Masaryk university Faculty of Informatics Conceptual modelling using the HIT method Practical tutorial Marek Winkler, Michal Oˇskera, Zdenko Stan´ıˇcek Summer 2011 Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 Why to deal with conceptual modelling? . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 What is conceptual modelling? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3 What is a conceptual model? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4 Relationship to data modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.5 What is the difference between conceptual modelling and HIT method? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.6 What is the relationship between HIT method, HIT conceptual model and E-R model? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.7 What is the difference between E-R model and E-R diagram? 8 1.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 HIT method – concepts and procedures 9 2.1 The steps of the modelling process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.2 Functional approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.3 Modelling concepts using sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3.1 Entity sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.3.2 Descriptive sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.4 Modelling relationships among concepts using HIT attributes . 13 2.4.1 Graphical notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.4.2 Linear notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.4.3 HIT attribute rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4.4 Cardinality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.5 Normalization of HIT attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.5.1 Definability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.5.2 Decomposability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.5.3 The kernel of a set of HIT attributes . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.6 HIT conceptual model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.7 Transformation into ER model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.7.1 Binarization principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2.7.2 The transformation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3 Applying the HIT method 31 3.1 The identification and definition of sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.1 The identification of sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.1.2 Defining semantics of sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 2 3.2 The identification and definition of HIT attributes . . . . . . . 34 3.2.1 The identification of HIT attributes . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.2.2 Defining semantics of HIT attributes . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.3 Normalization of HIT attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.4 Transformation into ER model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.4.1 Applying binarization principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 3.4.2 The transformation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4 Recommendations and common mistakes 43 A Conceptual models examples 45 A.1 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 A.2 University course administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 B English-Czech HIT method terms dictionary 52 Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 3 1 Introduction This introductory section provides a brief explanation of the mutual relationships between data modelling, conceptual modelling and the HIT method. 1.1 Why to deal with conceptual modelling? For any kind of effective teamwork the mutual understanding of all people involved is essential. This applies to any form the team can take, e.g. SW development team, organizational unit, company staff, or even family. In other words, mutual understanding is the prerequisite for any group of people, that is expected to work together in synergistic way, to succeed. The conceptual modelling discipline is about explicit and systematic facilitation of such understanding process. One may ask: how conceptual modelling and understanding process is related? The explicit mutual understanding within a group of people is about agreement or conformity in meaning of words or expressions of language being used in mutual communication. One of the philosophical and logical approaches1 at intuitive level explains that a concept may become meaning of given language expression [3]. In other words, if we know the meaning of the word ’car’, we know the concept of ’CAR’. Straightforwardly, the word ’car’ in spoken or written form represents the concept ’CAR’ in external world, i.e. we people as lingual creatures use the words ’car’, ’auto’, ’das Auto’ to represent the concept ’CAR’ outside of our minds. We do this in order to communicate with other people. But the communication would be useless or even harmful if the words received by our communication partner represented different concepts in their mind. Therefore, the conceptual modelling discipline emerged to help people to achieve agreement on key concepts (meanings) represented by words in their mutual communication. There are endless situations in our lives in which we communicate with other people and in many of them we think that we understand each other, just because we know the meanings of words. But we know only one or few of many possible meanings a single expression may have in minds of other people. Very often, we do not notice or even care of shifts in the meaning and in many ordinary situations we can handle this somehow. Actually, the essence of whole category of jokes lies in the ambiguity of language – these 1 by coincidence underlying one for the HIT method Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 4 are called puns2 . However, there are many situations where one cannot successfully continue in their work just sharing an approximate or even vague meaning. Consider an emergency communication between medicine doctors. They need to be as accurate as possible to avoid misunderstanding that can threaten one’s life. Therefore, huge number of concepts (represented by unique language expressions) was revealed, each of them identifying very single piece of human body to enable clear communication. Another example where accuracy in communication matters are all technical and engineering disciplines. Both complex machines and SW programs cannot be constructed just approximately. They need to be projected in an exact way and they are usually results of team effort. Therefore, people need to clearly communicate about what they are doing. What’s more they also need to clearly communicate with people whom they do it for; and this people may be far from homo technicus. These people, let us call them users or customers, have their own different expertise and have no clue and also do not care what for instance the term ’event handler’ denotes. They want to be impressed by results not by technical means. Typically in IT, the business-IT consultants are the people who are responsible for translation of business talk (spoken by people with non-IT expertise – domain experts) to IT talk and vice versa. This process is called analysis, it is iterative and requires at least good communication skills. It is clear, that the translation may be successful only after clear understanding of terms being translated. More precisely, consultants need to understand terms such as ’budget’, ’rate’, ’schedule item’ in exactly the same way as the domain experts do – they need to have the same concepts in their minds. Otherwise, software configured or created according to different meanings of the same words will disappoint the customer very soon. The more complex the domain is (by its scope, specificity, people involved, ...) the more difficult is to understand it and come to an agreement among all parties involved. In these situations the visual, schematic, intuitive but not oversimplifying methods are needed. The HIT method is one of the kind which may help to accomplish the process of mutual understanding. And in accordance with aforementioned facts, this method must be well understood before it can be applied correctly. This tutorial is about explanation of concepts behind the the HIT method. 2 Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 5 Its goal is to reveal and explain key concepts to prospective conceptual modellers and to support continuous understanding within already practising community – everything within the meaning of the preceding paragraphs. Facts to remember are as follows: • The primary motivation for conceptual modelling is to understand and not to design or to specify a database schema, for instance3 . • Conceptual modelling is very helpful and essential in interdisciplinary cooperation as well as in team communication. • You can do a lot of conceptual models by yourself and for yourself, but the meaningfulness of these models will be checked only when they had been accepted and followed by other people helping them achieve their goals. 