PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 1 Selected chapters of Project Management According to SHINE Consulting “PMF” L3-4 OPVK_MU_EN_stred_2.jpg PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 2 Groups of Project Processes … and the Project Life Cycle PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 3 Process groups •Initiation •Planning •Execution •Monitoring & Control •Closing • STRATEGY IMPROVEMENT PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 4 Project processes groups And their mutual relationship Time PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 5 INITIATION PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 6 Change implementation – what to agree on? Agree on a problem/challenge Define the change PROJECT BENEFITS and OBJECTIVES RESOURCES/CONSTRAINTS, ENVIRONMENT Describe the state Define the way ACTIVITIES, RISKS Didaktika: Zde je také vhodné místo, jak říci historku s Napoleonem, pokud nebyla řečena již dříve. Nakreslit na flip tabulku se sloupci PROBLE/VYZVA;PRINOS;CIL a vést diskusi trak, že ve firmách bohužel jsou projekty postavené často tak, že i když se dosáhne cíle, nezmizí problém. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 7 No wind is favorable for those with no goal. Seneca PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 8 The project objective as the triple constraint WHAT (RESULT) WHEN (TIME) FOR HOW MUCH (COST) ? Key message: Principle: the axes pull against one another (a Mercedes for the price of a Trabant, wanted immediately). You cannot fulfill everything. One of the axis must be decisive. There are projects where a one-day delay means an actual collapse of the whole project. Give some examples. It is necessary to be aware of the fact that at least one axis – and very often two of them – will change. In spite of this, these projects are considered a success if the protected axis is important. Examples from practice where only one axis was adhered to: Sazka Arena (not quality: it was built only partially; not costs – but the ice hockey world championship started on time as planned) eBanka – what do you think it was the decisive axis? WHEN (May 1st, 1997 – for the FIBEX International financial and investment trade fair) – otherwise it would not be the 1st internet bank in the Czech Republic Landing on the Moon: to get a man to the Moon sooner than the Russians (only then NASA added: „and to get him back“) An example of a project failure: one telecommunications company ordered a CRM system for CZK 30 million. A week before the end of the project it was discovered that individual parts of the system would not cooperate with one another – the system as a whole was unusable and no one would return their money. Analysis – SHC: Why it was a failure? Their demand numbered several dozen pages. They defined exactly WHAT they wanted – they carried out an analysis in the company, found out from some sources how much it would approximately cost and planned when they wanted it even with the milestones… However, what can be the answer of a bidder who does not want to be excluded already in the first round of the selection procedure? Either a lie, or the bidder will be excluded. Klíčové sdělení: Princip: osy táhnou proti sobě (Mercedes za cenu trabanta, hned). Nesplníte všechno. Je třeba mít některou osu určující. Jsou projekty, kde zpozdění o jeden den znamená, že projekt fakticky zkrachuje. Řekněte příklady! Je třeba počítat, že se změní minimálně jedna osa, často i dvě osy projektu. Přesto se tyto projekty považují za úspěšné, pokud je ta jedna ochráněná osa důležitá: Příklady, kde se dodržela jedna osa: Příklady z praxe: Sazka Arena (ani kvalita:bylo rozestavěno,ani náklady, mistrovství světa v hokeji se ale stihlo).. eBanka co myslíte, že bylo určující osou? KDY (k Fibexu 1997 – 1.5.). Jinak by to nebyla 1. internetová banka v ČR!. Přistání na měsíci: dostat člověka na měsíc dříve než rusové (až v Nasa připsali a dostat ho zpět) Příklad se zkrachovalým projektem: nejmenovaná telekomunikační firma si objednala CRM systém za 30 milionů. Týden před koncem projektu zjistili, že jednotlivé části systému nebudou mezi sebou fungovat – systém je tedy na nic a peníze jim nikdo nevrátí. Rozbor – SHC: proč krach? Jejich poptávka měla několik desítek stránek. Bylo přesně stanoveno CO chtějí – udělali analýzu po podniku, zjistili si z nějakých zdrojů, kolik by to tak mohlo stát a naplánovali přesně kdy to chtějí i s milníky. ..Co ale může odpovědět nabízející, aby nebyl vyřazen hned v prvním kole výběrového řízení? Lež, nebo bude vyřazen. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 9 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 5.2 Strategy 1.1 Project management success 4.1 Develop Project Charter 7.3.3. Subject specification and its revision 1.2 Interested parties 1.3 Project requirement and objectives PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 10 Project stages and project activities Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out control implementation PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 11 Discussion •What should be the content of a document entitled “PRELIMINARY PROJECT CHARTER” ? ZMATENY Může být skrytý, dá se tím šetřit čas, protože se nekecá, ale rovnou se vysvětlí. Kreslit na flip mapu podnětu a tu pak shrnout následujícím slajdem jak toto je minimum!! opravit text v obrázku (předchozí dva řádky nepřekládám, zřejmě jde o didaktiku, i když neoznačeno): Preliminary project charter PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 12 Preliminary Project Charter WHAT (RESULT) WHEN (TIME) FOR HOW MUCH (COST) --------------- Didaktika: překreslit jako zadání na flip a vysvětlit kroky: 1/ brainstorming problémů/výzev okolo tématu 2/mezi nimi komunikací se zadavatelem identifikovat ten s největší prioritou 3/ Navrhnout cíl projektu a určující osu tak, aby byl vyřešen alespoň klíčový problém 4/ Navrhnout přínosy projektu (obvykle jsou to do pozitivna převedené ty problémy, které projekt řeší a další přínosy, v prvotní analýze nepostihnuté PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 13 An approved preliminary project charter: • –allows the organization to start project management of the given matter; –is the first definition of the scope of a new project; –is usually further elaborated into the so called “Project Charter” that defines formally the initiation of a new project. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 14 STRATEGY PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 15 It is as difficult to return from a place where you have never been as to reach a goal that you have never defined. Zig Ziglar PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 16 Project stages and project activities Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out control implementation PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 17 Discussion • What is a project strategy? • What questions should the project strategy answer? lWhy to implement a given project? lWhat is the particular benefit of the project? lWhat is the objective of the project? lWhat is the project implementation environment like? lWhat are the implementation risks? PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 18 Setting project boundaries OBJECTIVE PRODUCT control activities implementation activities unique process WHO participates directly in the change? WHO controls WHOM? WHAT is the solution content? WHICH products imply achieving the objective? HOW can we recognize we have reached the objective? Komentář: Červené texty vysvětlují, kde je hranice projektu: Řídící činnosti: KDO je přímo účasten změny? KDO řídí KOHO? Realizační činnosti: CO je obsahem řešení? KTERÉ produkty znamenají dosažení cíle? Jak poznáme dosažení cíle? Commentary: Red texts explain where the project boundaries are: Control activities: WHO participates directly in the change? WHO controls WHOM? Implementation activities: WHAT is the content of the solution? WHICH products imply achieving the objective? How can we recognize we have reached the objective? PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 19 Strategy as a written document • represents an agreement between a project CLIENT and project PROVIDER, regarding: –the project objective, –main project deliverables, –project boundaries, –powers and responsibilities of the CLIENT and the PROVIDER. Project is about VALUE CO-CREATION !!! PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 20 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 6.2.2 Design of project organization structure 1.2 Interested parties 9.1 Human resource planning 6.2.3 Assignment of employees 1.6 Project organization 9.2 Acquire project team 1.7 Teamwork 9.3. Develop project team Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. Překopíruju si to sám z překladu v DOC. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 21 Creating internal conditions for the project •You always have to decide: –which bodies will exist; –what are their competencies; –to whom they are assigned. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 22 Discussion: •Who belongs to the project team? Didaktika: Na flipchart kreslit bublinu a do ní psát jejich nápady. Typicky vznikne diskuse, zda-li steering comm je součástí projektového týmu, nebo ne…. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 23 Main bodies and their functions Project management team Implementation team Support team - creates deliverables - counseling - reviewing - support - progress management - scope/quality management - administration - main legislative body - final decisions in all matters Steering committee PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 24 Project management team Implementation team Support team Steering committee - employees of the Provider - (employees of the Client) - employees of the Client - project author - project administrator CLIENT - statutory body - user of deliverables - “payer” PROVIDER - statutory body - project author - project administrator Assignment of individual bodies PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 25 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 5.2 Strategic Process 1.1 PM Success 4.1 Develop Project Charter 2.11 Negotiation 5.1 Scope Planning 3.6 Business Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. Překopíruju si to sám z překladu v DOC. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 26 Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) Entry Benefits Objectives Deliverables Activities Expense PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 27 Project scope - Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) Entry Benefits Objectives Deliverables Activities Expense Key message: -A translation problem, logic! Methodologies are used in a wrong way because they are usually wrongly translated. A number of tools and techniques is used in a wrong way since they are translated in a wrong way. -In the Czech Republic, unfortunately, the LFM translation renders “Objectives” in the second line as “účel”, i.e. a “purpose”. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 28 ASSUMPTION (necessary state of the world) REALITY (real state of the world) = RISK (discussed in the Risk analysis block) An assumption is not a risk! PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 29 PLANNING PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 30 Not to have a plan means to plan a failure. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 31 A game: The labyrinth Didaktika: -Nejprve nechat jednotlivé dvojice říci, jakou strategii použili pro realizaci projektu. -Pomůžu vám dosáhnout 100% výsledku tak, že vám neumožním „běhat v bludišti“. Pojďme problém analyzovat: kolik je vstupů? Kolik je výstupů? Kudy dovnitř a proč? Na základě jaké úvahy jste rozhodli o volbě vstupní cesty? Jsou ty vstupy stejné? Čím se liší. Analyzujte pořádně! (a pak vyhlásíme případně soutěž pro toho, kdo na to přijde). PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 32 A game: The labyrinth •The objective of the project is to find such way through the labyrinth within 10 minutes that meets the following requirements: –You have to enter the labyrinth and come out of it –(you cannot start in the middle of the labyrinth or leave the labyrinth during the game and enter it again). –In the labyrinth, follow always the direction of the arrows. –You can enter each intersection only once (while there is a solution that goes through all intersections !) •You must mark the way with a marker. •The quality criterion is the number of visited intersections. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 33 The labyrinth Didaktika: -Nejprve nechat jednotlivé dvojice říci, jakou strategii použili pro realizaci projektu. -Pomůžu vám dosáhnout 100% výsledku tak, že vám neumožním „běhat v bludišti“. Pojďme problém analyzovat: kolik je vstupů? Kolik je výstupů? Kudy dovnitř a proč? Na základě jaké úvahy jste rozhodli o volbě vstupní cesty? Jsou ty vstupy stejné? Čím se liší. Analyzujte pořádně! (a pak vyhlásíme případně soutěž pro toho, kdo na to přijde). PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 34 The lesson learned from the Labyrinth game •How often we start to explain and defend HOW to solve a problem before agreeing on WHAT actually the problem is ?! An example, a CLIMBER vs. a TOURIST: Our objective is to carry a flag to the top of a hill. What will we do? We see a mountain and we start to climb it. However, the route is steep, there are a number of overhanging rocks, we need equipment, a fellow climber, we have to return several times. But if the objective is to take the flag to the top, why not to look round the hill? There may be an easier route on the other side of the hill – even with a refreshment stall. Mountain climbing is not our objective, the goal is to bring the flag to the top. An example, an IT MANAGER in ŠKODA TRAMS company: A manager was hired for tram production, a former software engineer. First of all no one trusted him. He won their trust by a new approach: He speeded up the tram production by using a different process. Ever since they build trams sequentially: chassis, beams, roofs, equipment. If the beams were delayed, everything waited. The IT manager used wooden beams and put in equipment, and only then he replaced the beams. He changed the process (HOW) in order to reach WHAT. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 35 An example, a CLIMBER vs. a TOURIST: •Our objective is to carry a flag to the top of a hill. •What will we do? •We see a mountain and we start to climb it. •However, the route is steep, there are a number of overhanging rocks, we need equipment, a fellow climber, we have to return several times. •But if the objective is to take the flag to the top, why not to look round the hill? There may be an easier route on the other side of the hill – even with a refreshment stall. •Mountain climbing is not our objective, the goal is to bring the flag to the top!!! • PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 36 An example, an IT MANAGER in ŠKODA TRAMS: •A manager was hired for tram production, a former software engineer. •First of all no one trusted him. •He won their trust by a new approach: He speeded up the tram production by using a different process. •Ever since they build trams sequentially: chassis→beams →roofs →equipment. If the beams were delayed, everything waited. •The IT manager used wooden beams and put in equipment, and only then he replaced the beams. •He changed the process (HOW) in order to reach WHAT. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 37 PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 38 Project stages and project activities Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out control implementation PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 39 Why Plans? •Plans help to shape a common vision of the situation. • •They specify the project scope. • •They present a detailed basis for assessing effortfulness of a particular change. • • PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 40 Discussion • What needs to be planned? –enumerate the necessary plans –describe shortly their content •what they are about Didaktika: Většinou se dojde k tomu, že v praxi je využíván pouze hrubý harmonogram, občas i matice odpovědností. Je potřebné sdělit, jak je důležité, aby existovalo všech těch 5 plánů (v libovolném SW formátu) a aby vznikaly v tom pořadí, jak je uvedeno. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 41 Triple Constraint Triple Constraint Triple Constraint Project plans •WHAT (RESULT) –specification of project products (supplies/deliveries) •HOW (PROCESS) –way of their creation •WITH WHOM (RESOURCES) –who will do it and how they will be controlled •WHEN (TIME) –when the products will be created •FOR HOW MUCH (COSTS) –how much it will cost PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 42 Block: Project planning The ČSN ISO 10006 IPMA PMI 5.2. Strategy 1.9 Project structures 5.3 Create WBS 7.3.2. Concept Development 1.10 Scope and deliverables 8.1 Quality planning 7.3.3. Intention development and control 9.3 Develop project team PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 43 The WHAT plan = WBS • What is WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)? Key message: Here the problem is again with translating the word “work” that has both the meaning of an “activity” as well as a “piece of work” (i. e., a product). WBS is therefore often mistakenly carried out as an activity tree, or even worse as a strange mix of a product tree and an activity tree, which fact consequently brings about problems with plan maintenance. Another example when a wrong translation and not understanding the key principle leads to a great mistake. It is also possible to ask whether someone uses MS project. If there is such a person, then remind them that this software cannot distinguish between these two plans at all. There is, however, a solution to this problem that we will explain later. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 44 Work Breakdown Structure • In specialized literature the concept of “Work Breakdown Structure” is usually utilized for two things: 1.for a hierarchical analysis of project deliverables (i.e. WHAT); but also for analysis of workflow (i.e. the HOW part of the plan). • If this is confused, the clear separation of the WHAT plan from the HOW plan disappears. • Our strict recommendation (according to PMI): – WHAT = work breakdown structure (WBS) – HOW = project chart An exact application of the so called “Fundamental Hierarchy” WBS PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 46 1. Create the Work Breakdown Structure of deliverables (WHAT) – practical use Visual and content part created Presentation structure designed Presentation contents created Graphic layout approved Technical solution completed Technology approved WWW pages published on the Internet WWW pages programmed WWW pages tested WWW pages published WWW presentation completed PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 47 The ČSN ISO 10006 IPMA PMI 7.3.4 Specification of Activities 1.9 Project structures 6.1 Activity definition 7.4.2. Activities relationships establishing 6.2 Activity Sequencing PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 48 To plan a project means 2) •To plan HOW individual deliverables from the WHAT plan will emerge. –In other words, what activities and in what logical sequence will create project products. •It is important not to include time perspective or resource availability into the process! •It is acquired by elaborating WBS and by its ordering into the logic of a sequential execution of activities. –If there