
higher than they would otherwise. Examples of
such techniques include content spam
(populating web pages with popular and often15
highly monetizable search terms), link spam
(creating links to a page in order to increase its
link based score), and cloaking (serving different
versions of a page to search engine crawlers than
to human users). Web spam is annoying to20
search engine users and disruptive to search
engines; therefore, most commercial search
engines try to combat web spam. Combating web
spam consists of identifying spam content with
high probability and depending on policy 25
downgrading it during ranking, eliminating it
from the index, no longer crawling it, and
tainting affiliated content. Commercial search
engines treat their precise set of spam-prediction
features as extremely proprietary, and features30
(as well as spamming techniques) evolve
continuously as search engines and web
spammers are engaged in a continuing ``arms
Historical Background
Web spam is almost as old as commercial search
engines. The first commercial search engine,40
Lycos, was incorporated in 1995; and the first
known reference to ``spamdexing'' (a
combination of ``spam'' and ``indexing'') dates
back to 1996. Commercial search engines began
to combat spam shortly thereafter, increasing45
their efforts as it became more prevalent.
Given that the objective of web spam is to
improve the ranking of select search results, web
spamming techniques are tightly coupled to the
ranking algorithms employed (or believed to be
employed) by the major search engines. As55
ranking algorithms evolve, so will spamming
Given that web spamming techniques are
constantly evolving, any taxonomy of these60
techniques must necessarily be ephemeral, as
will be any enumeration of spam detection
heuristics. However, there are a few constants:
Any successful web spamming technique targets65
one or more of the features used by the search
engine's ranking algorithms.
Web spam detection is a classification problem,
and search engines use machine learning
algorithms to decide whether or not a page is70
In general, spam detection heuristics look for
statistical anomalies in some of the features
visible to the search engines.
Web Spam Detection as a Classification
Web spam detection can be viewed as a binary80
classification problem, where a classifier is used
to predict whether a given web page or entire
web site is spam or not. The machine learning
community has produced a large number of
classification algorithms, e.g. decision-tree based85
classifiers, SVM-based classifiers, Bayesian
classifiers, and logistic regression classifiers.
Some classifiers perform better than others and
the spam detection community seems to favor
decision tree- based ones.90
Taxonomy of Web Spam Techniques
Content spam refers to any web spam technique95
that tries to improve the likelihood that a page is
returned as a search result and to improve its
ranking by populating the page with salient
keywords. Populating a page with words that are
popular query terms will cause that page to be100
part of the result set for those queries.
Naive spammers might perform content spam by
stringing together a wide array of popular query
terms. Search engines can counter this by
employing language modeling techniques, since105
web pages that contain many topically unrelated
keywords or that are grammatically ill-formed
will exhibit statistical differences from normal
web pages.
More sophisticated spammers might generate not110
a few, but rather millions of target web pages,
each page augmented with just one or a few
popular query terms. The remainder of the page
may be entirely machine-generated (which might
exhibit statistical anomalies that can be detected115
by the search engine), entirely copied from a
human-authored web site such as Wikipedia
(which can be detected by using near-duplicate
detection algorithms), or stitched together from
fragments of several human authored web sites120
(which is much harder, but not impossible to
Link spam refers to any web spam technique that
tries to increase the link-based score of a target125
web page by creating lots of hyperlinks pointing
to it. The hyperlinks may originate from web
pages owned and controlled by the spammer
(generically called a link farm), they may
originate from partner web sites (a technique130
known as link exchange), or they may originate
from unaffiliated (and sometimes unknowing)
third parties, for example web-based discussion
forums or in blogs that allow comments to be
posted (a phenomenon called blog spam). Search135
engines can respond to link spam by mining the
web graph for anomalous components, by
propagating distrust from spam pages backwards
through the web graph, and by using contentbased
features to identify spam postings to a140
blog. Many link spam techniques specifically
target Google's PageRank algorithm, which not
only counts the number of hyperlinks referring to
a web page, but also takes the PageRank of the
referring page into account. In order to increase145
the PageRank of a target page, spammers should
create links on sites that have high PageRanks,
and for this reason, there is a marketplace for
expired domains with high PageRank, and
numerous brokerages reselling them. Search150
engines can respond by temporarily dampening
the endorsement power of domains that
underwent a change in ownership.
Click spam refers to the technique of submitting155
queries to search engines that retrieve target
result pages and then ``clicking'' on these pages
in order to simulate user interest in the result.
The result pages returned by the leading search
engines contain client-side scripts that report160
clicks on result URLs to the engine, which can
then use this implicit relevance feedback in
subsequent rankings. Click spam is similar in
method to click fraud, but different in objective.
The goal of click spam is to boost the ranking of165
a page, while the goal of click fraud (generating
a large number of clicks on search engine
advertisements) is to spend the budget associated
with a particular advertisement (to hurt the
competitor who has placed the ad or simply to170
lower the auction price of said ad, which will
drop once the budget of the winning bidder has
been exhausted). In a variant of click fraud the
spammer targets ads delivered to his own web by
an ad network such as Google AdSense and175
obtains a revenue share from the ad-network.
Both click fraud and click spam are trivial to
detect if launched from a single machine, and
hard to detect if launched from a bot-net
consisting of tens of thousands of machines.180
Search engines tackle the problem by mining
their click logs for statistical anomalies, but very
little is known about their algorithms.
Cloaking refers to a host of techniques aimed at185
delivering (apparently) different content to
search engines than to human users. Cloaking is
typically used in conjunction with content spam,
by serving a page containing popular query terms
to the search engine (thereby increasing the190
likelihood that the page will be returned as the
result of a search), and presenting the human
user with a different page.