1.2 What is conceptual modelling? More technically, the conceptual modelling can be described as the process of conceptual understanding and rendering modelled part of reality. The modeller tries to find out which objects of interest the system should keep and provide. Conceptual model should be totally independent of intended implementation and intelligible for users. [1] In other words, the conceptual model describes the concepts and their relationships identified in the modelled domain. It is important to realize that a conceptual model’s elements are the objects from the modelled domain, not any database tables, programming language classes or any other artifacts of the system being built for the modelled domain. A good conceptual modelling technique should make the analyst reduce the amount of the resulting model ambiguity as much as possible. For this reason, the conceptual modelling method HIT is focused on well-formed (semi-formal) definitions of all the concepts and the relationships in the model. 3 However, the result of conceptual modelling can be very helpful for subsequent database schema design. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 6 1.3 What is a conceptual model? A conceptual model is a special case of a data model. As mentioned in the previous section, a conceptual model describes the concepts and their mutual relationships in the modelled domain. 1.4 Relationship to data modelling The conceptual modelling is a special case of data modelling. Data modelling is a discipline focusing on the description of data using different kinds of models. The models, along with the relevant data modelling sub-disciplines, are usually grouped to the following three levels: • conceptual models capture the elements of the modelled domain, they are totally implementation independent; the entities have not been assigned any attributes yet (unless an attribute is really necessary for the description of the modelled domain), the many-to-many relationships are not decomposed into associative entities; • logical models describe the elements of the information system (IS) which is being built for the domain, but they are independent of any particular database or other means used to store IS data; a logical model contains entities which can be specific for the IS implementation, the entities have all their attributes defined, etc.; • physical models define the data structures with all details necessary to create these structures in a particular database engine; in case of a SQL database, this involves assigning an SQL type to each attribute, decomposition of many-to-many relationships into associative entities, defining database indices, etc. 1.5 What is the difference between conceptual modelling and HIT method? Conceptual modelling is a discipline focused on understanding and description of the concepts and their relationships in the modelled domain. HIT method is one particular method or technique used to achieve the goals of conceptual modelling. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 7 1.6 What is the relationship between HIT method, HIT conceptual model and E-R model? The HIT method provides a technique how to construct conceptual models. The result of an application of HIT method is a HIT conceptual model which consists of the base of sorts, the so-called kernel set of HIT attributes, and the set of integrity constraints4 . On the contrary, an E-R model (Entity-Relationship model) is not any particular data modelling method, it is merely a standard notation for the conceptual modelling product, i.e. the conceptual model. Therefore, it is comparable to the HIT conceptual model rather than the HIT method itself. In fact, every HIT conceptual model can be transformed into the appropriate E-R model5 . Another conceptual model notation is a concept map. An example can be found at 1.7 What is the difference between E-R model and ER diagram? The E-R model consists of the E-R diagram and the text description of each E-R diagram element. 1.8 Exercises 1. Find a word representing at least two different concepts. How words that possess such property are called? 2. Find two words representing at least the same concept. How words that possess such property are called? 3. Form groups of three. Presuming that all members know the meaning (concept) of word ’component’, let each team member independently write his or her own representation of the concept ’COMPONENT’ to the paper. Then compare and discuss the externalized concepts. What do you observe? 4 More detailed HIT conceptual model definition can be found in section 2.6 of this document. 5 See section 2.7 of this document. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 8 2 HIT method – concepts and procedures This section introduces the HIT conceptual modelling method – the process of creating the HIT conceptual model, HIT method basic concepts, and finally the transformation of the HIT conceptual model into the E-R model notation. 2.1 The steps of the modelling process Let us start with forming an initial idea what steps the process of making a conceptual model according to the HIT method involves: • the identification and definition of sorts, • the identification and definition of HIT attributes, • normalizing the set of HIT attributes, • transforming the HIT conceptual model into ER model notation. Individual steps are illustrated on a concrete domain in section 3. This section continues with brief introduction of basic ideas behind HIT. You are encouraged to read this section first, but it is possible to skip directly to the example application in section 3 and refer to the rest of this section when needed. 2.2 Functional approach Everything we encounter in HIT can be regarded as a function. In fact, HIT defines all of its concepts as functions. Right now you have probably asked ’Why? The most common approach is the relational calculus which has been widely used in databases nowadays.’. Let us try to shed some light on this matter. The functional approach (as compared to the relational approach) allows for more natural mapping of the meaning (usually expressed in natural language) of modelled domain elements onto the conceptual model elements definitions. One reason is that a function is oriented while a relation is not. Imagine a relationship between a student and a seminar. There is no doubt that you can make up various kinds of such relationship – students Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 9 who have enrolled in the seminar, or students who have successfully passed the seminar. If we want to make clear what kind of relationship between a student and a seminar was meant during the making of the model, we have to provide a description telling the model reader what kind of the relationship it is. We say that such a description defines the semantics or meaning of the relationship. Consider the semantics of the relationship from the example – students who have enrolled in the seminar. This expression can be understood as a description of a function which, being given a seminar, returns the collection of all students who have enrolled in the given seminar. This function can be perceived as a query which a user can resolve with using the knowledge from the modelled domain. The notion of a query is much more natural to domain experts, expressing themselves in natural language, than relations. Therefore, HIT maps the natural language expressions onto semi-formally defined functions. HIT distinguishes two kinds of functions: intensions, which depend on the current state-of-affairs, and extensions, which are the current state-of-affairs independent. But what is the current state-of-affairs? The current state-of-affairs can be understood as a (potentially infinite) list of facts which are currently valid. Any intension is a function which is able to access such a list of facts (you can imagine it as a method which can query a database table, for instance). They are closely connected with the so-called Entity sorts (see later). On the other hand, an extension can never access such a list of facts, it can compute only information independent on the current state-of-affairs. Extensions are also called analytical functions because they cannot access the empirical facts. They are connected with Descriptive sorts (see later). Because this tutorial is meant to serve as a practical guide to HIT method, we are not going to formally define all HIT concepts6 . Instead, we provide an explanation of the background concepts sufficient for the modelling purposes. Exercises 1. Find an example of an intension. 2. Find an example of an extension. 6 More detailed and rigorous definitions of the HIT method concepts can be found in [1] or [2]. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 10 2.3 Modelling concepts using sorts In HIT, a concept is modelled as a sort. You can imagine a sort as a set of all objects having a common property distinguishing the sort7 . An example can be a sort of all individuals who are active students. HIT distinguishes between entity and descriptive sorts. An entity sort contains entities and is denoted with the hash character, e.g. (#Car), (#Student). A descriptive sort contains descriptive attributes of entities and is denoted without the hash, e.g. (Phone number). 