www.english-4u.com - photocopiable activity 1. Match the idioms with their definitions Quick Fix 107 K Q U I C K F I X W O R K S H E E T M A R C H 2 0 0 8 Language function: Vocabulary / Topic: discussing issues idioms starting with OFF 1. Which programmes currently broadcast should be taken ...............? Why? 2. Would you like to be taken somewhere far ................ for your next holiday? If yes, where exactly would you like to go? 3. When was the last time you were feeling .................? Why were you feeling unwell? 4. Why are so many young people going ...............? 5. Do you remember any ............... remark that you later regretted? 6. Which well-known sportsperson has been ............... recently? 7. Should Internet social sites be ............... for children? 8. Do you prefer buying clothes ............... or tailor made garments? 9. Do you think journalists should not reveal any information told them ...............? 10. Do you think politicians should sometimes make decisions ............... without having a consensus of opinion from their own constituents? S T U D E N T W O R K S H E E T U P P E R - I N T E R M E D I A T E O F F 1. off limits A. not being broadcast on TV or radio 2. off the record B. told in confidence, unofficially 3. off the peg C. away from the usual routes 4. off the air D. not looking or feeling well 5. off colour E. without preparation or previous thought 6. off the cuff F. not performing as well as usual 7. off form G. not to be entered or used 8. off oneʼs own bat H. ready-made, not made especially for the customer 9. off the beaten track I. behaving in a uncontrollable way, disorganized and confused 10. off the rails J. using oneʼs own initiative, without advice or help of others activity 2. Complete the questions with the idioms from activity 1 and answer them.