Cloaking can be achieved using many different
techniques: by literally serving different content195
to search engines than to ordinary users (based
for example on the well-known IP addresses of
the major search engine crawlers), by rendering
certain parts of the page invisible (say by setting
the font to the same color as the background), by200
using client-side scripting to rewrite the page
after it has been delivered (relying on the
observation that search engine crawlers typically
do not execute scripts), and finally by serving a
page that immediately redirects the user's205
browser to a different page (either via client-side
scripting or the HTML ``meta-redirect'' tag).
Each variant of cloaking calls for a different
defense. Search engines can guard against
different versions of the same page by probing210
the page from unaffiliated IP addresses; they can
detect invisible content by rendering the page;
and they can detect page modifications and
script-driven redirections by executing clientside
Key Applications
Web spam detection is used primarily by220
advertisement financed general-purpose
consumer search engines. Web spam is not an
issue for enterprise search engines, where the
content providers, the search engine operator and
the users are all part of the same organization225
and have shared goals. However, web spam is
bound to become a problem in any setting where
these three parties content providers, searchers,
and search engines have different objectives.
Examples of such settings include vertical search230
services, such as product search engines,
company search engines, people search engines,
or even scholarly literature search engines. Many
of the basic concepts described above are
applicable to these domains as well; the precise235
set of features useful for spam detection will
depend on the ranking algorithms used by these
vertical search engines.
Recommended Reading
1. Becchetti L., Castillo C., Donato D., Leonardi S., and
Baeza- Yates R. Using rank propagation and probabilistic
counting for link-based spam detection. In Proc. KDD245
Workshop on Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis, 2006.
2. Castillo C., Donato D., Becchetti L., Boldi P., Leonardi
S.,Santini M., and Vigna S. A reference collection for Web
spam.ACM SIGIR Forum, 40(2):1124, 2006.
3. Daswani N. and Michael Stoppelman and the Google Click250
Quality and Security Teams. The anatomy of clickbot.A. In
Proc. 1stWorkshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets,
4. Davison B.D. Recognizing nepotistic links on the web. In
Proc. AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Web255
Search, 2000.
5. Fetterly D., Manasse M., and Najork M. Spam, damn spam
and statistics. In Proc. 7th Int. Workshop on the World Wide
Web and Databases, 2004, pp. 16.
6. Gyöngyi Z., and Garcia-Molina H. Spam: its not just for260
Inboxes anymore. IEEE Comput. Mag., 38(10):2834, 2005.
7. Gyöngyi Z. and Garcia-Molina H. Web Spam Taxonomy.
In Proc. 1st Int.Workshop on Adversarial Information
Retrieval on the Web, 2005, pp. 3947.
8. Gyöngyi Z., Garcia-Molina H., and Pedersen J. Combating265
Web spam with trust rank. In Proc. 30th Int. Conf. on Very
Large Data Bases, 2004, pp. 576587.
9. Henzinger M., Motwani R., and Silverstein C. Challenges
in web search engines. ACM SIGIR Forum 36(2):1122,
10. Mishne G., Carmel D., and Lempel R. Blocking blog
spam with language model disagreement. In Proc. 1st Int.
Workshop on Adversarial Information Retrieval on theWeb,
2005, pp. 16.
11. Ntoulas A., Najork M., Manasse M., and Fetterly D.275
Detecting spam web pages through content analysis. In Proc.
15th Int. World Wide Web Conference, 2006, pp. 8392.
12. Wang Y.M., Ma M., Niu Y., and Chen H. Spam doublefunnel:
connecting Web spammers with advertisers. In Proc.
16th Int. World Wide Web Conference, 2007, pp. 291300.280
13. Wu B. and Davison B. Detecting semantic cloaking on
the web. In Proc. 15th Int. World Wide Web Conference,
2006, pp. 819828.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is web spam and why does it exist?
2. What are some of web spam techniques?
3. What does web spam combating consist
4. What is a search engine and what search
engines do you know?
5. What is the difference between web
spam detection and spamdexing?
6. "As ranking algorithms evolve, so will
spamming techniques." Explain.
7. How is web spam detected?
8. What is the difference between content
spam and link spam?
9. Is a link farm the same as link exchange?
If not, explain the difference.
10. What does cloaking refer to?
Match the following terms with their
1. web spamming
2. spammers
3. search engine
4. content spam
5. link spam
6. cloaking
a) techniques delivering different content to
search engines than to human users
b) behaviour that attempts to deceive
search engine ranking algorithms
c) a technique populating the page with
popular keywords
d) people who perform spamming
e) a technique creating lots of hyperlinks
pointing to a web page
f) any program that searches a database
and produces a list of results
Mark the following statements as true or
1. Web spam had existed long before the
first commercial search engine was
2. The goal of web spam is to mislead
search engines and rank some pages
higher than they deserve.
3. The primary consequence of web
spamming is that the quality of search
results decreases.
4. Redirection was invented to facilitate
5. Click spam and click fraud are different
in method but their objective is the same.
6. Some spamming techniques can be
7. The goal of click spam is to boost the
ranking of a page.