2.3.1 Entity sorts An entity sort E is defined using a function which, being applied to an object (or an individual) and the current state-of-affairs, returns true, if the given object is an instance of the sort being defined, false otherwise. This function can be viewed as a characteristic function of the sort E. Because this function depends on the current state-of-affairs, it is an intension. In HIT, this function is written as a Natural Language expression following specific pattern. The reason is that providing logically exact definitions built upon some very basic concepts would be so demanding, that such definitions would be practically unusable. Have a look at one possible definition of (#Car): An object of category (#Car) is every road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine and able to carry a small number of people. This is not the only “right” definition of (#Car), you could invent other ones which would be “right” as well. The goal we are trying to achieve with definitions is, that a definition is comprehensible to all intended model readers and appropriately delimits the concept boundary in the modelled domain. By “delimiting the concept boudary” we mean not only identifying all objects that satisfy the definition, but also denying the objects that we do not consider to be part of the concept. The generic pattern of the Natural Language expression describing the function is the following: 7 This definition is very vague, but sufficient for practical usage of HIT. An interested reader should refer to the formal sort definition given in the PB114/PA116 lectures, or in [1], [2]. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 11 An object of category8 (#Sort name) is every/any . . . . An entity sort cannot be directly represented in computers. The representation is usually done by using a corresponding descriptive sort (ID). 2.3.2 Descriptive sorts A descriptive sort D is defined using a function which, being applied to an object (or an element) returns true, if the given object is an instance of the sort being defined, false otherwise. This function can be viewed as a characteristic function of the sort D. Because this function does not depend on the current state-of-affairs, it is an extension. Descriptive sorts can be viewed as the sets of elements which can be directly represented in computers. Consider the following example: An element of category (Phone number) is every string value having the maximal length of 13, containing only digits and optionally a plus sign as the first character. The generic pattern of the expression describing the function is the fol- lowing: An element of category9 (Sort name) is every/any . . . . Exercises 1. Explain the difference between an entity and a descriptive sort. Find an example of each one of them. 2. Form groups of three. Each group chooses a domain and finds two entity sorts and one descriptive sort in this domain. Then each group member writes definitions of these sorts. Discuss the definitions in your group. 3. Why is a concept modelled in HIT using a sort and not a set (in mathematical sense)? If you cannot find the answer, discuss it during the seminar. 8 You can sometimes encounter type instead of category. Category is newer. 9 You can sometimes encounter type instead of category. Category is newer. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 12 2.4 Modelling relationships among concepts using HIT attributes A relationship among sorts T1, ..., Tn, S, where at least one sort Ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ n is an entity sort, is defined using a function, which being applied to the current state-of-affairs and the given n-tuple (t1, . . . , tn), where ti ∈ Ti, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, returns a single s ∈ S, a set S ⊆ S, or is undefined. Such functions are called HIT attributes in HIT. Because these functions depend on the current state-of-affairs, they are intensions. The number n + 1 is called the complexity of the HIT attribute. A HIT attribute can be defined either in graphical, or linear notation. The linear notation is used in models, while the graphical notation is usually more illustrative for discussions about the decomposability of a HIT attribute (see later). 2.4.1 Graphical notation Graphical notation simply depicts a HIT attribute as a function (remember that every HIT attribute is a function) illustrating the mapping of the function’s input arguments to the output. The graphical notation consists of the following elements: • circles represent sorts; a crossed circle denotes an entity sort, an empty circle represents a descriptive sort, • the rectangle10 which represents the HIT attribute itself. Have a look at Figure 1 displaying an example HIT attribute called Grad- ing. • The upper part declares the input arguments of the HIT attribute. Every input argument is a sort accompanied with a compulsory textual description of the semantics (the meaning) of this argument. The semantics of the input argument can be imagined as the definition of the role that the input argument plays in the HIT attribute. • The lower part declares the result of the HIT attribute, optionally accompanied with a textual description of its semantics. 10 sometimes an oval shape is used as well Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 13 Figure 1: The HIT attribute example. • The middle part (the rectangle) represents the HIT attribute itself. You can notice the four values on the right side of the HIT attribute which define the cardinality of the HIT attribute. To sum it up, Figure 2 displays the generic form of a HIT attribute in graphical notation. The card_orig is the cardinality of the function described by the HIT attribute. The card_rev is the cardinality of the reversed function. See the last paragraph of this section for the description of cardinalities. The meaning of the HIT attribute can be determined by reading the diagram starting with the result sort and then reading the description of each input argument semantics followed by the name of the sort: Students who have passed the given course with given grade. In fact, this procedure gives us (almost) the linear notation mentioned before. 2.4.2 Linear notation Linear notation of a HIT attribute is constructed using the following rule: • if the HIT attribute returns at most one result, then the linear notation follows this pattern: Text0 (S) Text1 (T1) . . . Textn (Tn) Textn+1 / card_orig:card_rev Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 14 Figure 2: The generic form of HIT attribute graphical notation. • if the HIT attribute can return more than one result for given input, then the linear notation follows this pattern: Text0 (S)−s Text1 (T1) . . . Textn (Tn) Textn+1 / card_orig:card_rev Using again the HIT attribute Grading as an example, the linear notation is the following: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M There are a few rules that must be respected when constructing a linear notation: • every input argument is explicitely marked with the word given, • the result of the HIT attribute must be stated in singular or plural form according to the following rules: – singular – when the function can return at most one instance of the result sort, – plural – when the function can return a set of instances of the result sort. The plural form must also be marked by adding the suffix “-s” to the name of result sort (see the example). Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 15 Let us have a look at the same example HIT attribute linear form with the parts affected by the aforementioned rules underlined: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M To highlight the differences between singular and plural forms, imagine a singular form of the same HIT attribute: Student (#Student) who has passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,1:0,M Both graphical and linear notations are equivalent in terms that they carry the same amount of information and one can be transformed into the other without requiring any additional information. 2.4.3 HIT attribute rotation A HIT attribute rotation is every HIT attribute that is constructed from the original HIT attribute by swapping the result sort with one of the input argument sorts. HIT attributes that differ only in the order of their input arguments are considered equal, and therefore they are not different rotations. The following example illustrates all admissible rotations of the HIT attribute Grading: • Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M • Grade (Grade) which has been achieved by the given (#Student) in passing the given course (#Course) / 0,1:0,M • Courses (#Course)-s which have been passed by the given student (#Student) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M Each rotation can be either singular or plural, thus the list of rotations could be extended with rotations such as Student (#Student) who has passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,1:0,M. However, such a rotation does not describe the modelled domain appropriately – clearly, more than one student can pass a given course with a given grade. Such rotations are called inadmissible. During the modelling we concentrate on the admissible rotations only. