An Introduction to Tkinter Fredrik Lundh An Introduction to Tkinter by Fredrik Lundh Copyright © 1999 by Fredrik Lundh i Table of Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................i I. Introducing Tkinter...............................................................................................1 What's Tkinter?.................................................................................................... 1 Hello, Tkinter....................................................................................................... 2 Running the Example ................................................................................... 2 Details ......................................................................................................... 2 Hello, Again ......................................................................................................... 4 Running the Example ................................................................................... 4 Details ......................................................................................................... 4 More on widget references ............................................................................ 5 More on widget names.................................................................................. 6 Tkinter Classes.....................................................................................................7 Widget classes..............................................................................................7 Mixins ......................................................................................................... 8 Implementation mixins......................................................................... 8 Geometry mixins .................................................................................. 8 Widget configuration management ........................................................ 8 Widget Configuration ........................................................................................... 9 Configuration Interface................................................................................. 9 widgetclass........................................................................................... 9 cget ..................................................................................................... 9 configure ............................................................................................. 9 keys..................................................................................................... 9 Compatibility ............................................................................................. 10 Widget Styling.....................................................................................................11 Colors.........................................................................................................11 Color Names .......................................................................................11 RGB Specifications ..............................................................................11 Fonts ..........................................................................................................12 Font descriptors ..................................................................................12 Font names .........................................................................................13 System fonts .......................................................................................14 X Font Descriptors ..............................................................................14 Text Formatting ..........................................................................................14 Borders.......................................................................................................15 Relief..................................................................................................15 Focus Highlights .................................................................................15 Cursors.......................................................................................................15 Events and Bindings ............................................................................................16 Events ........................................................................................................16 The Event Object................................................................................ 18 Instance and Class Bindings................................................................ 18 Protocols.............................................................................................19 Other Protocols ..................................................................................20 Application Windows...........................................................................................21 Base Windows.............................................................................................21 The Work Area ............................................................................................21 ii Menus ........................................................................................................21 Toolbars .....................................................................................................21 Status Bars..................................................................................................21 Standard Dialogs................................................................................................ 23 Message Boxes ........................................................................................... 23 Message Box Options .......................................................................... 24 Data Entry ................................................................................................. 24 Strings............................................................................................... 25 Numeric Values.................................................................................. 25 File Names ......................................................................................... 26 Colors................................................................................................ 27 Dialog Windows ................................................................................................. 28 Grid Layouts .............................................................................................. 32 Validating Data .......................................................................................... 34 II. Tkinter Reference .............................................................................................35 The Button Widget ............................................................................................. 35 Button Patterns.......................................................................................... 35 Methods .................................................................................................... 36 flash .................................................................................................. 36 invoke ................................................................................................ 36 Helpers .............................................................................................. 36 Options...................................................................................................... 36 The Canvas Widget............................................................................................. 39 Concepts.................................................................................................... 39 Items................................................................................................. 39 Coordinate Systems ............................................................................ 39 Item Specifiers ...................................................................................40 Printing .............................................................................................40 Patterns......................................................................................................41 Methods .....................................................................................................41 create_arc...........................................................................................41 create_bitmap .....................................................................................41 create_image ......................................................................................41 create_line ..........................................................................................41 create_oval .........................................................................................41 create_polygon....................................................................................41 create_rectangle..................................................................................41 create_text..........................................................................................41 create_window....................................................................................41 delete..................................................................................................41 itemcget............................................................................................. 42 itemconfig.......................................................................................... 42 coords................................................................................................ 42 coords................................................................................................ 42 bbox .................................................................................................. 42 canvasx .............................................................................................. 42 tag_bind............................................................................................ 42 tag_unbind ........................................................................................ 42 type ................................................................................................... 42 lift ..................................................................................................... 43 lower ................................................................................................. 43 iii move ................................................................................................. 43 postscript........................................................................................... 43 scale .................................................................................................. 44 Searching for Items ............................................................................ 44 find_above......................................................................................... 44 find_all.............................................................................................. 44 find_below......................................................................................... 44 find_closest ....................................................................................... 44 find_enclosed .................................................................................... 44 find_overlapping ................................................................................ 44 find_withtag ...................................................................................... 44 Manipulating Tags.............................................................................. 44 addtag_above..................................................................................... 45 addtag_all.......................................................................................... 45 addtag_below .................................................................................... 45 addtag_closest ................................................................................... 45 addtag_enclosed ................................................................................ 45 addtag_overlapping............................................................................ 45 addtag_withtag .................................................................................. 45 dtag................................................................................................... 45 gettags............................................................................................... 45 Special Methods for Text Items ........................................................... 45 dchars................................................................................................ 45 focus.................................................................................................. 46 icursor............................................................................................... 46 index ................................................................................................. 46 insert................................................................................................. 46 select_adjust...................................................................................... 46 select_clear ........................................................................................ 46 select_from ........................................................................................ 46 select_item ........................................................................................ 46 select_to............................................................................................ 46 Scrolling ............................................................................................ 46 scan_mark, scan_dragto ..................................................................... 46 xview, yview....................................................................................... 47 xview, yview....................................................................................... 47 Options...................................................................................................... 47 The Canvas Arc Item........................................................................................... 49 Methods .................................................................................................... 49 create_arc.......................................................................................... 49 delete................................................................................................. 49 coords................................................................................................ 49 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 49 Options...................................................................................................... 49 The Canvas Bitmap Item......................................................................................51 Methods .....................................................................................................51 create_bitmap .....................................................................................51 delete..................................................................................................51 coords.................................................................................................51 itemconfigure ......................................................................................51 Options.......................................................................................................51 iv The Canvas Image Item....................................................................................... 53 Methods .................................................................................................... 53 create_image ..................................................................................... 53 delete................................................................................................. 53 coords................................................................................................ 53 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 53 Options...................................................................................................... 53 The Canvas Line Item ......................................................................................... 54 Methods .................................................................................................... 54 create_line ......................................................................................... 54 delete................................................................................................. 54 coords................................................................................................ 54 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 54 Options...................................................................................................... 54 The Canvas Oval Item ......................................................................................... 56 Methods .................................................................................................... 56 create_oval ........................................................................................ 56 delete................................................................................................. 56 coords................................................................................................ 56 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 56 Options...................................................................................................... 56 The Canvas Polygon Item.................................................................................... 57 Methods .................................................................................................... 57 create_polygon................................................................................... 57 delete................................................................................................. 57 coords................................................................................................ 57 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 57 Options...................................................................................................... 57 The Canvas Rectangle Item ................................................................................. 59 Methods .................................................................................................... 59 create_rectangle................................................................................. 59 delete................................................................................................. 59 coords................................................................................................ 59 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 59 Options...................................................................................................... 59 The Canvas Text Item .........................................................................................60 Methods ....................................................................................................60 create_text.........................................................................................60 delete.................................................................................................60 coords................................................................................................60 itemconfigure .....................................................................................60 Options......................................................................................................60 The Canvas Window Item ................................................................................... 62 Methods .................................................................................................... 62 create_window................................................................................... 62 delete................................................................................................. 62 coords................................................................................................ 62 itemconfigure ..................................................................................... 62 Options...................................................................................................... 62 The Checkbutton Widget..................................................................................... 63 Checkbutton Patterns ................................................................................. 63 v Methods .................................................................................................... 64 deselect.............................................................................................. 64 flash .................................................................................................. 64 invoke ................................................................................................ 64 select ................................................................................................. 64 toggle ................................................................................................ 64 Options...................................................................................................... 64 The Entry Widget ............................................................................................... 67 Concepts.................................................................................................... 67 Indexes.............................................................................................. 67 Patterns..................................................................................................... 67 Methods .................................................................................................... 67 insert................................................................................................. 67 delete................................................................................................. 67 icursor............................................................................................... 68 get..................................................................................................... 68 index ................................................................................................. 68 Selection Methods .............................................................................. 68 selection_adjust ................................................................................. 68 selection_clear ................................................................................... 68 selection_from ................................................................................... 68 selection_present ............................................................................... 68 selection_range .................................................................................. 68 selection_to ....................................................................................... 68 Scrolling Methods............................................................................... 68 scan_mark, scan_dragto ..................................................................... 69 xview................................................................................................. 69 xview_moveto .................................................................................... 69 xview_scroll....................................................................................... 69 Options...................................................................................................... 69 The Font Class.....................................................................................................71 Patterns......................................................................................................71 Methods .....................................................................................................71 copy ...................................................................................................71 actual .................................................................................................71 cget ....................................................................................................71 config, configure..................................................................................71 measure ..............................................................................................71 metrics ...............................................................................................71 Functions....................................................................................................71 families...............................................................................................71 names.................................................................................................71 Options...................................................................................................... 72 The Frame Widget.............................................................................................. 73 Patterns..................................................................................................... 73 Methods .................................................................................................... 73 Options...................................................................................................... 73 The Grid Geometry Manager ............................................................................... 75 When to use the Grid Manager .................................................................... 75 Patterns..................................................................................................... 75 Widget Methods ......................................................................................... 77 vi grid ................................................................................................... 77 grid_forget......................................................................................... 77 grid_info ........................................................................................... 77 grid_remove ...................................................................................... 77 Manager Methods....................................................................................... 77 columnconfigure, rowconfigure ........................................................... 77 grid_location ..................................................................................... 78 grid_propagate .................................................................................. 78 grid_size ............................................................................................ 78 grid_slaves ........................................................................................ 78 Options...................................................................................................... 78 The Label Widget ...............................................................................................80 Patterns.....................................................................................................80 Methods ....................................................................................................80 Options......................................................................................................80 The Listbox Widget............................................................................................. 83 Patterns..................................................................................................... 83 Methods .................................................................................................... 85 activate.............................................................................................. 85 bbox .................................................................................................. 86 curselection........................................................................................ 86 delete................................................................................................. 86 get..................................................................................................... 86 index ................................................................................................. 86 insert................................................................................................. 86 nearest............................................................................................... 86 see..................................................................................................... 86 size.................................................................................................... 86 Selection Methods .............................................................................. 86 select_adjust...................................................................................... 87 select_anchor..................................................................................... 87 select_clear ........................................................................................ 87 select_includes................................................................................... 87 select_set........................................................................................... 87 Scrolling Methods............................................................................... 87 scan_mark, scan_dragto ..................................................................... 87 xview, yview....................................................................................... 87 xview, yview....................................................................................... 87 xview, yview....................................................................................... 87 xview, yview....................................................................................... 88 Options...................................................................................................... 88 The Menu Widget...............................................................................................90 Patterns.....................................................................................................90 Methods ....................................................................................................90 add....................................................................................................90 add_cascade .......................................................................................91 add_checkbutton ................................................................................91 add_command....................................................................................91 add_radiobutton.................................................................................91 add_separator.....................................................................................91 delete..................................................................................................91 vii entryconfig..........................................................................................91 entryconfigure.....................................................................................91 index ..................................................................................................91 insert..................................................................................................91 insert_cascade ....................................................................................91 insert_checkbutton .............................................................................91 insert_command.................................................................................91 insert_radiobutton............................................................................. 92 insert_separator................................................................................. 92 invoke ................................................................................................ 92 post ................................................................................................... 92 unpost ............................................................................................... 92 yposition............................................................................................ 92 Helpers .............................................................................................. 92 Options...................................................................................................... 92 The Menubutton Widget ..................................................................................... 94 Patterns..................................................................................................... 94 Methods .................................................................................................... 94 Options...................................................................................................... 94 The Message Widget........................................................................................... 95 Patterns..................................................................................................... 95 Methods .................................................................................................... 95 Options...................................................................................................... 95 The Pack Geometry Manager............................................................................... 97 When to use the Pack Manager .................................................................... 97 Patterns..................................................................................................... 97 Methods .................................................................................................... 97 Widget Methods ......................................................................................... 97 pack................................................................................................... 97 pack_forget........................................................................................ 97 pack_info() ........................................................................................ 97 Manager Methods....................................................................................... 97 pack_propagate() ............................................................................... 98 pack_slaves() ..................................................................................... 