Design of Digital Systems II Sequential Logic Design Practices (2) Moslem Amiri, Vaclav Prenosil Embedded Systems Laboratory Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic December, 2012 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Structure • A shift register is an n-bit register with a provision for shifting its stored data by one bit position at each tick of clock SERIN ■ CLOCK■ D Q >CK D >CK D Q >CK ■SEROUT Figure 1: Structure of a serial-in, serial-out shift register. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II December, 2012 2/45 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Structure • Fig. 1 shows structure of a serial-in, serial-out shift register • Serial input, SERIN, specifies a new bit to be shifted into one end at each clock tick • This bit appears at serial output, SEROUT, after n clock ticks, and is lost one tick after • Thus, an n-bit serial-in, serial-out shift register can be used to delay a signal by n clock ticks 3/45 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Structure • A serial-in, parallel-out shift register has outputs for all of its stored bits, making them available to other circuits • Can be used to perform serial-to-parallel conversion SERIN ■ CLOCK■ D Q >CK D >CK D Q >CK 1Q 2Q NQ Figure 2: Structure of a serial-in, parallel-out shift register. 4/45 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Structure • It is possible to build a parallel-in, serial-out shift register • Can be used to perform parallel-to-serial conversion Figure 3: Structure of a parallel-in, serial-out shift register. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II December, 2012 5/45 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Structure • By providing outputs for all of stored bits in a parallel-in shift register, parallel-in, parallel-out shift register is obtained CLOCK-1 Figure 4: Structure of a parallel-in, parallel-out shift register. 6/45 Shift Registers: MSI Shift-Registers CLK -CLKINH - >CLK Q O- (a) > CLK CLR SERA SERB QA QB QC QD QE QF QG QH (b) to other flip-flops > CLK CLR S1 SO LIN D QD C QC B QB A QA RIN Figure 5: Traditional logic symbols for MSI shift registers: (a) 74x164 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register; (b) 74x166 8-bit parallel-in, serial-out shift register; (c) equivalent circuit for 74x166 clock inputs; (d) 74x194 universal shift register. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems I December, 2012 7/45 Shift Registers: MSI Shift-Registers • Fig. 5 o 74x164 • Is a serial-in, parallel-out device • Has an asynchronous clear input (CLR_L) • Has two serial inputs that are ANDed internally; both SERA and SERB must be 1 for a 1 to be shifted into first bit of register • 74x166 • Is a parallel-in, serial-out shift register • Has an asynchronous clear input • Shifts when SH/LD is 1, and loads new data otherwise • Has an unusual clocking arrangement called a gated clock; it has two clock inputs that are connected to internal flip-flops • CLK is connected to a free-running system clock, and CLKINH is asserted to inhibit CLK, so that neither shifting nor loading occurs on next clock tick, and current register contents are held • CLKINH must be changed only when CLK is 1; otherwise, undesired clock edges occur on internal flip-flops • 74x194 • Is an MSI 4-bit bidirectional, parallel-in, parallel-out shift register • Its logic diagram is shown in Fig. 6 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 8/45 Shift Registers: MSI Shift-Registers ==SD— =fOD— Figure 6: Logic diagram for the 74x194 4-bit universal shift register, including pin numbers for a standard 16-pin dual in-line package. 9/45 Shift Registers: MSI Shift-Registers • 74x194 • Is a bidirectional shift register because its contents may be shifted in either of two directions, depending on a control input • Shift registers studied previously are unidirectional shift registers because they shift in only one direction • The two directions • left, from QD to QA • right: from QA to QD • Is called a universal shift register because it can be made to function like any of less general shift register types Table 1: Function table for the 74x194 4-bit universal shift register. Inputs Next state Function SI SO QA* QB* QC* QD* Hold 0 0 QA QB QC QD Shift right 0 1 RIN QA QB QC Shift left 1 0 QB QC QD LIN Load 1 1 A B C D Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 10 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • Most common application of shift registers • To convert parallel data into serial format for transmission or storage • To convert serial