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 16 2.4.4 Cardinality The cardinality of a relationship A provides information about the minimum and maximum number of objects that can be involved in a single instance of the relationship A. But how to interpret the cardinality in the context of a HIT attribute, i.e. a function? Consider our example HIT attribute Grading: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M The cardinality information, located after the slash (“/”) character, consists of two pairs of characters. The first pair of characters is the cardinality of the function directly described by the HIT attribute Grading: • the first element indicates if the function is partial or total; informally, how many results at least the function returns for an arbitrarily chosen input argument. The possible values are 0 (partial) and 1 (total). In the example, (0,M:0,M) states that the function is partial, i.e. it can be undefined for some input arguments. Because it is possible that no student passed the given course with the given grade, the function for such input arguments returns nothing (it is undefined). • the second element defines if the function returns a single result or a set; in other words, how many results at most the function returns for an arbitrarily chosen input argument. The possible values are 1 (single result) and M (many results)11 . In our example, (0,M:0,M) indicates that the function returns a set of students who have passed the given course with the given grade. Indeed, several students might have achieved the same grade for the same course. The second pair of characters (in the example (0,M:0,M)) defines cardinality of the so-called reversed function. The reversed function can be obtained by swapping the input and output arguments of the function12 : 11 Sometimes, the value of N can be encountered as well – it has the same meaning as M. 12 It is similar, but not completely identical, to the inverse function in mathematics. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 17 The pairs ((#Course), (Grade))-s which correspond to the passing of this course with this grade by the given (#Student). The cardinality is again 0,M: there can be zero or many such pairs returned by the function for an arbitrarily chosen student. Exercises 1. Form groups of three. Each group chooses a domain and finds three HIT attributes including one descriptive HIT attribute in this domain. Then each group member writes definitions of these HIT attributes in linear notation. Discuss the definitions in your group. 2. Explain the difference between a descriptive sort and a descriptive HIT attribute13 on an example. 3. Choose a HIT attribute with complexity greater than two. Define its semantics and determine its cardinality. 4. Choose a HIT attribute with complexity greater than two. Find all admissible rotations of this HIT attribute. 2.5 Normalization of HIT attributes Some of the identified HIT attributes can be in fact a composition of more basic HIT attributes. Using a composed HIT attribute in the model is a problem, because it results in the loss of information. Why? Consider the following HIT attribute called Enrolls: Enrolls: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in a given seminar (#Seminar) taught by a given lecturer (#Lecturer) / 0,M:0,M It is tempting to believe that you can obtain the information which seminars are taught by a given lecturer from this HIT attribute as well. However, this is not completely true – what if there is a seminar taught by the given lecturer but no student has enrolled in this seminar yet? This information cannot be captured by the HIT attribute above. This step of the modelling process aims at removing such compositions and redundancies. 13 a HIT attribute having at least one descriptive sort as an argument Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 18 2.5.1 Definability Let us begin with the HIT concept which allows to describe what it means when we consider a HIT attribute redundant. A HIT attribute A is said to be definable over the set of HIT attributes {B1, . . . , Bn} when there is an analytical function that is able to compute all values of A by using the HIT attributes B1, . . . , Bn.14 It is denoted as A ← {B1, . . . , Bn}. What is an analytical function? A function is analytical, if it does not depend on any empirical knowledge, i.e. on the current state-of-affairs15 . In programming terms, you can imagine an analytical function as a procedure which does not depend on any list of facts (for instance a database table of current lecturers) about the “outside” world for its computation. The fact that the function has to be analytical ensures that the function itself is not another “hidden” HIT attribute bringing some additional “unspotted” information into the model. Let us make it clear on the example of HIT attribute from the introduction to this section: Enrolls: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in a given seminar (#Seminar) taught by a given lecturer (#Lecturer) / 0,M:0,M Now, imagine two simpler HIT attributes Teaches and Enrolls’: Teaches: Lecturer (#Lecturer) teaching a given seminar (#Seminar) / 0,1:0,M Enrolls’: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in a given seminar (#Seminar) / 0,M:0,M We can simply compute all values of the original HIT attribute Enrolls using only the HIT attributes Teaches and Enrolls’ and some analytical operations. The computation procedure indeed can be constructed as analytical because all necessary empirical information is provided by the HIT attributes Teaches and Enrolls’ which you can imagine as other procedures having access to the appropriate data store. Therefore, we can say that Enrolls ← {Teaches, Enrolls }. 14 For precise formal definition please see the PB114/PA116 lectures or the literature. 15 see Section 2.2 Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 19 2.5.2 Decomposability HIT attribute decomposition essentially means reducing the original HIT attribute to the set of its subattributes without losing any information. What does it mean? First, what is a subattribute? A subattribute A of HIT attribute A is every HIT attribute constructed from A by omitting one of the sorts involved in A.16 We can see that the HIT attributes Teaches and Enrolls’ are subattributes of the HIT attribute Enrolls. Next, we need to make sure that we do not lose any information if we replace the original HIT attribute Enrolls with its subattributes. This follows from the definability of Enrolls over the set {Teaches, Enrolls }. Why is this true? Because we can create an analytical function which will compute all values of the original HIT attribute by using the subattributes. You have probably realized by now that decomposability is closely related to definability which is reflected in the definition of decomposability itself: A HIT attribute A is said to be decomposable into the set of HIT attributes {B1, . . . , Bn}, when the following conditions hold: 1. every Bi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n is a subattribute of A, 2. A ← {B1, . . . , Bn}. It is denoted as A ♦ {B1, . . . , Bn}. Therefore, we can say that Enrolls ♦ {Teaches, Enrolls }. 2.5.3 The kernel of a set of HIT attributes The kernel of a set of HIT attributes can be imagined as the normalized variant of the original set. Thus the whole normalization step of the modelling process can be rephrased as finding the kernel set of the initially identified HIT attributes. This kernel set will be the part of the final conceptual model. 16 This definition of subattribute corresponds to the notion of proper subattribute defined in the lectures. According to the HIT method, the definition of subattribute allows A to be its own subattribute. For simplicity, we do not consider this possibility. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 20 Let K and A be sets of HIT attributes. The set K is called the kernel of the set A, iff the following conditions hold: 1. K and A are informationally equivalent; this means that every HIT attribute from K is definable over A and every HIT attribute from A is definable over K, 2. all HIT attributes in K are elementary; this means no HIT attribute from K can be decomposed, 3. K does not contain any redundant HIT attributes; this means that there is no HIT attribute A ∈ K such that K ← K − {A }. The above conditions can be rephrased as follows: the kernel is every minimal set of elementary HIT attributes defining exactly the same information as the original HIT attributes set. The properties following from the three conditions given in the definition are underlined. Unfortunately, no algorithm which would be capable of finding the kernel is known. Determining the kernel requires domain knowledge to decide definability and decomposition of HIT attributes. Exercises 1. Explain the motivation why a HIT attribute set, as well as individual HIT attributes, should be normalized. 2. Explain the difference between definability and decomposability. Make up your own example. 3. Form groups of three. Each group provides an example of a collection of HIT attributes containing a HIT attribute definable over some of the remaining HIT attributes in the collection. 4. Form groups of three. Each group provides an example of a decomposable HIT attribute with the complexity greater than two and illustrates the decomposition of this HIT attribute. 5. Form groups of three. Each group provides an example of a nondecomposable HIT attribute with the complexity greater than two. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 21 6. Explain the conditions that must be met by a set of HIT attributes when this set is to be called the kernel. How does the transformation into the kernel affect the original set of HIT attributes? 2.6 HIT conceptual model Having found the kernel set of HIT attributes, we have constructed the HIT conceptual model. It is defined as the triple (B, K, C), where: • B is the base of sorts that we have identified in the domain, • K is the kernel of the set of relevant HIT attributes identified in the domain, • C is the set of integrity constraints formulated over HIT attributes from K. Note that the model does not include any diagram. The next section describes the procedure how to create an ER model (including an ER diagram) according to the HIT conceptual model. Exercises 1. In groups of three, put together selected sort and HIT attribute definitions from the previous exercises to make an example of a HIT conceptual model. 