8. Cloaking can be achieved e.g. by
rendering certain parts of the page
affiliated přidružený, přičleněný
apparently zřejmě
applicable to st platný, uplatnitelný
array množství, řada
brokerage makléřská firma
competitor konkurent
crawler vyhledávací robot
disruptive rušivý
distrust nedůvěra
endorsement podpora, doporučení
ephemeral prchavý, pomíjivý
host of st spousta, velké množství
likelihood pravděpodobnost
monetizable - zpeněžitelný
objective cíl
prevalent obvyklý, běžný
proprietary vlastnický, soukromý
query dotaz
remainder zbytek, zbývající část
revenue příjem, tržba
salient význačný
thereby tímto, čímž
tightly těsně
to augment zvětšit, zvýšit
to be bound to muset
to boost zvýšit, pozvednout
to cloak zahalit, schovat
to combat st bojovat proti něčemu
to counter odporovat, čelit
to couple- propojit, spojit
to dampen ztlumit, zmenšit
to downgrade degradovat
to engage in st věnovat se čemu
to lower snížit
to originate from pocházet z něčeho
to perform provést, uskutečnit
to populate zaplnit, zalidnit
to probe zkoumat, zjišťovat
to propagate šířit
to rank zaujmout místo, být hodnocen
to redirect přesměrovat
to rely on st spoléhat na co
to retrieve vyhledat
to string svázat
to subvert podkopat, rozvrátit
to tackle st vypořádat se s něčím
to taint zabarvit, poznamenat
to treat považovat
to undergo a change projít změnou
for this reason z tohoto důvodu
in conjunction with společně s,
dohromady s
Peer to Peer Overlay Networks:
Structure, Routing and Maintenance
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
A peer-to-peer overlay network is a computer
network built on top of an existing network,
usually the Internet. Peer-to-peer overlay10
networks enable participating peers to find the
other peers not by the IP addresses but by the
specific logical identifiers known to all peers.
Usually, peer-to-peer overlays have the
advantage over the traditional client-server15
systems because of their scalability and lack of
single-point-of-failure. Peer-to-peer overlays are
commonly used for file sharing and real time data
Historical Background
The rise of the Internet brought the first instances
of peer-to-peer overlays like the Domain Name25
System (DNS), the Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP), USENET and more recently
IPv6, which were needed to facilitate the
operation of the Internet itself. These peer-topeer
overlays were intrinsically decentralized and30
represented symmetric nature of the Internet,
where every node in the overlay had equal status
and assumed cooperative behavior of the
participating peers. The beginning of the filesharing
era and the rise and fall of the first file-35
sharing peer-to-peer system Napster [9] (2000
2001) paved the way for the second generation of
peer-to-peer overlays like Gnutella [5] (2000)
and Freenet [4] (2001). The simple protocols and
unstructured nature made these networks robust40
and lacking Napster's drawbacks like singlepoint-of-failure.
Since 2001, these peer-to-peer
overlays became extensively popular and
accounted for the majority of the Internet traffic.
Soon after it was evident that the unstructured45
nature of Gnutella-like systems is embarrassingly
wasteful in bandwidth, more efficient structured
overlays appeared, like the Distributed Hash
Tables (DHTs), which used the existing
resources more effectively (e.g., Chord [13]).50
Currently, unstructured peer-to-peer overlays are
sparsely used, as the most popular peer-to-peer
applications for file-sharing and data-streaming
(e.g., Skype [12], Kademlia [8], KaZaA [6]) are
implemented using structured or hybrid overlay55
There are many features of peer-to-peer overlays,
by which they can be characterized and classified
[2,11]. However, strict classification is not easy
since many features have mutual dependencies65
on each other, making it difficult to identify the
distinct overlay characteristics (e.g., overlay
topologies versus routing in overlays). Although
every peer-to-peer overlay can differ by many
parameters, each of them will have to have70
certain network structure with distinctive routing
and maintenance algorithms allowing the peer-topeer
application to achieve its purpose. Thus,
most commonly, peer-to-peer overlays can be
classified by:75
1. Purpose of use;
2. Overlay structure;
3. Employed routing mechanisms;
4. Maintenance strategies.
Purpose of Use
Peer-to-peer overlays are used for an efficient
and scalable sharing of individual peers'
resources among the participating peers.
Depending on the type of the resources which are85
shared, the peer-to-peer overlays can be
identified as oriented for:
1. Data-sharing (data storage and retrieval);
2. Bandwidth-sharing (streaming);
3. CPU-sharing (distributed computing).90
Data-sharing peer-to-peer overlays can be
further categorized by their purpose to perform
one or more specific tasks like file-sharing (byfar
the most common use of the peer-to-peer95
overlays), information retrieval (peer-to-peer web
search), publish/subscribe services and semantic
web applications. The examples of such networks
are BitTorrent [3] (file-sharing), YaCy-Peer [14]
(web search), etc.100
Bandwidth-sharing peer-to-peer overlays to some
extent are similar to the data-sharing ones,
however, are mainly aimed at the efficient
streaming of real-time data over the network.
Overlay's ability to find several disjoint paths105
from source to destination can significantly boost
the performance of the data streaming
applications. Bandwidth-sharing peer-to-peer
overlays are mostly found in peer-to-peer
telephony, peer-topeer video/TV, sensor110
networks and peer-to-peer publish/subscribe
services. Currently Skype [12] is arguably the
most prominent peer-to-peer streaming overlay
For the computationally intensive tasks, when the115
CPU resources of a single peer cannot fulfill its
needs, a CPU-sharing peer-to-peer overlays can
provide plenty of CPU resources from the
participating idle overlay peers. Currently, only a
major scientific experiments employ such120
strategy for the tasks like simulation of protein
folding or analysis of an astronomic radio
signals. Although not being a pure peer-to-peer
overlay, Berkeley Open Infrastructure for
Network Computing (BOINC) is very popular125
among such networks, supporting such
distributed computing projects as SETI@home,
folding@home, AFRICA@home, etc.
Overlay Structure130
Peer-to-peer overlays significantly differ by the
topology of the networks which they form. There
exist a wide scope of possible overlay instances,
ranging from centralized to purely decentralized
ones, however, most commonly, three classes of135
network topology are identified:
1. Centralized overlays;
2. Decentralized overlays;
3. Hybrid overlays.
Depending on the routing techniques and whether
the overlay network was created by some specific
rules (deterministically) or in ad hoc fashion
(nondeterministically), overlay networks can be
also classified into structured and unstructured145
peer-to-peer overlays.
