202 líí. PROLOG 7 Negation and Nonmonotonic Logic 203 .41. Exercises 1. Show tiiat no selection rule that always chooses the same literal from each goal clause can. be fair. (Hint: Consider the program P with three clauses: (1) r :-- p,q. (2) p.- p. (3) q :- g. )• 2. Describe a fair generalized selection rule arid prove that It is Mr, (Hint: Always choose the first literal to appear 1b the proof so far that has not yet been chosen.) 3. Complete the proof of Lemma 6,8, 4. 'Verify that the relation = defined in the proof of Theorem 6.10 is an equiv- alence relation, 5, Verify that the in tiic prooi oi • t.-- 6. ••.->'.,, i itisfie .10 wi )rancl mow Jí I •<)- / 11 mar approac r ' I _ - I,,'. ř ř revise o 1 n oa! clauses. (Hint: =tr?n >r »tl. 10. Give an example of a general program P such that Comp(P) (and hence P) is satislabie but CWA(P') is not, 11. Give an example of a general program P such that cwa(P) (and heno-is satisfiahie but CoinpiP) is not. 12. Give an example of a satisfiahie general program P such that m-t'her Comp(F) aor CWA is satisfiahie. s • ll o ODí" imei primarily with the prepositional r*or negation in. PROLOG, this means tnat we are t, •< • • < . i ■ ) , • * C < ■>.- " . s' . • » t ' , PROLOG (although it is not precisely the same as tl ay's