2. Add an integrity constraint to your model. 2.7 Transformation into ER model The HIT conceptual model is transformed into the ER model notation mainly for the following reasons: • ER model includes ER diagram which is very useful tool for getting quick awareness of the model, • ER model is a well-known modelling artifact, • ER model is often used at later phases of software design to accomodate logical and physical data models. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 22 Provided with the kernel set of HIT attributes, we are almost ready to transform the HIT conceptual model into the ER model. All HIT attributes are now either binary (of complexity 2), or cannot be further decomposed. All HIT attributes add some information to the model, none of them can be omitted. The transformation task is to map the sorts and HIT attributes onto a graph structure of nodes (entities in ER model) and their connections (relationships in ER model). The first intuition is straightforward: the entity sorts are mapped onto entities and the HIT attributes are mapped onto relationships17 . But plain relationships can connect only two entities. This way we can map only binary HIT attributes. The non-binary HIT attributes cannot be decomposed because the HIT conceptual model includes only HIT attributes from the kernel. Fortunately, the binarization principle deals with them. 2.7.1 Binarization principle The binarization principle transforms a non-decomposable HIT attribute with complexity greater than 2 into one new created sort (called concatenated type) and a set of the so-called projection HIT attributes. Let us illustrate the binarization principle on our example HIT attribute Grading shown in Figure 3: First, the binarization principle instructs us to create a new sort18 called concatenated type. It contains n-tuples corresponding to the original HIT attribute; using the Grading HIT attribute, the concatenated type might contain the following n-tuples: (student A, PB114, A), (student B, PB114, C), . . . where: • student A and student B ∈ (#Student), 17 The transformation of descriptive sorts and descriptive HIT attributes is omitted in this first intuition – see section 2.7.2. 18 More precisely a type rather than a sort – see lectures or references for the type theory used in HIT. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 23 Figure 3: The non-decomposable HIT attribute Grading. • PB114 ∈ (#Course), • A and C ∈ (Grade). The concatenated type represents the original HIT attribute, therefore the definition of concatenated type contains the semantics of original HIT attribute in linear notation along with its cardinality. In the example, the definition of concatenated type Grading looks like: An object of category (#Grading) is every representation of a relationship between (#Student) and (#Course) with the following meaning: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M Now we have to map the n-tuples from the concatenated type onto the referenced instances of sorts (#Student), (#Course) and (Grade). This mapping is done by the so-called projection HIT attributes depicted in Figure 4. Notice that there is no textual description of the semantics of the HIT attributes – it seems as an exception to the rule that every HIT attribute has to have its semantics defined. In fact, the semantics of projection HIT attributes is always the same – the projection of the concatenated type to Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 24 Figure 4: The projections of the concatenated type onto the components of the original HIT attribute. one of its elements. The textual description could be for example “of given” but is usually omitted. Another consequence of the same semantics of all projection HIT attributes is always the same cardinality of all projection attributes. This section concludes with the illustration of binarization principle for general HIT attributes – see Figures 5 and 6. The consequence of the existence of the binarization principle is the ability to transform any HIT conceptual model into a graph structure of nodes and edges which is required by the transformation to ER model. 2.7.2 The transformation procedure The process of transformation of the HIT conceptual model19 M = (B, K, C) into ER model consists of the following steps20 : • Derive entities: 1. For every HIT attribute A ∈ K having the complexity > 2 apply the binarization principle, i.e. introduce new concatenated type R and replace A with the set of projection HIT attributes Bi. 19 See section 2.6. 20 The precise algorithm can be found in the PB114/PA116 lectures. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 25 Figure 5: The non-decomposable HIT attribute with complexity > 2. Figure 6: The resulting set of projections of the concatenated type onto the components of the original HIT attribute. – every HIT attribute in K is binary (its complexity = 2) now – binarization principle does not operate with constraints, so they need to be updated 2. Replace every constraint c ∈ C valid for A with corresponding constraint(s) for Bi. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 26 – the constraints match the results of binarization principle ap- plication 3. Represent every entity sort as a kernel entity in ER model. 4. Represent every concatenated type as an associative entity in ER model. 5. For every descriptive HIT attribute D ∈ K with a plural rotation having a descriptive sort S as the result21 : – represent descriptive sort S as a characteristic entity in ER model, – represent the HIT attribute D as a relationship in ER model. The cardinality of the relationship is derived from the cardinality of the HIT attribute. • Derive relationships: 1. represent every HIT attribute in K which does not operate with any descriptive sort as a relationship in ER model. The cardinality of the relationship is derived from the cardinality of the HIT attribute. • Derive attributes (only when transforming into ERAM 22 ): 1. Represent every descriptive HIT attribute D ∈ K, with a singular rotation having a descriptive sort S as the result23 , as an ERAM attribute of the corresponding kernel or associative entity. • Provide definitions: 1. Write definitions of all kernel, associative and characteristic entities by using definitions of sorts and concatenated types from B. 2. Write definitions of all relationships by using linear notation of HIT attributes from K. 21 In other words, the cardinality of this rotation is ?,M:?,?. 22 The transformation procedure can be used for transformation into EntityRelationship-Attribute Model. This model type is often used for logical or physical data models. 23 In other words, the cardinality of this rotation is ?,1:?,?. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 27 The complete transformation procedure described in PB114/PA116 lectures deals with the supertype-subtype hierarchy which is not covered by this tutorial. The reason is the non-trivial amount of required theoretical background, while the effect for the practical utilization of HIT would not be as significant. Let us illustrate the transformation procedure on a simple example. Imagine the following HIT conceptual model: The sorts: An object of category (#Lecturer) is every person contracted by the university as a teacher of a course. An object of category (#Course) is every series of lectures or lessons in a particular subject offered by the university. An object of category (#Student) is every person currently enrolled in a university study programme. An element of category (Grade) is every character from the following list: A, B, C, D, E, F. The kernel set of HIT attributes: Teaches: Lecturer (#Lecturer) teaching a given course (#Course) / 0,1:0,M Enrolls: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in a given course (#Course) / 0,M:0,M Grading: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M The set of integrity constraints is empty. First, we apply the binarization principle to the Grading HIT attribute because it is the only HIT attribute with complexity greater than 2. Next, we transform the entity sorts into ER model entities, and the HIT attributes into the corresponding relationships. The final model consists of the ER diagram (see Figure 7) and the following textual description. Notice that the projection HIT attributes (obtained from the binarization principle application) are not part of the textual de- scription: Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 28 Entities Name: Lecturer Type: kernel An object of category (#Lecturer) is every person contracted by some faculty department to give lectures to students. Name: Course Type: kernel An object of category (#Course) is every series of lectures or lessons on particular subject approved by the faculty scientific committee for being taught at the faculty. Name: Student Type: kernel An object of category (#Student) is every person signed for study in a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study programme. The study must not be currently interrupted. Name: Grading Type: associative An object of category (#Grading) is every representation of a relationship between student and course with the following mean- ing: Students (#Student)-s who have passed the given course (#Course) with given grade (Grade) / 0,M:0,M Relationships 1: Lecturer (#Lecturer) teaching a given course (#Course) / 0,1:0,M 2: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in a given course (#Course) / 0,M:0,M The description of the transformation procedure concludes the first part of the tutorial. The next section illustrates the application of HIT method to the construction of conceptual model of the domain of a library. