Design of Digital Systems II Number Systems and Codes Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Embedded Systems Laboratory Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic September, 2012 Introduction • Digital systems are built from circuits that process binary digits • A digital system designer must establish some correspondence between binary digits processed by digital circuits and real-life numbers, events, and conditions 2/76 Positional Number Systems • Positional number system • In such a system, a number is represented by a string of digits, where each digit position has an associated weight • Value of a number is a weighted sum of digits did0.d_id_2 = di ■ 101 + d0 ■ 10° + cLi • 1CT1 + d_2 ■ 1(T2 5185.68 = 5 • 1000 + 1 • 100 + 8 • 10 + 5 • 1 + 6 • 0.1 + 8 • 0.01 Here, 10 is base or radix of number system • Radix may be any integer r > 2 • A digit in position / has weight r' p-i dp-idp-2 ■ ■ ■ did0;d-id-2 ■ ■ ■ d-n — ^ d; ■ r' radix point /—— n • High-order or most significant digit — the leftmost digit • Low-order or least significant digit — the rightmost digit Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 3/76 Positional Number Systems • Binary radix is normally used to represent numbers in a digital system P-i bp-ibp-2 ■ ■ ■ ■■■b-n = ^2 bj ■ 2' binary point i——n • High-order or most significant bit (MSB) — the leftmost bit • Low-order or least significant bit (LSB) — the rightmost digit • Example IOI.OOI2 = l- 4 + 0- 2 + l- l + 0-0.5 + 0- 0.25 + 1 • 0.125 = 5.125i0 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 4/76 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers • Radices 8 and 16 provide convenient shorthand representations for multibit numbers in a digital system • Used for documentation or other purposes » Octal number system • Uses radix 8 • Needs 8 digits, so it uses digits 0 — 7 of decimal system • Hexadecimal number system • Uses radix 16 o Needs 16 digits, so it supplements decimal digits 0 — 9 with letters A — F Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 5/76 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers Table 1: Binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal numbers. Binary Decimal Octal 3-Bit String Hexadecimal 4-Bit String 0 0 0 000 0 0000 1 1 1 001 1 0001 10 2 2 010 2 0010 11 3 3 on 3 0011 100 4 4 100 4 0100 101 5 5 101 5 0101 110 6 6 110 6 0110 111 7 7 111 7 Olli 1000 8 10 — 8 1000 1001 9 11 — 9 1001 1010 10 12 — A 1010 1011 11 13 — b 1011 1100 12 14 — C 1100 1101 13 15 — d 1101 1110 14 16 — E 1110 1111 15 17 — F 1111 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 6/76 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers • Binary-to-octal conversion • Starting at binary point and working left, separate bits into groups of three and replace each group with corresponding octal digit • Add zeros on left to make total number of bits a multiple of 3 if required IIIOIIOIIIOIOIOOI2 = Oil 101 101 110 101 0012 = 3556518 • Binary-to-hexadecimal conversion • Similar to binary-to-octal conversion, except groups of four bits are used • Add zeros on left to make total number of bits a multiple of 4 if required IIIOIIOIIIOIOIOOI2 = 0001 1101 1011 1010 IOOI2 = IDS/4916 • If a binary number contains digits to right of binary point, convert to octal or hexadecimal by starting at binary point and working right • Both lefthand and righthand can be padded with zeros to get multiples of three or four bits IO.IOIIOOIOII2 = 010 . 101 100 101 1002 = 2.54548 = 0010 . 1011 0010 IIOO2 = 2.B2C16 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 7/76 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers • Octal- or hexadecimal-to-binary conversion • Replace each octal or hexadecimal digit with corresponding 3- or 4-bit string 2046.178 = 010 000 100 110 . 001 1112 9F.46Ci6 = 1001 1111 . 0100 0110 11002 • Today, majority of machines process 8-bit bytes • Octal number system is not used much because it is difficult to extract individual byte values in multibyte quantities in octal representation • In hexadecimal system, two digits represent an 8-bit byte, and 2n digits represent an n-byte word • A 4-bit hexadecimal digit is called a nibble • Hexadecimal numbers are often used to describe a computer's memory address space Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 8/76 General Positional-Number-System Conversions • Radix-r-to-decimal conversion • Value of a number in any radix r p-i dp-idp-2 ■ ■ ■ did0.d-id-2 ■ ■ ■ d-n — ^ ď, ■ r' i— — n • Value of number can be found by converting each digit to its radix-10 equivalent and expanding formula using radix-10 arithmetic F1A316 = 15 • 163 + 1 • 162 + 10 • 161 + 3 • 16° = 61859i0 436.58 = 4 • 82 + 3 • 81 + 6 • 8° + 5 • 8"1 = 286.625i0 132.34 = 1 • 42 + 3 • 41 + 2 • 4° + 3 • 4"1 = 30.75i0 • A shortcut for converting whole numbers to radix 10 p-i D = g/p_ig/p_2 • • • did0 = ^2dj ■ r1 = ((■■■ ((rfp-i) ' r + ' r +•••)• r + di) ■ r + d0 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II September, 2012 General Positional-Number-System Conversions • Decimal-to-radix-r conversion • Dividing formula (1) by r, quotient will be Q = (■ ■ ■ ((dp-x ■ r + dp_2) ■ r +■■■)■ r + and remainder = do o Furthermore, quotient Q has the same form as (1). Therefore, successive divisions by r yield successive digits of D from right to left 179 2 - 89 remainder 1 (LSB) ^2-44 remainder 1 -j-2 - 22 remainder 0 -^2 —11 remainder 0 -j-2 = 5 remainder 1 -j-2 = 2 remainder 1 -r2 = 1 remainder 0 2 = 0 remainder 1 (MSB) 17910= 101100112 467 8 = 58 remainder 3 (least significant digit) -j-8 = 7 remainder 2 -j- 8 = 0 remainder 7 (most significant digit) 467]0 = 7238 3417 -r 16 = 213 remainder 9 (least significant digit) 16 — 13 remainder 5 -r 16 = 0 remainder 13 (most significant digit) 341710 = D5916 10 / 76 General Positional-Number-System Conversions Table 2: Conversion methods for common radices. Conversion Method