Centralized Overlays
Peer-to-peer overlays based on centralized
topologies are pretty efficient since the150
interaction between peers is facilitated by a
central server which stores the global index, deals
with the updates in the system, distributes tasks
among the peers or quickly responds to the
queries and give complete answers to them155
(Fig.1(a)). However, not all the purposes of use
fit the centralized network overlay model.
Centralized overlays usually fail to scale with the
increase of the number of participating peers. The
centralized component rapidly becomes the160
performance bottleneck. The existence of a
single-point-of-failure (e.g., Napster [9]) also
prevents from using centralized overlays for
many potential data-sharing applications.
Decentralized Overlays
Because of the aforementioned drawbacks,
decentralized structured and unstructured
overlays emerged, which use purely
decentralized network model, and do not differ170
peers as servers or clients, but treat all of them
equally as if they were both servers and clients
at the same time (Fig.1(b)). Thus, such peer-topeer
overlays successfully deal with the
scalability and can exist without any governing175
Hybrid Overlays
There also exist many hybrid peer-to-peer
overlays (super-peer systems) which trade-off180
between different degree of topology
centralization and structure flexibility. Hybrid
overlays usually use hierarchical network
topology consisting of regular peers and superpeers,
which act as local servers for the subsets of185
regular peers (Fig.1(c)). For example, a hybrid
overlay might consist of the super-peers forming
a structured network which serves as a backbone
for the whole overlay, enabling an efficient
communication among the super-peers190
themselves. Hybrid overlays have advantage over
simple centralized networks since the super-peers
can be dynamically replaced by regular peers,
hence do not constitute single points of failure,
but have the benefits of centralized overlays.195
Peer-to-peer overlay networks enable the peers to
communicate with one another even if the
communicating peers do not know their200
addresses in the underlying network. For
example, in an overlay deployed on the Internet,
a peer can communicate with another peer
without knowing its IP address. The way it is
achieved in the overlays is by routing overlay205
messages. Each overlay message originates at a
source and is forwarded by the peers in the
overlay until the message reaches one or more
destinations. A number of routing schemes have
been proposed.210
Peer-to-peer systems are commonly deployed in
environments characterized by high dynamicity,
peers can depart or join the system at any time.215
These continuous joins and departures are
commonly referred to as churn. Instead of
gracefully departing from the network peers can
also abruptly fail or the network connection with
some of its neighbors may be closed. In all of220
these cases the changes in the routing tables may
adversely affect the performance of the system.
The overlay topology needs to be maintained to
guarantee message delivery and routing
There are two main approaches to overlay
maintenance: proactive and reactive. In proactive
maintenance peers periodically update their
routing tables so that they satisfy the overlay
topology invariants. For example, Chord230
periodically runs a "stabilization" protocol to
ensure that every peer is linked to other peers at
exponentially increasing distance. This ensures
routing efficiency. To ensure message delivery
each Chord peer maintains connections to its235
immediate predecessor and successor on the
Chord ring.
In contrast to proactive maintenance, reactive
maintenance is triggered immediately after the
detection of a peer failure or peer departure. The240
missing entry in the routing table is replaced with
a new one by sending a connect request to an
appropriate peer.
Failures and departures of peers are detected in
two ways: by probing or through usage. In probe-245
based failure detection each peer continuously
runs a pingresponse protocol with each of its
neighbors. When ping timeouts occur repeatedly
the neighbor is considered to be down and is
removed from the routing table. In usage-based250
failure detection when a message is sent to a
neighbor but not acknowledged within a timeout,
the neighbor is considered to have failed.
The more neighbors a peer must maintain the
higher the bandwidth overhead incurred by the255
maintenance protocol. In modern structured
overlays maintenance bandwidth typically scales
as O(log(N)) in terms of the network size.
Recommended Reading
1. Aberer K. P-Grid: A self-organizing access structure for
P2P information systems. In Proc. Int.Conf. on Cooperative
Inf. Syst., 2001.
2. Androutsellis-Theotokis S. and Spinellis D. A survey of
peer-topeer content distribution technologies. ACM Comput.
Surv., 36 (4):335371, December 2004.
3. Bittorrent. http://www.bittorrent.com/.
4. Clarke I., Sandberg O., Wiley B., and Hong T.W. Freenet:
A distributed anonymous information storage and retrieval
system. In Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies:
International Workshop on Design Issues in Anonymity and
Unobservability, 2001.
5.Gnutella Homepage. http://www.gnutella.wego.com/.
6. Kazaa Homepage. http://www.kazaa.com/.
7. Manku G.S., Bawa M., and Raghavan P. Symphony:
Distributed hashing in a small world. In Proc. 4th USENIX
Symp. on Internet Tech. and Syst., 2003.
8. Maymounkov P. and Mazie`res D. Kademlia: A peer-topeer
information system based on the XOR metric. In 2429 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002, pp. 5365.
9. Napster. http://www.napster.com/.
10. Ripeanu M., Foster I., and Iamnitchi A. Mapping the
Gnutella network: Properties of large-scale peer-to-peer
systems and implications for system design. IEEE Internet
Comput. J., 6(1), August 2002.
11. Risson J. and Moors T. Survey of research towards robust
peer-to-peer networks: Search methods. Comput. Netw.,
50(17):34853521, 2006. 12. Skype Homepage.
13. Stoica I., Morris R., Karger D.R., Kaashoek M.F., and
Balakrishnan H. Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup
service for internet applications. In Proc. ACM Int. Conf. of
the on Data Communication, 2001, pp. 149160.