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 29 Figure 7: The ER diagram part of the resulting ER model. Exercises 1. Explain why the binarization principle is needed. 2. Explain steps of the binarization principle on a simple example. 3. Form groups of three. Transform the HIT conceptual model you made during the exercise in Section 2.6 into ER model. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 30 3 Applying the HIT method We are going to illustrate each of the modelling steps on the (very simplified) domain of a library. This example domain has been described by the following text: The library maintains a large collection of items (books, journals, CDs, etc.) which can be lent to the library clients. Clients borrow and return items only with the assistance of a librarian. Clients can reserve items which they intend to borrow via a web form. 3.1 The identification and definition of sorts The first step takes usually the domain description provided by a domain expert as the main source of information. The result of this step is the set of entity and descriptive sorts along with their definitions. 3.1.1 The identification of sorts First, we identify the key concepts (i.e. sorts) in the modelled domain. One possible technique is to focus on every noun encountered in the domain de- scription: The library maintains a large collection of items (books, journals, CDs, etc.) which can be lent to the library clients. Clients borrow and return items only with the assistance of a librarian. Clients can reserve items which they intend to borrow via a web form. Each underlined noun is a candidate for a sort. We have to treat the list of candidates as the analysis starting point only; it can be updated later as our knowledge of the modelled domain evolves. In other words, not every candidate results in a sort in the end, and there can be sorts in the final model which no candidate had been identified in the beginning for. First, in case the modelled domain does not take several libraries into account, then the candidate library is likely to be removed from the list, because it forms a context for the modelled domain rather than being a part of the domain itself. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 31 Next, we examine the collection of items candidate. We want to be capable of describing individual item’s attributes and relationships – such as the title of a book, or the information about its author – rather than describing the properties of the collection as a whole. Therefore, we exclude the collection of items candidate from the list in favour of the item candidate. Let us have a look at the candidates books, journals and CDs. They represent special cases of a generic item. We can either include these special cases in the set of sorts (in case we plan to model attributes or relationships specific for a special case), or exclude them (in case our model does not need to capture any specific attributes and relationships). We may not know the answer right at this moment of analysis, then we can postpone the decision until we have identified the HIT attributes relevant for the domain. If there is no HIT attribute using a sort book, we can exclude the sort book from the set of sorts (the same applies for sorts journal and CD). If we examine the candidate assistance, we find out we do not need to distinguish any special attributes or relationships of the assistence itself. Therefore, assistance is excluded from the list of sorts. Finally, we exclude the web form candidate. The reason is that there are no attributes nor relationships connected with web form in the domain we are interested in. In other words, there will be again no HIT attributes which would use the sort web form. The expression web form does not describe any element of the domain in this case; rather it expresses a functional requirement for the library information system. To sum it up, if the analyst is not sure if a sort candidate should be represented as a sort or not, then it is possible to include the candidate into the set of sorts, and after the identification and normalization of HIT attributes exclude those sorts which are not used by at least one HIT attribute. 3.1.2 Defining semantics of sorts In this step we are going to turn the previously identified sort candidates into sorts. Each sort has to be provided with a definition of its meaning. The definitions help us to answer questions which may not be immediately apparent, but usually turn up when we try to work further with the modelled concept. The concept of an item is a perfect example: is it meant as an abstract artifact or as a concrete physical instance of a book/journal/CD? Different interpretations imply quite different relationships and attributes. We are going to distinguish three levels of abstraction of such library items: Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 32 • work – the abstract artistic creation which has usually assigned its title and author, library can possess different realizations (or expressions) of the work; • expression – the published form of a work; an example of two forms of the same work may be the first edition of some book with specific ISBN, and a CD record of reading that book; library clients usually make reservations of concrete expressions of a work (they are not interested in a concrete physical instance); • item – physical instance of an expression of a work; it occupies physical space, can be actually lent to a registered client of the library, and can be damaged. Remember that the concepts are defined by using a specific kind of function. Let us now formulate definitions of these three concepts: • An object of category (#Work) is every abstract artistic product of human activity. • An object of category (#Expression) is every published form of a work; it can be the first edition of the Lord of the Rings as a book with specific ISBN; or a concrete publication of the CD record of the reading of this book, etc. • An object of category (#Item) is every physical instance of an expression of a work. The remaining previously identified sorts are defined in similar manner. We have also added two sorts categorizing expressions and transactions. Their utility will be shown in the next section describing HIT attributes. Let us now present the entity sorts identified in the domain along with their definitions: Name: Work An object of category (#Work) is every abstract artistic product of human activity. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 33 Name: Expression An object of category (#Expression) is every published form of a work; it can be the first edition of the Lord of the Rings as a book with specific ISBN; or a concrete publication of the CD record of the reading of this book, etc. Name: Expression type An object of category (#Expression type) is every collection of expressions grouped by the form of publication. Examples: book, journal, CD, DVD Name: Item An object of category (#Item) is every physical instance of an expression of a work. Name: Client An object of category (#Client) is every entity validly registered in the library in order to borrow library items. It does not need to be a physical person. Name: Librarian An object of category (#Librarian) is every library employee authorized to perform transactions with library clients. 3.2 The identification and definition of HIT attributes The second step aims to find the relationships among the previously found sorts. Besides the set of previously identified entity and descriptive sorts, this step relies on the domain knowledge provided by a domain expert. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 34 3.2.1 The identification of HIT attributes We identify relationships among the previously identified sorts and describe them in the form of HIT attributes. One possible approach is to pick up the verbs in the domain description, however, this can serve as a very rough starting point only. The library maintains a large collection of items (books, journals, CDs, etc.) which can be lent to the library clients. Clients borrow and return items only with the assistance of a librarian. Clients can reserve items which they intend to borrow via a web form. A useful technique of the identification of HIT attributes is enumerating all queries that need to be answered over the modelled domain. A query can be naturally captured in the form of a (potentially complex) HIT attribute and later decomposed into basic elements (non-decomposable HIT attributes), as will be shown later. 