Navigation for visually impaired Requirements -right direction -obstacle avoidance -safe crossing of the road -reaching a destination -right bus/train -when to get off of the bus/train Trekker Breeze -Humanware -Built-in GPS -Announces intersections and streets BrailleNote GPS -QWERTY/Braille -18/32 cell braille display -USB, SD, Ethernet -thumb buttons -LookAround Loadstone GPS -Symbian S60 -open source -Bluetooth GPS reciever Drishti -Client-Server Architecture -Dynamic -text-to-speech dialogue SWAN -many sensors -sounds instead of speech -army, firefighters Talking Signs -audio signals via infrared beams -permanently installed transmitters RFID InfoGrid -RFID chips and readers -cheap ShopTalk -help with shopping in supermarkets -map of supermarket -barcode reader vOICe -images to sounds -left to right processing -loudness/brightness -height/pitch K Sonar -ultrasound -sound clues about obstacles MiniGuide -vibrations iSONIC Electronic cane -vibrations -colors/brightness Sonic pathfinder -5 emitters -musical tones NAVI -MS Kinect -vibrational belt Kinect for the Blind -tactile matrix Traffic lights problem -important aspect of safe navigation -cars, color blind -processing power/portability -classifiers OnTheBus -android -free