‹#› TOC = Theory of Constraints Critical Chain Projects with Floating Objectives Double-level management of Programs and Portfolios OPVK_MU_EN_stred_2.jpg ‹#› 2 Individual work •Who will be the first? •And with the right answer? ‹#› Vodorovné cihly 3 1 min 2 min 5 min 10 min max 2 persons on the bridge In what order the wayfarers have to go to reach next bank in the shortest time interval? End: All of them are on the next bank. The Quickest Pass Over an Old Bridge ‹#› 4 Flow is a criterion according to which the one place within the possible solution space is chosen, which is “most retarding”. Effective investments – quick benefit. Flow Theory of Constraint ‹#› 5 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 6 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 7 Theory of Constraints (TOC) What is the second step ? ‹#› 8 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 9 Theory of Constraints (TOC) What is the third step ? ‹#› 10 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 11 Theory of Constraints (TOC) What is the fourth step ? ‹#› 12 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 13 Theory of Constraints (TOC) What is the fifth step ? ‹#› 14 Theory of Constraints (TOC) ‹#› 15 Flow is a criterion according to which the one place within the possible solution space is chosen, which is “most retarding”. Effective investments – quick benefit. Flow TOC – think of it over this picture ‹#› What is the most retarding “place” within PPPM? Brainstorming Discussion ‹#› 17 DIAM_ORG_ENT_v2more_project PPPM organization ‹#› 18 Principles of TOC based PPPM •The agent focuses on the very one task, he/she/it is running. •The agent reports accomplishing of the task and hands over “the baton”. •Actions start not before the constraint permits it. •“Rope and Drum” principle. Work rhythm. ‹#› 19 Rope and Drum Principle (explanation on funnel and cord) PUSH PULL !!! ‹#› 20 Rope and Drum Principle •The work must not be pushed through a team of agents ! •The work must be pulled through a team of agents ! •The work must be done in a regular rhythm ! ‹#› 21 Project 3 This one NOW! This one NOW! This one NOW! This one NOW! Multitasking and priorities ‹#› 22 CO-ORDINATE ! RESOURCES PRODUCTS MONEY TIME What projects in one group mutually shares? What are they pass on? Decide on priorities What to do with a situation: one project affects the other projects? ‹#› 23 REDUCE MULTITASKING OF CRITICAL RESOURCES!! Remember the Discussion: •What is a constraint in a Program or Portfolio of Projects? –What makes the greatest troubles? –What constraints to realize the project in shorter time and for less money? ‹#› 24 Discussion •What other is a constraint in a Program or Portfolio of Projects? •Do you think “milestones” will help us ?!? •Do you know what consequences follow from milestones setting ? •Do you know what is a “critical path” ? (If not, then learn !!) •Is the critical path enough for planning and realization of projects within a Program or Portfolio ? ‹#› 25 Portfolio Team ST ST ST Manager of Portfolio SC Project manager PT ST Project manager PT ST Project manager PT ST Double-level management – MILE (Management In Large Extent) ‹#› 26 ‹#› 27 Critical Chain ACTIVITY / PRODUCT dependences RESOURCE dependences ‹#› 28 Critical Chain •Critical Chain is such sequence of depended activities from various projects of a program or a portfolio, which constraints to finish a project or a set of projects early, with the same set of resources. ‹#› 29 ‹#› 30 DIAM_ORG_ENT_v2more_project