3.2.2 Defining semantics of HIT attributes The meaning of all HIT attributes has to be defined as well as the meaning of the individual sorts. For instance, what do we understand by the statement items can be lent to the library clients? Are we interested in the fact, that an item has been currently borrowed by a client? Or that the item was borrowed in the past and might already have been returned to the library? Let us define a HIT attribute which captures more precisely the meaning of this relationship: Items (#Item)-s that have currently been borrowed by the given client (#Client) / 0,M:0,1 The definition should be as unambiguous as possible. Keeping this recommendation in mind, we have put the word currently in the definition to emphasize the fact that we do not describe records of the borrowals which happened in the past. Instead, we model the fact that an item has been borrowed/lent and not returned yet. What information can we extract from this definition? We have defined a function, which for a given instance of (#Client) returns the items which have currently been borrowed by this client. The part after the slash indicates the cardinality of the HIT attribute: Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 35 • the value (0,M:0,1) states that the function is partial, i.e. it can be undefined for some input arguments. In case the client has not currently borrowed any item, no such item that could be returned by the function exists and hence the function returns nothing (it is undefined). • the value (0,M:0,1) indicates that the function returns a set of items which have been currently borrowed by the given client. Clearly, more than one item can be lent to the same client. • the last two elements define cardinality of the reverse function and they have interpretation analogous to the first pair. The reversed function can be the following: Client (#Client) who has currently borrowed the given item (#Item) / 0,1:0,M Observe that the reverse function returns at most one client who has currently borrowed the given item. Indeed, the library cannot lend the same item to several clients at the same time. Let us analyze the next statement clients borrow and return items only with the assistance of a librarian. It claims that some assistance of a librarian is required for every borrowal or return of an item. After a discussion with the domain expert we find out that the library must keep record of which librarian authorized which borrowal or return. Therefore, we need to extend the original HIT attribute, for instance as follows: Items (#Item)-s that have currently been borrowed by the given client (#Client) with the authorization of given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M If we consider the HIT attribute describing returning of a previously borrowed item, we realize that it has much in common with the HIT attribute describing the item borrowal. The act of borrowing and returning an item could be modelled as a general transaction between the librarian and the client. Under these circumstances, we can replace these two HIT attributes with one more general HIT attribute: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 36 We have to introduce another entity sort at this moment because the previous HIT attribute uses it: Name: Transaction type An object of category (#Transaction type) is every grouping of transactions into the following categories: • item borrowed • item returned This generalization is not compulsory; however, it can enhance the capability of further model extending. In case we were interested in other kinds of transactions among the client, the librarian and the item, we would not need to modify the model. A new instance of (#Transaction type) would be added instead. We conclude this section with the list of all HIT attributes identified in the domain (possibly during the discussion with a domain expert): 1: Expressions (#Expression)-s of given work (#Work) / 0,M:1,1 2: Items (#Item)-s materializing given expression (#Expression) of the given expression type (#Expression type) / 0,M:1,1 3: The type (#Expression type) of a given expression (#Expression) / 1,1:0,M 4: Items (#Item)-s of given work (#Work) / 0,M:1,1 5: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M 6: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M Observe, that we have not defined any HIT attribute for the fact that the library maintains a large collection of items. The reason is the same as in the case of the entity sort candidate library. If the model had to describe several libraries, then we would have to include both the entity sort (#Library) and the following HIT attribute: Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 37 Items (#Item)-s which are maintained by a given library (#Library) / 0,M:0,1 The identified HIT attributes mention the descriptive sort (Date) which needs to be defined. A possible definition follows: Name: Date An element of category (Date) is every string in the form ’YYYY-MM-DD’, where YYYY stands for year, MM for month and DD for a day in month. 3.3 Normalization of HIT attributes Now we have to decompose all decomposable HIT attributes to achieve normalization and avoid possible loss of information. We should end up with a set of HIT attributes that satisfies the conditions for the kernel24 . We focus on those HIT attributes with complexity greater than 2 and try to decompose them into HIT attributes with lower complexity: 2: Items (#Item)-s materializing given expression (#Expression) of the given expression type (#Expression type) / 0,M:1,1 5: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M 6: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M After a brief examination, we can tell that the first HIT attribute is decomposable into the following HIT attributes because we are able to construct an analytical function which computes the value of the original HIT attribute with the usage of these simpler HIT attributes: 2a: Items (#Item)-s materializing given expression (#Expression) / 0,M:1,1 24 see Section 2.5.3 Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 38 3: The type (#Expression type) of a given expression (#Expression) / 1,1:0,M What does a suitable analytical function look like? The analytical function (let us call it f) has two arguments, expr of the type (#Expression) and expr_type of the type (#Expression type). The function has to return a set of objects of type (#Item). A possible implementation of the function f would perform the following steps: f(expr, expr_type) { if (HIT attribute 3 when evaluated on expr returns expr_type) then return the result of HIT attribute 2a evaluated on expr; else return undef; } What is the effect of the previous decomposition? The information defined by the HIT attribute 2a is not contained in both HIT attributes 2 and 3, thus not duplicated. Let us go back to our list of decomposition candidates and examine HIT attributes 5 and 6. These HIT attributes cannot be decomposed without any loss of information (it is impossible to find a suitable analytical function), therefore we leave them as they are25 . The next step is to verify that no HIT attribute is definable over some subset of the set of HIT attributes. Again, we try to find an analytical function which would compute the value of some HIT attribute when the function had some other HIT attributes at its disposal. We find that the HIT attribute 4 is definable over the set of HIT attributes 1 and 2a, therefore we can safely remove it from the model without any loss of information. Again, we have reduced the redundancy in our model. Finally, the following list summarizes all HIT attributes after the normalization step. It is the kernel of the original set of HIT attributes. 1’: Expressions (#Expression)-s of given work (#Work) / 0,M:1,1 2’: Items (#Item)-s materializing given expression (#Expression) / 0,M:1,1 25 these HIT attributes will be processed by the binarization principle during the transformation into ER model Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 39 3’: The type (#Expression type) of a given expression (#Expression) / 1,1:0,M 4’: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M 5’: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M 3.4 Transformation into ER model Having prepared the kernel set of HIT attributes, we are almost ready for transformation into ER model. We only need to get rid of non-decomposable HIT attributes with the complexity greater than 2. This is the reason why we apply the binarization principle to the kernel set of HIT attributes now. 3.4.1 Applying binarization principle We have identified the following HIT attributes which are not decomposable and their complexity is greater than 2: 4’: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M 5’: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M The binarization principle states that we should construct the concatenated type and then transform the original HIT attribute into the set of projection HIT attributes26 . The concatenated types for the HIT attributes 4’ and 5’ are defined as follows: 26 see Section 2.7.1 Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 40 Name: Transaction Type: associative An object of category (#Transaction) is every representation of a relationship among an item, a transaction type, a client and a librarian with the following meaning: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M Name: Reservation Type: associative An object of category (#Reservation) is every representation of a relationship between a client and an expression with the following meaning: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M The semantics of the projection HIT attributes is always the same (projection onto an i-th component of the relationship), therefore it does not need to be explicitely defined. In practice, we do not include the semantics of projection HIT attributes in the model. 