14. YaCyPeer. http://www.yacyweb.de/.
Answer the following questions:
1. What does overlay network mean?
2. What is the basic difference between
3. What is the disadvantage of
centralized overlays?
4. Which type of the mentioned
overlays can exist without any
governing authority and why?
5. What is the advantage of hybrid
6. What does churn refer to?
7. Why does the overlay topology need
to be maintained?
8. When is a peer considered to be
down in probe-based failure
9. When is a peer considered to be
down in usage-based failure
10. Does the bandwidth overhead
increase or decrease with a higher
number of peers and why?
Match the following terms with their
1. central peer
2. leaf-peer
3. proactive maintenance
4. super-peer
5. reactive maintenance
6. topology
a) an approach to overlay maintenance
in which a missing entry in the
routing table is immediately replaced
with a new one upon a peer failure
or departure
b) component that supervises all
communication in a subset of a
given P2P network
c) an arrangement and interconnections
of the elements of a network
d) component that itself does not have
any knowledge of the other peers
e) component that supervises all
communication in a given P2P
f) an approach to overlay maintenance
in which peers repeatedly update
their routing tables
Mark the following statements as true or
1. Peer-to-peer overlay networks
enable participating peers to find the
other peers by their IP addresses.
2. Nowadays, unstructured peer-to-peer
overlays are very frequently used.
3. BitTorrent is an example of a
bandwith-sharing network.
4. Hybrid overlays have advantage
over simple centralized networks.
5. Overlay networks do not need to be
6. The only way to detect failures and
departures of peers is through
abruptly - náhle, neočekávaně
ad hoc - pro tento případ, za tímto
adversely - nepříznivě
aforementioned výše zmíněný
arguably pravděpodobně
backbone - páteř
bandwith - rozsah
behaviour - chování
bottleneck zúžení, nesnáz
currently (X actually) - aktuálně, v
současné době (X skutečně, doopravdy)
dependency - závislost
disjoint - rozpojený, disjunkční
distinct/distinctive - zřetelný, odlišný
drawback - nevýhoda, nedostatek
efficient - efektivní, účinný
hence proto, tudíž
idle - nečinný
intrinsically - skutečně, vnitřně
invariant neměnný, stálý
maintenance - údržba, správa
mutual - vzájemný, společný
node - uzel, průsečík
overhead - zátěž, náklady
peer - vrstevník, druh (stejného
predecessor - předchůdce
purpose - účel
retrieval - získávání, vyhledávání
robust - silný, odolný
routing - směrování
scalability - škálovatelnost
scalable - škálovatelný
scheme návrh, plán, schéma
scope of rozsah, oblast
significantly - významně, podstatně
since (conjunction) protože, poněvadž
sparsely - řídce
successor následovník, nástupce
thus tudíž, a tak
to account for - (z)odpovídat, vysvětlit
to achieve - dosáhnout,
to acknowledge potvrdit, brát na
vědomí, uznat
to aim at - mířit na, směřovat k
to assume - předpokládat, domnívat se
to boost podpořit, posílit
to deploy použít, využít
to emerge objevit se, vzniknout
to enable - umožnit, dovolit
to facilitate - usnadnit, napomáhat
to forward přeposlat, posunout dopředu
to incur - způsobit
to occur - vyskytovat se, objevovat se
to participate - (z)účastnit se
to probe prozkoumat, zjišťovat
to scale měnit velikost, odstupňovat
to subscribe - předplatit, odebírat
to trade off přijmout/udělat kompromis
to trigger - spustit
topology - topologie
underlying základový, zásadní
wasteful - nešetrný, nadměrný
to pave the way - vydláždit cestu,
připravit půdu
Microsoft Corporation, Sammamish, WA, USA
The Extensible Markup Language or XML for
short is a markup definition language defined by
a World Wide Web Consortium10
Recommendation that allows annotating textual
data with tags to convey additional semantic
information. It is extensible by allowing users to
define the tags themselves.
Historical Background
XML was developed as a simplification of the
ISO Standard General Markup Language20
(SGML) in the mid 1990s under the auspices of
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Some
of the primary contributors were Jon Bosak of
Sun Microsystems (the working group chair),
Tim Bray (then working at Textuality and25
Netscape), Jean Paoli of Microsoft, and C.
Michael Sperberg-McQueen of then the
University of Chicago. Initially released as a
version 1.0 W3C recommendation on 10 Feb.
1998, XML has undergone several revisions30
since then. The latest XML 1.0 recommendation
edition is the fourth edition as of this writing. A
fifth edition is currently undergoing review. The
fifth edition is adding some functionality into
XML 1.0 that was part of the XML 1.135
recommendation, which has achieved very little
adoption. Based on the XML recommendation, a
whole set of related technologies have been
developed, both at the W3C and other places.
Some technologies are augmenting the core40
syntactic XML recommendation such as the
XML Namespaces and XML Information Set
recommendations, others are building additional
infrastructure on it such as the XML Schema
recommendation or the XSLT, XPath and45
XQuery family of recommendations. Since XML
itself is being used to define markup
vocabularies, it also forms the basis for vertical
industry standards in manufacturing, finance and
other areas, including standard document formats50
such as XHTML, DocBook, Open Document
Format (ODF) and Office Open XML (OOXML)
and forms the foundation of the web services
XML's markup format is based on the notion of60
defining well-formed documents and is geared
towards human-readability and international
usability (by basing it on Unicode). Among its
design goals were ease of implementation by
means of a simple specification, especially65
compared to its predecessor, the SGML
specification, and to make it available on a
royalty-free basis to both implementers and
users. Well-formed documents basically contain
markup elements that have a begin tag and an70
end tag as in the example below:
< tag > character data < /tag >
Element tags can have attributes associated with75
it that provide information about the tag, without
interfering with the flow of the textual character
data that is being marked up:
character data
Processing instructions can be added to convey
processing information to XML processors and
comments can be added. And comments can be85
added for commenting and documentation
purposes. = They follow different syntactic forms
than element tags and can appear anywhere in a
document, except within the begin tag and end
tag tokens themselves:90
A well-formed document must also have exactly
one top-level XML element, and can contain
several pro- cessing instructions and comments
on the top-level next to the element.