98 Options...................................................................................................... 98 The PhotoImage Class......................................................................................... 99 Patterns..................................................................................................... 99 Methods .................................................................................................... 99 configure ........................................................................................... 99 cget ................................................................................................... 99 width, height...................................................................................... 99 type ................................................................................................... 99 get..................................................................................................... 99 put .................................................................................................... 99 read ................................................................................................... 99 write .................................................................................................. 99 blank ............................................................................................... 100 copy ................................................................................................ 100 zoom ............................................................................................... 100 subsample........................................................................................ 100 Options.................................................................................................... 100 viii The Place Geometry Manager.............................................................................102 When to use place......................................................................................102 Patterns....................................................................................................102 Methods ...................................................................................................103 place.................................................................................................103 place_forget......................................................................................103 place_info.........................................................................................103 place_slaves ......................................................................................104 Options.....................................................................................................104 The Radiobutton Widget....................................................................................105 Radiobutton Patterns.................................................................................105 Methods ...................................................................................................106 deselect.............................................................................................106 flash .................................................................................................106 invoke ...............................................................................................106 select ................................................................................................106 Options.....................................................................................................106 The Scale Widget...............................................................................................109 Patterns....................................................................................................109 Methods ...................................................................................................109 get, set ..............................................................................................109 Options.....................................................................................................109 The Scrollbar Widget ......................................................................................... 111 Patterns.................................................................................................... 111 Methods ................................................................................................... 111 delta ................................................................................................. 111 destroy ............................................................................................. 111 fraction............................................................................................. 111 get.................................................................................................... 111 identify ............................................................................................. 111 keys.................................................................................................. 111 set .................................................................................................... 111 Options..................................................................................................... 111 The Text Widget ................................................................................................ 114 Concepts................................................................................................... 114 Indexes............................................................................................. 114 Marks ............................................................................................... 116 Tags.................................................................................................. 117 Patterns.................................................................................................... 119 Basic Methods........................................................................................... 121 insert................................................................................................ 121 delete................................................................................................ 121 get.................................................................................................... 121 dump................................................................................................ 121 see.................................................................................................... 121 index ................................................................................................ 121 compare............................................................................................ 121 Methods for Marks .................................................................................... 121 mark_set ..........................................................................................122 mark_unset ......................................................................................122 index ................................................................................................122 ix mark_gravity ....................................................................................122 mark_names.....................................................................................122 Methods for Embedded Windows...............................................................122 window_create..................................................................................122 index ................................................................................................123 delete................................................................................................123 window_cget.....................................................................................123 window_config..................................................................................123 window_names .................................................................................123 Methods for Embedded Images ..................................................................124 image_create ....................................................................................124 index ................................................................................................124 delete................................................................................................124 image_cget .......................................................................................124 image_config ....................................................................................125 image_names....................................................................................125 Methods for Tags.......................................................................................125 tag_add ............................................................................................125 tag_remove.......................................................................................125 tag_delete .........................................................................................125 tag_config.........................................................................................125 tag_cget............................................................................................125 tag_bind...........................................................................................126 tag_unbind .......................................................................................126 tag_names ........................................................................................126 tag_nextrange...................................................................................126 tag_prevrange ...................................................................................126 tag_lower..........................................................................................126 tag_raise...........................................................................................126 tag_ranges........................................................................................127 Methods for Selections...............................................................................127 Methods for Rendering ..............................................................................127 bbox .................................................................................................127 dlineinfo ...........................................................................................127 Methods for Printing .................................................................................127 Methods for Searching...............................................................................128 search...............................................................................................128 Methods for Scrolling ................................................................................128 scan_mark, scan_dragto ....................................................................128 xview, yview......................................................................................128 xview, yview......................................................................................129 xview, yview......................................................................................129 yview_pickplace ................................................................................129 Options.....................................................................................................129 The Toplevel Widget..........................................................................................132 Methods ...................................................................................................132 Options.....................................................................................................132 Basic Widget Methods .......................................................................................134 Configuration............................................................................................134 config ...............................................................................................134 config ...............................................................................................134 x cget ..................................................................................................134 keys..................................................................................................134 Event processing .......................................................................................135 mainloop ..........................................................................................135 quit ..................................................................................................135 update ..............................................................................................135 update_idletasks ...............................................................................135 focus_set ..........................................................................................135 focus_displayof.................................................................................135 focus_force .......................................................................................135 focus_get ..........................................................................................135 focus_lastfor.....................................................................................135 tk_focusNext.....................................................................................135 tk_focusPrev .....................................................................................136 grab_current.....................................................................................136 grab_release .....................................................................................136 grab_set ...........................................................................................136 grab_set_global ................................................................................136 grab_status.......................................................................................136 wait_variable ....................................................................................136 wait_visibility ...................................................................................136 wait_window ....................................................................................136 Event callbacks..........................................................................................136 bind..................................................................................................137 unbind ..............................................................................................137 bind_all............................................................................................137 unbind_all ........................................................................................137 bind_class ........................................................................................137 unbind_class.....................................................................................137 bindtags............................................................................................137 bindtags............................................................................................137 Alarm handlers and other non-event callbacks ............................................137 after .................................................................................................137 after_cancel ......................................................................................138 after .................................................................................................138 after_idle ..........................................................................................138 Window management................................................................................138 lift ....................................................................................................138 lower ................................................................................................138 Window Related Information.....................................................................138 winfo_cells .......................................................................................139 winfo_children..................................................................................139 winfo_class.......................................................................................139 winfo_colormapfull ...........................................................................139 winfo_containing ..............................................................................139 winfo_depth .....................................................................................139 winfo_exists......................................................................................139 winfo_pixels .....................................................................................139 winfo_geometry ................................................................................139 winfo_width, winfo_height ................................................................140 winfo_id ...........................................................................................140 xi winfo_ismapped................................................................................140 winfo_manager.................................................................................140 winfo_name......................................................................................140 winfo_parent ....................................................................................140 winfo_pathname ...............................................................................140 winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth ......................................................140 winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty .................................................................. 141 winfo_screen .................................................................................... 141 winfo_screencells.............................................................................. 141 winfo_screendepth............................................................................ 141 winfo_screenwidth, winfo_screenheight ............................................. 141 winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenmmheight ................................. 141 winfo_screenvisual............................................................................ 141 winfo_toplevel .................................................................................. 141 winfo_visual ..................................................................................... 141 winfo_x, winfo_y ..............................................................................142 Miscellaneous ...........................................................................................142 bell...................................................................................................142 clipboard_append .............................................................................142 clipboard_clear .................................................................................142 selection_clear ..................................................................................142 selection_get.....................................................................................142 selection_handle ...............................................................................142 selection_own...................................................................................142 selection_own_get ............................................................................142 tk_focusFollowsMouse ......................................................................142 tk_strictMotif....................................................................................142 winfo_rgb .........................................................................................143 Tkinter Interface Methods..........................................................................143 getboolean ........................................................................................143 getdouble ..........................................................................................143 getint ................................................................................................143 register .............................................................................................143 winfo_atom ......................................................................................143 winfo_atomname ..............................................................................143 Option Database........................................................................................143 option_add .......................................................................................143 option_clear......................................................................................144 option_get ........................................................................................144 option_readfile .................................................................................144 Toplevel Window Methods.................................................................................145 Visibility Methods .....................................................................................145 deiconify ...........................................................................................145 iconify ..............................................................................................145 withdraw ..........................................................................................145 state .................................................................................................145 Style Methods ...........................................................................................145 title...................................................................................................145 group................................................................................................145 transient ...........................................................................................145 overrideredirect.................................................................................146 xii Window Geometry Methods.......................................................................146 geometry ..........................................................................................146 geometry ..........................................................................................146 aspect ...............................................................................................146 maxsize.............................................................................................146 minsize.............................................................................................146 resizable ...........................................................................................146 Icon Methods ............................................................................................147 iconbitmap........................................................................................147 iconmask ..........................................................................................147 iconname..........................................................................................147 iconposition......................................................................................147 iconwindow.......................................................................................147 Property Access Methods ...........................................................................147 client ................................................................................................147 colormapwindows .............................................................................147 command..........................................................................................147 focusmodel .......................................................................................148 frame................................................................................................148 positionfrom .....................................................................................148 protocol............................................................................................148 sizefrom............................................................................................148 i Preface This is yet another draft version of my ever-growing Tkinter documentation. The biggest change since the last version is that I'm using a new editor to edit this document. As a result, the HTML version of this document looks a bit different. I've tried to keep most of the old chapter names, but most chapters have been split into several subpages. The styling has also changed; the document now looks better than before if you have a CSS-capable browser, but worse if you don't. By the way, might be interested in hearing that O'Reilly & Associates will be publishing a Tkinter book (tentatively called Programming Tkinter in Python) later this year. This book features lots of brand new material written by yours truly, giving you a more thorough description of Tkinter (and many other things) than you can find anywhere else. This document was last updated Jun 21, 1999. 1 What's Tkinter? The Tkinter module ("Tk interface") is the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit from Scriptics (formerly developed by Sun Labs). Both Tk and Tkinter are available on most Unix platforms, as well as on Windows and Macintosh systems. Starting with the most recent release (8.0), Tk also offers native look and feel on all platforms. Tkinter consists of a number of modules. The Tk interface is located in a binary module named _tkinter (this wastkinter in earlier versions). This module contains the low-level interface to Tk, and should never be used directly by application programmers. It is usually a shared library (or DLL), but might in some cases be statically linked with the Python interpreter. In addition to the Tk interface module, Tkinter includes a number of Python modules. The two most important modules are the Tkinter itself, and a module called Tkconstants. The former automatically imports the latter, so to use Tkinter, all you need to do is to import one module: import Tkinter Or, more often: from Tkinter import * 2 Hello, Tkinter But enough talk. Time to look at some code instead. As you know, every serious tutorial should start with a "hello world"-type example. In this overview, we'll show you not only one such example, but two. First, let's look at a pretty minimal version: Example 1. File: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() w = Label(root, text="Hello, world!") w.pack() root.mainloop() Running the Example To run the program, run the script as usual: $ python The following window appears. Figure 1. Running the program To stop the program, just close the window. Details We start by importing the Tkinter module. It contains all classes, functions and other things needed to work with the Tk toolkit. In most cases, you can simply import everything from Tkinter into your module's namespace: from Tkinter import * To initialize Tkinter, we have to create a Tk root widget. This is an ordinary window, with a title bar and other decoration provided by your window manager. You should only create one root widget for each program, and it must be created before any other widgets. root = Tk() Next, we create a Labelwidget as a child to the root window: Hello, Tkinter 3 w = Label(root, text="Hello, world!") w.pack() A Label widget can display either text or an icon or other image. In this case, we use the text option to specify which text to display. Next, we call the pack method on this widget, which tells it to size itself to fit the given text, and make itself visible. But before this happens, we have to enter the Tkinter event loop: root.mainloop() The program will stay in the event loop until we close the window. The event loop doesn't only handle events from the user (such as mouse clicks and key presses) or the windowing system (such as redraw events and window configuration messages), it also handle operations queued by Tkinter itself. Among these operations are geometry management (queued by thepack method) and display updates. This also means that the application window will not appear before you enter the main loop. 4 Hello, Again When you write larger programs, it is usually a good idea to wrap your code up in one or more classes. The following example is adapted from the "hello world" program in Matt Conway's A Tkinter Life Preserver. Example 1. File: from Tkinter import * class App: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) frame.pack() self.button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=frame.quit) self.button.pack(side=LEFT) self.hi_there = Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.say_hi) self.hi_there.pack(side=LEFT) def say_hi(self): print "hi there, everyone!" root = Tk() app = App(root) root.mainloop() Running the Example When you run this example, the following window appears. Figure 1. Running the sample program (using Tk 8.0 on a Windows 95 box) If you click the right button, the text "hi there, everyone!" is printed to the console. If you click the left button, the program stops. Details This sample application is written as a class. The constructor (the__init__ method) is called with a parent widget (the master), to which it adds a number of child widgets. The constructor starts by creating a Frame widget. A frame is a simple container, and is in this case only used to hold the other two widgets. Hello, Again 5 class App: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master) frame.pack() The frame instance is stored in a local variable called frame. After creating the widget, we immediately call the pack method to make the frame visible. We then create two Button widgets, as children to the frame. self.button = Button(frame, text="QUIT", fg="red", command=frame.quit) self.button.pack(side=LEFT) self.hi_there = Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.say_hi) self.hi_there.pack(side=LEFT) This time, we pass a number of options to the constructor, as keyword arguments. The first button is labelled "QUIT", and is made red (fg is short for foreground). The second is labelled "Hello". Both buttons also take a command option. This option specifies a function, or (as in this case) a bound method, which will be called when the button is clicked. The button instances are stored in instance attributes. They are both packed, but this time with the side=LEFT argument. This means that they will be placed as far left as possible in the frame; the first button is placed at the frame's left edge, and the second is placed just to the right of the first one (at the left edge of the remaining space in the frame, that is). By default, widgets are packed relative to their parent (which is master for the frame widget, and the frame itself for the buttons). If the side is not given, it defaults to TOP. The "hello" button callback is given next. It simply prints a message to the console everytime the button is pressed: def say_hi(self): print "hi there, everyone!" Finally, we provide some script level code that creates a Tk root widget, and one instance of the App class using the root widget as its parent: root = Tk() app = App(root) root.mainloop() The last call is to the mainloop method on the root widget. It enters the Tk event loop, in which the application will stay until the quit method is called (just click the QUIT button), or the window is closed. More on widget references In the second example, the frame widget is stored in a local variable named frame, while the button widgets are stored in two instance attributes. Isn't there a serious problem hidden in here: what happens when the __init__ function returns and the frame variable goes out of scope? Hello, Again 6 Just relax; there's actually no need to keep a reference to the widget instance. Tkinter automatically maintains a widget tree (via the master and children attributes of each widget instance), so a widget won't disappear when the application's last reference goes away; it must be explicitly destroyed before this happens (using thedestroy method). But if you wish to do something with the widget after it has been created, you better keep a reference to the widget instance yourself. Note that if you don't need to keep a reference to a widget, it might be tempting to create and pack it on a single line: Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.hello).pack(side=LEFT) Don't store the result from this operation; you'll only get disappointed when you try to use that value (the pack method returns None). To be on the safe side, it might be better to always separate construction from packing: w = Button(frame, text="Hello", command=self.hello) w.pack(side=LEFT) More on widget names Another source of confusion, especially for those who have some experience of programming Tk using Tcl, is Tkinter's notion of thewidget name. In Tcl, you must explicitly name each widget. For example, the following Tcl command creates a Button named "ok", as a child to a widget named "dialog" (which in turn is a child of the root window, "."). button .dialog.ok The corresponding Tkinter call would look like: ok = Button(dialog) However, in the Tkinter case, ok and dialog are references to widget instances, not the actual names of the widgets. Since Tk itself needs the names, Tkinter automatically assigns a unique name to each new widget. In the above case, the dialog name is probably something like ".1428748," and the button could be named ".1428748.1432920". If you wish to get the full name of a Tkinter widget, simply use thestr function on the widget instance: >>> print str(ok) .1428748.1432920 (if you print something, Python automatically uses the str function to find out what to print. But obviously, an operation like "name = ok" won't do the that, so make sure always to explicitly usestr if you need the name). If you really need to specify the name of a widget, you can use the name option when you create the widget. One (and most likely the only) reason for this is if you need to interface with code written in Tcl. In the following example, the resulting widget is named ".dialog.ok" (or, if you forgot to name the dialog, something like ".1428748.ok"): ok = Button(dialog, name="ok") Hello, Again 7 To avoid conflicts with Tkinter's naming scheme, don't use names which only contain digits. Also note that name is a "creation only" option; you cannot change the name once you've created the widget. 