Integration with ESB Filip Nguyen Jiří Kolář Task - Open Project and build it ● cp -r /home/xnguyen/maven-repo/* ~/.m2/repository ● cp -r /home/xnguyen/pa165/pa165-esb /tmp/jboss4 Task prepare for running ESB server ● Open two terminals. ● In first terminal run ○ rm -rf /tmp/jboss3 && mkdir /tmp/jboss3 && chmod -R 777 /tmp/jboss3 ○ unzip /var/tmp/jboss/ -d /tmp/jboss3 ● In both terminals run ○ export JBOSS_HOME=/tmp/jboss3/jbossesb-server-4.11 ○ module add ant maven-3.0.4 jdk-1.7.0_03 Example: Sport Equipment Store ● Sport Equipment retail store receives orders as CSV files ● Few years later they start accepting the orders through Web Service Sport Equipment Store What we need for Sports Store Integration? ● Create Web Service? ● Create File/FTP folder watching daemon? ● Create common data format for the Order? (transformations) ● E-mail notifications ● Clustering ● Robustness Possible problems with handmade solution ● Simple answer is "too low level" and... ● We need simple things ○ take file from FTP ○ take file from disk ○ send an email ○ apply XSLT transformation ● Why bother with low level APIs? ● We need also very complicated things ○ Robustness - what if the file is corrupted, if one connected EIS is down? ○ What if we want to scale out horizontally? How to do it in ESB way? Details of JBoss ESB solution JBoss ESB basics ● Written in Java ● XML centered configuration Task start the server ● Start the JBoss ESB server: In first terminal run: $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ ● In the second run ○ cd $JBOSS_HOME/samples/quickstarts/helloworld ○ ant deploy && sleep 5 && ant runtest Server: 10:53:15,682 INFO [STDOUT] Body: Hello World JBoss ESB links ● wget 11/binary/ ● Docs + JavaDoc: http://www.jboss. org/jbossesb/docs/index Sport Store Enterprise Integration ● We create a .esb archive and put it on ESB Server ● The .esb contains ○ Connections of data sources to the ESB ○ Routing information ○ Transformation ○ Class files ○ All the integration specific resource Details of JBoss ESB solution Build the project ● open the project /tmp/jboss4/pa165-esb in your IDE ● cd into pa165-esb and run "mvn package" *.esb content: META-INF/jboss-esb. xml .... ... .... *.esb contains Services Submit order by file ● use mvn package to deploy to running server ● copy SportStore/sport-store/order-folder/order1.order into SportStore/sport-store/order-folder/order-input ● Watch console ● Use action to manipulate message (in this case file content) ● Your task is: Print out the content of the message to console. Comment built-in print action in the jboss-esb.xml ● What else you can do in this custom action? ○ Modification of the message ○ Doing custom stuff with the message ○ Invoking other services in the ESB via ServiceInvoker Add custom code into pa165. FileOrderProcessor ● JBoss ESB can automatically publish a as WebService. It will automatically generate WSDL ○ http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services ● One WS (needed by Sport Store) is already running in your ESB ● Task: Inspect jboss-esb.xml and find out how is it defined ○ Its very cryptic :-) ○ How is the contract for the service defined? ○ What is possible SOAP request you can make to service - dont look into WSDL ;) Publish Web Service ● inXsd="/request.xsd" ● WSDL found at: http://localhost:8080/jbossws/services The Answer to WS questions Task: Submit order by WS client ● Modify Main class OrdersWSClient in project sport-store-ws-client and run it with mvn exec:java ● Watch console output Common Format for the Order ● File order comes in CSV format ● What about formatting it as XML? ○ Custom action with JAXP? ● Transformations via Smooks! ● Transformation TASK Inspect your jboss-esb.xml and find configuration for smooks. Uncomment it. It should use XSLT transformation! Find out where is it Static Router ● Our goal is to route messages from our two services (WS, File) to one common service ● Inspect jboss-esb.xml. WS already does this ● Task: reconfigure File to do it also ● Why do you think its called Static routing? Because there is also ContentBasedRouter ● Based on message content it routes to various ● Inspect quickstart wiretap in $JBOSS_HOME/samples/quickstarts. ○ Task: What is the content based router doing? Homework: Reconfigure the .esb ● META-INF/jboss-esb.xml ● Add notification to e-mail about any order ○ Custom Action Perhaps? ○ There is a better way! Go through JBossESB programmers guide. 4.1.3. Notifiers ○ Use Notifiers (commented in your