Example Binary to Octal Substitution 101110110012 = 10 111 Oil 0012 = 2731 s Hexadecimal Substitution 1011 101 10012 = 101 1101 10012 = 5D9,fi Decimal Summation 101110110012 = 1 ■ 1024 + 0-512+1 -256+1 - 128+1 -64 + 0-32+1-16+1-8 + 0-4 + 0-2+1-1 = 1497i„ Octal to Binary Substitution 1234s = 001 010 011 1002 Hexadecimal Substitution 1234s = 001 010 011 1002 = 0010 1001 11002 = 29Clfi Decimal Summation 1234s -1-512 + 2-64 + 3- 8 + 4-1 = 668,0 Hexadecimal to Binary Substitution CODE, = 1100 0000 1101 11102 Octal Substitution CODE, = 1100 0000 1101 11102 = 1 100 000 011 011 1102 = 140336s Decimal Summation CODE, = 12 -4096 + 0 - 256+13-16+14-1 = 49374,0 Decimal to Division 10810-'08,0 = 2 = 54 remainderO (LSB) +2 = 27 remainderO +2=13 remainder 1 +2 = 6 remainder 1 +2 = 3 remainderO +2 = 1 remainder 1 +2 =0 remainder 1 (MSB) 11011002 Octal Division 10810-10S10 = 8=13 remainder 4 (least significant digit) +8 = 1 remainder 5 +8=0 remainder 1 (most significant digit) 154s Hexadecimal Division ]0S10 -108,0 = 16 = 6 remainder 1 2 (least significant digit) + 16 = 0 remainder 6 (most significant digit) Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 11 / 76 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers Table 3: Binary addition and subtraction table. cin orbm X y s ^OUt d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 i 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • Binary addition • To add two binary numbers X and Y, add together LSBs with an initial carry (qn) of 0, producing carry (cout) and sum (s) bits • Continue processing bits from right to left, adding carry out of each column into next column's sum Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 12 / 76 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers 1111 i i X 190 1 0 > 1 1 0 1 1 0 X 173 \ 1 0 \ 1 0 V 1 1 0 1 Y + 141 + 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Y + 44 + 00 1 0 1 1 0 0 X + Y 331 1 0 1 0 1 l0 1 1 X+Y 217 1 1 0 1 l1 0 0 1 Figure 1: Examples of decimal and corresponding binary additions. C 101111000 X 190 10111110 Y +141 + 10001101 X+Y 331 101001011 C 011111110 X 127 01111111 Y + 63 + 00111111 X+Y 190 10111110 C 001011000 X 173 10101101 Y + 44 + 00101100 X+Y 217 11011001 C 000000000 X 170 10101010 Y + 85 + 01010101 X+Y 255 11111111 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 13 / 76 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers • Binary subtraction • Is performed similar to binary addition, using borrows (bm and £>out) instead of carries between steps, and producing a difference bit d • A common use of subtraction is to compare two numbers ° If X — Y produces a borrow out of MSB position, X < Y; otherwise, X > Y minuend X subtrahend Y difference X- Y Vlust borrow 1, yielding the new subtraction 10-1 = 1 Alter he first borrow, the new subtrac ion lor this column is 0-1, so we must borrow again. The borrow ripples through hree columns to reach a borrowable 1, i.e.: 100-011 (the modified bits) + 1 (the borrow) 229 - 46 0 Wj 1y1|y10/ 1/////o1 0 0 10 1110 10 110 TT 0 10 10 0 1 10 0 10 X 210 //0//0/0 Y -109 -01101101 x-r 101 0 110 0 10 1 Figure 2: Examples of decimal and corresponding binary subtractions. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 14 / 76 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers B 001111100 B 011011010 X 229 11100101 X 210 11010010 Y - 46 - 00101110 Y -109 - 01101101 X-Y 183 10110111 X-Y 101 01100101 B 010101010 B 000000000 X 170 10101010 X 221 11011101 Y - 85 - 01010101 Y - 76 - 01001100 X-Y 85 01010101 X-Y 145 10010001 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 15 / 76 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers • Two methods for octal and hexadecimal addition and subtraction O Convert number to decimal, calculate results, and convert back Q Convert each column digits to decimal, do operation in decimal, and convert result to corresponding sum and carry digits in non-decimal radix • A carry is produced whenever column sum equals or exceeds radix C 1 1 Q Q 1 1 Q Q X 1 9 B 9 16 1 9 11 9 Y + C 7 E 6 16 + 12 7 14 6 X+Y E 1 9 F 16 14 17 25 15 14 16+1 16+9 15 E 1 9 F Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 16 / 76 Representation of Negative Numbers: Signed-Magnitude • Signed-magnitude system • In this system, a number consists of a magnitude and a symbol indicating whether it is positive or negative • In everyday business we use this system • To apply to binary numbers, an extra bit position is used to represent sign called sign bit • Traditionally, MSB of a bit string is used as sign bit • 0 = plus, 1 = minus • Several 8-bit signed-magnitude integers and their decimal equivalents • There are two possible representations for zero • This system has an equal number of positive and negative integers o OIOIOIOI2 = +85io • OIIIIIII2 = +127io • OOOOOOOO2 = +O10 • IIOIOIOI2 • IIIIIIII2 • IOOOOOOO2 85io ■127io O10 (2 1) < An n-bit integer < +(2 1) Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II September, 2012 17 / 76 Representation of Negative Numbers: Signed-Magnitude • Signed-magnitude adder • The circuit must examine signs of addends to determine what to do with magnitudes • If signs are the same, it must add magnitudes and give the result the same sign • If signs are different, it must compare magnitudes, subtract the smaller from the larger, and give the result the sign of the larger • " Ifs," "adds," "subtracts," and "compares" translate into a lot of logic-circuit complexity • Signed-magnitude subtractor • It need only change sign of subtrahend and pass it along with minuend to an adder Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 18 / 76 Complement Number Systems • A complement number system negates a number by taking its complement as defined by the system • Two numbers in a complement number system can be added or subtracted directly without sign and magnitude checks required by signed-magnitude system • In any complement number system, we deal with a fixed number of digits, say n • We assume the numbers are integers • If an operation produces a result that requires more than n digits, we throw away the extra high-order digit(s) • If a number D is complemented twice, result is D Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 19 / 76 Radix-Complement Representation • Radix-complement system • Radix-complement of an n-digit number D (in radix r) — r" — D • In decimal number system, it is called 10's complement • For an n-digit number D ll r" — D — r" "+1 d|g|ts> remove extra high-order digit —> 0 100--00 • Thus, there is only one representation of zero in this system Table 4: Examples of 10's and 9s' complements using 4-digit decimal numbers. 