is no model: DO IT FROM THE END! PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 49 The HOW plan – a network chart Vytvořit a odsouhlasit návrh stánku. Stánek zajistit smluvně. Vybrat a nakontrahovat ateliér pro návrh stánku. Vybrat tiskárnu Odsouhlasit design propagačních materiálů. Smluvně domluvit tiskárnu a zakázku. Předat vytištěné materiálu na veletrh. Vytvořit výzdobu, postavit stánek Odsouhlasit propagační akce Připravit hostesky. Zajistit materiál k propagačním akcím Rozeslat pozvánky. Navrhnout propagační akce. Navrhnout propagační materiály. Vybrat partnery Navrhnout pozvánky Zajistit tiskárnu pro tvorbu pozvánek. Vytisknout pozvánky Zajistit další komunikaci s pozvanými. Provést prezentaci na veletrhu Zrušit a předat výstavní místo, materiál Předat kontakty pro další zpracování Vyhodnotit projekt a předat zprávu. Ukončit spolupráci s dodavateli Konec Zahajovací WS Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 50 1. Create the work breakdown structure of products (WHAT) Visual and content part created Presentation structure designed Presentation contents created Graphic layout approved Technical solution completed Technology approved WWW pages published on the Internet WWW pages programmed WWW pages tested WWW pages published WWW presentation completed Design the structure Agree on designed structure Draft presentation content Create text Create final text Draft graphic layout Agree on graphic layout Choose technology Agree on technology Implement text to the system Implement graphic layout Complete presentation Test presentation Set up presentation on server Publish presentation 2. Create the tasks list (HOW) Practical use PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 51 3. Record the task sequence Design the structure Agree on designed structure Draft presentation content Create text Create final text Draft graphic layout Agree on graphic layout Choose technology Agree on technology Implement text to the system Implement graphic layout Visual and content part created Presentation structure designed Presentation contents created Graphic layout approved Technical solution completed Technology approved WWW pages published on the Internet WWW pages programmed WWW pages tested WWW pages published WWW presentation completed PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 52 Project management phases versus Project stages 53 Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out control implementation Project Management Phases Project Stages Danko: Nepřekládej. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 54 Project management phases •Initiation • •Strategy • •Planning • •Implementation • •Handing over • •Evaluation • Conclusion •Why a project? Which project? • •What are the project boundaries, benefits, …? • •WHAT, HOW, WHO, WHEN, FOR HOW MUCH? • •Creation of deliverables (of a product). • •Handing the product over to the Client. • •What can be improved next time? • •Project archiving. Klíčové sdělení: Fáze pomáhají definovat jasný začátek a konec projektu. Fáze „Formation“ většinou bývá před začátkem projektu: studie proveditelnosti, podněty na projekty/vedení projektu jako obchodního případu: analýza, zda je pro nás projekt výhodný. Konec projektu se často vyhlašuje po předání – konec realizačních činností. Key message: The phases help to define a clear beginning and an end of the project. The “Formation” phase takes place usually before the beginning of the project itself: feasibility study, preliminary project charter / managing the project as a business case: analysis of whether the project is advantageous for us. The end of the project is often declared after handing over – it is the end of implementation activities. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 55 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 6.1.2 Resource planning 1.6 Project organization 6.3 Activity resource estimating 6.1.3 Resource management 1.7 Teamwork 9.2 Acquire project team 6.2.3 Assignment of employees 1.12 Resources 9.3 Develop project team Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. Překopíruju si to sám z překladu v DOC. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 56 To plan a project means 3) •To plan WITH WHOM the partial objectives and the global objective will be met, –i.e. what resources we will need; –and how we will fill these resources with people. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 57 •the WHAT plan • WITH WHOM – guarantee of quality and process the HOW plan Presentation structure proposed Jim Smith Structure proposal Structure approval team members PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 58 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 6.1.2 Resources planning 1.11 Time and project phases 6.4 Activity duration estimating 7.4.3 Duration estimate 6.5 Schedule development 7.4.4 Schedule development Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. Překopíruju si to sám z překladu v DOC. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 59 To plan a project means 4) •we know WHAT •we know HOW •we know WITH WHOM •WHEN means to determine: –activity starting date –activity ending date PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 60 WHEN – Gantt chart Plan Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 61 the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 7.5.3 Drawing up a budget 1.13 Cost and finance 7.1 Cost estimating 7.8.2 Purchase planning and management 1.14 Procurement and contract 7.2 Cost budgeting 12. Project Procurement Management Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. Překopíruju si to sám z překladu v DOC. 62 To plan a project means 5) •Material /Products /Services to purchase? Work load? Cooperating companies? Product B Product B1 Product B2 Product B3 Product A Product A2 Product A1 Product A11 Product A12 Product A13 OBJECTIVE Project budget PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 63 Implementation Handing over Evaluation Conclusion PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 64 Relation to international standards the ČSN ISO 10006 norm IPMA PMI 7.2.3 Management of mutual influences 1.4 Risk and opportunity 4.6 Integrated change control 7.2.4 Change management 1.5 Quality 5.5 Scope control 7.3.3 Goal creation and control 1.8 Problem solution 6.6 Schedule control 7.3.4 Definition of activities 1.9 Project structures 8.3 Perform quality control 7.3.5 Monitoring of activities 1.10 Scope and deliverables 11.2 Risk identification 7.4.2 Planning of activity sequencing 1.11 Time and project phases 11.3 Qualitative risk analysis 7.4.3 Duration estimate 1.12 Resources 11.5 Risk response planning 7.4.4 Schedule development 1.15 Changes 11.6 Risk monitoring and control 7.4.5 Management according to schedule 1.16 Control and reports 7.7.2 Risk identification 1.19 Start-up 7.7.3 Risk assessment 7.7.4 Risk handling 7.7.5 Risk management 66 Project management phases Not carried out! Carried out Not carried out! Carried out control implementation Stages PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 67 What must be managed? 2. PROCESS 3. QUALITY 4. RISKS 5. CHANGES OF ALL THE ABOVE Product B Product B1 Product B2 Product B3 Product A Product A2 Product A1 Product A11 Product A12 Product A13 OBJECTIVE 1. SCOPE / CONFIGURATION PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 68 The principle of project management work on the project state evaluation proposal of a new plan tasks assignment WHAT WHEN FOR HOW MUCH ? BENEFITS project plans Explanation: We work on a project. After some time we evaluate the current degree of project completion. This can be done by comparing the current state with the plan. According to given situation, we create a new plan (we re-plan and provide the team with new tasks). They continue in the work, and the cycle is repeated again and again... DANGER: When creating the plan, we tend to forget about the triple constraint and project benefits (why we started the project and what we want to solve by means of the project), and we only make an effort to fulfill the plan created as the first. In other words, we focus on HOW and not on WHAT and WHY. When evaluating the state and re-planning, we have to bear in mind what the triple constraint is, as well as the decisive axis, benefits and the reason for project origin. We sacrifice HOW, but not WHAT and WHY. -Sharing of project management with the team: how the triple constraint changes. -Attention! It is necessary to mention here that the project manager should constantly watch whether there is also a chance that the project – in the way it develops – will lead to achieving expected benefits. -Mention – USE (this is the practical application of this principle). “You have created a wonderful product – but for a different project!” “Gold plating” – PMI “Buzzword” that says that there are products being created (or activities being carried out) that are not important for reaching project objectives. They only take away attention. Resulting quality of products is higher than necessary. Výklad: Pracuje se na projektu. Po jisté době zjistíme,jaký je stav rozpracovanosti projektu. To zjišťujeme tak, že srovnáváme stav s plánem. Pak dle situace vytvoříme nový plán (přeplánujeme a zadáme nové úkoly týmu. Ti pak znova pracují. Takhle pořád dokola. NEBEZPEČÍ!! Při tvorbě plánu zapomeneme na trojimperativ a přínosy projektu (proč projekt vlastně děláme, co jím chceme pořešit) a snažíme se jen naplnit první vytvořený plán. Jinými slovy - upneme se na JAK nikoliv CO a PROČ. Při zjišťování stavu a přeplánování pořád musíme mít na paměti, jaký je trojimperativ, určující osa, přínosy a důvod vzniku projektu. Obětujme JAK, nikoliv CO a PROČ. -Sdílení managementu projektu s týmem: jak se mění trojimperativ - Pozor! Zde by se mělo říct, že projektový manažer by měl neustále sledovat to, zda-li je i naděje na to, že projekt tak jak se vyvíjí umožní dosáhnout očekávaných přínosů. - Mention – USE (je to aplikace tohoto principu do praxe). „Vytvořili jste skvělý produkt, ovšem pro jiný projekt!