Úvod do PhD studia


Accented characters in names

BibTeX now handles accented characters. For example if you have an entry with the two fields

    author = "Kurt G{\"o}del",
    year = 1931,

and if you're using the alpha bibliography style, then BibTeX will construct the label [Göd31] for this entry, which is what you'd want. To get this feature to work you must place the entire accented character in braces; in this case either {\"o} or {\"{o}} will do. Furthermore these braces must not themselves be enclosed in braces (other than the ones that might delimit the entire field or the entire entry); and there must be a backslash as the very first character inside the braces. Thus neither {G{\"{o}}del} nor {G\"{o}del} will work for this example.

(source: http://newton.ex.ac.uk/tex/pack/bibtex/btxdoc/node3.html)

Uppercase letters in titles

The bibliography style determines whether or not a title is capitalized; the titles of books usually are, the title of articles usually are not. You type a title the way it should appear if it is capitalized (you should capitalize everything but articles and unstressed conjunctions and prepositions, and even these should be capitalized as the first word or the first after a colon):

TITLE = "The Agony and the Ecstasy"

BibTeX will change uppercase letters to lowercase if appropriate. Uppercase letters that should not be changed are enclosed in braces. The following two titles are equivalent; the "A" of "Africa" will not be made lowercase.

"The Gnats and Gnus of {Africa}" "The Gnats and Gnus of {A}frica"

(source: http://nwalsh.com/tex/texhelp/bibtx-24.html)



Sorting and formating:

  bibtool -s my.bib > sorted.bib


  bibtool -s first.bib second.bib > merged.bib

Extract entries used for a particular paper:

  bibtool -x paper.aux my.bib > paper.bib

Listing all entries in a bib file

With the single command `\nocite{*}' you can now include in the reference list every entry in the database files, without having to explicitly \cite or \nocite each entry. Giving this command, in essence,\nocites all the enties in the database, in database order, at the very spot in your document where you give the command.

(source: http://newton.ex.ac.uk/tex/pack/bibtex/btxdoc/node3.html)

List of entry types