The order among these elements is information-100
bearing, since they are meant to mark up an
existing document flow. Thus, the following two
well-formed XML documents are not the same:
value1 105
The XML information set recommendation110
defines an abstract data model for these syntactic
components, introducing the notion of document
information items for a document, element
information items for element tags, attribute
information items for their attributes, character115
information items for the marked up character
data etc.
The XML namespace recommendation adds the
ability to scope an element tag name to a
namespace URI, to provide the ability to scope120
markup vocabularies to a domain identifier.
Besides defining an extensible markup format,
the XML recommendation also provides a
mechanism to constrain the XML document
markup to follow a certain grammar by125
restricting the allowed tag names and
composition of element tags and attributes with
document type declarations (DTDs). Documents
that follow the structure given by DTDs are not
only well- formed but also valid. Note that the130
XML Schema recommendation provides another
mechanism to constrain XML documents.
Finally, XML also provides mechanisms to reuse
parts of a document (down to the character level)
using so called entities.135
For more information about XML, please refer to
the recommended reading section.
Key Applications140
While XML was originally designed as an
extensible document markup format, it has
quickly taken over tasks in other areas due to the
wide-availability of free XML parsers, its145
readability and flexibility. Besides the use for
document markup, two of the key application
scenarios for XML are the use for interoperable
data interchange in loosely-coupled systems and
for ad hoc modeling of semi-structured data.150
XML's first major commercial applications
actually have been to describe the data and, with
DTDs or XML schema formats, structures of
messages that are being exchanged between
different computer systems in application to155
application data exchange scenarios and web
services. XML is not only being used to describe
the message infrastructure format and
information such as the SOAP protocol, RSS or
Atom formats, but also to describe the structure160
and data of the message payloads. Often, XML is
also used in more ad hoc micro-formats for more
REST-ful web services.
At the same time that XML was being developed,
several researcher groups were looking into data165
models that were less strict than relational, entityrelationship
and object-oriented models, by
allowing instance based properties and
heterogeneous structures. XML's tree model
provides a good fit to represent such semi-170
structured, hierarchical properties, and its flexible
format is wellsuited to model the sparse
properties and rapidly changing structures that
are often occurring in semi- structured data.
Therefore, XML has often been used to model175
semi-structured data in data modeling.
XML support has been added to databases on
form of either pure XML databases or by
extending existing database platforms such as
relational database systems to enable databases to180
manage XML documents serving all these three
application scenarios.
Recommended Reading
1. Namespaces in XML 1.0, latest edition. Available at:
2. Wikipedia entry for XML. Available at:
3. XML 1.0 information Set, latest edition. Available at:
4. XML 1.0 recommendation, latest edition. Available at:
5. XML 1.1 recommendation, latest edition. Available at:
Answer the following questions:
1. What does XML stand for?
2. What does extensible mean in this
3. What was the predecessor of XML?
4. What were some of the design goals
of XML?
5. What are some of the XML-related
6. Why is basing XML on Unicode
7. What are the key application
scenarios of XML that the text
8. What does it mean that the order of
elements (line 92) is information-
9. What is a valid XML document?
Match the following terms with their
1. element
2. attribute
3. processing instructions
4. comment
a) a part of the document ignored by
the processor
b) a part of the document influencing
the way the data is parsed
c) a part of the document marked by
the begin and end tags
d) way of providing additional
information about a tag
Mark the following statements as true or
1. A well-formed document can
contain only one processing
2. Comments follow the same syntactic
forms as element tags.
3. A well-formed document must have
exactly one top-level element.
4. Every XML document must be
provided with DTDs.
5. Free XML parsers are widely
6. XML is rarely used in data
ad hoc - pro tento případ, za tímto účelem
attribute - atribut, rys, vlastnost
contributor - přispěvatel
extensible - rozšiřitelný
foundation - základ
goal - cíl, záměr
heterogeneous - různorodý, heterogenní
initially -původně, zpočátku
item -položka, člen
flow - tok
loose - volný, neurčitý
payload - zatížení, vytížení
recommendation - doporučení
royalty-free - bez poplatku za autorská práva
set (adjective) - stanovený, určený
sparse - vzácný, rozptýlený
tag - značka, visačka
therefore - tudíž, tedy
token - znak, příznak
to achieve - dosáhnout
to augment - rozšířit, rozmnožit
to constrain - omezovat, přinutit
to convey -zprostředkovat, vyjádřit
to gear (towards) - směřovat, vést k
to interfere - překážet, rušit
to occur - vyskytovat se, objevovat se
to release - vydat
to restrict - omezit
to scope - přidružit
to take over - převzít
to undergo -projít
by means of - prostřednictvím
under the auspices of - pod záštitou
Web Advertising
1Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2Yahoo! Research, Santa Clara, CA, USA5
Web advertising aims to place relevant ads on10
web pages. As in traditional advertising, most of
the advertising on the web can be divided into
brand advertising and direct advertising. In the
majority of cases, brand advertising is achieved
by banners images or multimedia ads placed on15
the web page. As opposed to traditional brand
advertising, on the web the user can interact with
the ad and follow the link to a website of
advertisers choice. Direct advertising is mostly in
the form of short textual ads on the side of the20
search engine result pages and other web pages.
