FI MU, autumn 2011, syntactic formalisms for natural language parsing Parsing with TAG/LFG Exercises Task 2: due on November 1st 2011 Deadline: November 29th 2011, 11:50 a.m (a) Who has seen these films? (b) A strange thing occurred in the cinema. A. Tree Adjoining Grammar 1. Generate the derived tree and derivation tree for the sentence (a) from their elementary trees (initial trees and auxiliary trees). 2. Please explain the combination operations that you applied and what constraints should be appeared for parsing correctly the given sentence. B. Lexical Functional Grammar 1. Generate the c-structure and f-structure for the sentence (b). 2. Give the c-structure and f-structure mapping for the sentence (b). 3. Does the obtained mapping satisfy three formal constraints: consistency, coherence, completeness? Please comment on it.