data back to parallel format for processing or display • Example: digital telephony • Digital switching equipment is installed in central offices (COs) • Home phones have a two-wire analog connection to CO • An analog-to-digital converter samples analog voice signal 8000 times per second (once every 125 /is) when it enters CO • A/D converter produces a corresponding sequence of 8000 8-bit bytes representing sign and magnitude of analog signal at each sampling point • Voice is transmitted digitally on 64-Kbps serial channels throughout phone network • It is converted back to an analog signal by a digital-to-analog converter at far-end CO • 64 Kbps bandwidth required by one digital voice signal is far less than can be obtained on one digital signal line or switched by digital ICs • Digital telephone equipment multiplexes many 64-Kbps channels onto a single wire, saving both wires and digital ICs for switching • This is the main reason that telephone network has gone digital Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 11 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion Source module Control circuits Parallel_>. data -r Parallel-to-serial converter CLOCK "fr SYNC "fr S DATA Destination module Control circuits 7 Serial-to-parallel converter _w Parallel -r data Figure 7: A system that transmits data serially between modules. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 12 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • Fig. 7 • Clock signal • Provides timing reference for transfers, defining the time to transfer one bit • In systems with just two modules, clock may be part of control circuits located on source module • In larger systems, clock may be generated at a common point and distributed to all of modules • Serial data • Data itself is transmitted on a single line • Synchronization pulse (or sync pulse) • Provides a reference point for defining data format, such as beginning of a byte or word in serial data stream • Some systems omit this signal and instead use a unique pattern on serial data line for synchronization Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 13 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion (a) CLOCK (2.048 MHz) 256 clock ticks per 125 ^isec frame JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUl • • • JUUUUUUU1 SDATA timeslot31 32 timeslots per frame - Figure 8: Timing diagram for parallel-to-serial conversion: a complete frame. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 14 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • General timing characteristics in a typical digital telephony application are shown in Fig. 8 • CLOCK signal has a frequency of 2.048 MHz to allow transmission of 32x8000 8-bit bytes per second • 1-bit-wide pulse on SYNC signal identifies beginning of a 125-/is interval called a frame • A total of 256 bits are transmitted on SDATA during this interval, which is divided into 32 timeslots containing eight bits each • Each timeslot carries one digitally encoded voice signal • Both timeslot numbers and bit positions within a timeslot are located relative to SYNC pulse • Fig. 9 shows a circuit that converts parallel data to serial format of Fig. 8, with detailed timing shown in Fig. 10 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 15 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion Figure 9: Parallel-to-serial conversion using a parallel-in shift register. 16 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion bit I 7 CLOCK SYNC^y ^ BIT7 L ^_r ~\_r D0-D7 S DATA XZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXZXI -v--v-'s-v- timeslot 31 timeslot 0 timeslot 1 Figure 10: Timing diagram for parallel-to-serial conversion: one byte at the beginning of the frame. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 17 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • Figs. 9 and 10 • Two 74x163 counters are wired as a free-running modulo-256 counter to define frame • Five high-order counter bits: timeslot number • Three low-order counter bits: bit number • A 74x166 parallel-in shift register performs parallel-to-serial conversion • Bit 0 of parallel data (D0-D7) is connected to '166 input closest to SDATA output, so bits are transmitted serially in the order 0 to 7 • During bit 7 of each timeslot, BIT7.L signal is asserted, which causes '166 to be loaded with D0-D7 • Value of D0-D7 is irrelevant except during setup- and hold-time window around clock edge on which '166 is loaded • A destination module can convert serial data back into parallel format using circuit of Fig. 11 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 18 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion Figure 11: Serial-to-parallel conversion using a parallel-out shift register. 