Finally, the web allows for other types of
advertising that are hybrids and cross into other
media, such as video advertising, virtual worlds
advertising, etc. Web advertising systems are25
built by implementing information retrieval,
machine learning, and statistical techniques in a
scalable, low-latency computing platform
capable of serving billions of requests a day and
selecting from hundreds of millions of individual30
Historical Background
The Web emerged as a new publishing media in
the late 1990. Since then, the growth of web
advertising has paralleled the growth in the
number of web users and the increased time
people spend on the Web. Banner advertising40
started with simple placement of banners on the
top of the pages at targeted sites, and has since
evolved into an elaborate placement scheme that
targets a particular web user population and takes
into account the content of the web pages and45
sites. Search advertising has its beginnings in the
specialized search engines for ad search.
Combining the web search with ad search was
not something web users accepted from the start,
but has become mainstream today. Furthermore,50
today's search advertising platforms have moved
from simply asking the advertiser to provide a list
of queries for which the ad is to be shown to
employing variety of mechanisms to
automatically learn what ad is appropriate for55
which query. Today's ad platforms are large,
scalable and reliable systems running over
clusters of machines that employ state-of-the-art
information retrieval and machine learning
techniques to serve ads at rates of tens of60
thousands times a second. Overall, the technical
complexity of the advertising platforms rivals
those of the web search engines.
Web advertising spans Web technology,
sociology, law, and economics. It has already
surpassed some traditional mass media like70
broadcast radio and it is the economic engine that
drives web development. It has become a
fundamental part of the web eco-system and
touches the way content is created, shared, and
disseminated from static html pages to more75
dynamic content such as blogs and podcasts, to
social media such as discussion boards and tags
on shared photographs. This revolution promises
to fundamentally change both the media and the
advertising businesses over the next few years,80
altering a $300 billion economic landscape.
As in classic advertising, in terms of goals, web
advertising can be split into brand advertising
whose goal is to create a distinct favorable image
for the advertiser's product, and direct-marketing85
advertising that involves a ``direct response'':
buy, subscribe, vote, donate, etc, now or soon.
In terms of delivery, there are two major types:
1. Search advertising refers to the ads displayed
alongside the ``organic'' results on the pages of90
the Internet search engines. This type of
advertising is mostly direct marketing and
supports a variety of retailers from large to small,
including microretailers that cover specialized
niche markets.95
2. Contextual advertising refers to ads displayed
alongside some publisher-produced content, akin
to traditional ads displayed in newspapers. It
includes both brand advertising and direct
marketing. Today, almost all non-transactional100
web sites rely on revenue from content
advertising. This type of advertising supports
sites that range from individual bloggers and
small community pages, to the web sites of major
newspapers. There would have been a lot less to105
read on the web without this model!
From an ad-platform standpoint, both search and
content advertising can be viewed as a matching
problem: a stream of queries or pages is matched
in real time to a supply of ads. A common way of110
measuring the performance of an ad-platform is
based on the clicks on the placed ads. To increase
the number of clicks, the ads placed must be
relevant to the user's query or the page and their
general interests.115
There are several data engineering challenges in
the design and implementation of such systems.
The first challenge is the volume of data and
transactions: Modern search engines deal with
tens of billions of pages from hundreds of120
millions of publishers, and billions of ads from
tens of millions of advertisers. Second, the
number of transactions is huge: billions of
searches and billions of page views per day.
Third, to deal with that, there is only a very short125
processing time available: when a user requests a
page or types her query, the expectation is that
the page, including the ads, will be shown in real
time, allowing for at most a few tens of
milliseconds to select the best ads.130
To achieve such performance, ad-platforms
usually have two components: a batch processing
component that does the data collection,
processing, and analysis, and a serving
component that serves the ads in real time.135
Although both of these are related to the
problems solved by today's data management
systems, in both cases existing systems have been
found inadequate for solving the problem and
today's ad-platforms require breaking new140
The batch processing component of an ad-system
processes collections of multiple terabytes of
data. Usually the data are not shared and a typical
processing lasts from a few minutes to a few145
hours over a large cluster of hundreds, even
thousands of commodity machines.
The serving component of an advertising
platform must have high throughput and low
latency. To achieve this, in most cases the150
serving component operates over read-only copy
of the data replaced occasionally by the batch
component. The ads are usually pre-processed
and matched to an incoming query or page. The
serving component has to implement reasoning155
that, based on a variety of features of the
query/page and the ads, estimates the top few ads
that have the maximum expected revenue within
the constraints of the marketplace design and
business rules associated to that particular160
advertising opportunity.
Several different techniques can be used to select
ads. When the number of ads is small, linear
programming can be used to optimize for
multiple ads grouped in slates. Banner ads are165
sometimes placed using linear programming as
optimization technique [1,2]. In textual
advertising the number of ads is too large to use
linear programming. One alternative in such case
is to use unsupervised methods based on170
information retrieval ranking [4,11]. Scoring
formulas can be adapted to take into account the
specificity of ads as documents: short text
snippets with distinct multiple sections.
Information retrieval scoring can be augmented175
with supervised ranking mechanisms that use the
click logs or editorial judgements [9] to learn
what ads work for a particular page/user/query.
