Wavelet Transform Pavla Bromová FIT BUT November 18, 2012 Introduction Fourier Transform • frequency representation • time information lost • for stationary signals 4 □ MS Introduction Short-Time Fourier Transform • windowing (static size) window \ Ti rne Introduction Wavelet Transform Pavla Bromová (FIT BUT) Wavelet Transform 4 □ ► 4 & Wavelet Analysis • wavelet - a waveform with a zero average Haar Shannon or Sine Daubechies4 Daubechiss 20 • breaking a signal into shifted and scaled versions of the wavelet Signal Constituent wavelets ot different scales and positions inuous Wavelet Transform /oo f'(t)tp(scale, position, t)dt -oo Continuous Wavelet Transform /oo f(t)tp(scale, position, t)dt -oo « scalogram: Large Coefficients Small 9960 4000 .4060 4100 4150 4200 4250 Coefficients Time • continuous: scales, shifting 1 high-pass downsampling filter AAA detail D High Frequency! -jjonnwrcmiticiRnts approximation A Low Frequency low-pass downsampling fill or ~500 D WT coeilKJents Bromová (FIT BUT) Wavelet Transform November 18, 2012 8 / 16 uItipie-Level Decomposition Pavla Bromová (FIT BUT) Wavelet Transform 4 □ ► 4 (5? ► 4 November 18, 2012 Applications I Op 200 300 4t>0 500 QOO TOO BOO 900 Applications Detecting long-term evolution Signal and ftpprDxirr-H'io'rs; jHii#WM' *4 4 . i......-■" '.■—r a1 100 2qo 300 400 500 «00 700 boo Applications Identifying pure frequencies ■Ha a5 VW\A a4 a3 -■ : a2 ill ill'' lll/l k j'll mm* a1 o| 200 400 600 MO d5 d4 d2 dl 200 400 600 BOO Applications De-noising s o Signal and Approximations a5 a4 a3 a2 o| 200 400 SCO 000 1000 Signal and Deiail(s) d5 d3 d1 200 400 SOU BOO 1000 Wavelet Power Spectrum Example: Simulated spectrum 140 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4