FI MU, autumn 2011, IA161 syntactic formalisms for natural language parsing IA161 Final homework Task : due on January 6th 2012 Deadline: January 13th 2012, 05:00 p.m 1. Installation and evaluation of the parsers Download all the materials (parsers, instruction, data) from the following web page: For evaluating the RASP, CCG Parser and Standford Parser, the same input sentences will be used. Download data.tar.gz which include the input sentences to be parsed and unpack it. The input sentences are extracted from the NYT. 1.1 RASP Download the RASP rasp3os.tar.gz and unpack it to get rasp3os directory. $ tar xzvf rasp3os.tar.gz $ cd rasp3os/scripts Run the RASP with the following command: $./ ­m  result.txt 1.2 CCG Parser Download the CCG Parser candc­linux­1.00.tgz and models­1.02.tbz2 in two steps. First, unpack candc­linux­1.00.tgz to get candc-1.00 directory which include the software tool, then unpack models­1.02.tbz2 to get models directory which include the trained models form the Penn Treebanks under the candc-1.00 directory. $ tar xzvf candc­linux­1.00.tgz $ cd candc­1.00 $ tar xzvf ../models­1.02.tbz2 Run the CCG Parser with the following command: $ candc­1.00/bin/candc ­­models=candc­1.00/models \­­input data/test ­­output  data/test.candc 1.3 Standford Parser Download the Standford Parser stanford­parser­2011­09­14.tgz  and unpack it to get stanfordparser-2011-09-14 directory. Run the Standford Parser with the following command: $ ./ data/test.txt FI MU, autumn 2011, IA161 syntactic formalisms for natural language parsing 2. Analysis and comment on the obtained results a) Analyze the quality of parsing outputs. Compare and comment at least 5 phenomena contained in the input sentences, for example, parentheses, punctuation, reflexive verb, relative clause, modal verb followed by a verb in the infinitive form, prepositional clausal modifier, temporal modifier, multi-word expression, etc. You can evaluate the parsing results manually by using your linguistic intuition. b) Report the errors that you found during the analysis of the outputs. c) Compare the parsing method (techniques, theories) used in the three parsers. Remind you the technical and theoretical backgrounds presented in the lectures of this course. Attention! a) Please attach your outputs (screen-shots) on the final file. b) Please send one compressed file which include all the documents: copies of outputs, analysis of the results,etc to