10's 9s' Number complement complement 1849 8151 8150 2067 7933 7932 100 9900 9899 7 9993 9992 8151 1849 1848 0 10000(= 0) 9999 20 / 76 Radix-Complement Representation • To avoid subtraction r" — D in computing radix complement, rewrite r" —> (rn - 1) + 1 rn — D —> {{rn - 1) - D) + 1 • r" — 1 has the form mm ■ ■ ■ mm, where m — r — 1 and there are n m's E.g., 10,000 = 9,999+1 • If we define _ . r i- ■ i ii complementing digits of D , n * r- Complement of a digit a — r — 1 — a-> (r —l) — D Radix complement of D — (complementing individual digits of D)+l Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 21 / 76 Radix-Complement Representation Table 5: Digit complements. Digit Complement Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal 0 1 7 9 f 1 0 6 8 e 2 - 5 7 D 3 - 4 6 c 4 - 3 5 B 5 - 2 4 a 6 - 1 3 9 7 - 0 2 8 8 - 1 7 9 - 0 6 a - - 5 B - - 4 c - - 3 D - - 2 e - 1 f - - 0 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 22 / 76 Two's-Complement Representation • For binary numbers, radix complement is called two's complement • MSB of a number serves as sign bit Negative number <—> MSB — 1 • Decimal equivalent for a two's-complement binary number • Weight of MSB = -2"-1 instead of • Weight of the rest of bits is computed the same way as for an unsigned number • Range of representable numbers -(2"-1) < Range < +(2"~1 - 1) Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 23 / 76 Two's-Complement Representation 1710 = 000100012 -9910 = 100111012 JJ complement bits JJ complement bits 11101110 01100010 +1 +1 111011112 = -1710 011000112 = 9910 01110111 -12710 = 10000001 JJ- complement bits JJ complement bits 10001000 01111110 + 1 +1 100010012 = -11910 011111112 = i2710 010 = 000000002 -12810 = 100000002 JJ- complement bits JJ- complement bits 11111111 01111111 +1 +1 1 000000002 = o10 100000002 = -12810 Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 24 / 76 Two's-Complement Representation • In two's complement system, zero is considered positive because its sign bit is 0 • Since there is only one representation of zero, we end up with one extra negative number, — 2n_1, with no positive counterpart • To convert an n-bit two's-complement number X into an m-bit one • If m > n —> sign extension: append m — n copies of X's sign bit to left of X • If m < n, discard X's n — m leftmost bits • Result is valid if all of discarded bits are same as sign bit of the result Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 25 / 76 Diminished Radix-Complement Representation • Diminished radix-complement system • Complement of an n-digit number D — (rn — 1) — D • Can be obtained by complementing individual digits of D, without adding 1 • In decimal, this is called 9s' complement • Examples in Tab. 4 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 26 / 76 Ones'-Complement Representation • Diminished radix-complement system for binary numbers is called Ones' complement • MSB is sign, 0 if positive and 1 if negative • Two representations of zero, positive zero (00 • • • 00) and negative zero (11... 11) • Positive-number representations are the same for both ones' and two's complements • Negative-number representations differ by 1 • Weight of MSB for decimal equivalent computing — — (2"_1 — 1) rather than -2"-1 • Range of representable numbers _(2«-i - 1) < Range < +{2n~l - 1) • Advantages • Symmetry • Ease of complementation • Disadvantages • Adder design is trickier than a two's-complement adder • Zero-detecting circuits either must check for both representations of zero, or must always convert 11 ■ ■ ■ 11 to 00 ■ ■ ■ 00 27 / 76 Ones'-Complement Representation 1710 = OOOIOOOI2 -9910 = IOOIIIOO2 JJ JJ IIIOIIIO2 = "1710 OIIOOOII2 = "10 11910 = OIIIOIII2 -12710 = IOOOOOOO2 JJ. JJ. IOOOIOOO2 = -H9io OIIIIIII2 = 127io 010 = OOOOOOOO2 (positive zero) JJ 111111112 = O10 (negative zero) Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 28 / 76 Excess Representations • Excessive-B representation • An m-bit string whose unsigned integer value is M (0 < M < 2m) represents signed integer M — B • B is called bias of number system • E.g., excess-2m 1 system represents any number X in range _2m-l n-\ -8 1000 — — 0000 -7 1001 1000 1111 0001 -6 1010 1001 1110 0010 -5 1011 1010 1101 0011 -4 1100 1011 1100 0100 -3 1101 1100 1011 0101 -2 1110 1101 1010 0110 -1 1111 1110 1001 0111 0 0000 1111 or 0000 1000 or 0000 1000 1 0001 0001 0001 1001 2 0010 0010 0010 1010 3 0011 0011 0011 1011 4 0100 0100 0100 1100 5 0101 0101 0101 1101 6 0110 0110 0110 1110 7 0111 0111 0111 1111 Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 30 / 76 Two's-Complement Addition • Tab. 6 reveals why two's complement is preferred • Starting with IOOO2 (—810) and counting up, each successive number up to OIII2 (+7io) can be obtained by adding 1 to previous one • Because ordinary addition is just an extension of counting, two's-complement numbers can thus be added by ordinary binary addition, ignoring any carries beyond MSB Result is correct if range of number system is not exceeded +3 0011 + +4 + 0100 -2 1110 + -6 + 1010 +7 0111 ■8 11000 +6 + -3 0110 + 1101 +4 0100 + -7 + 1001 +3 10011 -3 1101 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 31 / 76 Two's-Complement Addition • Another way to view two's-complement system uses 4-bit counter shown in Fig. 3 • Starting with arrow pointing to any number, add +n to (subtract +n from) it by counting up n times (counting down n times), that is, by moving arrow n positions clockwise (counterclockwise) • n must be small enough that discontinuity between —8 and +7 is not crossed oooo 1111 0001 1001 0111 0011 0101 0100 1 Addition of positive numbers 1000 Figure 3: Modular counting representation of 4-bit two's-complement numbers. 