“ „Gold plating“ – PMI „Buzzword“, který říká, že se vytvářejí produkty (vykonávají činnosti), které pro dosažení cíle projektu nejsou důležité. Jenom ubírají pozornost. Vytváří se větší kvalita produktů, než je nutná. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 69 PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 70 Discussion •What are the first steps of project implementation? –What to start with? PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 71 Forming •Self-forming / Forming of the Provider •Forming of the project Client • –(Forming can (a little bit) substitute a non-existing strategy.) introductory meeting of the Provider team introductory meeting with the Client Didaktika: Vizualizace toho, že do realizace obvykle jde něco jiného než bylo původně plánováno, když jsme o projektu začali přemýšlet. Příklad z praxe: IT firma pracovala pro telekomunikačního operátora, byl problém s projektem, nová projektové manažerka se před schůzkou nikdy se sešla se svým týmem. Než jdeme ke klientovi je potřeba mít jasno v našem týmu: nedávno jednání, kde bylo vidět, že personální ředitelka nikdy neviděla tým, se kterým má pracovat na tomto projektu. An example from practice: An IT company worked for a telecommunications company and there was a problem with a project: the new project manager never met with her team before a meeting with the client. Before we go to the client, it is necessary to have a clear idea within the team: recently a negotiation where it was obvious that the human resources manager had never seen the team she was supposed to cooperate with on the project. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 72 Introductory meetings •Team of the Provider –triple constraint and project benefits –process and products, including metrics –clarification of roles –communication standards and project glossary –project work standards –project documentation models –getting acquainted with project risks •Team of the Client –triple constraint and project benefits –approximate process and key products –communication standards and project glossary –contact data of TeamP and TeamC members –project documentation models –getting acquainted with project risks PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 73 PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 74 The principle of project management work on the project state evaluation proposal of a new plan tasks assignment WHAT WHEN FOR HOW MUCH ? BENEFITS project plans Připomenutí. Reminder. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 75 Project management cycle in practice control meeting (progress of work) planning meeting next day/separate time 1–2 weeks j0233018 proposal of a new plan Didaktika: Odvozovat na flip nejprve hodnotící a plánovací a problém s mícháním těchto dvou schůzek a pak v druhém kroku vysvětlit princip noření a upozornit, že se může schůzka zvrhnout ještě v řešitelskou, nebo operativní poradu liniového managementu. Může vznikat matice všech možných kombinací. Tipy: pozitivně, ukazovat výsledky fyzicky! Klíčová sdělení: 1/ Nemíchat typy porad 2/ Pravidelnost: Stejně, jako má fungovat cyklus, musíte se i organizovat. To znamená pravidelně se scházet na dvou klíčových poradách. Kontrolní a plánovací. Key messages: 1) It is important not to mix the two kinds of meetings. 2) Regularity: You have to be organized similarly to the functioning of the cycle, i. e. meet regularly at the two key meetings: the control meeting and the planning meeting. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 76 Cyclical changes of the plan plans: WITH WHOM, WHEN, FOR HOW MUCH the WHAT plan the HOW plan How does the work proceed? Aby cyklus řízení mohl běžet, musíte neustále udržovat aktuální plány, jsou klíčovým dokumentem, na základě kterého můžete zjistit, jaké jsou odchylky skutečnosti od toho, co jste chtěli. Stejně, jako se plánovalo nejdřív CO, potom JAK, a pak zbytek, musíte i přeplánovávat nejdříve CO, pak JAK a nakonec zbytek. The condition for a management cycle to be running is to keep the plans up-to-date. They represent a key document on the basis of which you can determine the differences between reality and what you have wanted. In the same way as we have planned WHAT first, HOW second and only then the rest, re-planning should follow the same procedure: it is necessary to re-plan WHAT first, then HOW and only then the rest. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 77 Meeting goals •Control meeting –PROCESS: •determining the progress of work –SCOPE/QUALITY: •determining the current degree of product completion •discovering inter-product dependences –RISKS: •finding out about the current state of risks •identification of new threats •quantification of new risks •Planning meeting –SCOPE/QUALITY: •agreement on a new extent and quality of products (the WHAT plan) –PROCESS: •agreement on a new version of the HOW, WITH WHOM and WHEN plans (re-allocation of sources to activities) –RISKS: •agreement on a plan of activities eliminating risks PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 78 Ó SHINE Consulting, s. r. o. •Without a plan, high quality management is impossible. • •A PLAN IS THE COMPARATIVE BASIS FOR PROJECT MONITORING. Conditions for high quality management vision reality = ? = HH00687_ HH00688_ PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 79 Useful recommendations •1. Do not mix meetings –evaluative vs. planning vs. problem-solving vs. operative •2. Splitting up into small tasks helps to determine exactly the current state. –(recommendation of agile techniques) –Do not get stuck in details. Use the “Steering Wheel” to steer PPP ! PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 81 PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 82 Project 3 This and NOW! This and NOW! This and NOW!! NOW! It was too late yesterday! Multitasking and priorities Didaktika: Psát na flip důvody, podle kterých se zaměstnanci rozhodují při vybrání úkolu k práci, je-li úkolů mnoho a priorita není rozlišována / určena. Na závěr podtrhnout ty, které jsou odvozeny od strategie organizace. (Což se stává málokdy, aby tam vůbec nějaké takové byly.) Diskusi shrnout konstatováním, že neurčování priorit / všechno má prioritu nejvyšší / vede k neefektivitě. Soustavu projektů je nutné centrálně řídit!! PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 83 DECIDE ON PRIORITIES How do projects influence one another? RESOURCES PRODUCTS MONEY TIME COORDINATE What do projects share? What do they pass on to one another? PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 84 ImpT SupT SupT SupT Project portfolio manager Steering committee Project manager ImpT SupT Project manager ImpT SupT Project manager ImpT SupT Two-level management structure Pozn. Pro Danku: Nepřekládej. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 85 Amendments •Program management according to GOWER Handbook of Program Management •Some comments from PMI approach 86 Program management from the organization perspective STRATEGY CANDIDATES PRIORITIZATION Initiate Programs Define Projects Initiate Projects Manage P+P Close Projects Close Programs Derive Benefits PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 87 The Program Management Cycle - outer loop 1.Define the organization’s strategy 2.Collect and evaluate candidate programs 3.Select and prioritize candidate programs • PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 88 Define the organization’s strategy •The objectives set by the senior management; whenever possible in numerical terms •(5 percent increase turnover 10 percent decrease in wastage 7 percent less accidents , or 6 percent reduction in staff turnover) •Non-financial objectives •Balanced scorecard •KPI PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 89 Collect and evaluate candidate programs •The organization is encouraged to come up with ideas for change •Each idea joins the list of candidates •Each candidate program will vie with others to prove itself worthy of investment. PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 90 Select and prioritize candidate programs •Each (serious) candidate program is evaluated in terms of –Financial and resource investments required to deliver the change –The financial and non-financial benefits expected from the change –The risks –The timescales –Their alignment with the delivery of the organization’s stated objectives PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 91 The Program Management Cycle - inner loop 1.Indicate selected programs 2.Define projects to deliver programs 3.Initiate projects 4.Manage program and projects 5.Close projects 6.Close programs 7.Derive and monitor benefits PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 92 The Value Path •Projects •Deliverables •Programs •Capability •Benefits PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 93 PMI approach to Program management •More like cookbook again •Guideline what to do in any particular situation •Inputs-Process-Outputs •Data-flow diagrams •Special Blend of Knowledge, Skills & Competence of Program Manager • PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 94 Special Blend of Knowledge, Skills & Competence of Program Manager •Leadership •Political •Technical Knowledge •Strategic Vision •Organizational •Environmental Awareness •Program Management •Time Management •Communications •People skills PA179 PMSLC Selected chapts of PM 95 Obligatory Assignment •Read something about Program/Portfolio Management •Read articles about SSME or SSMED •Read something about Viable Systems •Compare the readings with Program/Portfolio Management •Absence of this task means canceling at the exam …