IV054 Coding, Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols 2012 - Exercises VII. 1. Let m be a message which the adversary Eve intends to sign using the RSA signature scheme with a public key (n, e) and a private key d. Suppose that Eve can obtain a signature of any message m = m. Show that this enables her to sign m. 2. Consider the RSA signature scheme with public key (n, e) = (1927, 1483). Verify signatures si of messages wi. (a) w1 = 11, s1 = 416; (b) w2 = 123, s2 = 1477; (c) w3 = 56, s3 = 200. 3. Consider the following signature scheme. Alice has a public key (p, g, X, Y ), where p ≥ 3 is a prime, g is a generator of (Z∗ p, ·), X = gx (mod p) and Y = gy (mod p), and a private key (x, y) where x, y ∈ Z∗ p. The signature of a message m is s = y + xm (mod p). Find a verification algorithm for this scheme and show its correctness. 4. Suppose Alice uses the Fiat-Shamir signature scheme with v1 = 6003, v2 = 1919, v3 = 2980, s1 = 44, s2 = 45, s3 = 46, h(x) = x mod 2011 and n = 7223. Show in detail the computation steps of signing message 33 with r1 = 1200, r2 = 2400, r3 = 3600. 5. Consider the DSA signature scheme with a hash function H. If H is not one-way, show that we can forge a triplet (m, a, b) such that (a, b) is valid signature for the message m. 6. Consider the DSA signature scheme. Let (p, q, r, x, y) be a key. Suppose the public parameters p = 48731, q = 443, and r = 5260. The element r was computed as r ≡ 748730/443 (mod 48731), where 7 is a primitive root modulo 48731. Alice chooses the secret signing key x = 242. (a) What is Alice’s public verification key y? (b) Alice signs the message m = 343 using k = 427. What is the signature? Perform all steps of her calculation and all steps of Bob’s verification. 7. Let n be a large composite modulus (of unknown factorization), k and s be two elements of Z∗ n such that s2 = −k (mod n). Let H : {0, 1}∗ → Zn be a cryptographic hash function. Find a signature algorithm which uses the public key k, the secret key s if you know that the verification of a signature (x, y) of a message m consists in checking that x2 + ky2 ≡ H(m) (mod n).