19 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • Fig. 11 • A modulo-256 counter built from a pair of '163s is used to reconstruct timeslot and bit numbers • Although SYNC is asserted during state 255 of counter on source module, SYNC loads destination module's counter with 0 so that both counters go to 0 on same clock edge • Counter's high-order bits (timeslot number) are not used here, but they may be used by other circuits in destination module to identify the byte from a particular timeslot on parallel data bus (PD0-PD7) 20 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion bit I 7 CLOCK SYNC BITOJ-SDATA U \_ "A_r _r 1 X 2 X 3 A 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 x ° x 1 y 2 byte 31 V byte 0 V byte 1 partial byte 31 Y byte 31 Y u U U u u Y byte 0 Y partial byte 1 n n n n Y byte 31 Y byte 0 Figure 12: Timing diagram for serial-to-parallel conversion. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 21 / 45 Shift Registers: Serial/Parallel Conversion • Fig. 12 • A complete received byte is available at parallel output of 74x164 shift register during clock period following reception of last bit (7) of byte • Parallel data in this example is double-buffered • Once it is fully received, it is transferred into a 74x377 register, where it is available on PD0-PD7 for eight full clock periods until next byte is fully recieved • BITO-L signal enables '377 to be loaded at proper time Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 22 / 45 Shift Registers: Shift-Register Counters • A shift register can be combined with combinational logic to form a state machine whose state diagram is cyclic • Such a circuit is called a shift-register counter » A shift-register counter does not count in an ascending or descending binary sequence • But it is useful in many "control" applications Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 23 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • Ring counter • Simplest shift-register counter which uses an n-bit shift register to obtain a counter with n states +5 V CLOCK Figure 13: Simplest design for a four-bit, four-state ring counters with a single circulating 1. 24 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • Fig. 13 • 74x194 universal shift register is wired so that it normally performs a left shift o When RESET is asserted, it loads 0001 • Once RESET is negated, '194 shifts left on each clock tick • LIN serial input is connected to "leftmost" output, so next states are 0010,0100,1000,0001,0010,... • Counter visits four unique states before repeating Table 2: Function table for the 74x194 4-bit universal shift register. Inputs Next state Function SI SO OA* QB* QC* QD* Hold 0 0 QA QB QC QD Shift right 0 1 RIN QA QB QC Shift left 1 0 QB QC QD LIN Load 1 1 A B C D Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 25 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters I V "L r S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 Figure 14: Timing diagram for a 4-bit ring counter. S2 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 26 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • Ring counter in Fig. 13 is not robust • If its single 1 output is lost due to a temporary hardware problem, counter goes to state 0000 and stays there forever • Likewise, if an extra 1 output is set, counter will go through an incorrect cycle of states and stay in that cycle forever • Complete state diagram for counter circuit has 16 states, of which 12 states are not part of normal counting cycle Figure 15: State diagram for a simple ring counter. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 27 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • A self-correcting counter is designed so that all abnormal states have transitions leading to normal states +5 V CLOCK Figure 16: Self-correcting four-bit, four-state ring counter with a single circulating 1. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II December, 2012 28 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • Fig. 16 • Circuit uses a NOR gate to shift a 1 into LIN only when three least significant bits are 0 • An explicit RESET signal is not necessarily required • Regardless of initial state of shift register on power-up, it reaches state 0001 within four clock ticks • An explicit reset signal is required only if it is necessary to ensure that counter starts up synchronously with other devices in system or to provide a known starting point in simulation Figure 17: State diagram for a self-correcting ring counter. 29 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • In general, an n-bit self-correcting ring counter uses an n — 1-input NOR gate, and corrects an abnormal state within n — 1 clock ticks • In CMOS and TTL logic families, wide NAND gates are generally easier to come by than NORs Figure 18: Self-correcting four-bit, four-state ring counter with a single circulating 0. Design of Digital Systems II December, 2012 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi 30 / 45 Shift Registers: Ring Counters • Major appeals of a ring counter for control applications • Its states appear in 1-out-of-n decoded form directly on flip-flop outputs • Exactly one flip-flop output is asserted in each state • These outputs are "glitch free" • Compare with binary counter and decoder approach Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 31 / 45 Shift Registers: Johnson Counters • Johnson counter • An n-bit shift register with complement of serial output fed back into serial input with 2n states +5 V 74x194 CLOCK -RESET_L■ >CLK O CLR S1 SO LIN Q3_L 6 D QD 5 C QC 4 B QB 3 A QA 2 RIN wired as a . shift-left shift register U1 4>n U2 QO Q1 Q2 Q3 Figure 19: Basic four-bit, eight-state Johnson counter. 32 / 45 Shift Registers: Johnson Counters CLOCK RESETL STATE / \ / / \ / / \ / \ / S5 S6 S7 S8 S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 Figure 20: Timing diagram for a 4-bit Johnson counter. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II 33 / 45 Shift Registers: Johnson Counters Table 3: States of a 4-bit Johnson counter. State Name Q3 Q2 Ql QO Decoding SI 0 0 0 0 Q3' •QO' S2 0 0 0 1 Qľ •QO S3 0 0 1 1 Q2' •Ql S4 0 1 1 1 Q3' •Q2 S5 1 1 1 1 Q3 •QO S6 1 1 1 0 Ql- QO' S7 1 1 0 0 Q2- Ql' S8 1 0 0 0 Q3 • Q2' o If both true and complemented outputs of each flip-flop are available, each normal state of counter can be decoded with a 2-input AND or NOR gate • Decoded outputs are glitch free Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 34 / 45 Shift Registers: Johnson Counters • An n-bit Johnson counter has 2" — 2n abnormal states, and is therefore subject to robustness problems +5V CLOCK U2 74x04 1—H>n U3 Q3_L_ Figure 21: Self-correcting four-bit, eight-state Johnson counter. Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosil Design of Digital Systems II December, 2012 35 / 45 Shift Registers: Johnson Counters • Fig. 21 • This circuit loads 0001 as next state whenever current state is OxxO • A similar circuit using a single 2-input NOR gate can perform correction for a Johnson counter with any number of bits o Correction circuit must load 00... 01 as next state whenever current state is Ox... xO • Proof that this circuit corrects any abnormal state • An abnormal state can always be written in the form x. . .xlOx... x, since the only states that can't be written in this form are normal states 00 ... 00,11... 11, 01... 1, 0 ... 01... 1, and 0... 01 • Therefore, within n — 2 clock ticks, shift register will contain lOx.. .x • One tick later it will contain Ox... xO, and one tick after that the normal state 00... 01 will be loaded Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 36 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog Table 4: Verilog module for an extended-function 8-bit shift register. module Vrshftreg ( CLK, CLR, RIN, LIN, S, D, q ); input CLK, CLR, RIN, LIN; input [2:0] S; input [7:0] D; output [7:0] Q; reg [7:0] Q; always ® (posedge CLK or posedge CLR) if (CLR == 1) Q <= 0; else case (S) 0 q <- Qi // Hold 1 q <- D; // Load 2 q <- {RIN q[7:l]}; // Shift right 3 q <. •:o[6 0], LIN}; // Shift left 4 q <= COB] , q[7:l]}; // Shift circular right 5 q <- •qls 0], Q[7]}; II Shift circular left S q <- {q[7] , q[7:l]}; II Shift arithmetic right 7 q <■ •:q[s 0], 11 bO} j II Shift arithmetic left default Q <- S'bx; II should not occur endcase sadmodule Table 5: Function table for an extended-function 8-bit shift register. Inputs Next state Function S2 S1 SO Q7< OS* 05» Q4* 03* 02» 01- Q0< Hold 0 0 0 07 Q6 Q5 04 Q3 Q2 Q1 QO Load 0 0 I D7 DG □5 D4 D3 D2 D1 DO Shiftright D I 0 RIN Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Shift left 0 I I Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 QO LIN Shift circular right I 0 a QO Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Shift circular left I 0 i Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 QO Q7 Shift arithmetic right : I (i Q7 Q7 QB Q5 Q4 03 02 Q1 Shift arithmetic left i I i Q6 Q5 Q4 03 02 Q1 QO 0 37 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog • Ring counters are often used to generate multiphase clocks or enable signals in digital systems • Fig. 22 shows a set of clock or enable signals that might be required in a digital system with six distinct phases of operation • Each phase lasts for two ticks of a master clock signal, MCLK, during which the corresponding active-low phase-enable signal PLL is asserted _ 1 / \ \ > \ 1 \ 1 \ \ 1 \ 1 \ i \ 1 \ i \ 1 \ I \ i \ _ l \ ! ! Figure 22: Six-phase timing waveforms required in a certain digital system. 38 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog • To obtain timing of Fig. 22 from a ring counter • We need an extra flip-flop to count the two ticks of each phase, so that a shift occurs on second tick of each phase • Three control inputs are provided • RESET: When this input is asserted, no outputs are asserted. Counter always goes to first tick of phase 1 after RESET is negated • RUN: When asserted, this input allows counter to advance to second tick of current phase, or to first tick of next phase; otherwise, current tick of current phase is extended • RESTART: Asserting this input causes counter to go back to first tick of phase 1, even if RUN is not asserted Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 39 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog Table 6: Verilog module for a six-phase waveform generator. module Vrtimegen6 ( MCLK, RESET, RUN, RESTART, P_L ); input MCLK, RESET, RUN, RESTART; output [1:6] P_L; reg [1:6] IP; // internal active-high phase signals reg Tl; // first tick within phase always @ (posedge MCLK) if (RESET == 1) begin Tl <= 1; IP <= 6'bO; end else if ( (IP == 6'bO) I I (RESTART == 1) ) begin Tl <= 1; IP <= 6'blOOOOO; end else if (RUN == 1) begin Tl <= "Tl; if (T1==0) IP <= {IP[6],IP[1:5]}; end else IP <= IP; assign P_L = "IP; // active-low phase outputs endmodule Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosí Design of Digital Systems II 40 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog • A modification to previous application is to produce output waveforms that are asserted only during second tick of each two-tick phase • Shown in Fig. 23 • One way to do this is to create a 12-bit ring counter and use only alternate outputs o Fig. 24 MCLK \ \ R1_L / \ / \ r R2_L / \ R3_L / \ R4_L / \ R5_L R6_L STATE / \ 11 / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 23: Modified timing waveforms for a digital system. 41 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog NEXTP[1:6] IP[1:6] Figure 24: Shifting sequence for waveform generator 12-bit ring counter. • Fig. 24 • A 6-bit active-high variable, IP, is used for circuit's output, P_L • The extra six shift-register bits, NEXTP[1:6], are interleaved with P_L[1:6] • Verilog module for this scheme is shown in Tab. 7 Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 42 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog Table 7: Verilog module for a modified six-phase waveform generator. module Vrtimegenl2 ( MCLK, RESET, RUN, RESTART, P_L ); input MCLK, RESET, RUN, RESTART; output [1:6] P_L; reg [1:6] IP; // internal active-high, phase signals reg [1:6] NEXTP; // internal between-phase signals parameter IDLE = 6'bO, FIRSTP = 6'blOOOOO; always @ (posedge MCLK) if (RESET == 1) begin IP <= IDLE; NEXTP <= IDLE; end // reset case else if C ((IP == IDLE) && (NEXTP == IDLE)) II (RESTART == 1) ) begin IP <= IDLE; NEXTP <= FIRSTP; end // restart case else if (RUN == 1) begin if (-(IP,NEXTP} == 12'bO) begin IP <= IDLE; NEXTP <= FIRSTP; end // error case else begin IP <= NEXTP; NEXTP <= {IP[6],IP[1:S]}; end // normal case end else begin IP <= IP; NEXTP <= NEXTP; end assign P_L = ~IP; // active-low phase outputs Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 43 / 45 Shift Registers in Verilog • Tab. 7 • In continuous-assignment statement, if we mistakenly used logical negation (!) in place of bitwise negation (~), resulting circuit would have all of its output bits except P_L[6] set to a constant 0 • Statement IP <= NEXTP and then NEXTP <= {IP [6] , IP [1:5]} near the end of sequential always block • Nonblocking assignments ensure that all of righthand sides are evaluated before any lefthand sides are changed • Thus, new value of NEXTP after clock tick is the shifted value of previous value of IP as desired • Previous NEXTP is assigned to IP at an infinitesimally short delta time after clock tick Moslem Amiri, Václav Přenosi Design of Digital Systems II 44 / 45 References ^ John F. Wakerly, Digital Design: Principles and Practices (4th Edition), Prentice Hall, 2005. 45 / 45