8 Tkinter Classes Widget classes Tkinter support 15 core widgets: Table 1. Tkinter Widget Classes Widget Description Button A simple button, used to execute a command or other operation. Canvas Structured graphics. This widget can be used to draw graphs and plots, create graphics editors, and to implement custom widgets. Checkbutton Represents a variable that can have two distinct values. Clicking the button toggles between the values. Entry A text entry field. Frame A container widget. The frame can have a border and a background, and is used to group other widgets when creating an application or dialog layout. Label Displays a text or an image. Listbox Displays a list of alternatives. The listbox can be configured to get radiobutton or checklist behaviour. Menu A menu pane. Used to implement pulldown and popup menus. Menubutton A menubutton. Used to implement pulldown menus. Message Display a text. Similar to the label widget, but can automatically wrap text to a given width or aspect ratio. Radiobutton Represents one value of a variable that can have one of many values. Clicking the button sets the variable to that value, and clears all other radiobuttons associated with the same variable. Scale Allows you to set a numerical value by dragging a 'slider'. Scrollbar Standard scrollbars for use with canvas, entry, listbox, and text widgets. Text Formatted text display. Allows you to display and edit text with various styles and attributes. Also supports embedded images and windows. Toplevel A container widget displayed as a separate, top-level window. Also note that there's no widget class hierarchy in Tkinter; all widget classes are siblings in the inheritance tree. All these widgets provide the Miscand geometry management methods, the configuration management methods, and additional methods defined by the widget itself. In addition, the Tkinter Classes 9 Toplevel class also provides the window manager interface. This means that a typical widget class provides some 150 methods. Mixins The Tkinter module provides classes corresponding to the various widget types in Tk, and a number of mixin and other helper classes (a mixin is a class designed to be combined with other classes using multiple inheritance). When you use Tkinter, you should never access the mixin classes directly. Implementation mixins The Misc class is used as a mixin by the root window and widget classes. It provides a large number of Tk and window related services, which are thus available for all Tkinter core widgets. This is done bydelegation; the widget simply forwards the request to the appropriate internal object. The Wm class is used as a mixin by the root window and Toplevelwidget classes. It provides window manager services, also by delegation. Using delegation like this simplifies your application code: once you have a widget, you can access all parts of Tkinter using methods on the widget instance. Geometry mixins The Grid, Pack, andPlace classes are used as mixins by the widget classes. They provide access to the various geometry managers, also via delegation. Table 2. Geometry mixins Manager Description Grid The grid geometry manager allows you to create table-like layouts, by organizing the widgets in a 2-dimensional grid. To use this geometry manager, use thegrid method. Pack The pack geometry manager lets you create a layout by "packing" the widgets into a parent widget, by treating them as rectangular blocks placed in a frame. To use this geometry manager for a widget, use the pack method on that widget to set things up. Place The place geometry manager lets you explicitly place a widget in a given position. To use this geometry manager, use the place method. Widget configuration management The Widget class mixes the Misc class with the geometry mixins, and adds configuration management through the cget and configure methods, as well as through a partial dictionary interface. The latter can be used to set and query individual options, and is explained in further detail in the next chapter. 10 Widget Configuration To control the appearance of a widget, you usually useoptions rather than method calls. Typical options include text and color, size, command callbacks, etc. To deal with options, all core widgets implement the same configuration interface: Configuration Interface widgetclass widgetclass(master, option=value, ...). Create an instance of this widget class, as a child to the given master, and using the given options. All options have default values, so in the simplest case, you only have to specify the master. Note that the name option can only be set when the widget is created. cget cget(option). Return the current value of an option. Both the option name, and the returned value, are strings. To get the name option, usestr(widget) instead. configure configure(option=value, ...), config(option=value, ...). Set one or more options (given as keyword arguments). Note that some options have names that are reserved words in Python (class, from, ...). To use these as keyword arguments, simply append an underscore to the option name (class_, from_, ...). Note that you cannot set the name option using this method; it can only be set when the widget is created. For convenience, the widgets also implement a partial dictionary interface. The __setitem__ method maps to configure, while __getitem__ maps to cget. As a result, you can use the following syntax to set and query options: value = widget[option] widget[option] = value Note that each assignment results in one call to Tk. If you wish to change multiple options, it is usually a better idea to change them with a single call to config or configure (personally, I prefer to always change options in that fashion). The following dictionary method also works for widgets: keys keys(). Return a list of all options that can be set for this widget. The name option is not included in this list (it cannot be queried or modified through the dictionary interface anyway, so this doesn't really matter). Widget Configuration 11 Compatibility Keyword arguments were introduced in Python 1.3. Before that, options were passed to the widget constructors and configure methods using ordinary Python dictionaries. The source code could then look something like this: self.button = Button(frame, {"text": "QUIT", "fg": "red", "command": frame.quit}) self.button.pack({"side": LEFT}) The keyword argument syntax is of course much more elegant, and less error prone. However, for compatibility with existing code, Tkinter still supports the older syntax. You shouldn't use this syntax in new programs, even if it might be tempting in some cases. For example, if you create a custom widget which needs to pass configuration options along to its parent class, you may come up with something like: def __init__(self, master, **kw): Canvas.__init__(self, master, kw) # kw is a dictionary This works just fine with the current version of Tkinter, but it may not work with future versions. A more general approach is to use the apply function: def __init__(self, master, **kw): apply(Canvas.__init__, (self, master), kw) The apply function takes a function (an unbound method, in this case), a tuple with arguments (which must include self since we're calling an unbound method), and optionally, a dictionary which provides the keyword arguments. 12 Widget Styling All Tkinter standard widgets provide a basic set of "styling" options, which allow you to modify things like colors, fonts, and other visual aspects of each widget. Colors Most widgets allow you to specify the widget and text colors, using thebackground and foreground options. To specify a color, you can either use a color name, or explicitly specify the red, green, and blue (RGB) color components. Color Names Tkinter includes a color database which maps color names to the corresponding RGB values. This database includes common names like Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and LightBlue, but also more exotic things like Moccasin, PeachPuff, etc. On an X window system, the color names are defined by the X server. You might be able to locate a file named xrgb.txt which contains a list of color names and the corresponding RGB values. On Windows and Macintosh systems, the color name table is built into Tk. Under Windows, you can also use the Windows system colors (these can be changed by the user via the control panel): SystemActiveBorder, SystemActiveCaption, SystemAppWorkspace, SystemBackground, SystemButtonFace, SystemButtonHighlight, SystemButtonShadow, SystemButtonText, SystemCaptionText, SystemDisabledText, SystemHighlight, SystemHighlightText, SystemInactiveBorder, SystemInactiveCaption, SystemInactiveCaptionText, SystemMenu, SystemMenuText, SystemScrollbar, SystemWindow, SystemWindowFrame, SystemWindowText. On the Macintosh, the following system colors are available: SystemButtonFace, SystemButtonFrame, SystemButtonText, SystemHighlight, SystemHighlightText, SystemMenu, SystemMenuActive, SystemMenuActiveText, SystemMenuDisabled, SystemMenuText, SystemWindowBody. Color names are case insensitive. Many (but not all) color names are also available with or without spaces between the words. For example, "lightblue", "light blue", and "Light Blue" all specify the same color. RGB Specifications If you need to explicitly specify a color, you can use a string with the following format: #RRGGBB RR, GG, BB are hexadecimal representations of the red, green and blue values, respectively. The following sample shows how you can convert a color 3-tuple to a Tk color specification: tk_rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (128, 192, 200) Tk also supports the forms "#RGB" and "#RRRRGGGGBBBB" to specify each value with 16 and 65536 levels, respectively. Widget Styling 13 You can use thewinfo_rgb widget method to translate a color string (either a name or an RGB specification) to a 3-tuple: rgb = widget.winfo_rgb("red") red, green, blue = rgb[0]/256, rgb[1]/256, rgb[2]/256 Note thatwinfo_rgb returns 16-bit RGB values, ranging from 0 to 65535. To map them into the more common 0-255 range, you must divide each value by 256 (or shift them 8 bits to the right). Fonts Widgets that allow you to display text in one way or another also allows you to specify which font to use. All widgets provide reasonable default values, and you seldom have to specify the font for simpler elements like labels and buttons. Fonts are usually specifed using the font widget option. Tkinter supports a number of different font descriptor types: • Font descriptors • User-defined font names • System fonts • X font descriptors With Tk versions before 8.0, onlyX font descriptors are supported (see below). Font descriptors Starting with Tk 8.0, Tkinter supports platform independent font descriptors. You can specify a font as tuple containing a family name, a height in points, and optionally a string with one or more styles. Examples: ("Times", 10, "bold") ("Helvetica", 10, "bold italic") ("Symbol", 8) To get the default size and style, you can give the font name as a single string. If the family name doesn't include spaces, you can also add size and styles to the string itself: "Times 10 bold" "Helvetica 10 bold italic" "Symbol 8" Here are some families available on most Windows platforms: Arial (corresponds to Helvetica), Courier New (Courier), Comic Sans MS, Fixedsys, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, Symbol, System, Times New Roman (Times), andVerdana: Widget Styling 14 Note that if the family name contains spaces, you must use the tuple syntax described above. The available styles are normal, bold, roman, italic, underline , and overstrike . Tk 8.0 automatically maps Courier, Helvetica, and Times to their corresponding native family names on all platforms. In addition, a font specification can never fail under Tk 8.0 - if Tk cannot come up with an exact match, it tries to find a similar font. If that fails, Tk falls back to a platform-specific default font. Tk's idea of what is "similar enough" probably doesn't correspond to your own view, so you shouldn't rely too much on this feature. Tk 4.2 under Windows supports this kind of font descriptors as well. There are several restrictions, including that the family name must exist on the platform, and not all the above style names exist (or rather, some of them have different names). Font names In addition, Tk 8.0 allows you to create named fonts and use their names when specifying fonts to the widgets. The tkFont module provides a Font class which allows you to create font instances. You can use such an instance everywhere Tkinter accepts a font specifier. You can also use a font instance to get font metrics, including the size occupied by a given string written in that font. tkFont.Font(family="Times", size=10, weight=tkFont.BOLD) tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica", size=10, weight=tkFont.BOLD, slant=tkFont.ITALIC) tkFont.Font(family="Symbol", size=8) If you modify a named font (using theconfig method), the changes are automatically propagated to all widgets using the font. The Font constructor supports the following style options: Table 1. Option Type Description family string Font family. size integer Font size in points. To give the size in pixels, use a negative value. Widget Styling 15 weight constant Font thickness. Use one of NORMAL or BOLD. Default is NORMAL. slant constant Font slant. Use one of NORMAL or ITALIC. Default is NORMAL. underline flag Font underlining. If 1 (true), the font is underlined. Default is 0 (false). overstrike flag Font strikeout. If 1 (true), a line is drawn over text written with this font. Default is 0 (false). FIXME: add more information about the tkFont module, or at least a link to the reference page System fonts Tk also supports system specific font names. Under X, these are usually font aliases like fixed, 6x10, etc. Under Windows, these include ansi, ansifixed, device, oemfixed, system, and systemfixed: On the Macintosh, the system font names are application and system. Note that the system fonts are full font names, not family names, and they cannot be combined with size or style attributes. For portability reasons, avoid using these names wherever possible. X Font Descriptors X Font Descriptors are strings having the following format (the asterisks represent fields that are usually not relevant. For details, see the Tk documentation, or an X manual): -*-family-weight-slant-*--*-size-*-*-*-*-charset The font family is typically something like Times, Helvetica, Courier or Symbol. The weight is either Bold or Normal. Slant is either R for "roman" (normal),I for italic, or O for oblique (in practice, this is just another word for italic). Size is the height of the font in decipoints (that is, points multiplied by 10). There are usually 72 points per inch, but some low-resolution displays may use larger "logical" points to make sure that small fonts are still legible. The character set, finally, is usuallyISO8859- 1 (ISO Latin 1), but may have other values for some fonts. The following descriptor requests a 12-point boldface Times font, using the ISO Latin 1 character set: -*-Times-Bold-R-*--*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1 Widget Styling 16 If you don't care about the character set, or use a font like Symbol which has a special character set, you can use a single asterisk as the last component: -*-Symbol-*-*-*--*-80-* A typical X server supports at least Times, Helvetica, Courier, and a few more fonts, in sizes like 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, and 24 points, and in normal, bold, and italic (Times) or oblique (Helvetica, Courier) variants. Most servers also support freely scaleable fonts. You can use programs like xlsfonts and xfontselto check which fonts you have access to on a given server. This kind of font descriptors can also be used on Windows and Macintosh. Note that if you use Tk 4.2, you should keep in mind that the font family must be one supported by Windows (see above). Text Formatting justify, wrap Borders Relief The relief settings control how to draw the widget border: borderwidth, relief Focus Highlights The highlight settings control how to indicate that the widget (or one of its children) has keyboard focus. In most cases, the highlight region is a border outside the relief. The following options control how this extra border is drawn: highlightcolor, highlightbackground, highlightthickness Cursors The cursor setting control which mouse cursor to use when the mouse is moved over the widget. If this option isn't set, the widget uses the same mouse pointer as its parent. Note that some widgets, including the Text andEntry widgets, sets this option by default. cursor Widget Styling 17 18 Events and Bindings As was mentioned earlier, a Tkinter application spends most of its time inside an event loop (entered via the mainloop method). Events can come from various sources, including key presses and mouse operations by the user, and redraw events from the window manager (indirectly caused by the user, in many cases). Tkinter provides a powerful mechanism to let you deal with events yourself. For each widget, you can bind Python functions and methods to events. widget.bind(event, handler) If an event matching the event description occurs in the widget, the given handleris called with an object describing the event. Here's a simple example: Example 1. File: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() def callback(event): print "clicked at", event.x, event.y frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100) frame.bind("", callback) frame.pack() root.mainloop() In this example, we use the bind method of the frame widget to bind a callback function to an event called . Run this program and click in the window that appears. Each time you click, a message like"clicked at 44 63" is printed to the console window. Events Events are given as strings, using a special event syntax: The type field is the most important part of an event specifier. It specifies the kind of event that we wish to bind, and can be user actions like Button, and Key, or window manager events like Enter, Configure, and others. The modifier and detail fields are used to give additional information, and can in many cases be left out. There are also various ways to simplify the event string; for example, to match a keyboard key, you can leave out the angle brackets and just use the key as is. Unless it is a space or an angle bracket, of course. Instead of spending a few pages on discussing all the syntactic shortcuts, let's take a look on the most common event formats: Events and Bindings 19 Table 1. Event Description A mouse button is pressed over the widget. Button 1 is the leftmost button, button 2 is the middle button (where available), and button 3 the rightmost button. When you press down a mouse button over a widget, Tkinter will automatically "grab" the mouse pointer, and mouse events will then be sent to the current widget as long as the mouse button is held down. The current position of the mouse pointer (relative to the widget) is provided in the x andy members of the event object passed to the callback. You can use ButtonPress instead of Button, or even leave it out completely: , , and <1> are all synonyms. For clarity, I prefer the syntax. The mouse is moved, with mouse button 1 being held down (use B2 for the middle button, B3 for the right button). The current position of the mouse pointer is provided in the x and y members of the event object passed to the callback. Button 1 was released. The current position of the mouse pointer is provided in the x and y members of the event object passed to the callback. Button 1 was double clicked. You can use Double or Triple as prefixes. Note that if you bind to both a single click () and a double click, both bindings will be called. The mouse pointer entered the widget (this event doesn't mean that the user pressed the Enter key!). The mouse pointer left the widget. The user pressed the Enter key. You can bind to virtually all keys on the keyboard. For an ordinary 102-key PC-style keyboard, the special keys are Cancel (the Break key), BackSpace, Tab, Return (the Enter key), Shift_L (any Shift key), Control_L (any Control key),Alt_L (any Alt key), Pause, Caps_Lock, Escape, Prior (Page Up), Next (Page Down), End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down, Print, Insert, Delete, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Num_Lock, and Scroll_Lock. The user pressed any key. The key is provided in thechar member of the event object passed to the callback (this is an empty string for special keys). a The user typed an "a". Most printable characters can be used as is. The exceptions are space () and less than (). Note that 1 is a keyboard binding, while <1> is a button binding. The user pressed the Up arrow, while holding the Shift key pressed. You can use prefixes likeAlt, Shift, and Control. The widget changed size (or location, on some platforms). The new size is provided in thewidth and height attributes of the event object Events and Bindings 20 Event Description passed to the callback. The Event Object The event object is a standard Python object instance, with a number of attributes describing the event. Table 2. Attribute Description widget The widget which generated this event. This is a valid Tkinter widget instance, not a name. This attribute is set for all events. x, y The current mouse position, in pixels. char The character code (keyboard events only). keysym The key symbol (keyboard events only). keycode The key code (keyboard events only) width, height The new size of the widget, in pixels (Configure events only). FIXME: this list is not complete. See my mail on this topic for more details. Instance and Class Bindings The bind method we used in the above example creates an instance binding. This means that the binding applies to a single widget only; if you create new frames, they will not inherit the bindings. But Tkinter also allows you to create bindings on the class and application level; in fact, you can create bindings on four different levels: • the widget instance, usingbind. • the widget's toplevel window (Toplevel or root), also using bind. • the widget class, using bind_class (this is used by Tkinter to provide standard bindings). • the whole application, using bind_all. For example, you can usebind_all to create a binding for the F1 key, so you can provide help everywhere in the application. But what happens if you create multiple bindings for the same key, or provide overlapping bindings? First, on each of these four levels, Tkinter chooses the "best match" of the available bindings. For example, if you create instance bindings for the and events, only the second binding will be called if you press the Enter key. However, if you add a binding to the toplevel widget,both bindings will be called. Tkinter first calls the best binding on the instance level, then the best binding on the toplevel window level, then the best binding on the class level (which is often a standard binding), and finally the best available binding on the application level. So in an extreme case, a single event may call four event handlers. A common cause of confusion is when you try to use bindings to override the default behaviour of a standard widget. For example, assume you wish to disable the Enter key in Events and Bindings 21 the text widget, so that the users cannot insert newlines into the text. Maybe the following will do the trick? def ignore(event): pass text.bind("", ignore) or, if you prefer one-liners: text.bind("", lambda e: None) (the lambda function used here takes one argument, and returns None) Unfortunately, the newline is still inserted, since the above binding applies to the instance level only, and the standard behaviour is provided by a class level bindings. You could use thebind_class method to modify the bindings on the class level, but that would change the behaviour of all text widgets in the application. An easier solution is to prevent Tkinter from propagating the event to other handlers; just return the string "break" from your event handler: def ignore(event): return "break" text.bind("", ignore) or text.bind("", lambda e: "break") By the way, if you really want to change the behaviour of all text widgets in your application, here's how to use thebind_class method: top.bind_class("Text", "", lambda e: None) But there are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't do this. For example, it messes things up completely the day you wish to extend your application with some cool little UI component you downloaded from the net. Better use your own Text widget specialization, and keep Tkinter's default bindings intact: class MyText(Text): def __init__(self, master, **kw): apply(Text.__init__, (self, master), kw) self.bind("", lambda e: "break") Protocols In addition to event bindings, Tkinter also supports a mechanism called protocol handlers. Here, the term protocol refers to the interaction between the application and the window manager. The most commonly used protocol is called WM_DELETE_WINDOW, and is used to define what happens when the user explicitly closes a window using the window manager. You can use the protocol method to install a handler for this protocol (the widget must be a root or Toplevel widget): widget.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", handler) Events and Bindings 22 Once you have installed your own handler, Tkinter will no longer automatically close the window. Instead, you could for example display a message box asking the user if the current data should be saved, or in some cases, simply ignore the request. To close the window from this handler, simply call the destroy method of the window: Example 2. File: from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox def callback(): if tkMessageBox.askokcancel("Quit", "Do you really wish to quit?"): root.destroy() root = Tk() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", callback) root.mainloop() Note that even you don't register an handler for WM_DELETE_WINDOW on a toplevel window, the window itself will be destroyed as usual (in a controlled fashion, unlike X). However, as of version 1.63, Tkinter will not destroy the corresponding widget instance hierarchy, so it is a good idea to always register a handler yourself: top = Toplevel(...) # make sure widget instances are deleted top.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", top.destroy) Future versions of Tkinter will most likely do this by default. FIXME: has this been changed in Python 1.5.2? Other Protocols Window managers protocols were originally part of the X window system (they are defined in a document titled Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual, or ICCCM). On that platform, you can install handlers for other protocols as well, like WM_TAKE_FOCUS and WM_SAVE_YOURSELF. See the ICCCM documentation for details. 23 Application Windows Coming soon. Base Windows In the simple examples we've used this far, there's only one window on the screen; the root window. This is automatically created when you call the Tk constructor, and is of course very convenient for simple applications: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() # create window contents as children to root... root.mainloop() If you need to create additional windows, you can use theToplevel widget. It simply creates a new window on the screen, a window that looks and behaves pretty much like the original root window: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() # create root window contents... top = Toplevel() # create top window contents... root.mainloop() There's no need to use pack to display the Toplevel, since it is automatically displayed by the window manager (in fact, you'll get an error message if you try to use pack or any other geometry manager with a Toplevel widget). The Work Area Menus Toolbars Status Bars Most applications sport a status bar at the bottom of each application window. Implementing a status bar with Tkinter is trivial: you can simply use a suitably configured Label widget, and reconfigure thetext option now and then. Here's one way to do it: Application Windows 24 status = Label(master, text="", bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) status.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) The following class wraps a status bar label, providing set and clear methods: Example 1. File: class StatusBar(Frame): def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.label = Label(self, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.label.pack(fill=X) def set(self, format, *args): self.label.config(text=format % args) self.label.update_idletasks() def clear(self): self.label.config(text="") self.label.update_idletasks() Note that the set method works like C's printf function; it takes a format string, possibly followed by a set of arguments (a drawback is that if you wish to print an arbitrary string, you must do that as set("%s", string)). Also note that this method calls the update_idletasks method, to make sure pending draw operations (like the status bar update) are carried out immediately. [For compatibility with future versions of Tkinter, we've decided that it is not politically correct to inherit from any widgets other than the Toplevel and Frame widgets. Should definitely explain why somewhere in this document] 25 Standard Dialogs Before we look at what to put in that application work area, let's take a look at another important part of GUI programming: displaying dialogs and message boxes. Starting with Tk 4.2, the Tk library provides a set of standard dialogs that can be used to display message boxes, and to select files and colors. In addition, Tkinter provides some simple dialogs allowing you to ask the user for integers, floating point values, and strings. Where possible, these standard dialogs use platform-specific mechanisms, to get the right look and feel. Message Boxes The tkMessageBox module provides an interface to the message dialogs. The easiest way to use this module is to use one of the convenience functions: showinfo, showwarning, showerror, askquestion, askokcancel, askyesno, or askretryignore . They all have the same syntax: tkMessageBox.function(title, message [, options]). Thetitle argument is shown in the window title, and the message in the dialog body. You can use newline characters ("\n") in the message to make it occupy multiple lines. The options can be used to modify the look; they are explained later in this section. The first group of standard dialogs is used to present information. You provide the title and the message, the function displays these using an appropriate icon, and returns when the user has pressed OK. The return value should be ignored. Here's an example: try: fp = open(filename) except: tkMessageBox.showwarning( "Open file", "Cannot open this file\n(%s)" % filename ) return Figure 1. showinfo, showwarning, showerror dialogs Standard Dialogs 26 The second group is used to ask questions. The askquestion function returns the strings "yes" or "no" (you can use options to modify the number and type of buttons shown), while the others return a true value of the user gave a positive answer (ok, yes, and retry, respectively). if tkMessageBox.askyesno("Print", "Print this report?"): report.print() Figure 2. askquestion dialog Figure 3. askokcancel, askyesno, askretryignore dialogs Standard Dialogs 27 [Screenshots made on a Swedish version of Windows 95. Hope you don't mind...] Message Box Options If the standard message boxes are not appropriate, you can pick the closest alternative (askquestion, in most cases), and use options to change it to exactly suit your needs. You can use the following options (note that message and title are usually given as arguments, not as options). Table 1. Message Box Options Option Type Description default constant Which button to make default: ABORT, RETRY , IGNORE, OK, CANCEL, YES, or NO (the constants are defined in the tkMessageBox module). icon constant Which icon to display: ERROR, INFO, QUESTION, or WARNING message string The message to display (the second argument to the convenience functions). May contain newlines. parent widget Which window to place the message box on top of. When the message box is closed, the focus is returned to the parent window. title string Message box title (the first argument to the convenience functions). type constant Message box type; that is, which buttons to display: ABORTRETRYIGNORE, OK, OKCANCEL, RETRYCANCEL, YESNO, or YESNOCANCEL. Standard Dialogs 28 Data Entry The tkSimpleDialog module provides an interface to the following simple dialogs. FIXME: where to find this module? Strings The askstring function in the tkSimpleDialog module prompts the user for a string. You specify the dialog title and the prompt string, and the function returns when the user closes the dialog. The prompt string may include newline characters. tkSimpleDialog.askstring(title, prompt [,options]). Ask the user to enter an string value. If the user pressed Enter, or clicked OK, the function returns the string. If the user closed the dialog by pressing Escape, clicking Cancel, or explicitly via the window manager, this function returns None. Figure 4. askstring The following options can be used with this function: Table 2. askstring Options Option Type Description initialvalue string Initial value, if any. Default is an empty string. parent widget Which window to place the dialog on top of. When the dialog is closed, the focus is returned to the parent window. Numeric Values The askinteger and askfloat functions is similar to askstring, but they only accept integers and float values, respectively. You can also use the minvalue and maxvalue options to limit the input range: tkSimpleDialog.askinteger(title, prompt [,options]). Ask the user to enter an integer value. If the entered value is not a valid integer or floating point value, a message box is displayed, and the dialog is not closed. As with the askstring function, the function returns None if the dialog box is cancelled. tkSimpleDialog.askfloat(title, prompt [,options]). Same, but returns a floating point value. Standard Dialogs 29 Figure 5. askinteger, askfloat The following options can be used with these functions: Table 3. askinteger and askfloat options Option Type Description initialvalue integer or float Initial value, if any. Default is an empty string. parent widget Which window to place the dialog on top of. When the dialog is closed, the focus is returned to the parent window. minvalue integer or float Minimum value. If exceeded, a message box is shown when the user clicks OK, and the dialog will not be closed. Default is no check. maxvalue integer or float Maximum value. If exceeded, a message box is shown when the user clicks OK, and the dialog will not be closed. Default is no check. File Names The tkFileDialog module (included in the standard dialog kit described earlier) can be used to get a filename from the user. The module provides two convenience functions, one to get an existing filename so you can open it, and one to get a new filename, to save things into. tkFileDialog.askopenfilename([options]). If the dialog is cancelled by the user, the function returns None. tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename([options]). Standard Dialogs 30 Figure 6. askopenfilename, asksaveasfilename The following options can be used with the askopenfilename and asksavefilename functions: Table 4. askopenfilename options Option Type Description defaultextensio n string An extension to add to the filename, if not explicitly given by the user. The string should include the leading dot (ignored by the open dialog). filetypes list Sequence of (label, pattern) tuples. The same label may occur with several patterns. Use "*" as the pattern to indicate all files. initialdir string Initial directory. initialfile string Initial file (ignored by the open dialog) Standard Dialogs 31 Option Type Description parent widget Which window to place the message box on top of. When the dialog is closed, the focus is returned to the parent window. title string Message box title. Colors The tkColorChooser module (included in the standard dialog kit described earlier) can be used to specify an RGB color value. tkColorChooser.askcolor([color [,options]]). The convenience function returns two values; the first is the color as a RGB triplet (a 3-tuple containing the red, green and blue values as integers in the range 0-255), the second a Tk color string. To preset a color when you display the dialog, you can pass a color (in either format) to the function. If the dialog is cancelled, the function returns (None, None) Figure 7. askcolor (in Swedish) The following options can be used with the askcolor function: Table 5. askcolor Options Option Type Description initialcolor color Color to mark as selected when dialog is displayed (given as an RGB triplet or a Tk color string). (the first argument to the convenience function). parent widget Which window to place the message box on top of. When the dialog is closed, the focus is returned to Standard Dialogs 32 Option Type Description the parent window. title string Message box title. 