32 / 76 Two's-Complement Addition • In Fig. 3 • We can subtract n (or add —n) by moving arrow 16 — n positions clockwise • 16 — n — 4-bit two's complement of n — two's complement representation of — n • Thus, a negative number in two's-complement representation may be added to another number by adding 4-bit representations using ordinary binary addition Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 33 / 76 Two's-Complement Addition: Overflow • Overflow occurs if an addition (of numbers of like sign) produces a result that exceeds the range of number system • In Fig. 3, overflow occurs during addition of positive (negative) numbers when we count past +7 (—8) -3 + -6 1101 + 1010 +5 + +6 0101 + 0110 -9 10111 = +7 +11 1011 -8 1000 +7 0111 + -8 + 1000 + +7 + 0111 -16 10000 = +0 +14 1110 = -5 • Overflow detection in addition • An addition overflows if addends' signs are the same but sum's sign is different from addends' • Or equivalently, an addition overflows if qn into and cout out of sign position are different • Rows 4 and 5 in Tab. 3 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 34 / 76 Two's-Complement Subtraction • Two's-complement numbers may be subtracted as if they were ordinary unsigned binary numbers • But most circuits negate subtrahend by taking its two's complement, and then add it to minuend using normal rules for addition • Perform a bit-by-bit complement of subtrahend • Add complemented subtrahend to minuend with an initial carry (qn) of 1 instead of 0 • Using this method, only one addition is needed 1 +4 0100 0100 - +3 - 0011 + 1100 +3 10001 1 +3 0011 0011 -3 1101 1101 - -4 - 1100 + 0011 - -4 - 1100 + 0011 +7 0111 +1 10001 +3 44 -1 1 0011 0011 0100 + 1011 1111 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 35 / 76 Two's-Complement Subtraction • Overflow detection in subtraction • Examine signs of minuend and complemented subtrahend, using the same rule as in addition • Or, carries into and out of sign position can be observed and overflow detected, using the same rule as in addition • Negating "extra" negative number results in overflow, when we add 1 in complementation process However, this number can still be used in additions and subtractions as long as final result does not exceed number range (-8) =-1000= 0111 + 0001 1000 = -8 1 — c. + +4 -8 0100 + 1000 -3 3 1101 8 - 1000 1101 + 0111 -4 1100 +5 10101 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II September, 2012 36 / 76 Ones'-Complement Addition and Subtraction • In Tab. 6 for ones'-complement numbers • Starting at IOOO2 (—7io) and counting up, we obtain each successive ones'-complement number by adding 1 to previous one, except at transition from 11112 (-0) to 00012 (+I10) • We must add 2 instead of 1 whenever we count past IIII2 • Counting past IIII2 can be detected by observing carry out of sign bit • End-around carry rule for adding ones'-complement numbers • Perform a standard binary addition; if there is a carry out of sign position, add 1 to result +3 0011 44 0100 +5 0101 + +4 + 0100 + -7 + 1000 + -5 + 1010 +7 0111 -3 1100 -0 1111 -2 1101 +6 0110 -0 1111 + -5 + 1010 + -3 + 1100 + -0 + 1111 -7 10111 +3 10010 -0 11110 + 1 + 1 + 1 1000 0011 1111 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 37 / 76 Ones'-Complement Addition and Subtraction • Following end-around carry rule, addition of a number and its ones' complement produces negative 0 • In fact, an addition operation using this rule can never produce positive 0 unless both addends are positive 0 • Ones'-complement subtraction is done by complementing subtrahend and then adding • Overflow rules for ones'-complement addition and subtraction are the same as for two's-complement 38 / 76 One's-Complement Addition and Subtraction Table 7: Summary of addition and subtraction rules for binary numbers. Number System Addition Rules Negation Rules Subtraction Rules Unsigned Signed magnitude Two's complement Ones' complement Add the numbers. Result is out of Not applicable range if a carry out of the MSB occurs. (same sign) Add the magnitudes; overflow occurs if a carry out of MSB occurs; result has the same sign. (opposite sign) Subtract the smaller magnitude from the larger; overflow is impossible; result has the sign of the larger. Add, ignoring any carry out of the MSB. Overflow occurs if the carries into and out of MSB are different. Add; if there is a carry out of the MSB, add 1 to the result. Overflow if carries into and out of MSB are different. Change the number's sign bit. Subtract the subtrahend from the minuend. Result is out of range if a borrow out of the MSB occurs. Change the sign bit of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. Complement all bits of the number; add 1 to the result. Complement all bits of the number. Complement all bits of the subtrahend and add to the minuend with an initial carry of 1. Complement all bits of the subtrahend and proceed as in addition. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 39 / 76 Binary Multiplication • Unsigned binary multiplication • Add a list of shifted multiplicands computed according to digits of multiplier 11 1011 multiplicand x 13 x 1101 multiplier 33 1011 II 0000 ~I43 1011 1011 } shifted multiplicands 10001111 product o This method lists all shifted multiplicands and then adds • Difficult to implement in a digital system Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 40 / 76 Binary Multiplication • In a digital system, it is more convenient to add each shifted multiplicand as it is created to a partial product 1011 multiplicand x 1101 multiplier 0000 partial product 1011 shifted multiplicand 01011 partial product 00001 shifted multiplicand 001011 partial product 1011U shifted multiplicand 0110111 partial product 1011U1 shifted multiplicand 10001111 product • n-bit number x m-bit number • Resulting product requires at most n + m bits • Shift-and-add algorithm requires m partial products and additions Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 41 / 76 Binary Multiplication • Signed multiplication • Perform an unsigned multiplication of magnitudes • Make product positive if operands had same sign, negative if different signs • Convenient in signed-magnitude systems • In two's-complement system, obtaining magnitude of a negative number and negating unsigned product are nontrivial operations • Two's-complement multiplication • Can be performed by a sequence of two's-complement additions of shifted multiplicands, except for the last step • MSB in a two's-complement number has a negative weight • The shifted multiplicand corresponding to MSB of multiplier must be negated before it is added to partial product Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 42 / 76 Binary Multiplication 1011 multiplicand x 1101 multiplier 00000 partial product 11011 shifted multiplicand 111011 partial product 000001 shifted multiplicand 1111011 partial product 11011U shifted multiplicand 11100111 partial product 0010UU shifted and negated multiplicand 00001111 product • One significant bit is gained at each step, and numbers are signed • Before adding each shifted multiplicand and /(-bit partial product, change them to k + 1 significant bits by sign extension, as shown in color above • Each resulting sum has k + 1 bits; any carry out of MSB of k + 1-bit sum is ignored 43 / 76 Binary Division • The simplest binary division is based on shift-and-subtract method • Mentally compare reduced dividend with multiples of divisor to determine which multiple of shifted divisor to subtract Table 8: Example of long division for unsigned decimal and binary numbers. 19 10011 quotient 11 )217 1011 )11011001 dividend 11 1011 shifted divisor 107 0101 reduced dividend 99 0000 shifted divisor 8 1010 reduced dividend 0000 shifted divisor 10100 reduced dividend 1011 shifted divisor 10011 reduced dividend 1011 shifted divisor 1000 remainder Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 44 / 76 Binary Division • In a typical division algorithm Dividend: (n + m) bits Divisor: n bits Quotient: m bits Remainder: n bits • A division overflows if • Divisor is zero • Or quotient would take more than m bits to express • In most division circuits, n = m • Signed division • Perform an unsigned division of magnitudes • Make quotient positive if operands had the same sign, negative if different signs • Remainder should be given the same sign as dividend • There are special techniques for performing division directly on two's-complement numbers (as in multiplication) Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 45 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers • Binary numbers are appropriate for internal computations of a digital system • External interfaces of a digital system may read or display decimal numbers • People prefer to deal with decimal numbers • A decimal number is represented in a digital system by a string of bits • Some digital devices actually process decimal numbers directly • Code • A set of n-bit strings in which different bit strings represent different numbers • A particular combination of n bit-values is called a code word • There may or may not be an arithmetic relationship between bit values in a code word and what it represents • At least four bits are needed to represent ten decimal digits Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 46 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers Table 9: Decimal codes. Decimal digit BCD (8421) 2421 Excess-3 Biquinary 1-out-ol-10 0 0000 0000 0011 0100001 1000000000 1 0001 0001 0100 0100010 0100000000 2 0010 0010 0101 0100100 0010000000 3 0011 0011 0110 0101000 0001000000 4 0100 0100 0111 0110000 0000100000 5 0101 1011 1000 1000001 0000010000 6 0110 1100 1001 1000010 0000001000 7 0111 1101 1010 1000100 0000000100 8 1000 1110 1011 1001000 0000000010 9 1001 1111 1100 1010000 0000000001 Unused code words 1010 0101 0000 0000000 0000000000 1011 0110 0001 0000001 0000000011 1100 0111 0010 0000010 0000000101 1101 1000 1101 0000011 0000000110 1110 1001 1110 0000101 0000000111 1111 1010 1111 Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 47 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers • Binary-coded decimal (BCD) • Encodes 0 through 9 by their 4-bit unsigned binary representations, 0000 through 1001 • Code words 1010 through 1111 are not used • Conversion between BCD and decimal representations are a direct substitution of four bits for each decimal digit • Packed-BCD representation • Two BCD digits placed in one 8-bit byte • Thus, one byte may represent 0 to 99 as opposed to 0 to 255 for a normal unsigned 8-bit binary number • Signed BCD numbers have one extra digit position for sign • Signed-magnitude representation • Encoding of sign bit string is arbitrary • lO's-complement representation • 0000 = plus, 1001 = minus Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 48 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers • Addition of BCD digits • Similar to adding 4-bit unsigned binary numbers • But if a result exceeds 1001, it is corrected by adding 6 • Carry is produced into next digit position if either initial binary addition or correction-factor addition produces a carry 5 0101 4 0100 + 9 + 1001 + 5 + 0101 14 1110 9 1001 + 0110 — correction 10+4 1 0100 8 1000 9 1001 + 8 + 1000 + 9 + 1001 -16 1 0000 18 1 0010 + 0110 — correction + 0110 10+6 1 0110 10+8 1 1000 correction Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 49 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers • Weighted code • In a weighted code, each decimal digit can be obtained from its code word by assigning a fixed weight to each code-word bit • E.g., BCD (= 8421 code) in which the weights for bits are 8,4,2,1 • 2421 code is self-complementing • Code word for 9s' complement of any digit may be obtained by complementing individual bits of digit's code word • Excess-3 code • A self-complementing code • Code word for each decimal digit is corresponding BCD code word plus 00112 • Because code words follow a standard binary counting sequence, standard binary counters can be made to count in excess-3 code Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 50 / 76 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers • One advantage of using more than minimum number of bits in a code is an error-detecting property • Biquinary code • Uses seven bits • First two bits indicate range of number, 0-4 or 5-9 • Last five bits indicate number in the selected range • Has error-detecting property • If any one bit is accidentally flipped, result is not a decimal digit • Of 128 possible 7-bit code words, only 10 are valid; the rest can be flagged as errors if appear • l-out-of-10 code • The sparsest encoding for decimal digits • Uses 10 out of 1024 possible 10-bit code words Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 51 / 76 Gray Code • In electromechanical applications of digital systems, sometimes an input sensor should produce a digital value that indicates a mechanical position 100 011 Figure 4: A mechanical encoding disk using a 3-bit binary code. • In Fig. 4, dark areas of disk are connected to a signal source corresponding to logic 1, and light areas are unconnected (logic 0) Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 52 / 76 Gray Code • In Fig. 4 • Problem when disk is positioned at certain boundaries between regions • E.g., if disk is positioned right on boundary between 001 and 010 regions • Both 001 and 010 are acceptable • But because mechanical assembly is not perfect, incorrect reading of 000 or 011 is possible • This sort of problem can occur at any boundary where more than one bit changes • Encoding-disk problem can be solved by Gray code • A digital code in which only one bit changes between each pair of successive code words Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 53 / 76 Gray Code Table 10: A comparison of 3-bit binary code and Gray code. Decimal Binary Gray number code code 0 000 000 1 001 001 2 010 011 3 011 010 4 100 110 5 101 111 6 110 101 7 111 100 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 54 / 76 Gray Code Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Design of Digital Systems II 55 / 76 Gray Code • Gray code is a reflected code; it can be constructed recursively (with any number of bits) O A 1-bit Gray code has two code words, 0 and 1 Q First 2" code words of an (n + l)-bit Gray code equal code words of an n-bit Gray code, written in order with a leading 0 appended © Last 2" code words of an (n + l)-bit Gray code equal code words of an n-bit Gray code, but written in reverse order with a leading 1 appended • A method to derive an n-bit Gray-code code word directly from corresponding n-bit binary code word O Bits of an n-bit binary or Gray-code code word are numbered from right to left, from 0 to n — 1 @ Bit / of a Gray-code code word is 0 if bits / and / + 1 of corresponding binary code word are the same, else bit / is 1 • When / + 1 = n, bit n of binary code word is considered to be 0 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 56 / 76 Character Codes • Most of information processed by computers is nonnumeric • Text is the most common type of nonnumeric data • Strings of characters from some character set • Each character is represented by a bit string according to an established convention • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) • The most commonly used character code • Each character is represented with a 7-bit string • A total of 128 different characters Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 57 / 76 Character Codes Table 11: ASCII, Standard No. X3.4-1968 of the American National Standards Institute. bgb^ (column) b3b:b1bo Row (hex) 000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 111 7 0000 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ? OOOl 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q .i q 0010 2 STX DC2 2 E B h r (Kill 3 i: ix DC3 * :. Z S c s (II00 4 EOT DC4 5 ■1 D I d t 0101 5 ENQ NAK % E U u 01 10 6 ACK SYN 5 F v i v 0111 7 HEL ELB 7 G ?; ? v; 1000 8 li.S CAN ( a H x h 1001 9 III EM ) s I Y i Y 1010 A LF SUB * J Z j z Kill B VT ESC + K [ L { 1 100 C FF FS < L \ 1 1 101 D CR GS - - 'A : ::l ; 1 1 10 E SO RS > n ~ 1111 F SI US 0 - Q DEL Moslem Amiri, Václav Prenosil ign of Digital Systems 58 / 76 Character Codes Table 12: ASCII, Standard No. X3.4-1968 of the American National Standards Institute. Control codes NUL Null DLE Data link escape SOH Start of heading DC1 Device control 1 STX Start of text DC2 Device control 2 ETX End of text DC3 Device control 3 EOT End of transmission DC4 Device control 4 ENQ Enquiry NAK Negative acknowledge AC K Acknowledge SYN Synchronize BEL Bell ETB End transmitted block BS Backspace CAN Cancel HT Horizontal tab EM End of medium LF Line feed SUB Substitute VT Vertical tab ESC Escape FF Form feed FS File separator CR Carriage return GS Group separator SO Shift out RS Record separator SI Shift in US Unit separator SP Space DEL Delete or rubout Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 59 / 76 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States • Numbers, positions, and characters are "data" o In digital system design, we often encounter