VB039 - Homework 10 To be brought to the lesson in the week December 8 - December 10 1 Translation 1. Je pravda, že v jeho zdrojovém kodu je dvakrát více chyb než v jejím? 2. Už se mu podařilo ten program zkompilovat? 3. JeSte ne, už ho kompiluje asi hodinu. 4. Ve Skole jsou jeSte 3 dalSí poCítaCe, ktere jsou ponekud rychlejSí než ten, co on práve používa. 5. Nestarej se o to, jednou se to snad žkompiluje, není-liž pravda? 6. Zatímco se ten prgram kompiloval, lehl si na postel a usnul. 7. Když se se probudil, program už byl žkompilovaná. 2 Gap-filling exercise Fill in verbs in the correctt forms, structures as there is/are, expressions of comparison, prepositions etc. Once he installed Linux_his mashine, he realižed_ two devices he_(can find) drivers for. He asked himself: "What was the point__(install) the system when I can not use all my hardware?" Because it is_ (customižable, (more words possible)) than Windows. Some people say it is twice _ (customižable, (more words possible)) Windows, but he was already tired__(look) _all the necessay drivers... Continue the story, add at least 2 sentences for students who translated the sentences in the first exercise or at least 7 sentences for students who could not do the first exercise - e.g. do not understand Czech. Make direct or indirect questions, but make sure the sentences are correct and they make sense. The homework has to be brought to the lesson in writing. Student without homework is considered absent.