33 Dialog Windows While the standard dialogs described in the previous section may be sufficient for many simpler applications, most larger applications require more complicated dialogs. For example, to set configuration parameters for an application, you will probably want to let the user enter more than one value or string in each dialog. Basically, creating a dialog window is no different from creating an application window. Just use the Toplevel widget, stuff the necessary entry fields, buttons, and other widgets into it, and let the user take care of the rest. (By the way, don't use the ApplicationWindow class for this purpose; it will only confuse your users). But if you implement dialogs in this way, you may end up getting both your users and yourself into trouble. The standard dialogs all returned only when the user had finished her task and closed the dialog; but if you just display another toplevel window, everything will run in parallel. If you're not careful, the user may be able to display several copies of the same dialog, and both she and your application will be hopelessly confused. In many situations, it is more practical to handle dialogs in a synchronous fashion; create the dialog, display it, wait for the user to close the dialog, and then resume execution of your application. Thewait_window method is exactly what we need; it enters a local event loop, and doesn't return until the given window is destroyed (either via the destroy method, or explicitly via the window manager): widget.wait_window(window) (Note that the method waits until the window given as an argument is destroyed; the only reason this is a method is to avoid namespace pollution). In the following example, the MyDialog class creates a Toplevel widget, and adds some widgets to it. The caller then useswait_window to wait until the dialog is closed. If the user clicks OK, the entry field's value is printed, and the dialog is then explicitly destroyed. Example 1. File: from Tkinter import * class MyDialog: def __init__(self, parent): top = = Toplevel(parent) Label(top, text="Value").pack() self.e = Entry(top) self.e.pack(padx=5) b = Button(top, text="OK", command=self.ok) b.pack(pady=5) def ok(self): print "value is", self.e.get() Dialog Windows 34 root = Tk() Button(root, text="Hello!").pack() root.update() d = MyDialog(root) root.wait_window( If you run this program, you can type something into the entry field, and then click OK, after which the program terminates (note that we didn't call the mainloop method here; the local event loop handled bywait_window was sufficient). But there are a few problems with this example: • The root window is still active. You can click on the button in the root window also when the dialog is displayed. If the dialog depends on the current application state, letting the users mess around with the application itself may be disastrous. And just being able to display multiple dialogs (or even multiple copies of one dialog) is a sure way to confuse your users. • You have to explicitly click in the entry field to move the cursor into it, and also click on the OK button. Pressning Enter in the entry field is not sufficient. • There should be some controlled way to cancel the dialog (and as we learned earlier, we really should handle the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol too). To address the first problem, Tkinter provides a method called grab_set, which makes sure that no mouse or keyboard events are sent to the wrong window. The second problem consists of several parts; first, we need to explicitly move the keyboard focus to the dialog. This can be done with the focus_set method. Second, we need to bind the Enter key so it calls the ok method. This is easy, just use thebind method on the Toplevel widget (and make sure to modify theok method to take an optional argument so it doesn't choke on the event object). The third problem, finally, can be handled by adding an additional Cancel button which calls the destroy method, and also use bind andprotocol to do the same when the user presses Escape or explicitly closes the window. The following Dialog class provides all this, and a few additional tricks. To implement your own dialogs, simply inherit from this class and override the body andapply methods. The former should create the dialog body, the latter is called when the user clicks OK. Example 2. File: from Tkinter import * import os class Dialog(Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent, title = None): Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) self.transient(parent) if title: Dialog Windows 35 self.title(title) self.parent = parent self.result = None body = Frame(self) self.initial_focus = self.body(body) body.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.buttonbox() self.grab_set() if not self.initial_focus: self.initial_focus = self self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.cancel) self.geometry("+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+50, parent.winfo_rooty()+50)) self.initial_focus.focus_set() self.wait_window(self) # # construction hooks def body(self, master): # create dialog body. return widget that should have # initial focus. this method should be overridden pass def buttonbox(self): # add standard button box. override if you don't want the # standard buttons box = Frame(self) w = Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default=ACTIVE) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) w = Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel) w.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.bind("", self.ok) self.bind("", self.cancel) box.pack() # # standard button semantics def ok(self, event=None): if not self.validate(): Dialog Windows 36 self.initial_focus.focus_set() # put focus back return self.withdraw() self.update_idletasks() self.apply() self.cancel() def cancel(self, event=None): # put focus back to the parent window self.parent.focus_set() self.destroy() # # command hooks def validate(self): return 1 # override def apply(self): pass # override The main trickery is done in the constructor; first, transient is used to associate this window with a parent window (usually the application window from which the dialog was launched). The dialog won't show up as an icon in the window manager (it won't appear in the task bar under Windows, for example), and if you iconify the parent window, the dialog will be hidden as well. Next, the constructor creates the dialog body, and then calls grab_set to make the dialog modal,geometry to position the dialog relative to the parent window, focus_set to move the keyboard focus to the appropriate widget (usually the widget returned by the body method), and finallywait_window. Note that we use the protocol method to make sure an explicit close is treated as a cancel, and in the buttonbox method, we bind the Enter key to OK, and Escape to Cancel. The default=ACTIVE call marks the OK button as a default button in a platform specific way. Using this class is much easier than figuring out how it's implemented; just create the necessary widgets in the bodymethod, and extract the result and carry out whatever you wish to do in the apply method. Here's a simple example (we'll take a closer look at the grid method in a moment). Example 3. File: class MyDialog(Dialog): def body(self, master): Label(master, text="First:").grid(row=0) Label(master, text="Second:").grid(row=1) self.e1 = Entry(master) self.e2 = Entry(master) Dialog Windows 37 self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1) self.e2.grid(row=1, column=1) return self.e1 # initial focus def apply(self): first = string.atoi(self.e1.get()) second = string.atoi(self.e2.get()) print first, second # or something And here's the resulting dialog: Figure 1. running the script Note that the body method may optionally return a widget that should receive focus when the dialog is displayed. If this is not relevant for your dialog, simply return None (or omit the return statement). The above example did the actual processing in the apply method (okay, a more realistic example should probably to something with the result, rather than just printing it). But instead of doing the processing in theapply method, you can store the entered data in an instance attribute: def apply(self): first = string.atoi(self.e1.get()) second = string.atoi(self.e2.get()) self.result = first, second d = MyDialog(root) print d.result Note that if the dialog is cancelled, theapply method is never called, and the result attribute is never set. The Dialog constructor sets this attribute to None, so you can simply test the result before doing any processing of it. If you wish to return data in other attributes, make sure to initialize them in the body method (or simply set result to 1 in the apply method, and test it before accessing the other attributes). Grid Layouts While the pack manager was convenient to use when we designed application windows, it may not be that easy to use for dialogs. A typical dialog may include a number of entry fields and check boxes, with corresponding labels that should be properly aligned. Consider the following simple example: Dialog Windows 38 Figure 2. Simple Dialog Layout To implement this using the pack manager, we could create a frame to hold the label "first:", and the corresponding entry field, and use side=LEFT when packing them. Add a corresponding frame for the next line, and pack the frames and the checkbutton into an outer frame using side=TOP. Unfortunately, packing the labels in this fashion makes it impossible to get the entry fields lined up, and if we use side=RIGHT to pack the entry field instead, things break down if the entry fields have different width. By carefully usingwidth options, padding, side and anchor packer options, etc., we can get reasonable results with some effort. But there's a much easier way: use the Grid manager instead. This manager splits the master widget (typically a frame) into a 2-dimensional grid, or table. For each widget, you only have to specify where in this grid it should appear, and the grid managers takes care of the rest. The following body method shows how to get the above layout: Example 4. File: def body(self, master): Label(master, text="First:").grid(row=0, sticky=W) Label(master, text="Second:").grid(row=1, sticky=W) self.e1 = Entry(master) self.e2 = Entry(master) self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1) self.e2.grid(row=1, column=1) self.cb = Checkbutton(master, text="Hardcopy") self.cb.grid(row=2, columnspan=2, sticky=W) For each widget that should be handled by the grid manager, you call the grid method with the row andcolumn options, telling the manager where to put the widget. The topmost row, and the leftmost column, is numbered 0 (this is also the default). Here, the checkbutton is placed beneath the label and entry widgets, and the columnspan option is used to make it occupy more than one cell. Here's the result: Dialog Windows 39 Figure 3. Using the grid manager If you look carefully, you'll notice a small difference between this dialog, and the dialog shown by the script. Here, the labels are aligned to the left margin. If you compare the code, you'll find that the only difference is an option calledsticky. When its time to display the frame widget, the grid geometry manager loops over all widgets, calculating a suitable width for each row, and a suitable height for each column. For any widget where the resulting cell turns out to be larger than the widget, the widget is centered by default. The sticky option is used to modify this behaviour. By setting it to one of E, W, S, N, NW, NE, SE, or SW, you can align the widget to any side or corner of the cell. But you can also use this option to stretch the widget if necessary; if you set the option to E+W, the widget will be stretched to occupy the full width of the cell. And if you set it to E+W+N+S (or NW+SE, etc), the widget will be stretched in both directions. In practice, the sticky option replaces the fill, expand, and anchor options used by the pack manager. The grid manager provides many other options allowing you to tune the look and behaviour of the resulting layout. These include padx and pady which are used to add extra padding to widget cells, and many others. The Grid Geometry Manager for details. Validating Data What if the user types bogus data into the dialog? In our current example, the apply method will raise an exception if the contents of an entry field is not an integer. We could of course handle this with atry/except and a standard message box: def apply(self): try: first = string.atoi(self.e1.get()) second = string.atoi(self.e2.get()) dosomething((first, second)) except ValueError: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Bad input", "Illegal values, please try again") There's a problem with this solution: theok method has already removed the dialog from the screen when the apply method is called, and it will destroy it as soon as we return. This design is intentional; if we carry out some potentially lengthy processing in the apply method, it would be very confusing if the dialog wasn't removed before we finished. The Dialog class already contain hooks for another solution: a separatevalidate method which is called before the dialog is removed. In the following example, we simply moved the code from apply tovalidate, and changed it to store the result in an instance attribute. This is then used in the apply method to carry out the work. Dialog Windows 40 def validate(self): try: first= string.atoi(self.e1.get()) second = string.atoi(self.e2.get()) self.result = first, second return 1 except ValueError: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Bad input", "Illegal values, please try again") return 0 def apply(self): dosomething(self.result) Note that if we left the processing to the calling program (as shown above), we don't even have to implement the apply method. 41 The Button Widget The Button widget is a standard Tkinter widget used to implement various kinds of buttons. Buttons can contain text or images, and you can associate a Python function or method with each button. When the button is pressed, Tkinter automatically calls that function or method. The button can only display text in a single font, but the text may span more than one line. In addition, one of the characters can be underlined, for example to mark a keyboard shortcut. By default, the Tab key can be used to move to a button widget. Button Patterns Plain buttons are pretty straightforward to use. Simply specify the button contents (text, bitmap, or image) and a callback to call when the button is pressed: b = Button(master, text="OK", command=self.ok) A button without a callback is pretty useless; it simply doesn't do anything when you press the button. You might wish to use such buttons anyway when developing an application. In that case, it is probably a good idea to disable the button to avoid confusing your beta testers: b = Button(master, text="Help", state=DISABLED) If you don't specify a size, the button is made just large enough to hold its contents. You can use the padx and pady option to add some extra space between the contents and the button border. You can also use the height andwidth options to explicitly set the size. If you display text in the button, these options define the size of the button in text units. If you display bitmaps or images instead, they define the size in pixels (or other screen units). You can actually specify the size in pixels even for text buttons, but it takes some magic. Here's one way to do it (there are others): f = Frame(master, height=32, width=32) f.pack_propagate(0) # don't shrink b = Button(f, text="Sure!") b.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) Buttons can display multiple lines of text (but only in one font). You can use newlines or the wraplength option to make the button wrap text by itself. When wrapping text, use the anchor, justify, and possiblypadx options to make things look exactly as you wish. An example: b = Button(master, text=longtext, anchor=W, justify=LEFT, padx=2) To make an ordinary button look like it's held down, for example if you wish to implement a toolbox of some kind, you can simply change the relief from RAISED to SUNKEN: b.config(relief=SUNKEN) You might wish to change the background as well. Note that a possibly better solution is to use a Checkbutton or Radiobutton with the indicatoron option set to false: The Button Widget 42 b = Checkbutton(master, image=bold, variable=var, indicatoron=0) Methods The Button widgets support the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: flash flash(). Redraw the button several times, alternating between active and normal appearance. invoke invoke(). Call the command associated with the button. Helpers The following methods are only relevant if you're implementing your own keyboard bindings. They are not documented in this version of the Tkinter overview. tkButtonDown(). tkButtonEnter(). tkButtonInvoke(). tkButtonLeave(). tkButtonUp(). (Button only). These can be used in customized event bindings. All these methods accept zero or more dummy arguments. Options The Button widgets support the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description activebackgrou nd, activeforegrou nd color The color to use when the button is activated. anchor constant Controls where in the button the text (or image) should be located. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. If you change this, it is probably a good idea to add some padding as well, using the padx and/or pady options. background, foreground color The button color. The default is platform specific. bitmap bitmap The bitmap to display in the widget. If the image option is given, this option is ignored. The Button Widget 43 Option Type Description The following bitmaps are available on all platforms: "error", "gray75", "gray50", "gray25", "gray12", "hourglass", "info", "questhead", "question", and "warning". The following additional bitmaps are available on the Macintosh only: "document", "stationery", "edition", "application", "accessory", "folder", "pfolder", "trash", "floppy", "ramdisk", "cdrom", "preferences", "querydoc", "stop", "note", and "caution". You can also load the bitmap from an XBM file. Just prefix the filename with an at-sign, for example "@sample.xbm". borderwidth (bd) int The width of the button border. The default is platform specific, but is usually 1 or 2 pixels. command callback A function or method that is called when the button is pressed. The callback can be a function, bound method, or any other callable Python object. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse is moved over the button. default int If set, the button is a default button. Tk will indicate this by drawing a platform specific indicator (usually an extra border). NOTE: The syntax has changed in 8.0b2!!! disabledforegr ound color The color to use when the button is disabled. The background is shown in thebackground color. font font The font to use in the button. The button can only contain text in a single font. highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is typically one or two pixels. image image The image to display in the widget. If specified, this takes precedence over the text and bitmap options. justify constant Defines how to align multiple lines of text. Use LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. padx, pady distance Button padding. These options specify the The Button Widget 44 Option Type Description horizontal and vertical padding between the text or image, and the button border. relief constant Border decoration. Usually, the button is SUNKEN when pressed, and RAISED otherwise. Other possible values are GROOVE, RIDGE, and FLAT. state constant The button state: NORMAL, ACTIVE or DISABLED. Default is NORMAL. takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this button. Default is an empty string, which means that the button accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). text string The text to display in the button. The text can contain newlines. If thebitmap or image options are used, this option is ignored. textvariable variable Associates a Tkinter variable (usually a StringVar) to the button. If the variable is changed, the button text is updated. underline int Default is -1. width, height distance The size of the button. If the button displays text, the size is given in text units. If the button displays an image, the size is given in pixels (or screen units). If the size is omitted, it is calculated based on the button contents. wraplength distance Determines when a button's text should be wrapped into multiple lines. This is given in screen units. Default is no wrapping. 45 The Canvas Widget The Canvas widget provides structured graphics facilities for Tkinter. This is a highly versatile widget which are used to draw graphs and plots, create graphics editors, and implement various kinds of custom widgets. To display things on the canvas, you create one or more canvasitems, which are placed in a stack. By default, new items are drawn on top of items already on the canvas. Tkinter provides lots of methods allowing you to manipulate the items in various ways. Among other things, you can attach (bind) event callbacks to individual items. Concepts To be added. Items The Canvas widget supports the following standard items: • arc (arc, chord, or pieslice) • bitmap (built-in or read from XBM file) • image (a BitmapImage or PhotoImage instance) • line • oval (a circle or an ellipse) • polygon • rectangle • text • window Chords, pieslices, ovals, polygons, and rectangles are drawn as both an outline and an interior, either of which can be made transparent (if you insist, you can make both transparent). Window items are used to place other Tkinter widgets on top of the canvas; for these items, the Canvas widget simply acts like a geometry manager. You can also write your own item types in C or C++ and plug them into Tkinter via Python extension modules. Coordinate Systems The Canvas widget uses two coordinate systems; the window coordinate system (with (0, 0) in the upper left corner), and a canvas coordinate system in which the items are drawn. By scrolling the canvas, you can specify which part of the canvas coordinate system to show in the window. The scrollregion option is used to limit scrolling operations for the canvas. To set this, you can usually use something like: canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox(ALL)) The Canvas Widget 46 To convert from window coordinates to canvas coordinates, use the canvasx andcanvasy methods: def callback(event): canvas = event.widget x = canvas.canvasx(event.x) y = canvas.canvasx(event.y) print canvas.find_closest(x, y) Item Specifiers The Canvas widget allows you to identify items in several ways. Everywhere a method expects an item specifier, you can use one of the following: • item handles • tags • ALL • CURRENT Item handles are integer values that are used to identify a specific item on the canvas. Tkinter automatically assigns a new handle to each new item created on the canvas. Item handles can be passed to the various canvas methods either as integers or as strings. Tags are symbolic names attached to items. Tags are ordinary strings, and they can contain anything except whitespace. An item can have zero or more tags associated with it, and the same tag can be used for more than one item. However, unlike the Text widget, the Canvas widget doesn't allow you to create bindings or otherwise configure tags for which there are no existing items. All such operations are ignored. You can either specify the tags via an option to the item create method, set them via the itemconfig method, or add them using the addtag_withtag method. The tags option take either a single string, or a tuple of strings. item = canvas.create_line(0, 0, 100, 100, tags="uno") canvas.itemconfig(item, tags=("one", "two")) canvas.addtag_withtag("three", "one") To get all tags associated with a specific item, use gettags. To get all items having a given tag, use find_withtag. >>> print canvas.gettags(item) ('one', 'two', 'three') >>> print canvas.find_withtag("one") (1,) The Canvas widget also provides two predefined tags: ALL (or "all") matches all items on the canvas. CURRENT (or "current") matches the item under the mouse pointer, if any. This can be used inside mouse event bindings to refer to the item that trigged the callback. Printing To be added. The Canvas Widget 47 Patterns To be added. Methods The first group of methods are used to create and configure items on a canvas. create_arc create_arc(bbox, options). Create an arc canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_bitmap create_bitmap(position, options). Create abitmap canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_image create_image(position, options). Create an image canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_line create_line(coords, options). Create a line canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_oval create_oval(bbox, options). Create an oval canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_polygon create_polygon(coords, options). Create a polygon canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_rectangle create_rectangle(bbox, options). Create a rectangle canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_text create_text(position, options). Create atext canvas item. Returns the item handle. create_window create_window(position, options). Place a Tkinter widget on the canvas. Returns the item handle. Note that widgets are drawn on top of the canvas (that is, the canvas acts like a geometry manager). You cannot draw other canvas items on top of a widget. delete delete(items). Delete all matching items. It is not an error to give an item specifier that doesn't match any items. The Canvas Widget 48 itemcget itemcget(item, option). Get the current value for an option. If item refers to more than one items, this method returns the option value for the first item found. itemconfig itemconfig(item, options), itemconfigure(item, options). Change one or more options for all matching items. coords coords(item). Return the coordinates for the given item. If item refers to more than one items, this method returns the type of the first item found. coords coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn). Change the coordinates for the given item. This method updates all matching items. bbox bbox(items), bbox(). Returns the bounding box for the given items. If the specifier is omitted, the bounding box for all items are returned. Note that the bounding box is approximate and may differ a few pixels from the real value. canvasx canvasx(screenx), canvasy(screeny). Convert a window coordinate (for example, the x and y coordinates from the structure passed to an event handler) to a canvas coordinate. tag_bind tag_bind(item, sequence, callback), tag_bind(item, sequence, callback, "+"). Add an event binding to all matching items. Usually, the new binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence. The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing binding. Note that the new bindings are associated with the items, not the tag. For example, if you attach bindings to all items having the "movable" tag, they will only be attached to any existing items with that tag. If you create new items tagged as "movable", they will not get those bindings. tag_unbind tag_unbind(item, sequence). Remove the binding, if any, for the given event sequence. This applies to all matching items. type type(item). Return the type of the given item: "arc", "bitmap", "image", "line", "oval", "polygon", "rectangle", "text", or "window". If item refers to more than one items, this method returns the type of the first item found. The Canvas Widget 49 lift lift(item), tkraise(item). Move the given item to the top of the canvas stack. If multiple item matches, they are all moved, with their relative order preserved. This method doesn't work with window items. To change their order, use lift on the widget instance instead. lower lower(item). Move the given item to the bottom of the canvas stack. If multiple item matches, they are all moved, with their relative order preserved. This method doesn't work with window items. To change their order, use lower on the widget instance instead. move move(item, dx, dy). Move all items dx canvas units to the right, anddy canvas units downwards. Both coordinates can be negative. postscript postscript(options). Generate a Postscript rendering of the canvas contents. Images and embedded widgets are not included. Table 1. Option Type Description colormap None colormode None file None fontmap None height None pageanchor None pageheight None pagewidth None pagex None pagey None rotate None width None x None y None The Canvas Widget 50 scale scale(item, xscale, yscale). Scale all items according to the given scale factors. Note that this method modifies the item coordinates; you may loose precision if you use this method multiple times on the same items. Searching for Items The following methods are used to find certain groups of items, for later processing. Note that for each find method, there is a corresponding addtag method. Instead of processing the individual items returned by a find method, you can often get better performance by adding a temporary tag to a group of items, process all items with that tag in one go, and then remove the tag. find_above find_above(item). Returns the item just above the given item. find_all find_all(). Return a list containing the identity of all items on the canvas, with the topmost item last (that is, if you haven't change the order using lift or lower, the items are returned in the order you created them). This is shortcut for find_withtag(ALL). find_below find_below(item). Returns the item just below the given item. find_closest find_closest(x, y). Returns the item closest to the given position. Note that the position is given in canvas coordinates, and that this method always succeeds if there's at least one item in the canvas. To find items within a certain distance from a position, use find_overlapping with a small rectangle centered on the position. find_enclosed find_enclosed(x1, y1, x2, y2). Returns a list of all items completely enclosed by the rectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2). find_overlapping find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2). Returns a list of all items that overlap the given rectangle, or that are completely enclosed by it. find_withtag find_withtag(item). Returns a list of all items having the given specifier. Manipulating Tags The following methods are used to manipulate the tags, rather than the items themselves. The Canvas Widget 51 addtag_above addtag_above(newtag, item). Add newtag to the item just above the given item. addtag_all addtag_all(newtag). Add newtag to all items on the canvas. This is shortcut for addtag_withtag(newtag, ALL). addtag_below addtag_below(newtag, item). Add newtag to the item just below the given item. addtag_closest addtag_closest(newtag, x, y). Add newtag to the item closest to the given coordinate. See find_closest for more information. addtag_enclosed addtag_enclosed(newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2). Add newtag to all items enclosed by the given rectangle. See find_enclosed for more information. addtag_overlapping addtag_overlapping(newtag, x1, y1, x2, y2). Add newtag to all items overlapping the given rectangle. See find_overlapping for more information. addtag_withtag addtag_withtag(newtag, tag). Add newtag to all items having the given tag. dtag dtag(item, tag). Remove the given tag from all matching items. If the tag is omitted, all tags are removed from the matching items. It is not an error to give a specifier that doesn't match any items. gettags gettags(item). Return all tags associated with the item. Special Methods for Text Items The following methods can be used with text items, as well as with any extension item type that supports a keyboard focus and an insertion cursor. dchars dchars(). The Canvas Widget 52 focus focus(). icursor icursor(). index index(). insert insert(). select_adjust select_adjust(item, index). select_clear select_clear(). select_from select_from(item, index). select_item select_item(). select_to select_to(item, index). Scrolling The following methods are used to scroll the canvas in various ways. The scan methods can be used to implement fast mouse pan/roam operations, while the xview and yview methods are used with standard scrollbars. scan_mark, scan_dragto scan_mark(x, y), scan_dragto(x, y). scan_mark sets the scanning anchor for fast horizontal scrolling to the given mouse coordinate. scan_dragto scrolls the widget contents sideways according to the given mouse coordinate. The text is moved 10 times the distance between the scanning anchor and the new position. The Canvas Widget 53 xview, yview xview(MOVETO, offset), yview(MOVETO, offset). Adjust the canvas so that the given offset is at the left (top) edge of the canvas. Offset 0.0 is the beginning of the scrollregion, 1.0 the end. These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings. The MOVETO constant is not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the string "moveto" instead. xview, yview xview(SCROLL, step, what), yview(SCROLL, step, what). Scroll the canvas horizontally (vertically) by the given amount. The what argument can be either UNITS (lines) or PAGES. These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "scroll", "units", and "pages" instead. Options Table 2. Option Type Description background (bg) color borderwidth (bd) distance closeenough confine cursor cursor height distance highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is one or two pixels. Note that the focus highlight border is drawn on top of the canvas coordinate systems; if you don't use scrollbars, a one pixel border covers items drawn at canvas coordinate (0, 0). insertbackgrou nd color Color used for the insertion cursor. insertborderwi dth distance Borderwidth for the insertion cursor. The Canvas Widget 54 Option Type Description insertofftime, insertontime time Controls cursor blinking. insertwidth distance Width of the insertion cursor. relief constant Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Note that to show the border, you need to change the borderwidth from it's default value of 0. Also note that the border is drawn on top of the canvas coordinate system. scrollregion 4-tuple The bounding box of the scrollable area. If this option is not set, the scrolling is not bounded. selectbackgrou nd color selectborderwi dth distance selectforegrou nd color takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the canvas accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). width distance xscrollcomman d callback xscrollincreme nt distance yscrollcomman d callback yscrollincreme nt distance 55 The Canvas Arc Item An arc item is a section of oval, delimited by two angles (start andextent). An arc item can be drawn in one of three ways: • pieslice (lines are drawn from the perimeter to the oval's center) • chord (the ends are connected with a straight line) • arc (only the perimeter section is drawn) Pieslices and chords can be filled. Figure 1. Pieslice Example (see methods section for corresponding code) Methods The following methods are used to create and configure arc items: create_arc create_arc(x0, y0, x1, y1, options...), create_arc(box, options...). Create a arc item enclosed by the given rectangle. The start andextent options control which section to draw. If they are set to 0.0 and 360.0, a full oval is drawn which touches the rectangle's four edges. xy = 20, 20, 300, 180 canvas.create_arc(xy, start=0, extent=270, fill="red") canvas.create_arc(xy, start=270, extent=60, fill="blue") canvas.create_arc(xy, start=330, extent=30, fill="green") delete delete(item). Delete an arc item. The Canvas Arc Item 56 coords coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1). Change the enclosing rectangle for one or more arc items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more arc items. Options The arc item supports the following options, via thecreate_arc method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Canvas Arc Options Option Type Description style constant Specifies how to draw the arc item (see above). Use one of PIESLICE, CHORD, or ARC. The default is PIESLICE. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "pieslice", "chord", and "arc" instead. start, extent angle The arc is drawn from the start angle (measured counter-clockwise from three o'clock) to the start angle plus the extent. Both angles are given in degrees, and can be negative. By default, the arc starts at 0.0 degrees (three o'clock), and extends 90.0 degrees counterclockwise (twelve o'clock). fill color The color to use for the arc's interior. If an empty string is given, the interior is not drawn. Note that arc's having the arc style cannot be filled. Default is empty (transparent). stipple bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when filling the arc's interior. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). As of Tk 8.0p2, the stipple option is ignored on the Windows platform. To draw stippled pieslices or chords, you have to create corresponding polygons. outline color The color to use for the arc's outline. If an empty string is given, the outline is not drawn. Default is "black". outlinestipple bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when drawing the arc's outline. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). width distance The width of the arc's outline. Default is 1 pixel. The Canvas Arc Item 57 Option Type Description tags tuple One or more tags to associate with this item. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 58 The Canvas Bitmap Item The bitmap item draws a bitmap on the canvas. You can use either a builtin bitmap, such as "hourglass", "info", "question", or "warning", or load a bitmap from an XBM file. Figure 1. Bitmap Example For more flexible image support, usecreate_image instead (with a Tkinter BitmapImage instance, or an instance of the corresponding Python Imaging Library class). Methods The following methods are used to create and configure bitmap items: create_bitmap create_bitmap(x0, y0, options...). Create a bitmap item placed relative to the given position. item = canvas.create_bitmap(100, 100, bitmap="info", foreground="gold") delete delete(item). Delete a bitmap item. coords coords(item, x0, y0). Move one or more bitmap items. The Canvas Bitmap Item 59 itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more bitmap items. Options The bitmap item supports the following options, via thecreate_bitmap method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description bitmap bitmap The name of the bitmap. The following bitmaps are available on all platforms: "error", "gray75", "gray50", "gray25", "gray12", "hourglass", "info", "questhead", "question", and "warning". The following additional bitmaps are available on the Macintosh only: "document", "stationery", "edition", "application", "accessory", "folder", "pfolder", "trash", "floppy", "ramdisk", "cdrom", "preferences", "querydoc", "stop", "note", and "caution". You can also load the bitmap from an XBM file. Just prefix the filename with an at-sign, for example "@sample.xbm". anchor constant Specifies which part of the bitmap that should be placed at the given position. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. foreground color The color to use for the bitmap's foreground pixels (that is, non-zero pixels). If an empty string is given, the foreground pixels are not drawn. Default is "black". background color The color to use for the bitmap's background pixels (that is, zero pixels). If an empty string is given, the background pixels are not drawn. Default is empty (transparent). tags tuple One or more tags to associate with this item. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 60 The Canvas Image Item Methods The following methods are used to create and configure image items: create_image create_image(x0, y0, options...). Create a image item placed relative to the given position. Note that the image itself is given by the image option. Example: photo = PhotoImage(file="sample.gif") item = canvas.create_image(10, 10, anchor=NW, image=photo) [FIXME: add note on image ownership] delete delete(item). Delete an image item. coords coords(item, x0, y0). Move one or more image items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more image (or other) items. Options The image item supports the following options, via the create_image method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description image image The image object (a Tkinter PhotoImage or BitmapImage instance, or instances of the corresponding Python Imaging Library classes). anchor constant Specifies which part of the image that should be placed at the given position. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. tags tuple One or more tags to associate with this item. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 61 The Canvas Line Item Methods create_line create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn, options...). Create a line item. delete delete(item). Delete a line item. coords coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1, ..., xn, yn). Change the coordinates for one or more line items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more line items. Options The line item supports the following options, via thecreate_line method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description width distance The width of the line. Default is 1 pixel. fill color The color to use for the line. Default is "black". stipple bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when drawing the line. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). arrow constant If set to a value other than NONE, the line is drawn as an arrow. The option value defines where to draw the arrow head: FIRST, LAST, or BOTH. Default is NONE. The FIRST and LAST constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "first" and "last" instead. arrowshape 3-tuple Controls the shape of the arrow. Default is (8, 10, 3). capstyle constant For wide lines, this option controls how to draw the line ends. Use one of BUTT, PROJECTING, ROUND. Default is BUTT. The Canvas Line Item 62 Option Type Description These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "butt", "projecting", and "round" instead. joinstyle const For wide lines, this option controls how to draw the joins between edges. Use one of BEVEL, MITER, or ROUND. Default is ROUND. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "bevel", "miter", and "round" instead. smooth flag If non-zero, the given coordinates are interpreted as b-spline vertices. splinesteps int The number of steps to use when smoothing this line. Default is 12. tags tags One or more tags to associate with this item. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 63 The Canvas Oval Item Methods create_oval create_oval(x0, y0, options...). Create a oval item at the given position, using the given options. Note that the oval string itself is given by theoval option. delete delete(item). Delete an oval item. coords coords(item, x0, y0). Move one or more oval items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more oval (or other) items. Options The oval item supports the following options, via thecreate_oval method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description fill colour The colour to use for the interior. If an empty string is given, the interior is not drawn. Default is empty (transparent). stipple bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when filling the oval's interior. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). As of Tk 8.0p2, the stipple option is ignored on the Windows platform. To draw stippled ovals, you have to create corresponding polygons. outline colour The colour to use for the outline. If an empty string is given, the outline is not drawn. Default is "black". width distance The width of the outline. Default is 1 pixel. tags tuple One or more tags to associate with this item. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 64 The Canvas Polygon Item Methods The following methods are used to create and configure polygon items: create_polygon create_polygon(xy, options...). create_polygon(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xn, yn, options...). Create a polygon item. You must specify at least 3 vertices when you create a new polygon. delete delete(item). Delete a polygonitem. coords coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ..., xn, yn). Change the coordinates for one or more polygon items. Note that the coordinates must be given as separate arguments; you cannot use a sequence as with create_polygon. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more polygon items. Options The polygon item supports the following options, via thecreate_polygon method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description fill None The colour to use for the polygon interior. If an empty string is given, the interior is not drawn. Default is empty (transparent). stipple bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when filling the polygon's interior. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). outline None The colour to use for the polygon outline. If an empty string is given, the outline is not drawn. Default is "black". width distance The width of the polygon's outline. Default is 1 pixel. smooth None If non-zero, the given coordinates are interpreted as The Canvas Polygon Item 65 Option Type Description b-spline vertices. splinesteps None The number of steps to use when smoothing the polygon outline. Default is 12. tags tuple One or more tags to associate with the polygon. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 66 The Canvas Rectangle Item Methods The following methods are used to create and configure rectangle items: create_rectangle create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, options...). Create a rectangle item between the given coordinates. The rectangle item is created with the given options. delete delete(item). Delete a rectangle item. coords coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1). Change the coordinates for one or more rectangle items. The item argument can match one or more rectangle items, rectangles, or any other item taking exactly four coordinates. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more rectangle items. Options The rectangle item supports the following options, via the create_rectangle method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description fill None The colour to use for the rectangle interior. If an empty string is given, the interior is not drawn. Default is empty (transparent). outline None The colour to use for the outline. If an empty string is given, the outline is not drawn. Default is "black". stipple None The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when filling the rectangle's interior. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). tags None One or more tags to associate with the rectangle. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. width distance The width of the rectangle's outline. Default is 1 pixel. 67 The Canvas Text Item Methods The following methods are used to create and configure text items: create_text create_text(x0, y0, options...). Create a text item at the given position, using the given options. Note that the text string itself is given by the text option. delete delete(item). Delete a text item. coords coords(item, x0, y0). Move one or more text items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more text (or other) items. Options The text item supports the following options, via the create_text method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description anchor constant Specifies which part of the text (the text's bounding box, more exactly) that should be placed at the given position. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. fill colour The colour to use for the text. If an empty string is given, the text is not drawn. Default is empty (transparent). font font justify constant stipple bitmap tags tuple One or more tags to associate with the text. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. text string The text string. The Canvas Text Item 68 Option Type Description width distance 69 The Canvas Window Item Methods The following methods are used to create and configurewindow items: create_window create_window(x0, y0, options...). Embed a window at the given position, using the given options. Note that the widget to use is given by thewindow option. delete delete(item). Delete a window item. coords coords(item, x0, y0). Move one or more window items. itemconfigure itemconfigure(item, options...). Change the options for one or more window (or other) items. Options The window item supports the following options, via thecreate_window method, and the itemconfig and itemcget configuration methods. Table 1. Option Type Description window window The widget to embed in the canvas. anchor constant Specifies which part of the window that should be placed at the given position. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. height, width distance The height and width of the window. If omitted, the height and width defaults to the actual window size. tags tuple One or more tags to associate with the window. If only a single tag is to be used, you can use a single string instead of a tuple of strings. 70 The Checkbutton Widget The Checkbutton widget is a standard Tkinter widgets used to implement on-off selections. Checkbuttons can contain text or images, and you can associate a Python function or method with each button. When the button is pressed, Tkinter automatically calls that function or method. The button can only display text in a single font, but the text may span more than one line. In addition, one of the characters can be underlined, for example to mark a keyboard shortcut. By default, the Tab key can be used to move to a button widget. Each Checkbutton widget should be associated with a variable. Checkbutton Patterns (Also see the Buttonpatterns). To use a Checkbutton, you must create a Tkinter variable: var = IntVar() c = Checkbutton(master, text="Expand", variable=var) By default, the variable is set to 1 if the button is selected, and 0 otherwise. You can change these values using theonvalue andoffvalue options. The variable doesn't have to be an integer variable: var = StringVar() c = Checkbutton( master, text="Color image", variable=var, onvalue="RGB", offvalue="L" ) If you need to keep track of both the variable and the widget, you can simplify your code somewhat by attaching the variable to the widget reference object. v = IntVar() c = Checkbutton(master, text="Don't show this again", variable=v) c.var = v If your Tkinter code is already placed in a class (as it should be), it is probably cleaner to store the variable in an attribute, and use a bound method as callback: def __init__(self, master): self.var = IntVar() c = Checkbutton(master, text="Enable Tab", variable=self.var, command=self.cb) c.pack() def cb(self, event): print "variable is", self.var.get() The Checkbutton Widget 71 Methods The Checkbutton widgets support the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: deselect deselect(). Deselect the button. flash flash(). Redraw the button several times, alternating between active and normal appearance. invoke invoke(). Call the command associated with the button. select select(). Select the button. toggle toggle(). Toggle the selection state. Options The Checkbutton widgets support the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description activebackgrou nd, activeforegrou nd color The color to use when the button is activated. anchor constant Controls where in the button the text (or image) should be located. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. If you change this, it is probably a good idea to add some padding as well, using the padx and/or pady options. background, foreground color The button color. The default is platform specific. bitmap bitmap The bitmap to display in the widget. If the image option is given, this option is ignored. The following bitmaps are available on all platforms: "error", "gray75", "gray50", "gray25", "gray12", "hourglass", "info", "questhead", The Checkbutton Widget 72 Option Type Description "question", and "warning". The following additional bitmaps are available on the Macintosh only: "document", "stationery", "edition", "application", "accessory", "folder", "pfolder", "trash", "floppy", "ramdisk", "cdrom", "preferences", "querydoc", "stop", "note", and "caution". You can also load the bitmap from an XBM file. Just prefix the filename with an at-sign, for example "@sample.xbm". borderwidth (bd) int The width of the button border. The default is platform specific. command callback A function or method that is called when the button is pressed. The callback can be a function, bound method, or any other callable Python object. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse is moved over the button. default int If set, the button is a default button. Tk will indicate this by drawing a platform specific indicator (usually an extra border). NOTE: The syntax has changed in 8.0b2!!! disabledforegr ound color The color to use when the button is disabled. The background is shown in thebackground color. font font The font to use in the button. The button can only contain text in a single font. highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is typically one or two pixels. image image The image to display in the widget. If specified, this takes precedence over the text and bitmap options. indicatoron bool Controls if the indicator should be drawn or not. This is on by default. Setting this option to false means that the relief will be used as the indicator. If the button is selected, it is drawn as SUNKEN instead of RAISED. justify constant Defines how to align multiple lines of text. Use The Checkbutton Widget 73 Option Type Description LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. offvalue, onvalue value The values corresponding to a non-checked or checked button, respectively. Defaults are 0 and 1. padx, paxy distance Button padding. These options specify the horizontal and vertical padding between the text or image, and the button border. relief constant Border decoration. This is usuallyFLAT for checkbuttons, unless they use the border as indicator (via the indicatoron option). selectcolor color Color to use for the selector. selectimage image Graphic image to use for the selector. state constant The button state: NORMAL, ACTIVE or DISABLED. Default is NORMAL. takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this button. Default is an empty string, which means that the button accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). text string The text to display in the button. The text can contain newlines. If thebitmap or image options are used, this option is ignored. textvariable variable Associates a Tkinter variable (usually a StringVar) to the button. If the variable is changed, the button text is updated. Also see thevariable option. underline int Default is -1. variable variable Associates a Tkinter variable to the button. When the button is pressed, the variable is toggled between offvalue and onvalue. Explicit changes to the variable are automatically reflected by the buttons. width, height distance The size of the button. If the button displays text, the size is given in text units. If the button displays an image, the size is given in pixels (or screen units). If the size is omitted, it is calculated based on the button contents. wraplength distance Determines when a button's text should be wrapped into multiple lines. This is given in screen units. Default is no wrapping. 74 The Entry Widget The Entry widget is a standard Tkinter widget used to enter or display a single line of text. Concepts Indexes The Entry widget allows you to specify character positions in a number of ways: • Numerical indexes • ANCHOR • END • INSERT • Mouse coordinates Numerical indexes work just like Python list indexes. The characters in the string are numbered from 0 and upwards. You specify ranges just like you slice lists in Python; for example, (0, 5) corresponds to the first five characters in the entry widget. ANCHOR (or "anchor") corresponds to the start of the selection, if any. You can use the select_from method to change this from the program. END(or "end") corresponds to the position just after the last character in the entry widget. The range (0, END) corresponds to all characters in the widget. INSERT (or "insert") corresponds to the current position of the text cursor. You can use the icursor method to change this from the program. Finally, you can use the mouse position for the index, using the following syntax: "@%d" % x where x is given in pixels relative to the left edge of the entry widget. Patterns Methods The Entry widget support the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: insert insert(index, text). Insert text at the given index. Use insert(INSERT, text) to insert text at the cursor, insert(END, text) to append text to the widget. delete delete(index), delete(from, to). Delete the character at index, or within the given range. Use delete(0, END) to delete all text in the widget. The Entry Widget 75 icursor icursor(index). Move the insertion cursor to the given index. This also sets theINSERT index. get get(). Get the current contents of the entry field. index index(index). Return the numerical position corresponding to the given index. Selection Methods selection_adjust selection_adjust(index), select_adjust(index). Adjust the selection to include also the given character. If index is already selected, do nothing. selection_clear selection_clear(), select_clear(). Clear the selection. selection_from selection_from(index), select_from(index). Starts a new selection. This also sets the ANCHOR index. selection_present selection_present(), select_present(). Returns true (non-zero) if some part of the text is selected. selection_range selection_range(start, end), select_range(start, end). Explicitly set the selection. Start must be smaller than end. Use selection_range(0, END) to select all text in the widget. selection_to selection_to(index), select_to(index). Select all text between ANCHOR and the given index. Scrolling Methods These methods are used to scroll the entry widget in various ways. The scan methods can be used to implement fast mouse panning operations (they are bound to the middle mouse button, if available), while thexview method is used with a standard scrollbar widget. The Entry Widget 76 scan_mark, scan_dragto scan_mark(x), scan_dragto(x). scan_mark sets the scanning anchor for fast horizontal scrolling to the given mouse coordinate. scan_dragto scrolls the widget contents sideways according to the given mouse coordinate. The text is moved 10 times the distance between the scanning anchor and the new position. xview xview(index). Make sure the given index is visible. The widget is scrolled if necessary. xview_moveto xview_moveto(fraction). xview_scroll xview_scroll(number, what). Options The Entry widget support the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description background (bg) color Widget background. borderwidth (bd) distance Border width. cursor cursor Widget cursor. The default is a text insertion cursor (typically an "I beam" cursor, e.g.xterm). exportselection flag If true, selected text is automatically exported to the clipboard. Default is true. font font Widget font. The default is system specific. foreground (fg) color Text color. highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is typically one or two pixels. insertbackgrou nd color Color used for the insertion cursor. The Entry Widget 77 Option Type Description insertborderwi dth color insertofftime, insertontime int Controls cursor blinking. insertwidth int Width of the insertion cursor. justify const relief const Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. selectbackgrou nd color Selection background color. The default is system and display specific. selectborderwi dth int Selection border width. The default is system specific. selectforegrou nd color Selection text color. The default is system and display specific. show character Controls how to display the contents of the widget. If non-empty, the widget displays a string of characters instead of the actual contents. To get a password entry widget, use "*". state const One of NORMAL or DISABLED. Default is NORMAL. Note that if you set this to DISABLED, calls to insert or delete are ignored. takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the canvas accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). textvariable variable width int xscrollcomman d callback 78 The Font Class Patterns Methods copy copy(). Return a distinct copy of the current font. actual actual(), actual(option). Return actual font attributes. If no option is given, returns all actual font attribtues as a dictionary. cget cget(option). Get configured font attribute. config, configure config(), configure(). Get full set of configured font attributes as a dictionary. config(options), configure(options...). Modify one or more font attributes. measure measure(text). Return text width. metrics metrics(), metrics(options...). Return one or more font metrics. If no arguments are given, all metrics are returned as a dictionary. For best performance, make sure that this font is in use before calling this method. If necessary, you can create a dummy widget using the font. Functions families families(). Get a list of available font families. names names(). Get a list of the names of names of all user-defined fonts. The Font Class 79 Options The constructor and theconfig method supports the following options. Table 1. Option Type Description font font Font specifier (name, system font, or (family, size, style)-tuple). If you use this option, family string Font family. size integer Font size in points. To give the size in pixels, use a negative value. weight constant Font thickness. Use one of NORMAL or BOLD. Default is NORMAL. Note that these constants are defined in the tkFont module. slant constant Font slant. Use one of NORMAL or ITALIC. Default is NORMAL. Note that these constants are defined in the tkFont module. underline flag Font underlining. If 1 (true), the font is underlined. Default is 0 (false). overstrike flag Font strikeout. If 1 (true), a line is drawn over text written with this font. Default is 0 (false). 80 The Frame Widget A frame is rectangular region on the screen. The frame widget is mainly used as a geometry master for other widgets, or to provide padding between other widgets. Patterns The frame widget can be used as a place holder for video overlays and other external processes. To use a frame widget in this fashion, set the background color to an empty string (this prevents updates, and leaves the color map alone), pack it as usual, and use thewindow_id method to get the window handle corresponding to the frame. frame = Frame(width=768, height=576, bg="", colormap="new") frame.pack() video.attach_window(frame.window_id()) Methods Except for the standard widget interface (config, etc), the Frame widget has no methods. Options The Frame widget supports the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description height, width distance Frame size. background (bg) color The background color to use in this frame. This defaults to the application background color. To prevent updates, set the color to an empty string. colormap window Some displays support only 256 colors (some use even less). Such displays usually provide a color map to specify which 256 colors to use. This option allows you to specify which color map to use for this frame, and its child widgets. By default, a new frame uses the same color map as its parent. Using this option, you can reuse the color map of another window instead (this window must be on the same screen and have the same visual characteristics). You can also use the value "new" to allocate a new color map for this frame. You cannot change this option once you've created the frame. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the button widget. Default is a system The Frame Widget 81 Option Type Description specific arrow cursor. relief constant Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Note that to show the border, you need to change the borderwidth from it's default value of 0. borderwidth (bd) distance Border width. Defaults to 0 (no border). takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the frame accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When any child to the frame has focus, the border is drawn in thehighlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in thehighlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). 82 The Grid Geometry Manager The Grid geometry manager puts the widgets in a 2-dimensional table. The master widget is split into a number of rows and columns, and each "cell" in the resulting table can hold a widget. When to use the Grid Manager The grid manager is the most flexible of the geometry managers in Tkinter. If you don't want to learn how and when to use all three managers, you should at least make sure to learn this one. The grid manager is especially convenient to use when designing dialog boxes. If you're using the packer for that purpose today, you'll be surprised how much easier it is to use the grid manager instead. Instead of using lots of extra frames to get the packing to work, you can in most cases simply pour all the widgets into a single container widget (I tend to use two; one for the dialog body, and one for the button box at the bottom), and use the grid manager to get them all where you want them. Consider the following example: Figure 1. Creating this layout using the pack manager is possible, but it takes a number of extra frame widgets, and a lot of work to make things look good. If you use the grid manager instead, you only need one call per widget to get everything laid out properly (see next section for the code needed to create this layout). WARNING: Never mix grid and pack in the same master window. Tkinter will happily spend the rest of your lifetime trying to negotiate a solution that both managers are happy with. Instead of waiting, kill the application, and take another look at your code. A common mistake is to use the wrong parent for some of the widgets. Patterns Using the grid manager is easy. Just create the widgets, and use the grid method to tell the manager in which row and column to place them. You don't have to specify the size of the grid beforehand; the manager automatically determines that from the widgets in it. Label(master, text="First").grid(row=0) Label(master, text="Second").grid(row=1) e1 = Entry(master) e2 = Entry(master) The Grid Geometry Manager 83 e1.grid(row=0, column=1) e2.grid(row=1, column=1) Note that the column number defaults to 0 if not given. Running the above example produces the following window: Figure 2. Figure: simple grid example Empty rows and columns are ignored. The result would have been the same if you had placed the widgets in row 10 and 20 instead. Note that the widgets are centered in their cells. You can use the sticky option to change this; this option takes one or more values from the set N, S, E, W. To align the labels to the left border, you could use W (west): Label(master, text="First").grid(row=0, sticky=W) Label(master, text="Second").grid(row=1, sticky=W) e1 = Entry(master) e2 = Entry(master) e1.grid(row=0, column=1) e2.grid(row=1, column=1) Figure 3. Figure: using the sticky option You can also have the widgets span more than one cell. Thecolumnspan option is used to let a widget span more than one column, and the rowspan option lets it span more than one row. The following code creates the layout shown in the previous section: label1.grid(sticky=E) label2.grid(sticky=E) entry1.grid(row=0, column=1) entry2.grid(row=1, column=1) checkbutton.grid(columnspan=2, sticky=W) image.