Úvod do PhD studia
Paper title
To je opravdová věda... ;-)
- Are Shorter Article Titles More Attractive for Citations? Cross-sectional Study of 22 Scientific Journals
- Amusing titles in scientific journals and article citation
Naštěstí se ale dá postupovat metodicky: krátký návod od BioMed Centralu
Příklady veselejších názvů:
- Ze skupiny Jiřího Matase: Total Recall II: Query Expansion Revisited
- Z WOS, title=``Total Recall''
- Z mého oboru: Lucas/Kanade meets Horn/Schunck: combining local and global optic flow methods
Příklady popisnějších názvů:
- Improving Accuracy of Optical Flow of Heeger's Original Method on Biomedical Images.
- Colocalization of PML bodies and PML/RARalpha microspeckles with up- and down-regulated loci and changes of chromatin structure in APL leukemia cells.
- Methylation of histone H3K9 in human blood cells and in granulocytes of patients with myeloid leukemia.
- High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research.
Subject classification
ACM Computing Classification System
AMS Math Subject Classification
Signal Processing EDICS (Editors Information Classification Scheme, domain specific)