IV054 Coding, Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols 2012 - Exercises VIII. 1. Consider the elliptic curve E : y2 = x3 + 3x2 + 6x + 17 over Z23. (a) Verify that the point P = (2, 7) lies on E. (b) Using a transformation into the form y2 = x3 + ax + b compute the point 2P. 2. Consider the following primality test. An integer n > 0 is a prime if and only if n divides 2n − 2. Prove or disprove both implications. 3. Consider the elliptic curve E = {O} ∪ {(x, y) ∈ Z2 7 | y2 = x3 + 2x + 1}. (a) Find all points of E. Compare the number of points with the Hasse’s theorem. (b) For each point P ∈ E, compute −P and check that it lies on the curve as well. (c) Show that (E, +) is isomorphic to Z|E|. 4. Suppose n = pq, where p, q are primes. Let integers i, j, k and L with k = 0 satisfy L = i(p − 1), L = j(q − 1) + k and ak ≡ 1 (mod q). Let a be a randomly chosen integer satisfying p a and q a. Prove that gcd(aL − 1, n) = p. 5. (a) Use the ρ-algorithm with f(x) = x2 + 1 and x0 = 2 to find a factor of n = 8383. (b) Try to factorize n = 551 using the elliptic curve E : y2 = x3 + 4x + 4 and (i) point P1 = (1, 3), (ii) point P2 = (0, 2). 6. Prove the following theorems. (a) If n is even and n > 2, then 2n − 1 is composite. (b) If 3 | n and n > 3, then 2n − 1 is composite. (c) If 2n − 1 is a prime, then n is a prime number. 7. Let n = pk where p is a prime and k > 0. Compute the sum of all positive divisors of n. 8. Consider the elliptic curve variant of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. Suppose Alice chooses random secret na = 11, Bob chooses nb = 7. Public information contains an elliptic curve E : y2 = x3 + 4x + 20 (mod 29) and its point P = (1, 5). Show in detail steps of the protocol.