ADAPTIVE USER INTERFACES Zdenek Eichler HCI •part of art & part of science •successful software = •good internal architecture •good user interface •? •mental model MOTIVATION source: wikipedia source: wikipedia CURRENT STATUS •WIMP paradigm •“One size fits all“ WORD PROCESSORS •XEROX STAR workstation (1981) •WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing device) •Microsoft Word 1.0 (1989) source: source: source: SOFTWARE BLOAT (CREEPING FEATURISM, FEATURE WAR) •hardware vs human abilities •J. McGrenere and G. Moore: Are we all in the same “bloat”? •“Software is “bloated” when a significant proportion of the functions available are not used by the majority of users” •L. Kaufman and B. Weed: Too much of a good thing?: identifying and resolving bloat in the user interface HOW PEOPLE USE WORD PROCESSORS? •McGrenere and Moore: Of the 265 first-level functions, 15.8% (42) were not used at all and only 21.5% (57) were used by more than half of the participants. There were only 3.3% (12) functions that were used regularly by more than three quarters of the participants. •users usually use only 5%. •Dostál: there are no significant groups of users •Spolsky: 80% of the people use 20% of the features, Unfortunately, it's never the same 20%. SOLUTIONS •decrease provided functionality •personalization: •adaptable approach •adaptive approach •versioning •plug-in USER INTERFACE FACADES  W. Stuerzlinger, O. Chapuis, D. Phillips and N. Roussel. User Interface Façades: Towards Fully Adaptable User Interfaces. In Proceedings of UIST'06, the 19th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages 309-318, October 2006. ACM WELL KNOWN ADAPTIVE USER INTERFACES (EVERYBODY HATES A MAGICIAN) •Microsoft Office Assistant - “Clippy” •Microsoft Smart Menu SMART MENUS EPHEMERAL MENUS tt* , Joanna McGrenere, Jessica Dawson of Computer Science Columbia, Vancouver, Canada tt, joanna} GUI ual cy. to ely ed, ate wo hat nus wer are on Figure 1. Ephemeral adaptation applied to menus: predicted Findlater, L., Moffatt, M., McGrenere, J., Dawson, J. (2009). Ephemeral adaptation: The user of gradual onset to improve menu selection performance. Proceedings of ACM CHI '09, 1655-1664. Leah Findlater and Joanna McGrenere. 2004. A comparison of static, adaptive, and adaptable menus. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '04). ACM, New York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ore, in the first experiment we subtly varied the predictility of the adaptive algorithm and in the second we ried its accuracy. ments in the popup pane to shift and also causing the ex isting buttons on the toolbar to shift to make space for the promoted button (see Figure 1b). If there are too many (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. (a) The Split Interface; (b) The Moving Interface; (c) The Visual Popout Interface Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Mary Czerwinski, Desney S. Tan, and Daniel S. Weld. 2006. Exploring the design space for adaptive graphical user interfaces. In Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces (AVI '06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 201-208. EARLY ADAPTIVE USER INTERFACES •AIDA •FLEXCEL RIBBON USER INTERFACE ADAPTIVE APPROACH •not well accepted by users •predictability and accuracy •hard to implement to real application: mock-ups or very simple •adaptation of menu or toolbar - destructive LOGGERS • User Interface Events-Based • MSTracker • AppMonitor • RUI • User Command-Based • OWL INTERCEPTOR • logger •Interceptor + = research framework •API •hybrid approach logging: •user interface events •underlaying function calls (macro recorder) BOULEVARD “Today’s cities are vast and complex, just like today’s applications. Boulevard is a metaphor of a main street (boulevard), where the users can find everything they need.” - Dostál BOULEVARD •adaptive container of user commands •non-desctructive principle •adapts: •user commands •interaction style •parameters and values ARRANGEMENT IN BOULEVARD •vertical or horizontal layout •user command prominence: •frequency •recency organizes user commands in the panel container accordin r the user. The importance of a user command is expres is a number between 0 and 1 and considers two factors of ncy and a frequency. The frequency factor reflects frequen ge. The recency factor reflects whether the command has r to accelerate position of scarcely used commands to a m panel container. Conversely, whether such an accelerated ne of recently used commands, it loses the accelerator an inent position. The most prominent position is considered nt at the bottom of the panel container. The rank of user ording to the following formula: rank(x) = w |x| |T| + (1 w) P pi2Px (q pi + 1) Pq i=1 i VISUAL REPRESENTATION •adaptive representation: •interaction style •parameters and values •animations SWEEPING BACK FIND COMMAND EXAMPLE FIND COMMAND EXAMPLE IMPLEMENTATION • • Interceptor •Expert System (Clips) •Java, Swing DEMO FUTURE WORK •Boulevard as adaptive user interface for people with disabilities •workflow analysis and its adaptation •revise current Boulevard •deploy Boulevard to end-users and long-term study •visualization of adaptivity USABILITY TEST •comparison of toolbar vs Boulevard vs menu •measuring task completion time and error rates •no statistically significant difference was found between toolbar and Boulevard •questionnaires •Boulevard rated as a better interaction style than toolbar TESTING USABILITY Source: SolidWorks USABILITYTESTING • mock-ups vs real software • quantitative approach • exact • time, error rates, distance, ... • loggers • qualitative approach • subjective • behavior, feelings, beauty, ... • questionnaires source: