PA179 PMSLC Introduction 1 Introduction PPP – what is it? SS* - and what is this? SS* + PPPM OPVK_MU_EN_stred_2.jpg PA179 PMSLC Introduction 2 Once upon a time... •Once upon a time there was a company with four employees, named Everyone, Someone, Anybody and Nobody. One day it became necessary to complete an important task. •Everyone was sure that Someone will do it. Anybody could do it, but Nobody did not do it. Someone got angry because it was work for Everyone. •Everyone thought that Anybody could do it but Nobody realized that Everyone will not do it. •In the end, Everyone blamed Someone that Nobody did not do what Anybody could do. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 3 Question to consider: – •FORMULATE YOUR OWN DEFINITION OF WHAT A PROJECT IS. • •Discussion, evaluation Didaktika: Každý píše definici na lepík a definice se vylepují na flipchart. Okomentují a pak se promítne další slide. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 4 What is a project? Assignment Products Services Information Knowledge Environment Qualification … Objectives PRODUCT SERVICE end beginning control activities implementation activities unique process connected with risk Key message: A project is a unique process with clear boundaries (one beginning and one end), organizational framework (who belongs to the project and who does not) and implementation boundaries (what the project solves and what it does not solve). A project has a clear objective. The objective can be reached by creating some key products within the project. It is sensible to manage only such processes that are unique enough. Not repeated things. Discussion: If one asks a few people in your company when a particular project starts and when it ends, would the answer be unequivocal? Why is this important? (For evaluation, for motivation – people know that work will come in which they will participate, they know what they fight for.) It is important that even ordinary employees know what the project is about, why it is being implemented, when it begins and when it ends. A tale: The Battle of Austerlitz where Napoleon utilized the so called „lion’s leap“. The troop that carried out the critical maneuver encountered, however, tough resistance. If they did not know that it is critical to seize the place, they would give up. Why Napoleon won: 1) leadership = front-leadership (and personal knowledge of the battlefield), 2) communication (the officers knew the importance of their position, the exact goal and context). Klíčové sdělení: Projekt je jedinečný proces, má jasnou hranici (jeden začátek a jeden konec), organizační hranice (kdo do projektu patří a kdo ne) a realizační hranice (co projekt řeší, a co ne). Projekt má jasný cíl. Cíle může být dosaženo tím, že v rámci projektu jsou vytvořeny nějaké klíčové produkty. Má smysl řídit projektově jenom ty procesy, které jsou dostatečně jedinečné. Ne opakované věci. Diskuse: Kdyby se ve vaší firmě zeptali několika lidí, kdy začíná a kdy končí daný projekt, byla by odpověď jednoznačná? Proč je to důležité? ( vyhodnocení, pro motivaci - lidé ví, že přijde práce, na které budou dělat, vědí, za co bojují). Je důležité, aby i řadoví lidé věděli – jaký to je projekt, proč se dělá, kdy začíná a kdy končí. Historka: Bitva u Slavkova, kde Napoleon uplatnil tzv. lví skok. Jednotka, která prováděla kritický manévr ale narazila na tvrdý odpor. Kdyby nevěděli, že dobytí je klíčové vzdali by to. Proč Napoleon vyhrál: 1/ Leadership = vedení zepředu (a osobní znalost bitevního pole), 2/ Komunikace (důstojníci věděli význam svého místa, přesně věděli svůj cíl a znali kontext) PA179 PMSLC Introduction 5 Definitions (1) •According to PMI: • •“A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.” • PA179 PMSLC Introduction 6 Definitions (2) •According to ISO 10 006: • • Project is a unique process comprised of a series of coordinated and controlled activities with given start and completion dates that is carried out in order to accomplish a pre-defined goal that meets specified requirements including time, cost and resource constraints. • PA179 PMSLC Introduction 7 Definitions (3) •According to IPMA: • •“Project is a time and cost constrained operation to realize a set of defined deliverables (the scope to fulfill the project’s objectives) up to quality standards and requirements.” • PA179 PMSLC Introduction 8 Comments: •Project is a sequence of activities with a start and an end, and allocated resources, directed to the creation of certain products or services. • •Service vs. Product (??) • •Creation of products/services is always connected with risks. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 9 Project = realization of a change •From the Time perspective: the World around us is a Flow of events. •Project is a vehicle for changing the Flow of events. Flow of events before Flow of events after PA179 PMSLC Introduction 10 Discussion • What is an objective of a project? • What is a benefit of a project? • What is the difference between an objective and a benefit of a project? • • Can one thing be simultaneously an objective and a benefit of one and the same project? Key messages: A benefit is not an objective. It is either an objective of a project or a benefit of the project. The problem here is the responsibility boundary. The PM should know the expected benefits and, in the course of project implementation, s/he should watch constantly if there is a chance that they will emerge, and if not, s/he should initiate some action. To communicate something, however, is not the same as to be responsible for it. If people are responsible for something what is beyond their authority, they are demotivated. Didaktika: Vést diskusi o pojmech: „Co je cíl a co je přínos?“. Zapisovat na flipchart. Ohlídat si to, že tam někde bude napsáno slovo ZISK. A pak se zeptat, zda zisk může být zároveň cílem i přínosem… Co říkají, vizualizovat. Smyslem je, aby pochopili, že se na tyto pojmy dívají různě. Diskuze nad těmito pojmy. Diskuze nad tím, kde je hranice zodpovědnosti projektového manažera a týmu. Klíčová sdělení: Přínos není cíl. Buď je to pro daný projekt cíl, nebo přínos. Je zde problém hranice odpovědnosti. PM by měl očekávané přínosy znát, měl by v průběhu realizace projektu neustále sledovat, zda je naděje na to že se dostaví a pokud ne, měl by vyvolat jednání. Něco ale komunikovat není totéž jako za to odpovídat.Pokud někdo má odpovědnost za to, na co nemá pravomoci, je demotivován. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 11 Benefits and objectives of a project •Benefit is a profit that results from using achieved project objectives. – •Project objective is a description of a state after the implementation of a particular change (e.g., description of services, products, piece of work, etc.) Achievement of Objectives Benefits result from using achieved project objectives PA179 PMSLC Introduction 12 Discussion •Examples of Projects –Example? –Objective? –Benefit? – •Is your life a project? • •And do you manage your life as a project? PA179 PMSLC Introduction 13 Project and Project Management •Project usually comprise of stages –A stage is a time period in which something complete is produced –Stages follow sequentially •Project Management can be viewed in terms of phases –Each Project Management Phase is characterized by its own special approach 14 Project Phases and project Stages Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out Control /Management Implementation /Execution Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Stage4 … PA179 PMSLC Introduction 15 Big Project with a big variance •Is it possible to manage it using PM? •Complexity issues ! •Solution? (Brainstorming) •The solution is RECURSION !!! •Multi-project = project composed of sub-projects •Multi-project = Program PA179 PMSLC Introduction 16 What to do if we have lot of projects? •Are they independent? •If they have common goal >> Program •If not? •What causes their mutual dependence? •How to manage this situation? •Portfolio = a means for management of a collection of Projects and/or Programs. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 17 PPPM •Project •Program •Portfolio •Management PA179 PMSLC Introduction 18 Question to consider: – •FORMULATE YOUR OWN DEFINITION OF WHAT A SERVICE IS. • •Discussion, evaluation • •Compare with: Wikipedia, IBM papers on SSME, Communications of ACM, … Didaktika: Každý píše definici na lepík a definice se vylepují na flipchart. Okomentují a pak se promítne další slide. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 19 Definition •Service is an intangible phenomenon which could be one-shot or repeating activity bringing directly a benefit for its Client. •Service is provided by a Provider for a benefit of the Client by transforming or operating on a Target. •Service cannot be owned, nor stored. •To provide a Service a kind of co-operation between the Client and the Provider is needed. PA179 PMSLC Introduction 20 Service System Definition Step-by-step to an amended definition based on Jim Spohrer (IBM, Almaden) approach CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET Individual or Organization or Technology (owned or operated by Provider) Individual or Organization (private or public, human or semi-human living or artificial) The reality to be transformed or operated on by P for the sake of C (people and dimensions of, business and dimensions of, products, technical artifacts, environment, information, codified knowledge) P to C; C with P; value co-production value proposition information shared P is responsible for actions with T C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T MENTION CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET Individual or Organization or Technology (owned