All these 13 sentences contain errors. Correct them. Use Slovak translations to better understand the intended meaning of the sentences. 1. I'm tired. Let's go at home. Som unavený, poďme domov. 2. Have good holidays. Pekné prázdniny! 3. When I am alone, I listen music. Keď som sám, počávam hudbu. 4. What's happen? Čo sa deje? 6. Oh, the beautiful car! Aké krásne auto! 7. He speaks good English. Anglicky hovorí dobre. 8. I explained her the problem. Vysvetlil som jej problém. 9. Describe me this man. Popíšte mi tohto muža. 10. Do you think he is going to cry? I don't hope so! Myslíte si, že bude plakať? Dúfam, že nie!