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, rowspan=2, sticky=W+E+N+S, padx=5, pady=5) button1.grid(row=2, column=2) button2.grid(row=2, column=3) The Grid Geometry Manager 84 There are plenty of things to note in this example. First, no position is specified for the label widgets. In this case, the column defaults to 0, and the row to the first unused row in the grid. Next, the entry widgets are positioned as usual, but the checkbutton widget is placed on the next empty row (row 2, in this case), and is configured to span two columns. The resulting cell will be as wide as the label and entry columns combined. The image widget is configured to span both columns and rows at the same time. The buttons, finally, is packed each in a single cell: Figure 4. Figure: using column and row spans Widget Methods The following methods are available on widgets managed by the grid manager: grid grid(option=value, ...), grid_configure(option=value, ...). Place the widget in a grid as described by the options (see below). grid_forget grid_forget(). Remove the widget. The widget is not destroyed, and can be displayed again by grid or any other manager. grid_info grid_info(). Return a dictionary containing the current options. grid_remove grid_remove(). Remove the widget. The widget is not destroyed, and can be displayed again by grid or any other manager. Manager Methods The following methods are available on widgets that are used as grid managers (that is, the geometry masters for widgets managed by the grid manager). columnconfigure, rowconfigure columnconfigure(column, option=value, ...), rowconfigure(row, option=value, ...). Set options for the given column (or row). The Grid Geometry Manager 85 To change this for a given widget, you have to call this method on the widget's parent. Table 1. Option Type Description minsize integer Defines the minimum size for the column (row). Note that if a column or row is completely empty, it will not be displayed, even if this option is set. pad integer Padding to add to the size of the largest widget in the column (row) when setting the size of the whole column. weight integer A relative weight used to distribute additional space between columns (rows). A column with the weight 2 will grow twice as fast as a column with weight 1. The default is 0, which means that the column will not grow at all. grid_location grid_location(x, y). Returns the grid cell under (or closest to) the given pixel coordinate. The result is a 2-tuple: (column, row). grid_propagate grid_propagate(). grid_size grid_size(). Returns the current grid size. This is defined as indexes of the first empty column and row in the grid, in that order. The result is a 2-tuple: (column, row). grid_slaves grid_slaves(). Returns a list of the "slave" widgets managed by this widget. The widgets are returned as Tkinter widget references. Options The following options can be used with the grid and grid_configure methods: Table 2. Option Type Description column integer Insert the widget at this column. Column numbers start with 0. If omitted, defaults to 0. columnspan integer If given, indicates that the widget cell should span more than one column. in (in_) widget Place widget inside to the given widget. You can only place a widget inside its parent, or in any The Grid Geometry Manager 86 Option Type Description decendant of its parent. If this option is not given, it defaults to the parent. Note that in is a reserved word in Python. To use it as a keyword option, append an underscore (in_). ipadx, ipady distance Optional internal padding. Works like padx and pady, but the padding is added inside the widget borders. Default is 0. padx, pady distance Optional padding to place around the widget in a cell. Default is 0. row integer Insert the widget at this row. Row numbers start with 0. If omitted, defaults to the first empty row in the grid. rowspan integer If given, indicates that the widget cell should span more than one row. sticky constant Defines how to expand the widget if the resulting cell is larger than the widget itself. This can be any combination of the constants S, N, E, and W, or NW, NE, SW, and SE. For example, W (west) means that the widget should be aligned to the left cell border. W+E means that the widget should be stretched horizontally to fill the whole cell. W+E+N+S means that the widget should be expanded in both directions. Default is to center the widget in the cell. 87 The Label Widget The Label widget is a standard Tkinter widget used to display a text or image on the screen. The button can only display text in a single font, but the text may span more than one line. In addition, one of the characters can be underlined, for example to mark a keyboard shortcut. Patterns To use a label, you just have to specify what to display in it (this can be text, a bitmap, or an image): w = Label(master, text="Hello, world!") If you don't specify a size, the label is made just large enough to hold its contents. You can also use theheight andwidth options to explicitly set the size. If you display text in the label, these options define the size of the label in text units. If you display bitmaps or images instead, they define the size in pixels (or other screen units). See the Button description for an example how to specify the size in pixels also for text labels. You can specify which color to use for the label with the foreground (or fg) and background (or bg) options. You can also choose which font to use in the label (the following example uses Tk 8.0 font descriptors). Use colors and fonts sparingly; unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, you should stick to the default values. w = Label(master, text="Rouge", fg="red") w = Label(master, text="Helvetica", font=("Helvetica", 16)) Labels can display multiple lines of text. You can use newlines or use thewraplength option to make the label wrap text by itself. When wrapping text, you might wish to use the anchor and justify options to make things look exactly as you wish. An example: w = Label(master, text=longtext, anchor=W, justify=LEFT) You can associate a variable with the label. When the contents of the variable changes, the label is automatically updated: v = StringVar() Label(master, textvariable=v).pack() v.set("New Text!") Methods The Label widget supports the standard Tkinter Widget interface. There are no additional methods. Options The following options can be used for the Label widget. The Label Widget 88 Table 1. Option Type Description text string The text to display in the label. The text can contain newlines. If the bitmap or image options are used, this option is ignored. bitmap bitmap The bitmap to display in the widget. If the image option is given, this option is ignored. The following bitmaps are available on all platforms: "error", "gray75", "gray50", "gray25", "gray12", "hourglass", "info", "questhead", "question", and "warning". The following additional bitmaps are available on the Macintosh only: "document", "stationery", "edition", "application", "accessory", "folder", "pfolder", "trash", "floppy", "ramdisk", "cdrom", "preferences", "querydoc", "stop", "note", and "caution". You can also load the bitmap from an XBM file. Just prefix the filename with an at-sign, for example "@sample.xbm". image image The image to display in the widget. If specified, this takes precedence over the text and bitmap options. width, height int The size of the label. If the label displays text, the size is given in text units. If the label displays an image, the size is given in pixels (or screen units). If the size is omitted, it is calculated based on the label contents. relief constant Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Note that to show the border, you need to change the borderwidth from it's default value of 0. borderwidth dímension The width of the label border. The default is 0 (no border). background (bg), foreground (fg) color The label color (the foreground value is used for text and bitmap labels only). The default is platform specific. font font The font to use in the label. The label can only contain text in a single font. justify constant Defines how to align multiple lines of text. Use LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. The Label Widget 89 Option Type Description anchor constant Controls where in the label the text (or image) should be located. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. wraplength distance Determines when a label's text should be wrapped into multiple lines. This is given in screen units. Default is no wrapping. textvariable variable Associates a Tkinter variable (usually a StringVar) to the label. If the variable is changed, the label text is updated. underline int Default is -1. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse is moved over the label. 90 The Listbox Widget The Listbox widget is a standard Tkinter widget used to display a list of alternatives. The listbox can only contain text items, and all items must have the same font and color. Depending on the widget configuration, the user can choose one or more alternatives from the list. Patterns When you first create the listbox, it is empty. The first thing to do is usually to insert one or more lines of text. The insert method takes an index and a string to insert. The index is usually an item number (0 for the first item in the list), but you can also use some special indexes, includingACTIVE, which refers to the "active" item (set when you click on an item, or by the arrow keys), and END, which is used to append items to the list. listbox = Listbox(master) listbox.insert(END, "a list entry") for item in ["one", "two", "three", "four"]: listbox.insert(END, item) To remove items from the list, use the delete method. The most common operation is to delete all items in the list (something you often need to do when updating the list). listbox.delete(0, END) listbox.insert(END, newitem) You can also delete individual items. In the following example, a separate button is used to delete the ACTIVEitem from a list. lb = Listbox(master) b = Button(master, text="Delete", command=lambda lb=lb: lb.delete(ANCHOR)) The listbox offers four different selection modes through the selectmode option. These are SINGLE (just a single choice), BROWSE(same, but the selection can be moved using the mouse), MULTIPLE(multiple item can be choosen, by clicking at them one at a time), or EXTENDED (multiple ranges of items can be chosen, using the Shift and Control keyboard modifiers). The default is BROWSE. Use MULTIPLEto get "checklist" behaviour, and EXTENDED when the user would usually pick only one item, but sometimes would like to select one or more ranges of items. lb = Listbox(selectmode=EXTENDED) To query the selection, use curselectionmethod. It returns a list of item indexes, but a bug in Tkinter 1.101 (Python 1.5.1) and earlier versions causes this list to be returned as a list of strings, instead of integers. This will most likely be fixed in later versions of Tkinter, so you should make sure that your code is written to handle either case. Here's one way to do that: items = list.curselection() try: The Listbox Widget 91 items = map(string.atoi, items) except ValueError: pass In Python 1.5 and later, you can use the builtin int function instead of string.atoi, but that's actually slightly slower. Use the get method to get the list item corresponding to a given index. You can also use a listbox to represent arbitrary Python objects. In the next example, we assume that the input data is represented as a list of tuples, where the first item in each tuple is the string to display in the list. For example, you could display a dictionary by using the items method to get such a list., END) # clear for key, value in data:, key) = data When querying the list, simply fetch the items indexed by the selection list: items = try: items = map(string.atoi, items) except ValueError: pass items = map(lambda i, d[i], items) Unfortunately, the listbox doesn't provide a command option allowing you to track changes to the selection. The standard solution is to bind a double-click event to the same callback as the OK (or Select, or whatever) button. This allows the user to either select an alternative as usual, and click OK to carry out the operation, or to select and carry out the operation in one go by double-clicking on an alternative. This solution works best in BROWSE and EXTENDED modes. lb.bind("", self.ok) If you wish to track arbitrary changes to the selection, you can either rebind the whole bunch of selection related events (see the Tk manual pages for a complete list of Listbox event bindings), or, much easier, poll the list using a timer: def __init__(self, master): self.list = Listbox(selectmode=EXTENDED) self.list.pack() self.current = None self.poll() # start polling the list def poll(self): now = self.list.curselection() if now != self.current: self.list_has_changed(now) self.current = now self.after(250, self.poll) By default, the selection is exported via the X selection mechanism (or the clipboard, on Windows). If you have more than one listbox on the screen, this really messes things up for the poor user. If she selects something in one listbox, and then selects something in another, the original selection disappears. It is usually a good idea to disable this The Listbox Widget 92 mechanism in such cases. In the following example, three listboxes are used in the same dialog: b1 = Listbox(exportselection=0) for item in families: b1.insert(END, item) b2 = Listbox(exportselection=0) for item in fonts: b2.insert(END, item) b3 = Listbox(exportselection=0) for item in styles: b3.insert(END, item) The listbox itself doesn't include a scrollbar. Attaching a scrollbar is pretty straightforward. Simply set the xscrollcommand and yscrollcommand options of the listbox to the set method of the corresponding scrollbar, and thecommand options of the scrollbars to the corresponding xview and yview methods in the listbox. Also remember to pack the scrollbars before the listbox. In the following example, only a vertical scrollbar is used. For more examples, see pattern section in the Scrollbar description. frame = Frame(master) scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame, orient=VERTICAL) listbox = Listbox(frame, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=listbox.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) listbox.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) With some more trickery, you can use a single vertical scrollbar to scroll several lists in parallel. This assumes that all lists have the same number of items. Also note how the widgets are packed in the following example. def __init__(self, master): scrollbar = Scrollbar(master, orient=VERTICAL) self.b1 = Listbox(master, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) self.b2 = Listbox(master, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command=self.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.b1.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.b2.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) def yview(self, *args): apply(self.b1.yview, args) apply(self.b2.yview, args) Methods The Listbox widget supports the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: activate activate(index). Activate the given index (it will be marked with an underline). The active item can be refered to using theACTIVEindex. The Listbox Widget 93 bbox bbox(index). Get the bounding box of the given item text. The bounding box is returned as a 4-tuple giving (xoffset, yoffset, width, height). If the item is not visible, this method returns None. curselection curselection(). Get a list of the currently selected alternatives. The list contains the indexes of the selected alternatives (beginning with 0 for the first alternative in the list). In Tkinter 1.101 (Python 1.5.1), the list contains strings instead of integers. Since this may change in future versions, you should make sure your code can handle either case. See the patterns section for a suggested solution. delete delete(index), delete(first, last). Delete one or more items. Use delete(0, END) to delete all items in the list. get get(index), get(first, last). Get one or more items from the list. This function returns the string corresponding to the given index (or the strings in the given index range). Use get(0, END) to get a list of all items in the list. UseACTIVEto get the active (underlined) item. index index(index). Return the numerical index (0 to size()-1) corresponding to the given index. This is typicallyACTIVE, but can also beANCHOR, or a string having the form "@x,y" where x and y are widget-relative pixel coordinates. insert insert(index, items). Insert one or more items at given index (this works as for Python lists; index 0 is before the first item). Use END to append items to the list. UseACTIVEto insert items before the the active (underlined) item. nearest nearest(y). Return the index nearest to the given coordinate (a widget-relative pixel coordinate). see see(index). Make sure the given list index is visible. You can use an integer index, or END. size size(). Return the number of items in the list. The valid index range goes from 0 to size()-1. Selection Methods The following methods are used to manipulate the listbox selection. The Listbox Widget 94 select_adjust select_adjust(index). Extend the selection to include the given index. select_anchor select_anchor(index). Set the selection anchor to the given index. The anchor can be refered to using theANCHOR index. select_clear select_clear(). Clear the selection. select_includes select_includes(index). Returns true if the given item is selected. select_set select_set(index), select_set(first, last). Add one or more items to the selection. Scrolling Methods These methods are used to scroll the listbox widget in various ways. The scan methods can be used to implement fast mouse scrolling operations (they are bound to the middle mouse button, if available), while theyview method is used with a standard scrollbar widget. scan_mark, scan_dragto scan_mark(x, y), scan_dragto(x, y). scan_mark sets the scanning anchor for fast horizontal scrolling to the given mouse coordinate. scan_dragto scrolls the widget contents according to the given mouse coordinate. The text is moved 10 times the distance between the scanning anchor and the new position. xview, yview xview(), yview(). Determine which part of the full list that is visible in the horizontal (vertical) direction. This is given as the offset and size of the visible part, given in relation to the full size of the list (1.0 is the full list). These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings. xview, yview xview(column), yview(index). Adjust the list so that the given character column (list item) is at the left (top) edge of the listbox. To make sure that a given item is visible, use the see method instead. xview, yview xview(MOVETO, offset), yview(MOVETO, offset). Adjust the list so that the given offset is at the left (top) edge of the listbox. Offset 0.0 is the beginning of the list, 1.0 the end. These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings when the user drags the scrollbar slider. The Listbox Widget 95 The MOVETO constant is not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the string "moveto" instead. xview, yview xview(SCROLL, step, what), yview(SCROLL, step, what). Scroll the list horizontally (vertically) by the given amount. The what argument can be either UNITS (lines) or PAGES. These methods are used by the Scrollbarbindings when the user clicks on a scrollbar arrow or in the trough. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "scroll", "units", and "pages" instead. Options The Listbox widget supports the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description background, foreground color The listbox color. The default is platform specific. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse is placed over the listbox. exportselection bool If set, the list selection is automatically exported via the X selection mechanism. The default is on. If you have more than one list in the same dialog, it is probably best to disable this mechanism. font font The font to use in the listbox. The listbox can only contain text in a single font. relief constant Border decoration. The default is SUNKEN. Other possible values are FLAT, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. borderwidth (bd) distance The width of the listbox border. The default is platform specific, but is usually 1 or 2 pixels. selectbackgrou nd, selectforegrou nd color Selection color settings. selectborderwi dth dimension Selection border width. The selection is always raised. selectmode constant Selection mode. One of SINGLE, BROWSE, MULTIPLE, or EXTENDED. Default is BROWSE. Use MULTIPLE to get checklist behaviour, EXTENDEDif the user usually selects one item, but sometimes would like to select one or more ranges of items. See the patterns section for more The Listbox Widget 96 Option Type Description information. setgrid bool takefocus bool Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the listbox accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). width, height distance The size of the listbox, in text units. xscrollcomman d, yscrollcomman d command Used to connect a listbox to a scrollbar. These options should be set to the set methods of the corresponding scrollbars. 97 The Menu Widget Patterns Methods add add(itemType, options...). Table 1. Option Type Description activebackgrou nd color activeforegrou nd color accelerator string background color bitmap bitmap columnbreak flag command callback font font foreground color hidemargin flag image image indicatoron flag label string menu widget offvalue value onvalue value selectcolor color selectimage image state constant underline integer value value The Menu Widget 98 variable variable add_cascade add_cascade(options...). add_checkbutton add_checkbutton(options...). add_command add_command(options...). add_radiobutton add_radiobutton(options...). add_separator add_separator(options...). delete delete(index), delete(start, stop). entryconfig entryconfig(index, options...). entryconfigure entryconfigure(index, options...). index index(index). insert insert(index, itemType, options...). insert_cascade insert_cascade(index, options...). insert_checkbutton insert_checkbutton(index, options...). insert_command insert_command(index, options...). The Menu Widget 99 insert_radiobutton insert_radiobutton(index, options...). insert_separator insert_separator(index, options...). invoke invoke(index). post post(x, y). unpost unpost(). yposition yposition(index). Helpers The following methods are only relevant if you're implementing your own keyboard bindings. They are not documented in this version of the Tkinter overview. tk_bindForTraversal(). tk_firstMenu(). tk_getMenuButtons(). tk_invokeMenu(). tk_mbButtonDown(). tk_mbPost(). tk_mbUnpost(). tk_nextMenu(count). tk_nextMenuEntry(count). tk_popup(x, y, entry=''). tk_traverseToMenu(char). tk_traverseWithinMenu(char). Options Table 2. Option Type Description activebackgrou color The Menu Widget 100 Option Type Description nd activeborderwi dth distance activeforegrou nd color background (bg) color borderwidth (bd) distance cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the button widget. Default is a system specific arrow cursor. disabledforegr ound color font font foreground (fg) color postcommand callback relief constant Border decoration. The default is RAISED. Other possible values are FLAT, SUNKEN, GROOVE, and RIDGE. selectcolor color takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the menu accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). tearoff flag tearoffcomman d callback title string type constant 101 The Menubutton Widget Patterns Methods Options 102 The Message Widget Patterns Methods The Message widget supports the standard Tkinter Widget interface. There are no additional methods. Options The Message widget support the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description anchor constant aspect value background (bg) color cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the message widget. Default is a system specific arrow cursor. font font foreground (fg) color highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). justify constant padx, pady distance relief constant Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Note that to show the border, you need to change the borderwidth from it's default value of 0. borderwidth distance Border width. The default is 0 (no border). The Message Widget 103 Option Type Description (bd) takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the message accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). text string textvariable variable width distance 104 The Pack Geometry Manager The Pack geometry manager packs widgets in rows or columns. You can use options like fill, expand, and side to control this geometry manager. When to use the Pack Manager To be added. Warning Don't mix grid and pack in the same master window. Tkinter will happily spend the rest of your lifetime trying to negotiate a solution that both managers are happy with. Instead of waiting, kill the application, and take another look at your code. A common mistake is to use the wrong parent for some of the widgets. Patterns To be added. Methods The following methods are available on widgets managed by the pack manager: Widget Methods The following methods are available on widgets managed by the pack manager: pack pack(option=value, ...), pack_configure(option=value, ...). Pack the widget as described by the options (see below). pack_forget pack_forget(). Remove the widget. The widget is not destroyed, and can be displayed again by pack or any other manager. pack_info() pack_info(). Return a dictionary containing the current options. Manager Methods The following methods are available on widgets that are used as pack managers (that is, the geometry masters for widgets managed by the pack manager). The Pack Geometry Manager 105 pack_propagate() pack_propagate(). pack_slaves() pack_slaves(). Returns a list of the "slave" widgets managed by this widget. The widgets are returned as Tkinter widget references. Options The following options can be used with the pack and pack_configure methods: Table 1. Option Type Description side constant Specifies which side to pack the widget against. To pack widgets vertically, use TOP (default). To pack widgets horizontally, use LEFT. You can also pack widgets along the BOTTOM and RIGHT edges. You can mix sides in a single geometry manager, but the results may not be what you expect. While you can create pretty complicated layouts by nesting Frame widgets, you may prefer using the grid geometry manager for all non-trivial layouts. fill constant Specifies whether the widget should occupy all the space given to it by the master. If NONE (default), keep the widget's original size. If X (horizontally),Y (vertically), or BOTH, fill the given space along that direction. To make a widget fill the entire master widget, set fill to BOTHand expand to a non-zero value. expand flag Specifies whether the widgets should be expanded to fill any extra space in the geometry master. If zero (default), the widget is not expanded. in (in_) widget Pack widget inside the given widget. You can only pack a widget inside its parent, or in any decendant of its parent. This option should usually be left out, in which case the widget is packed inside its parent. Note that in is a reserved word in Python. To use it as a keyword option, append an underscore (in_). 106 The PhotoImage Class Patterns Methods configure configure(options), config(options). Change one or more configuration options. cget cget(option). Return the value of the given configuration option. width, height width(), height(). Returns the width (height) of the image, in pixels. type type(). Returns the string "photo". get get(x, y). Fetch the pixel at the given position (where (0, 0) is in the upper left corner). As of Python 1.5.2, this method returns a string containing one or three pixel components. Here's how to convert this string to either an integer or a 3-tuple of integers: optionvalue = im.get(x, y) if type(value) == type(""): try: value = int(value) except ValueError: value = tuple(map(int, string.split(value))) put put(data), put(data, bbox). Write pixel data to the image. read read(). Not supported in 1.5.2 or earlier. write write(filename, options). Save the contents of the PhotoImage to a file using the given format. The following options can be used: The PhotoImage Class 107 Table 1. Option Type Description format string Specifies the format handler to use when writing this image. This is typically "gif" or "ppm" from_coords tuple Save only a part of the image. If a 2-tuple is given, write saves the rectangle between that position, and the lower right corner of the image. If a 4-tuple is given, it specifies which rectangle to save. blank blank(). Clears the image. The size is left as it is, but the contents are made completely transparent. copy copy(). Duplicate the current PhotoImage instance. zoom zoom(xscale, yscale), zoom(scale). Resize the image to (xscale*width, yscale*height) pixels, using nearest neighbour resampling. In other words, each pixel in the source image will be expanded to xscale*yscale pixels. If only one scale is given, it is used for both directions. subsample subsample(xscale, yscale), subsample(scale). Resize the image to (xscale/width, yscale/height) pixels, using nearest neighbour resampling. If only one scale is given, it is used for both directions. Options The PhotoImage class supports the following options. Table 2. Option Type Description file string Read image data from the given file. The file can contain GIF, PGM (grayscale), or PPM (truecolor) data. Transparent regions in the GIF file are made transparent. To handle other file formats, use the corresponding class in the Python Imaging Library. data string Read image data from a string. In the current version of Tk, this only works for base64-encoded GIF files. If the file option is given, this option is ignored. The PhotoImage Class 108 Option Type Description width, height integer The width (height) of the image memory. Note that this is the requested size, not the actual size. To get the actual size, use the corresponding methods. format string If several file handlers can handle the given file, this option can be used to specify which handler to use. If you haven't installed extra file handlers, there's no need to use this option. gamma float The image gamma. To get fully accurate colors, this should be set to a combination of the gamma values for the image and display. Default is 1.0 (no gamma correction). palette integer or string Specifies the number of palette entries to use when displaying this image. You can either use a single integer to display the image as a grayscale image with that number of grayscale levels, or a string with three numbers separated by slashes, to display the image as a color image with that number of red, green, and blue values. The default is system specific. 109 The Place Geometry Manager The Place geometry manager is the simplest of the three general geometry managers provided in Tkinter. It allows you explicitly set the position and size of a window, either in absolute terms, or relative to another window. You can access the place manager through the place method which is available for all standard widgets. When to use place It is usually not a good idea to use place for ordinary window and dialog layouts; its simply to much work to get things working as they should. Use the pack or grid managers for such purposes. However, place has its uses in more specialized cases. Most importantly, it can be used by compound widget containers to implement various custom geometry managers. Another use is to position control buttons in dialogs. Patterns Let's look at some usage patterns. The following command centers a widget in its parent:, rely=0.5, anchor=CENTER) Here's another variant. It packs a Label widget in a frame widget, and then places a DrawnButton in the upper right corner of the frame. The button will overlap the label. pane = Frame(master) Label(pane, text="Pane Title").pack() b = DrawnButton(pane, (12, 12), launch_icon, command=self.launch), x=-2, y=2, anchor=NE) The following excerpt from a Notepad widget implementation displays a notepad page (implemented as a Frame) in the notepad body frame. It first loops over the available pages, calling place_forget for each one of them. Note that it's not an error to "unplace" a widget that it's not placed in the first case: for w in self.__pages: w.place_forget() self.__pages[index].place(in_=self.__body, x=bd, y=bd) You can combine the absolute and relative options. In such cases, the relative option is applied first, and the absolute value is then added to that position. In the following example, the widgetw is almost completely covers its parent, except for a 5 pixel border around the widget., y=5, relwidth=1, relheight=1, width=-10, height=-10) You can also place a widget outside another widget. For example, why not place two widgets on top of each other:, relx=0.5, y=-2, anchor=S, bordermode="outside") The Place Geometry Manager 110 Note the use of relx and anchoroptions to center the widgets vertically. You could also use (relx=0, anchor=SW) to get left alignment, or (relx=1, anchor=SE) to get right alignment. By the way, why not combine this way to use the packer with the launch button example shown earlier. The following example places two buttons in the upper right corner of the pane: b1 = DrawnButton(pane, (12, 12), launch_icon, command=self.launch), x=-2, y=2, anchor=NE) b2 = DrawnButton(pane, (12, 12), info_icon,, x=-2, anchor=NE, bordermode="outside") Finally, let's look at a piece of code from an imaginarySplitWindow container widget. The following piece of code splits frame into two subframes called f1 and f2. f1 = Frame(frame, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN) f2 = Frame(frame, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN) split = 0.5, relheight=split, relwidth=1), relheight=1.0-split, relwidth=1) To change the split point, set split to something suitable, and call the place method again. If you haven't changed an option, you don't have to specify it again., relheight=1.0-split) You could add a small frame to use as a dragging handle, and add suitable bindings to it, e.g: f3 = Frame(frame, bd=2, relief=RAISED, width=8, height=8), rely=split, anchor=E) f3.bind("", self.adjust) Methods place place(option=value, ...), place_configure(option=value, ...). Place the widget as described by the options (see below). place_configure is not available in the Tkinter version shipped with Python 1.4. For compatibility, use place instead. place_forget place_forget(). Remove the widget. The widget is not destroyed, and can be displayed again by place or any other manager. place_info place_info(). Return a dictionary containing the current options. The Place Geometry Manager 111 place_slaves place_slaves(). Returns a list of the "slave" widgets managed by this widget. The widgets are returned as Tkinter widget references. Options The following options can be used with the place and place_configure methods: Table 1. Option Type Description anchor constant Specifies which part of the widget that should be placed at the given position. Valid values are N, NE, E, SE, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is NW (the upper left corner, that is). bordermode constant If INSIDE, the size and position are relative to the reference widget's inner size, excluding any border. If OUTSIDE, it's relative to the outer size, including the border. Default isINSIDE. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "inside" and "outside" instead. in (in_) widget Place widget relative to the given widget. You can only place a widget relative to its parent, or to any decendant of its parent. If this option is not given, it defaults to the parent. Note that in is a reserved word in Python. To use it as a keyword option, append an underscore (in_). relwidth, relheight float Size, relative to the reference widget. relx, rely float Position, relative to the reference widget (usually the parent, unless otherwise specified by the in option). 0.0 is the left (upper) edge, 1.0 is the right (lower) edge. width, height integer Size, in pixels. If omitted, it defaults to the widget's "natural" size. x, y integer Absolute position, in pixels. If omitted, defaults to 0. 112 The Radiobutton Widget The Radiobutton is a standard Tkinter widget used to implement one-of-many selections. Radiobuttons can contain text or images, and you can associate a Python function or method with each button. When the button is pressed, Tkinter automatically calls that function or method. The button can only display text in a single font, but the text may span more than one line. In addition, one of the characters can be underlined, for example to mark a keyboard shortcut. By default, the Tab key can be used to move to a button widget. Each group of Radiobutton widgets should be associated with single variable. Each button then represents a single value for that variable. Radiobutton Patterns The Radiobutton widget is very similar to the check button. To get a proper radio behaviour, make sure to have all buttons in a group point to the same variable, and use the value option to specify what value each button represents: v = IntVar() Radiobutton(master, text="One", variable=v, value=1).pack(anchor=W) Radiobutton(master, text="Two", variable=v, value=2).pack(anchor=W) If you need to get notified when the value changes, attach acommand callback to each button. To create a large number of buttons, use a loop: MODES = [ ("Monochrome", "1"), ("Grayscale", "L"), ("True color", "RGB"), ("Color separation", "CMYK"), ] v = StringVar() v.set("L") # initialize for text, mode in MODES: b = Radiobutton(master, text=text, variable=v, value=mode) b.pack(anchor=W) The Radiobutton Widget 113 Figure 1. Standard radiobuttons To turn the above example into a "button box" rather than a set of radio buttons, set the indicatoron option to 0. In this case, there's no separate radio button indicator, and the selected button is drawn as SUNKEN instead of RAISED: Figure 2. Using indicatoron=0 Methods The Radiobutton widget supports the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: deselect deselect(). Deselect the button. flash flash(). Redraw the button several times, alternating between active and normal appearance. invoke invoke(). Call the command associated with the button. select select(). Select the button. The Radiobutton Widget 114 Options The Radiobutton widget supports the following options: Table 1. Option Type Description activebackgrou nd, activeforegrou nd color The color to use when the button is activated. anchor constant Controls where in the button the text (or image) should be located. Use one of N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, or CENTER. Default is CENTER. If you change this, it is probably a good idea to add some padding as well, using the padx and/or pady options. background, foreground color The button color. The default is platform specific. bitmap bitmap The bitmap to display in the widget. If the image option is given, this option is ignored. The following bitmaps are available on all platforms: "error", "gray75", "gray50", "gray25", "gray12", "hourglass", "info", "questhead", "question", and "warning". The following additional bitmaps are available on the Macintosh only: "document", "stationery", "edition", "application", "accessory", "folder", "pfolder", "trash", "floppy", "ramdisk", "cdrom", "preferences", "querydoc", "stop", "note", and "caution". You can also load the bitmap from an XBM file. Just prefix the filename with an at-sign, for example "@sample.xbm". borderwidth (bd) int The width of the button border. The default is platform specific, but is usually 1 or 2 pixels. command callback A function or method that is called when the button is pressed. The callback can be a function, bound method, or any other callable Python object. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse is moved over the button. default int If set, the button is a default button. Tk will indicate this by drawing a platform specific indicator (usually an extra border). NOTE: The syntax has The Radiobutton Widget 115 Option Type Description changed in 8.0b2!!! disabledforegr ound color The color to use when the button is disabled. The background is shown in thebackground color. font font The font to use in the button. The button can only contain text in a single font. highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is typically one or two pixels. image image The image to display in the widget. If specified, this takes precedence over the text and bitmap options. indicatoron bool Controls if the indicator should be drawn or not. For check and radio buttons, this is on by default. Setting this option to false means that the relief will be used as the indicator. If the button is selected, it is drawn as SUNKEN instead of RAISED. For a menu button, this is off by default. Setting it to true draws a small indicator to the right. This is used by the OptionMenu widget. justify constant Defines how to align multiple lines of text. Use LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. padx, paxy distance Button padding. These options specify the horizontal and vertical padding between the text or image, and the button border. relief constant Border decoration. Usually, the button is SUNKEN when pressed, and RAISED otherwise. Other possible values are GROOVE, RIDGE, and FLAT. selectcolor color Color to use for the selector. selectimage image Graphic image to use for the selector. state constant The button state: NORMAL, ACTIVE or DISABLED. Default is NORMAL. takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this button. Default is an empty string, which means that the button accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). text string The text to display in the button. The text can contain newlines. If thebitmap or image options are used, this option is ignored. The Radiobutton Widget 116 Option Type Description textvariable variable Associates a Tkinter variable (usually a StringVar) to the button. If the variable is changed, the button text is updated. underline int Default is -1. value None The value to assign to the associated variable when the button is pressed. variable variable Associates a Tkinter variable to the button. When the button is pressed, the variable is either toggled between offvalue and onvalue (for a Checkbutton), or set tovalue (for a Radiobutton). Explicit changes to the variable are automatically reflected by the buttons. width, height distance The size of the button. If the button displays text, the size is given in text units. If the button displays an image, the size is given in pixels (or screen units). If the size is omitted, it is calculated based on the button contents. wraplength distance Determines when a button's text should be wrapped into multiple lines. This is given in screen units. Default is no wrapping. 117 The Scale Widget Patterns Methods get, set get(). set(value). Options Table 1. Option Type Description activebackgrou nd color background (bg) color bigincrement value command callback cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the scale widget. Default is a system specific arrow cursor. digits value font font foreground (fg) color from (from_) value highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). label string length distance The Scale Widget 118 Option Type Description orient constant relief constant Border decoration. The default is FLAT. Other possible values are SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. borderwidth (bd) distance The width of the button border. The default is platform specific, but is usually 1 or 2 pixels. repeatdelay time repeatinterval time resolution value showvalue flag sliderlength distance sliderrelief constant state constant takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the scale accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). tickinterval time to value troughcolor color variable variable width distance 119 The Scrollbar Widget Patterns Methods delta delta(deltax, deltay). destroy destroy(). fraction fraction(x, y). get get(). identify identify(x, y). keys keys(). set set(args). Options Note that most options are ignored on Windows and Macintosh, where the scrollbar is drawn via the native UI toolbox. For best results, use only thecommand andorient options in your programs. Table 1. Option Type Description orient constant Defines how to draw the scrollbar. Use one of HORIZONTAL or VERTICAL. Default is VERTICAL. command callback Used to update the associated widget. This is typically the xview or yview method of the scrolled The Scrollbar Widget 120 Option Type Description widget. If the user drags the scrollbar slider, the command is called ascallback(MOVETO, offset), where offset 0.0 means that the slider is in its topmost (or leftmost) position, and offset 1.0 means that it is in its bottommost (or rightmost) position. If the user clicks the arrow buttons, or clicks in the trough, the command is called ascallback(SCROLL, step, what). The second argument is either "-1" or "1" depending on the direction, and the third argument is UNITS to scroll lines (or other units relevant for the scrolled widget), or PAGES to scroll full pages. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "moveto", "scroll", "units", and "pages" instead. activebackgrou nd color activerelief constant background (bg) color cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the scrollbar widget. Default is a system specific arrow cursor. elementborder width distance highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). Note that this option is ignored under Windows. jump constant relief constant Border decoration. The default is SUNKEN. Other possible values are FLAT, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. Note that this option is ignored under Windows. borderwidth (bd) distance Border width. The default is 0 (no border). Note that this option is ignored under Windows. repeatdelay time repeatinterval time The Scrollbar Widget 121 Option Type Description takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the scrollbar accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). troughcolor color width distance 122 The Text Widget The Text widget provides formatted text display. It allows you to display and edit text with various styles and attributes. The widget also supports embedded images and windows. Concepts The text widget stores and displays lines of text. The text body can consist of characters, marks, and embedded windows or images. Different regions can be displayed in different styles, and you can also attach event bindings to regions. By default, you can edit the text widget's contents using the standard keyboard and mouse bindings. To disable editing, set the state option to DISABLED (but if you do that, you'll also disable the insert and delete methods). Indexes Indexes are used to point to positions within the text handled by the text widget. Like Python sequence indexes, text widget indexes correspond to positions between the actual characters. Tkinter provides a number of different index types: • line/column ("line.column") • line end ("line.end") • INSERT • CURRENT • END • user-defined marks • user-defined tags ("tag.first", "tag.last") • selection (SEL_FIRST, SEL_LAST) • window coordinate ("@x,y") • embedded object name (window, images) • expressions line/column indexes are the basic index type. They are given as strings consisting of a line number and column number, separated by a period. Line numbers start at 1, while column numbers start at 0, like Python sequence indexes. You can construct indexes using the following syntax: "%d.%d" % (line, column) It is not an error to specify line numbers beyond the last line, or column numbers beyond the last column on a line. Such numbers correspond to the line beyond the last, or the newline character ending a line. The Text Widget 123 Note that line/column indexes may look like floating point values, but it's seldom possible to treat them as such (consider position 1.25 vs. 1.3, for example). I sometimes use1.0 instead of "1.0" to save a few keystrokes when referring to the first character in the buffer, but that's about it. You can use the index method to convert all other kinds of indexes to the corresponding line/column index string. A line end index is given as a string consisting of a line number directly followed by the text ".end". A line end index correspond to the newline character ending a line. INSERT (or "insert") corresponds to the insertion cursor. CURRENT (or "current") corresponds to the character closest to the mouse pointer. However, it is only updated if you move the mouse without holding down any buttons (if you do, it will not be updated until you release the button). END(or "end") corresponds to the position just after the last character in the buffer. User-defined marks are named positions in the text.INSERT and CURRENT are predefined marks, but you can also create your own marks. See below for more information. User-defined tags represent special event bindings and styles that can be assigned to ranges of text. For more information on tags, see below. You can refer to the beginning of a tag range using the syntax "tag.first" (just before the first character in the text using that tag), and "tag.last" (just after the last character using that tag). "%s.first" % tagname "%s.last" % tagname If the tag isn't in use, Tkinter raises a TclError exception. The selection is a special tag named SEL (or "sel") that corresponds to the current selection. You can use the constants SEL_FIRST and SEL_LAST to refer to the selection. If there's no selection, Tkinter raises a TclError exception. You can also usewindow coordinates as indexes. For example, in an event binding, you can find the character closest to the mouse pointer using the following syntax: "@%d,%d" % (event.x, event.y) Embedded object name can be used to refer to windows and images embedded in the text widget. To refer to a window, simply use the corresponding Tkinter widget instance as an index. To refer to an embedded image, use the corresponding Tkinter PhotoImage or BitmapImage object. Expressions can be used to modify any kind of index. Expressions are formed by taking the string representation of an index (use str if the index isn't already a string), and append one or more modifiers: "+ count chars" moves the index forward. The index will move over newlines, but not beyond the END index. "- count chars" moves the index backwards. The index will move over newlines, but not beyond index "1.0". The Text Widget 124 "+ count lines" and "- count lines" moves the index full lines forward (or backwards). If possible, the index is kept in the same column, but if the new line is too short, the index is moved to the end of that line. "linestart" moves the index to the first position on the line. "lineend" moves the index to the last position on the line (the newline, that is). "wordstart" and "wordend" moves the index to the beginning (end) of the current word. Words are sequences of letters, digits, and underline, or single non-space characters. The keywords can be abbreviated and spaces can be omitted as long as the result is not ambigous. For example, "+ 5 chars" can be shortened to "+5c". For compatibility with implementations where the constants are not strings, you should use str or formatting operations to create the expression string. For example, here's how to remove the character just before the insertion cursor: def backspace(event): event.widget.delete("%s-1c" % INSERT, INSERT) Marks Marks are (usually) invisible objects embedded in the text managed by the widget. Marks are positioned between character cells, and moves along with the text. • user-defined marks • INSERT • CURRENT You can use any number of user-defined marks in a text widget. Mark names are ordinary strings, and they can contain anything except whitespace (for convenience, you should avoid names that can be confused with indexes, especially names containing periods). To create or move a mark, use the mark_set method. Two marks are predefined by Tkinter, and have special meaning: INSERT (or "insert") is a special mark that is used to represent the insertion cursor. Tkinter draws the cursor at this mark's position, so it isn't entirely invisible. CURRENT (or "current") is a special mark that represents the character closest to the mouse pointer. However, it is only updated if you move the mouse without holding down any buttons (if you do, it will not be updated until you release the button). Special marks can be manipulated as other user-defined marks, but they cannot be deleted. If you insert or delete text before a mark, the mark is moved along with the other text. To remove a mark, you must use the mark_unset method. Deleting text around a mark doesn't remove the mark itself. If you insert text at a mark, it may be moved to the end of that text or left where it was, depending on the mark's gravity setting (LEFT or RIGHT; default is RIGHT). You can use the mark_gravity method to change the gravity setting for a given mark. In the following example, the "sentinel" mark is used to keep track of the original position for the insertion cursor. text.mark_set("sentinel", INSERT) text.mark_gravity("sentinel", LEFT) The Text Widget 125 You can now let the user enter text at the insertion cursor, and use text.get("sentinel", INSERT) to pick up the result. Tags Tags are used to associated a display style and/or event callbacks with ranges of text. • user-defined tags • SEL You can define any number of user-defined tags. Any text range can have multiple tags, and the same tag can be used for many different ranges. Unlike the Canvas widget, tags defined for the text widget are not tightly bound to text ranges; the information associated with a tag is kept also if there is no text in the widget using it. Tag names are ordinary strings, and they can contain anything except whitespace. SEL (or "sel") is a special tag which corresponds to the current selection, if any. There should be at most one range using the selection tag. The following options areused withtag_config to specify the visual style for text using a certain tag. Table 1. Option Type Description background color The background color to use for text having this tag. Note that the bg alias cannot be used with tags; it is interpreted as bgstipple rather than background. bgstipple (bg) bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when drawing the background. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). borderwidth distance The width of the text border. The default is 0 (no border). Note that the bd alias cannot be used with tags. fgstipple (fg) bitmap The name of a bitmap which is used as a stipple brush when drawing the text. Typical values are "gray12", "gray25", "gray50", or "gray75". Default is a solid brush (no bitmap). font font The font to use for text having this tag. foreground color The color to use for text having this tag. Note that the fg alias cannot be used with tags; it is interpreted as fgstipple rather than foreground. justify constant Controls text justification (the first character on a line determines how to justify the whole line). Use one of LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER. Default is LEFT. lmargin1 distance The left margin to use for the first line in a block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no left margin). lmargin2 distance The left margin to use for every line but the first in a The Text Widget 126 block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no left margin). offset distance Controls if the text should be offset from the baseline. Use a positive value for superscripts, a negative value for subscripts. Default is 0 (no offset). overstrike flag If non-zero, the text widget draws a line over the text that has this tag. For best results, you should use overstrike fonts instead. relief constant The border style to use for text having this tag. Use one of SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, RIDGE, or FLAT. Default is FLAT (no border). rmargin distance The right margin to use for blocks of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no right margin). spacing1 distance Spacing to use above the first line in a block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). spacing2 distance Spacing to use between the lines in a block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). spacing3 distance Spacing to use after the last line of text in a block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). tabs string underline flag If non-zero, the text widget underlines the text that has this tag. For example, you can get the standard hyperlink look with (foreground="blue", underline=1). For best results, you should use underlined fonts instead. wrap constant The word wrap mode to use for text having this tag. Use one of NONE, CHAR, or WORD. If you attach multiple tags to a range of text, style options from the most recently created tag override options from earlier tags. In the following example, the resulting text is blue on a yellow background. text.tag_config("n", background="yellow", foreground="red") text.tag_config("a", foreground="blue") text.insert(contents, ("n", "a")) Note that it doesn't matter in which order you attach tags to a range; it's the tag creation order that counts. You can change the tag priority using the tag_raise and tag_lower. If you add a text.tag_lower("a") to the above example, the text becomes red. The tag_bind method allows you to add event bindings to text having a particular tag. Tags can generate mouse and keyboard events, plus Enter and Leave events. For example, the following code snippet creates a tag to use for any hypertext links in the text: text.tag_config("a", foreground="blue", underline=1) The Text Widget 127 text.tag_bind("", show_hand_cursor) text.tag_bind("", show_arrow_cursor) text.tag_bind("", click) text.config(cursor="arrow") text.insert(INSERT, "click here!", "a") Patterns When you create a new text widget, it has no contents. To insert text into the widget, use the insert method and insert text at the INSERT or ENDindexes: text.insert(END, "hello, ") text.insert(END, "world") You can use an optional third argument to the insert method to attach one or more tags to the newly inserted text: text.insert(END, "this is a ") text.insert(END, "link", ("a", "href"+href)) To insert embedded objects, use thewindow_create or image_create methods: button = Button(text, text="Click", command=click) text.window_create(INSERT, window=button) To delete text, use the delete method. Here's how to delete all text from the widget (this also deletes embedded windows and images, but not marks): text.delete(1.0, END) To delete a single character (or an embedded window or image), you can use delete with only one argument: text.delete(INSERT) text.delete(button) To make the widget read-only, you can change the state option from NORMAL to DISABLED: text.config(state=NORMAL) text.delete(1.0, END) text.insert(END, text) text.config(state=DISABLED) Note that you must change the state back to NORMALbefore you can modify the widget contents from within the program. Otherwise, calls to insert and delete will be silently ignored. To fetch the text contents of the widget, use the get method: contents = text.get(1.0, END) FIXME: add material on the dump method, and how to use it on 1.5.2 and earlier Here's a simple way to keep track of changes to the text widget: import md5 The Text Widget 128 def getsignature(contents): return md5.md5(contents).digest() text.insert(END, contents) # original contents signature = getsignature(contents) ... contents = text.get(1.0, END) if signature != getsignature(contents): print "contents have changed!" FIXME: modify to handle ending linefeed added by text widget The index method converts an index given in any of the supported formats to a line/column index. Use this if you need to store an "absolute" index. index = text.index(index) However, if you need to keep track of positions in the text even after other text is inserted or deleted, you should use marks instead. text.mark_set("here", index) text.mark_unset("here") The following function converts any kind of index to a (line, column)-tuple. Note that you can directly compare positions represented by such tuples. def getindex(text, index): return tuple(map(int, string.split(text.index(index), "."))) if getindex(text, INSERT) < getindex(text, "sentinel"): text.mark_set(INSERT, "sentinel") The following example shows how to enumerate all regions in the text that has a given tag. ranges = text.tag_ranges(tag) for i in range(0, len(ranges), 2): start = ranges[i] stop = ranges[i+1] print tag, repr(text.get(start, stop)) The search method allows you to search for text. You can search for an exact match (default), or use a Tcl-style regular expression (call with the regexp option set to true). text.insert(END, "hello, world") start = 1.0 while 1: pos ="o", start, stopindex=END) if not pos: break print pos start = pos + "+1c" Given an empty text widget, the above example prints1.4 and1.8 before it stops. If you omit the stopindex option, the search wraps around if it reaches the end of the text. The Text Widget 129 To search backwards, set thebackwards option to true (to find all occurences, start at END, set stopindex to 1.0 to avoid wrapping, and use "-1c" to move the start position). Basic Methods The Listbox widget supports the standard Tkinter Widget interface, plus the following methods: insert insert(index, text), insert(index, text, tags). Insert text at the given position (typically INSERT or END). If you provide one or more tags, they are attached to the new text. If you insert text on a mark, the mark is moved according to its gravity setting. delete delete(index), delete(start, stop). Delete the character (or embedded object) at the given position, or all text in the given range. Any marks within the range are moved to the beginning of the range. get get(index), get(start, stop). Return the character at the given position, or all text in the given range. dump dump(index, options...), dump(start, stop, options...). Return a list of widget contents at the given position, or for all text in the given range. This includes tags, marks, and embedded objects. Not implemented in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. see see(index), yview(index). If necessary, scroll the text widget to make sure the text at the given position is visible. The see method scrolls the widget only if the given position isn't visible at all, whileyview always scrolls the widget to move the given position to the top of the window. index index(index). Return the "line.column" index corresponding to the given index. compare compare(index1, op, index2). Compare the two positions, and return true if the condition held. Theop argument is one of "<", "<=", "==", ">=", ">", or "!=" (Python's "<>" syntax is not supported). Methods for Marks The following methods are used to manipulate builtin as well as user-defined marks. The Text Widget 130 mark_set mark_set(mark, index). Move the mark to the given position. If the mark doesn't exist, it is created (with gravity set to RIGHT). You also use this method to move the predefined INSERT and CURRENT marks. mark_unset mark_unset(mark). Remove the given mark from the widget. You cannot remove the builtin INSERT and CURRENT marks. index index(mark). Return the line/column position corresponding to the given mark (or any other index specifier; see above). mark_gravity mark_gravity(mark). Return the current gravity setting for the given mark (LEFT or RIGHT). mark_gravity(mark, gravity). Sets the gravity for the given mark. The gravity setting controls how to move the mark if text is inserted exactly on the mark. If LEFT, the mark is not moved if text is inserted at the mark (that is, the text is inserted just after the mark). If RIGHT, the mark is moved to the right end of the text (that is, the text is inserted just before the mark). The default gravity setting is RIGHT. mark_names mark_names(). Return a tuple containing the names of all marks used in the widget. This includes the INSERT and CURRENT marks (but not END, which is a special index, not a mark). Methods for Embedded Windows The Text widget allows you to embed windows into the widget. Embedded windows occupy a single character position, and moves with the text flow. window_create window_create(index, options...). Insert a widget at the given position. You can either create the widget (which should be a child of the text widget itself) first, and insert it using the window option, or provide a callback which is called when the window is first displayed. Table 2. Option Type Description align constant Defines how to align the window on the line. Use one of TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM, or BASELINE. The last alignment means that the bottom of the window is aligned with the text baseline -- that is, The Text Widget 131 the same alignment that is used for all text on the line). create callback This callback is called when the window is first displayed by the text widget. It should create the window (as a child to the text widget), and return the resulting widget instance. padx, pady distance Adds horizontal (vertical) padding between the window and the surrounding text. Default is 0 (no padding). stretch flag If zero (or OFF), the window will be left as is also if the line is higher than the window. If non-zero (or ON), the window is stretched to cover the full line (in this case, the alignment is ignored). window widget Gives the widget instance to insert into the text. index index(window). Return the line/column position corresponding to the given window (or any other index specifier; see above). delete delete(window). Remove the given window from the text widget, and destroy it. window_cget window_cget(index, option). Return the current value of the given option. If there's no window on the given position, this method raises a TclError exception. window_config window_config(index, options...), window_configure(index, options...). Modifies one or more options. If there's no window on the given position, this method raises a TclError exception. window_names window_names(). Return a tuple containing all windows embedded in the text widget. In 1.5.2 and earlier, this method returns the names of the widgets, rather than the widget instances. This will most likely be fixed in future versions. Here's how to convert the names to a list of widget instances in a portable fashion: windows = text.window_names() try: windows = map(text._nametowidget, windows) except TclError: pass The Text Widget 132 Methods for Embedded Images The Text widget allows you to embed images into the widget. Embedded images occupy a single character position, and moves with the text flow. Note that the image interface is not available in early version of Tkinter (it's not implemented by Tk versions before 8.0). For such platforms, you can display images by embedding Label widgets instead. image_create image_create(index, options...). Insert an image at the given position. The image is given by the image option, and must be a Tkinter PhotoImage or BitmapImage instance (or an instance of the corresponding PIL classes). This method doesn't work with Tk versions before 8.0. Table 3. Option Type Description align constant Defines how to align the image on the line. Use one of TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM, or BASELINE. The last alignment means that the bottom of the image is aligned with the text baseline -- that is, the same alignment that is used for all text on the line). image image Gives the image instance to insert into the text. name string Gives the name to use when referring to this image in the text widget. The default is the name of the image object (which is usually generated by Tkinter). padx, pady distance Adds horizontal (vertical) padding between the image and the surrounding text. Default is 0 (no padding). index index(image). Return the line/column position corresponding to the given image (or any other index specifier; see above). delete delete(image). Remove the given image from the text widget, and destroy it. image_cget image_cget(index, option). Return the current value of the given option. If there's no image on the given position, this method raises a TclError exception. Not implemented in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. The Text Widget 133 image_config image_config(index, options...), image_configure(index, options...). Modifies one or more options. If there's no image on the given position, this method raises a TclError exception. Not implemented in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. image_names image_names(). Return a tuple containing the names of all images embedded in the text widget. Tkinter doesn't provide a way to get the corresponding PhotoImage or BitmapImage objects, but you can keep track of those yourself using a dictionary (using str(image) as the key). This method is not implemented in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. Methods for Tags The following methods are used to manipulate tags and tag ranges. tag_add tag_add(tag, index), tag_add(tag, start, top). Add tag to the character at the given position, or to the given range. tag_remove tag_remove(tag, index), tag_remove(tag, start, stop). Remove the tag from the character at the given position, or from the given range. The information associated with the tag is not removed (not even if you use tag_remove(1.0, END)). tag_delete tag_delete(tag), tag_delete(tags...). Remove the given tags from the widget. All style and binding information associated with the tags are also removed. tag_config tag_config(tag, options...), tag_configure(tag, options...). Set style options for the given tag. If the tag doesn't exist, it is created. Note that the style options are associated with tags, not text ranges. Any text having a given tag will be rendered according to its style options, even if it didn't exist when the binding was created. If a text range has several tags associated with it, the Text widget combines the style options for all tags. Tags towards the top of the tag stack (created later, or raised using tag_raise) have precedence. tag_cget tag_cget(tag, option). Get the current value for the given option. The Text Widget 134 tag_bind tag_bind(tag, sequence, func), tag_bind(tag, sequence, func, "+"). Add an event binding to the given tag. Tag bindings can use mouse- and keyboard-related events, plus Enter and Leave. If the tag doesn't exist, it is created. Usually, the new binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence. The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing binding. Note that the new bindings are associated with tags, not text ranges. Any text having the tag will fire events, even if it didn't exist when the binding was created. To remove bindings, use tag_remove or tag_unbind. tag_unbind tag_unbind(tag, sequence). Remove the binding, if any, for the given tag and event sequence combination. tag_names tag_names(). Return a tuple containing