or operated by Provider) Individual or Organization (private or public, human or semi-human living or artificial) The reality to be transformed or operated on by P for the sake of C (people and dimensions of, business and dimensions of, products, technical artifacts, environment, information, codified knowledge) P provides service to C; C co-operates with P; value co-production; value proposition; information shared P is responsible for actions with T C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T C P T MENTION C P T C P T CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET Individual or Organization or Technology (owned or operated by Provider) Individual or Organization (private or public, human or semi-human living or artificial) The reality to be transformed or operated on by P for the sake of C (people and dimensions of, business and dimensions of, products, technical artifacts, environment, information, codified knowledge) P provides service to C; C co-operates with P; value co-production; value proposition; information shared P is responsible for actions with T C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T C P T MENTION C P T C P T TIME CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET Individual or Organization or Technology (owned or operated by Provider) Individual or Organization (private or public, human or semi-human living or artificial) The reality to be transformed or operated on by P for the sake of C (people and dimensions of, business and dimensions of, products, technical artifacts, environment, information, codified knowledge) P provides service to C; C co-operates with P; value co-production; value proposition; information shared P is responsible for actions with T C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T C P T MENTION C P T C P T TIME CONTEXT PA179 PMSLC Introduction 25 Service System Definition •Service system is a composite of agents (including both, people and artificial ones), technology, environment, and/or organization units of agents and/or technology, functioning in space-time and cyberspace for a given period of time. •There is always lot of contexts from which the service system could be evaluated, explicated and comprehended. •There exists at least one context from which the roles of Client, of Provider, and of Target could be recognized on agents or environment. CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET Individual or Organization or Technology (owned or operated by Provider) Individual or Organization (private or public, human or semi-human living or artificial) The reality to be transformed or operated on by P for the sake of C (people and dimensions of, business and dimensions of, products, technical artifacts, environment, information, codified knowledge) P provides service to C; C co-operates with P; value co-production; value proposition; information shared P is responsible for actions with T C is owner of T or C needs an added value on T C P T MENTION C P T C P T TIME In one context we could see: PA179 PMSLC Introduction 27 … but in many contexts … 28 CLIENT PROVIDER TARGET C P T C P T TIME C P T C P T C P T C P T C P T C P T Shared Agents Embedded Agents C P T C P T PA179 PMSLC Introduction 29 Service Systems and PPPM PA179 PMSLC Introduction 30 Project-Program-Portfolio Management •What is Project, what is Program, what is Portfolio •Service creation ~ Project •Service System creation ~ Program •Service System operation ~ Portfolio or Program PA179 PMSLC Introduction 31 IPMA Competence Baseline PA179 PMSLC Introduction 32 PA179 PMSLC Introduction 33 Service Systems management could be completely explained in terms of PPPM •Agent operating on Target –Needs Technical competences •Agent dealing with Environment –Needs Contextual competences •Agent dealing with humans –Needs Behavioral competences PA179 PMSLC Introduction 34 PPPM could be completely described in terms of Service System •… co-operating and/or embedded and/or shared agents comprise a Service System with lot of contexts. •… or they comprise a set of such Service Systems co-operating together. •… any case they conduct step-by-step learning/doing process PA179 PMSLC Introduction 35 Learning cycle of Service System The MENTION-USE principle application 36 Focus Attention to a Process Create a Model (Learn, obtain the Knowledge) Support the Process (Do, use the Knowledge) (Re-learn, develop the Knowledge) Tune the Process Revise the Attention Focus 37 Focus Attention to a Process Create a Model (Learn, obtain the Knowledge) Support the Process (Do, use the Knowledge) (Re-learn, develop the Knowledge) Tune the Process Revise the Attention Focus MENTION MENTION MENTION MENTION USE Strategy / Direction PA179 PMSLC Introduction 38 Remember! •The two words: MENTION – USE •You will see it many times during my courses •Step-by-step you will find the wisdom behind it …