IV054 Coding, Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols 2012 - Exercises VI. 1. What is the probability that at least two students enrolled to the IV054 course (there are 82 students enrolled) are having birthday on the same day. Assume years are non-leap. 2. Ciphertext c = 1764 created by the Rabin cryptosystem with n = 41989 decrypts as both m1 = 41947 and m2 = 1435. Without factorization of n decrypt c2 = 6661. 3. Consider the ElGamal cryptosystem with a public key (p, q, y) and a private key x. (a) Let c = (a, b) be a cryptotext. Suppose that Eve can obtain a decryption of any cryptotext c = c. Show that this enables her to decrypt c. (b) Let c1 = (a1, b1), c2 = (a2, b2) be obtained by encrypting messages m1 = m2, respectively, using the same public key. Encrypt some other message m . 4. Which of the following functions f : N → N are negligible? Prove your answer. (a) 2− √ n (b) 2− √ log(n) (c) n− log log(n) 5. Let p be a prime number and g an integer. The Diffie-Hellman Problem is the problem of computing the value of gab (mod p) from the known values of ga (mod p) and gb (mod p). Suppose that Eve has access to an oracle that decrypts arbitrary ElGamal ciphertexts encrypted using arbitrary ElGamal public keys. Prove that Eve can use the oracle to solve the Diffie-Hellman problem. 6. Calculate x in the following equation using the Shank’s algorithm. Show all the steps of your calculation. 5x = 27 (mod 107) 7. Let p be an odd prime number and g be a primitive root modulo p. Suppose m is an odd number, prove that gm is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p.