3.4.2 The transformation procedure At this moment, we are ready to transform the HIT model into the corresponding ER model because there are no HIT attributes with complexity greater than 2. It means we are able to represent the HIT model as a network of entities and their relationships which is the essence of an EntityRelationship model. We follow the procedure described in Section 2.7.2 and receive the following ER model consisting of the diagram (see Figure 8) and the textual part as indicated in the previous sections. The complete model can be found in Appendix A.1. Notice, that the entities are also labelled with their type (associative, kernel or characteristic). The entity type is also indicated in the ER-diagram by using a corresponding stereotype (see Figure 8). Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 41 Because the conceptual model is not concerned with entities’ attributes, we do not include attributes in the result. The only exception is an attribute which is used in the definition of an associative entity (the attribute created from the descriptive sort (Date) in this example) or an attribute which is crucial for the understanding of the domain even at the conceptual level. Figure 8: Library – ER diagram. 3.5 Exercises 1. Apply the previously described steps to the domain of University course administration: University offers to its students a wide selection of courses. Each semester, students can enroll in courses of their choice. In order to make the choice easier, courses are usually characterized by a set of keywords. Each course is taught by a single lecturer who is authorized to examine the students enrolled in the course. An example of a possible solution can be found in Appendix A.2. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 42 4 Recommendations and common mistakes The most basic steps that a modeller should take during the creation of a conceptual model include: • ensuring consistency of the different parts of the model (i.e. ER diagram and textual part); this involves mostly model elements names and relationships cardinalities, also all elements27 in the ER diagram must be defined in the textual part, • avoid formal mistakes as a wrong form of a sort or HIT attribute definition complicates understanding of the model and can easily be avoided. During defining sorts or HIT attributes, pay attention to the following: • avoid circular definitions such as “An object of category (#Car model) is every car model . . . ”, • avoid too broad definitions constructing objects which you do not want to; for instance, “An object of category (#Client) is every entity validly registered in the library in order to borrow library items.” is more appropriate than “An object of category (#Client) is every entity which is capable of borrowing library items.”. 27 except the relationships corresponding to the projection HIT attributes introduced by binarization principle (see Section 3.4.1) Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 43 References [1] Marie Duˇz´ı. Logical Foundations of Conceptual Modelling. Habilitation thesis, VˇSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 2002. [2] Marie Duˇz´ı, Frantiˇsek Krejˇc´ı, Pavel Materna, and Zdenko Stan´ıˇcek. HIT method of the database design (a functional approach to information representation). Research report, Brno University of Technology, 1986. [3] Pavel Materna. Svˇet pojm˚u a logika. FILOSOFIA, Prague, 2000. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 44 A Conceptual models examples The example models in this section are simplified. If you feel like some model is not describing all concepts necessary for the domain, you are right. The reason is that we have tried to maintain this tutorial as simple as possible. You can discuss any questions or objections regarding these models during seminars. A.1 Library Domain description The library maintains a large collection of items (books, journals, CDs, etc.) which can be lent to the library clients. Clients borrow and return items only with the assistance of a librarian. Clients can reserve items which they intend to borrow via a web form. Entity-Relationship diagram Figure 9: Library – ER diagram. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 45 Entities Name: Work Type: kernel An object of category (#Work) is every abstract artistic product of human activity. Name: Expression Type: kernel An object of category (#Expression) is every published form of a work; it can be the first edition of the Lord of the Rings as a book with specific ISBN; or a concrete publication of the CD record of the reading of this book, etc. Name: Expression type Type: kernel An object of category (#Expression type) is every collection of expressions grouped by the form of publication. Examples: book, journal, CD, DVD Name: Item Type: kernel An object of category (#Item) is every physical instance of an expression of a work. Name: Client Type: kernel An object of category (#Client) is every entity validly registered in the library in order to borrow library items. It does not need to be a physical person. Name: Librarian Type: kernel An object of category (#Librarian) is every library employee authorized to perform transactions with library clients. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 46 Name: Transaction type Type: kernel An object of category (#Transaction type) is every grouping of transactions into the following categories: • item borrowed • item returned Name: Transaction Type: associative An object of category (#Transaction) is every representation of a relationship among an item, a transaction type, a client and a librarian with the following meaning: Items (#Item)-s that were involved in the transaction of given type (#Transaction type) between given client (#Client) and given librarian (#Librarian) / 0,M:0,M Name: Reservation Type: associative An object of category (#Reservation) is every representation of a relationship between a client and an expression with the following meaning: Reservation date (Date), since the given client (#Client) has reserved given expression (#Expression) / 0,1:0,M Relationships 1. Expressions (#Expression)-s of given work (#Work) / 0,M:1,1 2. Items (#Item)-s materializing given expression (#Expression) / 0,M:1,1 3. The type (#Expression type) of a given expression (#Expression) / 1,1:0,M Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 47 Descriptions used in relationships Name: Date Type: descriptive An element of category (Date) is every string in the form ’YYYY-MM-DD’, where YYYY stands for year, MM for month and DD for a day in month. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 48 A.2 University course administration Domain description University offers to its students a wide selection of courses. Each semester, students can enroll in courses of their choice. In order to make the choice easier, courses are usually characterized by a set of keywords. Each course is taught by a single lecturer who is authorized to examine the students enrolled in the course. Entity-Relationship diagram Figure 10: Course administration – ER diagram. Entities Name: Course Type: kernel An object of category (#Course) is every series of lectures or lessons on particular subject approved by the university scientific committee for being taught at the university. Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 49 Name: Lecturer Type: kernel An object of category (#Lecturer) is every person contracted by some university department to give lectures to students. Name: Student Type: kernel An object of category (#Student) is every person signed for study in a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral study programme. The study must not be currently interrupted.28 Name: Semester Type: kernel An object of category (#Semester) is every officially announced time interval during which lectures occur and students receive their grades afterwards. Name: Keyword Type: characteristic An element of category (Keyword) is every finite character string. Examples: master’s programme, bachelor programme, SSME Name: Enrollment Type: associative An object of category (#Enrollment) is every representation of a relationship among a student, a semester and a course with the following meaning: Students (#Student)-s who have enrolled in the given course (#Course) for given semester (#Semester) / 0,M:0,M 28 Think about this constraint. What are the consequences? Is such a constraint needed in the definition? Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 50 Name: Grading Type: associative An object of category (#Grading) is every representation of a relationship among a student, a semester and a course with the following meaning: Grade (Grade) achieved by given student (#Student) for given course (#Course) in given semester (#Semester) / 0,1:0,M Relationships 1. Lecturer (#Lecturer) teaching given course (#Course) / 1,1:0,M 2. Keywords (Keyword)-s associated with given course (#Course) by its lecturer / 0,M:0,M Integrity constraints • for every instance of (#Grading) G = (grade, student, semester, course), there must exist a corresponding instance of (#Enrollment) E = (student, semester, course). Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 51 B English-Czech HIT method terms dictio- nary concept pojem conceptual model konceptu´aln´ı (tj. pojmov´y) model intension intenze extension extenze entity sort entitn´ı sorta descriptive sort deskriptivn´ı sorta definability definovatelnost/odvoditelnost decomposability rozloˇzitelnost admissible HIT attribute rotation pˇr´ıpustn´a rotace HIT atributu Service Systems Laboratory, FI MU Brno 52