nondata applications • A string of bits must be used to control an action, to flag a condition, or to represent current state of hardware • The most commonly used type of code for such an application is a binary code • If there are n different actions, conditions, or states, represent them with a fa-bit binary code with b = \\og2 ri] • Consider a traffic-light controller • N-S: north-south street • E-W: east-west street • Signals at intersection of N-S and E-W street might be in any of six states listed in Tab. 13 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 60 / 76 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States Table 13: States in a traffic-light controller. Lights N-S N-S N-S E-W E-W E-W Code State green yellow red green yellow red word N-S go ON off off off off ON 000 N-S wait off ON off off off ON 001 N-S delay off off ON off off ON 010 E-Wgo off off ON ON off off 100 E-W wait off off ON off ON off 101 E-W delay off off ON off off ON 110 • In Tab. 13 • Six states can be encoded in three bits • Only six of eight possible 3-bit code words are used, and assignment of them to states is arbitrary, so many other encodings possible • An encoding which minimizes circuit cost or optimizes some other parameter (like design time) should be chosen Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 61 / 76 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States • Consider a system with n devices, each can perform a certain action • Devices may be enabled to operate only one at a time • Binary code • Shown in Fig. 6 (a) • Control unit produces a binary-coded "device-select" word with [log2 n\ bits to indicate which device is enabled at any time • "Device-select" code word is applied to each device, which compares it with its own "device ID" to determine whether it is enabled • Binary code has fewest bits, but is not always the best choice a 1-out-of-n code • An n-bit code in which valid code words have one bit equal to 1 and the rest of bits equal to 0 • Shown in Fig. 6 (b) • Each bit of code word is connected directly to enable input of a corresponding device • Simplifies design of devices, since they no longer have device IDs • Inverted 1-out-of-n code • Valid code words have one 0 bit and the rest of bits equal to 1 • In complex systems, a combination of coding techniques may be used Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 62 / 76 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States Control Unit binary-coded device select device ID device ID _ device enable _ device enable _ device enable 1-out-of-n coded device select Control Unit device enable Figure 6: Control structure for a digital system with n devices: (a) using a binary code; (b) using a 1-out-of-/? code. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II September, 2012 63 / 76 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States • m-out-of-n code • A generalization of 1-out-of-n code • Valid code words have m bits equal to 1 and the rest of bits equal to 0 • Can be detected with an m-input AND gate • 8B10B code • A variation of an m-out-of-n code • Used in 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet standard • Uses 10 bits to represent 256 valid code words, or 8 bits worth of data • Most code words use a 5-out-of-10 coding • Since (g0) — 252, some 4- and 6-out-of-10 words are also used Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 64 / 76 Codes for Serial Data Transmission and Storage • Parallel data • Most digital systems transmit and store data in a parallel format • In parallel data transmission, a separate signal line is provided for each bit of a data word • In parallel data storage, all of bits of a data word can be written or read simultaneously • Serial data • Serial formats allow data to be transmitted or stored one bit at a time • Serial formats can reduce cost and simplify certain design problems time- CLOCK SERDATA SYNC bit number bit time bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell bit cell 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 Figure 7: Basic concepts of serial data transmission. 65 / 76 Codes for Serial Data Transmission and Storage • Clock signal defines the rate at which bits are transmitted, one bit per clock cycle » Bit rate in bits per second (bps) equals clock frequency in cycles per second (Hz) • Reciprocal of bit rate is called bit time and equals clock period in seconds (s) • The time occupied by each bit is called a bit cell • Format of actual signal that appears on line during each bit cell depends on line code • Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) • The simplest line code • A 1 is transmitted by placing a 1 on line for entire bit cell, and a 0 is transmitted as a 0 • Synchronization signal • A serial data-transmission or storage system needs some way of identifying significance of each bit in serial stream • In Fig. 7, SYNC is 1 for the first bit of each byte 66 / 76 Codes for Serial Data Transmission and Storage • A minimum of three signals are needed to recover a serial data stream o a clock, a synchronization signal, and serial data itself • In some applications, a separate wire is used for each of these signals • Reducing number of wires from n to three is savings enough • But in many applications, cost of having three separate signals is still too high • Such systems combine all three signals into a single serial data stream • They use sophisticated analog and digital circuits to recover clock and synchronization information from data stream Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 67 / 76 Serial Line Codes bit value NRZ NRZI RZ BPRZ Manchester Figure 8: Commonly used line codes for serial data. Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 68 / 76 Serial Line Codes • NRZ code • Each bit value is sent on line for the entire bit cell • The simplest and most reliable coding scheme for short-distance transmission • It requires a clock signal to be sent along with data to define bit cells • E.g., without a clock signal, NRZ waveform in Fig. 8 might be interpreted as 01010 • Digital phase-locked loop (DPLL) • An analog/digital circuit used to recover a clock signal from a serial data stream • DPLL works only if serial data stream contains enough 0-to-l and l-to-0 transitions • With NRZ-coded data, DPLL works only if data does not contain any long, continuous streams of Is or 0s Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 69 / 76 Serial Line Codes • Transition-sensitive media • They cannot transmit or store absolute 0 or 1 levels, only transitions between two discrete levels • E.g., a magnetic disc or tape stores information by changing polarity of medium's magnetization in regions corresponding to the stored bits • NRZ format cannot be used on transition-sensitive media • Data in Fig. 8 might be interpreted as 01110010 or 10001101 • Non-Return-to-Zero Invert-on-ls (NRZI) • Can be used on transition-sensitive media • Sends a 1 as opposite of the level that was sent during previous bit cell, and a 0 as same level • A DPLL can recover clock from NRZI-coded data as long as data does not contain any long, continuous streams of 0s • Return-to-Zero (RZ) • Similar to NRZ except that, for a 1 bit, 1 level is transmitted only for a fraction of bit time, usually 1/2 • Data with a lot of Is create lots of transitions for a DPLL to use to recover clock • A long string of 0s makes clock recovery impossible 70 / 76 Serial Line Codes • DC balance • DC balanced serial data stream has an equal number of Is and Os • Required by some transmission media, e.g. high-speed fiber-optic links • NRZ, NRZI or RZ data have no guarantee of DC balance • User data streams usually have more Is than Os or vice versa • Balanced code • Each code word has an equal number of Is and Os • Can be achieved by using a few extra bits to code user data • E.g., 8B10B code • Codes 8 bits into 10 bits in a mostly 5-out-of-10 code • Only (5°) = 252 balanced, but = = 210 unbalanced • 8B10B associates with each extra 8-bit value a pair of unbalanced code words, one 4-out-of-10 ("light") and the other 6-out-of-10 ("heavy") • Coder keeps track of running disparity, a bit of information indicating whether the last unbalanced code word transmitted was heavy or light • When transmitting another unbalanced code word, coder selects the one of the pair with opposite weight • 252 + 210 = 462 code words to encode 8 bits • Not all unbalanced code words are used Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 71 / 76 Serial Line Codes • A DPLL can recover a clock signal, but not byte synchronization • Byte synchronization is achieved by embedding special patterns into long-term serial data stream, recognizing them digitally, and then " locking" onto them • E.g., if IDLE — 1011011000 which is sent continuously at system startup, then beginning of code word can be recognized as the bit after three 0s in a row • Successive code words, even if not IDLE, can be expected to begin at every tenth bit time thereafter • Bipolar Return-to-Zero (BPRZ) code • Transmits three signals levels: +1,0,-1 o Is like RZ except Is are alternatively transmitted as +1 and —1 • Is DC balanced, hence possible to send BPRZ streams over transmission media that cannot tolerate a DC component • BPRZ code has been used in Tl digital telephone links for decades • Possible to recover a clock signal if there are not too many 0s in a row • Zero-code suppression • If one of bytes is all 0s, The Phone Company changes second-LSB to 1 • In data applications of Tl links, LSB of each byte is set to 1 64-Kbps channel —> 56-Kbps 72 / 76 Serial Line Codes • Manchester or diphase code o Provides at least one transition per bit cell, regardless of transmitted data pattern • Makes it very easy to recover clock • A 0 is encoded as a 0-to-l transition in the middle of bit cell, and a 1 as a l-to-0 transition • Its weakness is that it has more transitions per bit cell than other codes • Requires more media bandwidth to transmit a given bit rate • Is DC balanced Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 73 / 76 Serial Line Codes • UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) • A circuit that takes bytes of data and transmits individual bits in a sequential fashion • At destination, a second UART re-assembles bits into complete bytes • Serial line is high during IDLE state • Serial bit stream uses following sequence Q Start bit (a low bit): For synchronization @ Data bits (LSB first): No. of data bits per frame configurable Q Parity bit (if enabled): Type of parity configurable O Stop bits (at least one high bit): Indicates end of a frame - returns serial line to IDLE state - length of bits configurable Start Data (5/6/7/8) Parity (if enabled) Stop (1/1.5/2) Serial Line Baud Clock Figure 9: Standard serial data format. 74 / 76 Serial Line Codes • UART baud generator • Programmable • User-defined value in read-write divisor register • Operates at system clock frequency • Creates a baud rate clock Divisor register value — (system clock frequency) / (baud rate x 16) • Transmitter shifts data out at baud rate • Creates a receiver reference clock • Sent along with serial data to receiver Baud rate x 16 clock output • Each data bit is as long as 16 clock pulses • Receiver tests state of incoming signal on each clock pulse, looking for beginning of start bit • If apparent start bit lasts at least one-half of bit time, it is valid, if not, the pulse is ignored • After waiting a further bit time, state of line is again sampled and resulting level clocked into a shift register • After required number of bit periods (5 to 8 bits) have elapsed, contents of shift register is made available (in parallel fashion) to receiving system 75 / 76 References ^ John F. Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2005. 76 / 76