all tags used in the widget. This includes the SEL selection tag. tag_names(index). Return a tuple containing all tags used by the character at the given position. tag_nextrange tag_nextrange(tag, index), tag_nextrange(tag, start, stop). Find the next occurence of the given tag, starting at the given index. If two indexes are given, search only from start to stop. Note that this method looks for the start of a range, so if you happen to start on a character that has the given tag, this method will return that range only if that character is the first in the range. Otherwise, the current range is skipped. tag_prevrange tag_prevrange(tag, index), tag_prevrange(tag, start, stop). Find the next occurence of the given tag, starting at the given index and searching towards the beginning of the text. If two indexes are given, search from start to stop. As for nextrange, this method looks for the start of a range, beginning at the start index. So if you start on a character that has the given tag, this method will return that range unless the search started on the first character in that tag range. tag_lower tag_lower(tag), tag_lower(tag, below). Move the given tag to the bottom of the tag stack (or place it just under thebelow tag). If multiple tags are defined for a range of text, options defined by tags towards the top of the stack have precedence. tag_raise tag_raise(tag), tag_raise(tag, above). Move the given tag to the top of the tag stack (or place it just over theabove tag). The Text Widget 135 tag_ranges tag_ranges(tag). Return a tuple with start- and stop-indexes for each occurence of the given tag. If the tag doesn't exist, this method returns an empty tuple. Note that the tuple contains two items for each range. Methods for Selections To manipulate the selection, use tag methods like tag_add and tag_remove on the SEL tag. There are no selection-specific methods provided by the Text widget. But if you insist, here's how how to emulate the Entry widget selection methods: def selection_clear(text): text.tag_remove(SEL, 1.0, END) def selection_from(text, index): text._anchor = index def selection_present(text): return len(text.tag_ranges(SEL)) != 0 def selection_range(text, start, end): text.tag_remove(SEL, 1.0, start) text.tag_add(SEL, start, end) text.tag_remove(SEL, end, END) def selection_to(text, index): if, "<", text._anchor): selection_range(text, index, text._anchor) else: selection_range(text, text._anchor, index) Methods for Rendering The following methods only work if the text widget is updated. To make sure this is the case, call the update_idletasks method before you use any of these. bbox bbox(index). Returns the bounding box for the given character, as a 4-tuple: (x, y, width, height). If the character is not visible, this method returns None. dlineinfo dlineinfo(index). Returns the bounding box for the line containing the given character, as a 5-tuple: (x, y, width, height, offset). The last tuple member is the offset from the top of the line to the baseline. If the line is not visible, this method returns None. Methods for Printing The Text widget doesn't contain any builtin support for printing. To print the contents, use get or dump and pass the resulting text to a suitable output device. The Text Widget 136 If you have a Postscript printer, you can use PIL's PSDraw module. Methods for Searching search search(pattern, index, options...). Search for text in the widget. Returns the first matching position if successful, or an empty string if there was no match. Table 4. Option Type Description forwards, backwards flag Search from the given position towards the end of the buffer (forwards), or the beginning (backwards). Default is forwards. exact, regexp flag Interpret the pattern as a literal string (exact), or a Tcl-style regular expression (regexp). Default is exact. nocase flag Enable case-insensitive search. Default is case sensitive. stopindex index Don't search beyond this position. Default is to search the whole buffer, and wrap around if the search reaches the end of the buffer. To prevent wrapping, set stopindex to ENDwhen searching forwards, and1.0 when searching backwards. count variable Return the length of the match in the given variable. If given, this variable should be a TkinterIntVar. Methods for Scrolling These methods are used to scroll the text widget in various ways. The scan methods can be used to implement fast mouse pan/roam operations (they are bound to the middle mouse button, if available), while thexview and yview methods are used with standard scrollbars. scan_mark, scan_dragto scan_mark(x, y), scan_dragto(x, y). scan_mark sets the scanning anchor for fast horizontal scrolling to the given mouse coordinate. scan_dragto scrolls the widget contents sideways according to the given mouse coordinate. The text is moved 10 times the distance between the scanning anchor and the new position. xview, yview xview(), yview(). Returns a tuple containing two values; the first value corresponds to the relative offset of the first visible line (column), and the second corresponds to the relative offset of the line (column) just after the last one visible on the screen. Offset 0.0 is the beginning of the text, 1.0 the end. The Text Widget 137 xview, yview xview(MOVETO, offset), yview(MOVETO, offset). Adjust the text widget so that the given offset is at the left (top) edge of the text. Offset 0.0 is the beginning of the text, 1.0 the end. These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings when the user drags the scrollbar slider. The MOVETO constant is not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the string "moveto" instead. xview, yview xview(SCROLL, step, what), yview(SCROLL, step, what). Scroll the text widget horizontally (vertically) by the given amount. The what argument can be either UNITS (lines, characters) or PAGES. These methods are used by the Scrollbar bindings when the user clicks at a scrollbar arrow or in the trough. These constants are not defined in Python 1.5.2 and earlier. For compatibility, use the strings "scroll", "units", and "pages" instead. yview_pickplace yview_pickplace(index). Same as see, but only handles the vertical position correctly. New code should use see instead. Options The Text widget supports the following options. FIXME: sort in relevance order Table 5. Option Type Description background (bg) color The background color for this widget. Default is system specific (usually "white"). If you change the background color, you should make sure to change the foreground color as well. borderwidth (bd) distance Border width. Default is platform dependent, but is usually one or two pixels. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the text widget. The default is a text insertion cursor (typically an "I beam" cursor, e.g. xterm). exportselection flag If true, selected text is automatically exported to the clipboard. Default is true. font font Widget font. The default is system specific (usually "black"). foreground (fg) color Text color. height distance Widget height, in text units. The Text Widget 138 Option Type Description highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When the widget has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolor color. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). insertbackgrou nd color insertborderwi dth distance insertofftime, insertontime time insertwidth distance Controls cursor blinking and style. It's usually best to leave these as they are. padx, pady distance Extra padding between the widget's inner border and the text body. Default is 0 (no padding). relief constant Border decoration. The default is SUNKEN. Other possible values are FLAT, RAISED, GROOVE, and RIDGE. selectbackgrou nd color Selection background color. The default is system and display specific. selectborderwi dth distance Selection border width. The default is system specific. selectforegrou nd color Selection text color. The default is system and display specific. setgrid flag If true, Tkinter attempts to resize the window containing the text widget in full character steps (based on the font option). spacing1 distance Spacing to use above the first line in a block of text. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). spacing2 distance Spacing to use between the lines in a block of text wrapped by the widget. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). spacing3 distance Spacing to use after the last line of text in a block of text having this tag. Default is 0 (no extra spacing). state constant One of NORMAL or DISABLED. Default is NORMAL. Note that if you set this to DISABLED, calls to insert or delete are ignored. tabs string The Text Widget 139 Option Type Description takefocus flag If true, you can use Tab to move focus to this widget (but not from it; the default bindings for the Text widget insert the tab character). Default is an empty string, which means that the text widget accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is on, in other words). width distance Widget width, in text units. wrap constant Word wrap mode. Use one of NONE, CHAR, or WORD. Default is NONE. xscrollcomman d, yscrollcomman d callback Scrollbar callbacks. These options should be set to the set method for the corresponding scrollbar. 140 The Toplevel Widget The Toplevel widget work pretty much like Frame, but it is displayed in a separate, toplevel window. Such windows usually have title bars, borders, and other "window decorations". Methods Except for the standard widget interface (config, etc), the Toplevel widget has no methods. Options Table 1. Option Type Description height, width distance Toplevel window size. background (bg) color The background color to use in this toplevel. This defaults to the application background color. To prevent updates, set the color to an empty string. colormap widget Some displays support only 256 colors (some use even less). Such displays usually provide a color map to specify which 256 colors to use. This option allows you to specify which color map to use for this toplevel window, and its child widgets. By default, a new toplevel window uses the same color map as the root window. Using this option, you can reuse the color map of another window instead (this window must be on the same screen and have the same visual characteristics). You can also use the value "new" to allocate a new color map for this window. You cannot change this option once you've created the window. menu widget A menu to associate with this toplevel window. On Unix and Windows, the menu is placed at the top of the toplevel window itself. On Macs, the menu is displayed at the top of the screen when the toplevel window is selected. cursor cursor The cursor to show when the mouse pointer is placed over the toplevel widget. Default is a system specific arrow cursor. relief constant Border decoration: either FLAT, SUNKEN, RAISED, GROOVE, or RIDGE. The default is FLAT. borderwidth (bd) distance Width of the 3D border. Defaults to 0 (no border). The Toplevel Widget 141 Option Type Description takefocus flag Indicates that the user can use the Tab key to move to this widget. Default is an empty string, which means that the toplevel accepts focus only if it has any keyboard bindings (default is off, in other words). highlightbackg round, highlightcolor color Controls how to draw the focus highlight border. When any child to the toplevel window has focus, the border is drawn in the highlightcolorcolor. Otherwise, it is drawn in the highlightbackground color. The defaults are system specific. highlightthickn ess distance Controls the width of the focus highlight border. Default is 0 (no border). class (class_) class visual visual Controls the "visual" type to use for this window. This option should usually be omitted. In that case, the visual type is inherited from the root window. Some more advanced displays support "mixed visuals". This typically means that the root window is a 256-color display (the "pseudocolor" visual type), but that individual windows can be displayed as true 24-bit color (the "truecolor" visual type). On such displays, you may wish to explicitly set the visual option to "truecolor" for any windows used to display full-color images. Other possible values include "directcolor", "staticcolor", "grayscale", or "staticgray". See your X window documentation for details. You cannot change this option once you've created the window. screen screen container container use widget 142 Basic Widget Methods The following methods are provided by all widgets (including the root window). In the method descriptions,self refer to the widget via which you reached the method. The root window and other Toplevel windows provide additional methods. See the Window Methods section for more information. Configuration config config(options...), configure(options...). Change one or more options for self. config config(), configure(). Return a dictionary containing the current settings for all widget options. For each option key in the dictionary, the value is either a five-tuple (option, option database key, option database class, default value, current value), or a two-tuple (option alias, option). The latter case is used for aliases like bg (background) and bd (borderwidth). Note that the value fields aren't correctly formatted for some option types. See the description of the keys method for more information, and a workaround. cget cget(option). Return the current value for the given option. Note that option values are always returned as strings (also if you gave a nonstring value when you configured the widget). Use int and float where appropriate. keys keys(). Return a tuple containing the options available for this widget. You can usecget to get the corresponding value for each option. Note that the tuple currently include option aliases (like bd, bg, and fg). To avoid this, you can useconfig instead. On the other hand, config doesn't return valid option values for some option types (such as font names), so the best way is to use a combination of config and cget: for item in w.config(): if len(item) == 5: option = item[0] value = w.cget(option) print option, value Basic Widget Methods 143 Event processing mainloop mainloop(). Enter Tkinter's main event loop. To leave the event loop, use thequit method. Event loops can be nested; it's ok to call mainloop from within an event handler. quit quit(). Leaves Tkinter's main event loop. Note that you can have nested event loops; each call to quit terminates the outermost event loop. update update(). Process all pending events, call event callbacks, complete any pending geometry management, redraw widgets as necessary, and call all pending idle tasks. This method should be used with care, since it may lead to really nasty race conditions if called from the wrong place (from within an event callback, for example, or from a function that can in any way be called from an event callback, etc.) update_idletasks update_idletasks(). Call all pending idle tasks, without processing any other events. This can be used to carry out geometry management and redraw widgets if necessary, without calling any callbacks. focus_set focus_set(), focus(). Move keyboard focus to self. This means that all keyboard events sent to the application will be routed to self. focus_displayof focus_displayof(). focus_force focus_force(). Force keyboard focus to self. FIXME: what's the difference between "moving" and "forcing"? focus_get focus_get(). focus_lastfor focus_lastfor(). tk_focusNext tk_focusNext(). Return the next widget (following self) that should have focus. This is used by the default bindings for the Tab key. Basic Widget Methods 144 tk_focusPrev tk_focusPrev(). Return the previous widget (preceding self) that should have focus. This is used by the default bindings for the Shift-Tab key. grab_current grab_current(). grab_release grab_release(). Release the event grab. grab_set grab_set(). Route all events for this application to self. grab_set_global grab_set_global(). Route all events for the entire screen to self. This should only be used in very special circumstances, since it blocks all other applications running on the same screen. And that probably includes your development environment, so you better make sure your application won't crash or lock up until it has properly released the grab. grab_status grab_status(). wait_variable wait_variable(variable). Wait for the given Tkinter variable to change. This method enters a local event loop, so other parts of the application will still be responsive. The local event loop is terminated when the variable is updated (setting it to it's current value also counts). wait_visibility wait_visibility(widget). Wait for the given widget to become visible. This is typically used to wait until a new toplevel window appears on the screen. Like wait_variable , this method enters a local event loop, so other parts of the application will still work as usual. wait_window wait_window(widget). Wait for the given widget to be destroyed. This is typically used to wait until a destroyed window disappears from the screen. Likewait_variable and wait_visibility, this method enters a local event loop, so other parts of the application will still work as usual. Event callbacks All event callbacks take one argument; an event descriptor. See the introduction for more information on this descriptor. Basic Widget Methods 145 bind bind(sequence, callback), bind(sequence, callback, "+"). Add an event binding to self. Usually, the new binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence. The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing binding. unbind unbind(sequence). Remove any bindings for the given event sequence, for self. bind_all bind_all(sequence, callback), bind_all(sequence, callback, "+"). Add an event binding to the application level. Usually, the new binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence. The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing binding. unbind_all unbind_all(sequence). Remove any bindings for the given event sequence, on the application level. bind_class bind_class(class, sequence, func), bind_class(class, sequence, func, "+"). Add an event binding to the given widget class. Usually, the new binding replaces any existing binding for the same event sequence. The second form can be used to add the new callback to the existing binding. unbind_class unbind_class(class, sequence). Remove any bindings for the given event sequence, for the given binding class. bindtags bindtags(). Return a tuple containing the binding search order used for self. By default, this tuple contains the self's widget name (str(self)), the widget class (e.g. Button), the root window's name, and finally the special name all which refers to the application level. bindtags bindtags(bindings). Modify the binding search order for self. Alarm handlers and other non-event callbacks after after(delay_ms, callback, args...). Register an alarm callback that is called after the given number of milliseconds (Tkinter only guarantees that the callback will not be called earlier than that; if the system is busy, the actual delay may be much longer). The callback is only Basic Widget Methods 146 called once for each call to after. To keep calling the callback, you need to reregister the callback inside itself: class App: def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.poll() # start polling def poll(self): ... self.master.after(100, self.poll) You can provide one or more arguments which are passed to the callback. This method returns an alarm id which can be used with after_cancelto cancel the callback. after_cancel after_cancel(id). Cancels the given alarm callback. after after(delay_ms). Wait for the given number of milliseconds. Note that in the current version, this also blocks the event loop. In practice, this means that you might as well do: time.sleep(delay_ms*0.001) after_idle after_idle(callback, args...). Register an idle callback which is called when the system is idle (that is, when there are no more events to process in the mainloop). The callback is only called once for each call to after_idle. Window management lift lift(), tkraise(), lift(above), tkraise(above). Move self to the top of the window stack. If self is a child window, it is moved to the top of it's toplevel window. If self is a toplevel window (the root or a Toplevel window), it is moved in front of all other windows on the display. If an argument is given, the widget (or window) is moved so it's just above the given widget (window). lower lower(), lower(below). Same as lift, but moves the widget to the bottom of the stack (or places it just under thebelow widget). Window Related Information This group of methods provide information related to the widget (self) to which the method belongs. Basic Widget Methods 147 winfo_cells winfo_cells(). Return the number of "cells" in the color map for self. This is typically a value between 2 and 256 (also for true color displays, by some odd reason). winfo_children winfo_children(). Return a list containing widget instances for all children of self. The windows are returned in stacking order from bottom to top. If the order doesn't matter, you can get the same information from thechildren widget attribute (it's a dictionary mapping Tk widget names to widget instances, sowidget.children.values() gives you a list of instances). winfo_class winfo_class(). Returns the Tkinter widget class name for self. If self is a Tkinter base widget, widget.winfo_class() is the same aswidget.__class__.__name__. winfo_colormapfull winfo_colormapfull(). Return true if the color map for self is full. winfo_containing winfo_containing(x, y). Return the widget at the given position, or None if there is no such window, or it isn't owned by this application. The coordinates are given relative to the screen's upper left corner. winfo_depth winfo_depth(). Return the bit depth used to display self. This is typically 8 for a 256-color display device, 15 or 16 for a "hicolor" display, and 24 or 32 for a true color display. winfo_exists winfo_exists(). Return true if there is Tk window corresponding to self. Unless you've done something really strange, this method should always return true. winfo_pixels winfo_pixels(distance), winfo_fpixels(distance). Convert the given distance (in any form accepted by Tkinter) to the corresponding number of pixels.winfo_pixels returns an integer value,winfo_fpixels a floating point value. winfo_geometry winfo_geometry(). Returns a string describing self's "geometry". The string has the following format: "%dx%d%+d%+d" % (width, height, xoffset, yoffset) where all coordinates are given in pixels. Basic Widget Methods 148 winfo_width, winfo_height winfo_width(), winfo_height(). Return the width (height) of self, in pixels. Note that if the window isn't managed by a geometry manager, these methods returns 1. To you get the real value, you may have to call update_idletasks first. You can also usewinfo_reqheight to get the widget's requested height (that is, the "natural" size as defined by the widget itself based on it's contents). winfo_id winfo_id(). Return a string containing a system-specific window identifier corresponding to self. For Unix, this is the X window identifier. For Windows, this is the HWND cast to a long integer. winfo_ismapped winfo_ismapped(). Return true if there is window corresponding to self in the underlying window system (an X window, a Windows HWND, etc). winfo_manager winfo_manager(). Return the name of the geometry manager used to keep manage self (typically one of grid, pack, place, canvas, or text). FIXME: this is not implemented by Tkinter (or is it, in 1.5.2?) winfo_name winfo_name(). Return the Tk widget name. This is the same as the last part of the full widget name (which you can get via str(widget)). winfo_parent winfo_parent(). Return the full widget name of self's parent, or an empty string if self doesn't have a parent (if self is the root window, that is). To get the widget instance instead, you can simply use the master attribute instead of calling this method (the master attribute is None for the root window). Or if you insist, use _nametowidget to map the full widget name to an instance. winfo_pathname winfo_pathname(id). Return the full window name for the window having the given identity (see winfo_id for details). If the window doesn't exist, or it isn't owned by this application, Tkinter raises a TclError exception. To convert the full name to a widget instance, use _nametowidget. winfo_reqheight, winfo_reqwidth winfo_reqheight(), winfo_reqwidth(). Return the "natural" height (width) for self. The natural size is the minimal size needed to display the widget's contents, including padding, borders, etc. This size is calculated by the widget itself, based on the given options. The Basic Widget Methods 149 actual widget size is then determined by the widget's geometry manager, based on this value, the size of the widget's master, and the options given to the geometry manager. winfo_rootx, winfo_rooty winfo_rootx(), winfo_rooty(). Return the pixel coordinates for self's upper left corner, relative to the screen's upper left corner. winfo_screen winfo_screen(). Return the X window screen name for the current window. The string has the following format: ":%d.%d" % (display, screen) On Windows and Macintosh, this is always ":0.0". winfo_screencells winfo_screencells(). Returns the number of "cells" in the default color map for self's screen. winfo_screendepth winfo_screendepth(). Return the default bit depth for self's screen. winfo_screenwidth, winfo_screenheight winfo_screenwidth(), winfo_screenheight(). Return the width (height) of self's screen, in pixels. winfo_screenmmwidth, winfo_screenmmheight winfo_screenmmwidth(), winfo_screenmmheight(). Return the width (height) of self's screen, in millimetres. This may not be accurate on all platforms. FIXME: does this take the logical resolution into account on Windows? winfo_screenvisual winfo_screenvisual(). Return the "visual" type used for self. This is typically "pseudocolor" (for 256-color displays) or "truecolor" (for 16- or 24-bit displays). Other possible values (on X window systems only) include "directcolor", "staticcolor", "grayscale", or "staticgray". winfo_toplevel winfo_toplevel(). Return the toplevel window (or root) window for self, as a widget instance. winfo_visual winfo_visual(). Return a string describing the display type (the X window "visual") for self's screen. This is one of staticgray, grayscale , staticcolor, psuedocolor, directcolor, or Basic Widget Methods 150 truecolor. For most display devices, this is either psuedocolor (an 8-bit colormapped display), ortruecolor(a 15- or 24-bit truecolor display). winfo_x, winfo_y winfo_x(), winfo_y(). Return the pixel coordinates for self's upper left corner, relative to its parent's upper left corner. Miscellaneous bell bell(). Generate a system-dependent sound (typically a short beep). clipboard_append clipboard_append(string). Add text to the clipboard. clipboard_clear clipboard_clear(). Clear the clipboard. selection_clear selection_clear(). selection_get selection_get(). selection_handle selection_handle(command). selection_own selection_own(). selection_own_get selection_own_get(). tk_focusFollowsMouse tk_focusFollowsMouse(). tk_strictMotif tk_strictMotif(flag). Under Unix, this method can be called to enforce strict Motif look and feel. To use this, create a root window by calling the Tk constructor, and then call this method with flag set to 1 before you create any other widgets. This method has no effect on other platforms. Basic Widget Methods 151 winfo_rgb winfo_rgb(color). Convert a color string (in any form accepted by Tkinter) to a 3-tuple containing the corresponding red, green, and blue component. Note that the tuple contains 16-bit values (0..65535). Tkinter Interface Methods The following methods are used by Tkinter's inner workings. Don't use these unless you know exactly what you are doing, and why you should do that. getboolean getboolean(s). Convert a string to a boolean (flag) value, using Tcl's conventions. getdouble getdouble(s). Convert a string to a floating point value, using Tcl's conventions. In practice, this is equivalent to float and string.atof. getint getint(s). Convert a string to an integer point value, using Tcl's conventions. In practice, this is equivalent to int and string.atoi. register register(callback). Register a Tcl to Python callback. Returns the name of a Tcl wrapper procedure. When that procedure is called from a Tcl program, it will call the corresponding Python function with the arguments given to the Tcl procedure. Values returned from the Python callback are converted to strings, and returned to the Tcl program. winfo_atom winfo_atom(string). Map the given to a unique integer. Everytime you call this method with the same string, the same integer will be returned. winfo_atomname winfo_atomname(id). Return the string corresponding to the given integer (obtained by a call to winfo_atom). If the integer isn't in use, Tkinter raises a TclError exception. Note that Tkinter predefines a bunch of integers (typically 1-80 or so). If you're curious, you can use winfo_atomname to find out what they are used for. Option Database Not yet documented. option_add option_add(pattern, value). Basic Widget Methods 152 option_clear option_clear(). option_get option_get(name, className). option_readfile option_readfile(fileName). 153 Toplevel Window Methods This group of methods are used to communicated with the window manager. They are available on the root window (Tk), as well as on all Toplevel instances. Note that different window managers behave in different ways. For example, some window managers don't support icon windows, some don't support window groups, etc. Visibility Methods deiconify deiconify(). Display the window. New windows are displayed by default, so you only have to use this method if you have used iconify or withdraw to remove the window from the screen. iconify iconify(). Turn the window into an icon (without destroying it). To redraw the window, use deiconify. Under Windows, the window will show up in the taskbar. When the window has been iconified, the state method returns "iconic". withdraw withdraw(). Remove the window from the screen (without destroying it). To redraw the window, use deiconify. When the window has been withdrawn, the state method returns "withdrawn". state state(). Returns the current state of self. This is one of the values "normal", "iconic" (see iconify), "withdrawn" (seewithdraw ) or "icon" (see iconwindow). Style Methods title title(string), title(). Set (get) the window title. group group(window). Adds self to the window group controlled by the given window. A group member is usually hidden when the group owner is iconified or withdrawn (the exact behaviour depends on the window manager in use). transient transient(master). Make self a transient window for the given master (if omitted, master defaults to self's parent). A transient window is always drawn on top of its master, and is Toplevel Window Methods 154 automatically hidden when the master is iconified or withdrawn. Under Windows, transient windows don't show show up in the task bar. overrideredirect overrideredirect(flag), overrideredirect(). Set (get) the override redirect flag. If non-zero, this prevents the window manager from decorating the window. In other words, the window will not have a title or a border, and it cannot be moved or closed via ordinary means. Window Geometry Methods geometry geometry(). Returns a string describing self's "geometry". The string has the following format: "%dx%d%+d%+d" % (width, height, xoffset, yoffset) where all coordinates are given in pixels. geometry geometry(geometry). Change the geometry for self. The string format is as described above. aspect aspect(minNumer, minDenom, maxNumer, maxDenom), aspect(). Control the aspect ratio (the relation between width and height) of this window. The aspect ratio is constrained to lie between minNumer/minDenom and maxNumer/maxDenom. If no arguments are given, this method returns the current constraints as a 4-tuple, if any. maxsize maxsize(width, height), maxsize(). Set (get) the maximum size for this window. minsize minsize(width, height), minsize(). Set (get) the minimum size for this window. resizable resizable(width, height), resizable(). Set (get) the resize flags. Thewidth flag controls whether the window can be resized horizontally by the user. The height flag controls whether the window can be resized vertically. Toplevel Window Methods 155 Icon Methods iconbitmap iconbitmap(bitmap), iconbitmap(). Set (get) the icon bitmap to use when this window is iconified. This method are ignored by some window managers (including Windows). Note that this method can only be used to display monochrome icons. To display a color icon, put it in a Label widget and display it using the iconwindow method instead (see below). iconmask iconmask(bitmap), iconmask(). Set (get) the icon bitmap mask to use when this window is iconified. This method are ignored by some window managers (including Windows). iconname iconname(newName=None), iconname(). Set (get) the icon name to use when this window is iconified. This method are ignored by some window managers (including Windows). iconposition iconposition(x, y), iconposition(). Set (get) the icon position hint to use when this window is iconified. This method are ignored by some window managers (including Windows). iconwindow iconwindow(window), iconwindow(). Set (get) the icon window to use as an icon when this window is iconified. This method are ignored by some window managers (including Windows). Property Access Methods client client(name), client(). Set (get) the WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property. This property is used by window managers under the X window system. It is ignored on other platforms. To remove the property, set it to an empty string. colormapwindows colormapwindows(wlist...), colormapwindows(). Set (get) the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property. This property is used by window managers under the X window system. It is ignored on other platforms. command command(value), command(). Set (get) the WM_COMMAND property. This property is used by window managers under the X window system. It is ignored on other platforms. To remove the property, set it to an empty string. Toplevel Window Methods 156 focusmodel focusmodel(model), focusmodel(). Set (get) the focus model. frame frame(). Return a string containing a system-specific window identifier corresponding to self's outermost parent. For Unix, this is the X window identifier. For Windows, this is the HWND cast to a long integer. Note that if the window hasn't been reparented by the window manager, this method returns the window identifier corresponding to self. positionfrom positionfrom(who), positionfrom(). Set (get) the position controller. protocol protocol(name, function). Register function as a callback which will be called for the given protocol. The name argument is typically one of BWM_DELETE_WINDOW (the window is about to be deleted), WM_SAVE_YOURSELF (called by X window managers when the application should save a snapshot of its working set) or WM_TAKE_FOCUS (called by X window managers when the application receives focus). sizefrom sizefrom(who), sizefrom(). Set (get) the size controller.