Here, the system needs to explore the space of
possible matches. Some explore-exploit methods180
have been adapted to minimize the cost of
exploration based on one-arm-bandit algorithms
In summary, today's search and content
advertising platforms are massive data processing185
systems that apply complicated data analysis and
machine learning techniques to select the best
advertising for a given query or page. The sheer
scale of the data and the real-time requirements
make this problem a very challenging task.190
Today's implementations have grown quickly
and often in an ad-hoc manner to deal with a $15
billion fast growing market, but there is a need
for improvement in almost every aspect of these
systems as they adapt to even larger amounts of195
data, traffic, and new business models in web
Recommended Reading
1.Abe N. Improvements to the linear programming based
scheduling of Web advertisements. J. Electron. Commerce
Res., 5(1):7598, 2005.
2. Abrams Z., Mendelevitch O., and Tomlin J.A. Optimal
delivery of sponsored search advertisements subject to budget
constraints. In Proceedings of the ACM EC '07, 2007, pp.
3. Agarwal D., Chakrabarti D., Josifovski V., and Pandey S.
Bandits for taxonomies: a model based approach. In
Proceedings of the SIAM SDM 2007, 2007.
4. Broder A., Fontoura M., Josifovski V., and Riedel L. A
semantic approach to contextual advertising. In Proc. 33rd
Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development
in Information Retrieval, 2007, pp. 559566.
5. Fain D. and Pedersen J. Sponsored search: a brief history.
In Proc. 2ndWorkshop on Sponsored Search Auctions.Web
publication, 2006.
6. Group C.S. Community systems research at yahoo!
SIGMOD Rec., 36(3):4754, 2005.
7. Jones R. and Fain D.C. Query word deletion prediction. In
Proc. 26th Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, 2003, pp. 435436.
8. Jones R., Rey B., Madani O., and Greiner W. Generating
query substitutions. In Proc. 15th Int. World Wide Web
Conference, 2006, pp. 387396.
9. Lacerda A., Cristo M., Andre M.G., Fan W., Ziviani N.,
and Ribeiro-Neto B. Learning to advertise. In Proc. 32nd
Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and Development
in Information Retrieval, 2006, pp. 549556.
10. Pike R., Dorward S., Griesemer R., and Quinlan S.
Interpreting the data: parallel analysis with Sawzall. Sci.
Program. J., 13(4): 277298, 2005.
11. Ribeiro-Neto B., Cristo M., Golgher P.B., and de Moura
E.S. Impedance coupling in content-targeted advertising. In
Proc. 31st Annual Int. ACM SIGIR Conf. on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, 2005, pp. 496503.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are banners?
2. What are some of the types of
advertising mentioned in the text?
3. What is the principle of brand
4. What techniques and technologies
does web advertising implement?
5. When is it beneficial to use linear
6. What are niche markets?
7. What is the difference between
supervised and unsupervised
methods used in textual advertising?
8. What is a common way of
measuring an ad-platform
9. Why is search and content
advertising such a challenge?
Match the following terms with their
1. batch processing component
2. search advertising
3. contextual advertising
4. serving component
a) ads displayed alongside some
published content
b) ad-platform component that deals
with large data collection, timeconsuming
processing and analysis
c) ads displayed alongside the results
provided by a search engine
d) ad-platform component that provides
relevant ads in real time
Mark the following statements as true or
1. The technical complexity of the
advertising platforms is similar to
that of web search engines.
2. The serving component of an
advertising platform must have high
throughput and high latency.
3. Brand advertising is usually
achieved by banners.
4. Only search advertising can be
viewed as a matching problem.
5. Today's ad platforms are large, nonscalable
and reliable systems.
6. Advertising is the economic engine
driving web development.
7. Contextual advertising is similar in
principle to traditional newspapers
latency - zpoždění
ad hoc - pro tento případ, za tímto účelem
akin to - podobný
alongside vedle, podél
appropriate vhodný, odpovídající
banner transparent, prapor
brand - značka
capable of schopný, umožňující
cluster - seskupení
delivery doručení, dodání
distinct - zřetelný, odlišný
economic (X economical) ekonomický (X
elaborate - propracovaný
furthermore dále, navíc
inadequate - nepřiměřený, nedostatečný
judgement - úsudek
log - záznam
multiple - vícenásobný, mnohočetný
one-arm(ed)-bandit - hrací automat
overall - celkově
performance - výkon
query dotaz,
reasoning - usuzování, logické myšlení
reliable - spolehlivý
retailer - maloobchodník
retrieval - získávání, vyhledávání
revenue - výnos
scalable - škálovatelný
scale - rozsah, škála
scoring formula - vyhodnocovací vzorec
search engine - vyhledávač
slate - tabulka (nejvhodnějších kandidátů)
snippet - kousek, výstřižek
standpoint - hledisko, stanovisko
state-of-the-art vyspělý, v současné době
stream - proud, sled
supply - dodávka, nabídka
targeted - cílený
throughput - propustnost
to achieve - dosáhnout
to allow for počítat s, brát v úvahu
to alter - měnit, upravit
to augment - rozšířit, rozmnožit
to disseminate - šířit
to divide into - rozdělit
to donate věnovat, darovat
to evolve into vyvinout se
to exploit - využít, zužitkovat
to interact with vzájemně reagovat, působit
to match - párovat, hodit se k
to optimize - přizpůsobit,optimalizovat
to parallel odpovídat, podobat se
to provide poskytnout
to range from...to - v rozsahu od do
to rank - seřadit (dle kritérií)
to rely on - spoléhat na
to require - vyžadovat, nutně potřebovat
to rival konkurovat, vyrovnat se
to span - obsáhnout
to split into - rozdělit
to subscribe - předplatit, odebírat
to surpass překonat, předčít
volume (of data) - objem
as in - jako v
as opposed to na rozdíl od
at most - v nejlepším případě
at rates of - rychlostí
break new grounds prozkoumat nové
in terms of - co se týká, ve vztahu k
per day - denně
to take into account brát v úvahu
within the constraints of - v mezích