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Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages Aleš Horák, Miloš Jakubíček, Vojtěch Kovář (based on slides by Juyeon Kang) ia161@nlp.fi.muni.cz Autumn 2013 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 1 / 40 CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0041 Centrum interaktivních a multimediálních studijních opor pro inovaci výuky a efektivní učení IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 2 / 40 Introducing Course objective Introducing theoretical backgrounds on parsing parsing methods focused on syntax practical implementation methods possible applications and evaluations IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 3 / 40 Introducing Course syllabus PART I : Theoretical backgrounds Historical overview State of the art parsing methods and trends Advanced syntactic formalisms PART II : Practical applications Applications & Use Cases Practical Implementations Parsing Evaluation IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 4 / 40 Introducing Course format Weekly lectures (2 hours) Final written exam Two homework assignments Grading Final exam: 60 points Each homework: 20 points For each homework 10 % top scoring individuals receive 5 bonus points Points required for colloquium: 60 points IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 5 / 40 Lecture 1 . ...... Introductive and Historical Overview on Natural Languages Parsing IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 6 / 40 Lecture 1 Main points Introduction to Natural Language Processing Issues in Syntax What is a parsing? Overview of Parsing methods and trends IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 7 / 40 Lecture 1 Why natural language processing ? Huge amounts of data from Internet and Intranet Applications for processing large amounts of texts need NLP expertise Classify text into categories Index and search large texts Automatic translation Speech recognition Information extraction Automatic summarization Question answering Knowledge acquisition Text generation/dialogues IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 8 / 40 Lecture 1 History of Natural Language Processing 1948 – 1st NLP application? dictionary look-up system by Andrew Booth, for machine translation purposes developed at Birkbeck College, London University IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 9 / 40 Lecture 1 History of Natural Language Processing IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 10 / 40 Lecture 1 History of Natural Language Processing 1949 – Warren Weaver Natural Sciences Division Director in the Rockefeller Foundation Mathematician, Science Advocate WWII code breaker He viewed Russian as English in code – the ”Translation” memorandum Also knowing nothing official about, but having guessed and inferred considerable about powerful new mechanized methods in cryptography – methods which I believe succeed even when one does not know what language has been coded – one naturally wonders if the problem of translation could conceivably be treated as a problem in cryptography. When I look at an article in Russian, I say “This is really written in English, but it has been coded in some strange symbols. I will now proceed to decode.” IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 11 / 40 Lecture 1 History of Natural Language Processing 1966 – Over-promised under-delivered Machine Translation worked only word by word NLP brought the first hostility of research funding agencies NLP gave AI a bad name before AI had a name. All funding of NLP came to a grinding halt due to the infamous ALPAC report. Public spent 20 million with very limited outcomes. 1966–1976 – “A lost decade” Revival in 1980’s Martin Kay: The Proper Place of Men and Machines in Language Translation IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 12 / 40 Lecture 1 NLP looked to Linguistics Linguistics is language described, not prescribed. Linguistics had few applicable theories for Machine Translation 1957 – Noam Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures revolutionized Linguistics as it applies to Machine Translation. Rule based system of syntactic structures. Believed there are features common to all languages that enable people to speak creatively and freely. Hypothesized all children go through the same stages of language development regardless of the language they are learning – a concept of an innate Universal Grammar (never proven) One of the most prominent persons of NLP in 20th century, though very controversial. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 13 / 40 Lecture 1 NLP looked to Linguistics 1958 – Bar-Hillel report Concluded Fully-Automatic High-Quality Translation (FAHQT) could not be accomplished without human knowledge. 1968 – Case Grammar (Fillmore) “The case for case” paper Later evolved into Frame Semantics 1970 – Augmented Transition Networks (Woods) Procedural Semantics – Theory of the “meaning” of sentence. Augmented Transition Network (ATN) parser IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 14 / 40 Lecture 1 Successful NLP Systems 1970 – Shrdlu (Terry Winograd) Human: Pick up a big red block. Computer: OK. Human: Grasp the pyramid. Computer: I don’t understand which pyramid you mean. Human (changing their mind): Find a block which is taller than the one you are holding and put it into the box. Computer: By ”it”, I assume you mean the block which is taller than the one I am holding. Computer: OK. Human: What does the box contain? Computer: The blue pyramid and the blue block. Human: What is the pyramid supported by? Computer: The box. Human: How many blocks are not in the box? Computer: Four of them. Human: Is at least one of them narrower than the one which I told you to pick up? Computer: Yes, the red cube. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 15 / 40 Lecture 1 Successful NLP Systems II 1973 – Lunar question answering system (Woods) WHAT IS THE AVERAGE CONCENTRATION OF ALUMINUM IN HIGH ALKALI ROCKS? WHAT SAMPLES CONTAIN P200? GIVE ME THE MODAL ANALYSES OF P200 IN THOSE SAMPLES GIVE ME EU DETERMINATIONS IN SAMPLES WHICH CONTAIN ILM IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 16 / 40 Lecture 1 Successful NLP Systems III 1976 – TAUM-METEO (University of Montreal) prototype MT system for translating weather forecasts between English and French 1985 – METEO (John Chandioux) successor of TAUM-METEO in operational use at Environnement Canada forecasts until 30th of September 2001 1970 – SYSTRAN provided translations for US Air Force’s Foreign Technology Division adopted by XEROX (1978) still developed, present in wide range of systems Google language tools Microsoft spell check IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 17 / 40 Lecture 1 Major Issues in NLP Ambiguity in Language: Syntactic (structural) Semantic (word sense) Referential IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 18 / 40 Lecture 1 Ambiguity Makes NLP difficult Structural/Syntactic ambiguity I saw the Grand Canyon flying to New York. I saw the sheep grazing in the field. Word Sense ambiguity The man went to the bank to get some cash. The man went to the bank and jumped in the river. Referential ambiguity Steve hated Paul. He hit him. He = Steve ? or he = Paul ? IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 19 / 40 Lecture 1 Linguistics levels of analysis Speech Written language Phonetics Phonology Morphology Syntax Semantics Beyond: pragmatic, cognitive, logic… Each level has an input and output representation, output from one level is the input to the next, sometimes levels might be skipped (merged) or split. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 20 / 40 Lecture 1 Issues in syntax Propagation of errors from lower levels – mainly morphology, need to correctly identify the part of speech (POS) “The man did his homework” Who did what? man=noun; did=verb; his=genitive; homework=noun Identify collocations Mother in law, hot dog, … IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 21 / 40 Lecture 1 More issues in Syntax Anaphora resolution “The son of my professor entered my class. He scared me.” Preposition attachment “I saw the man in the park with a telescope.“ IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 22 / 40 Lecture 1 Syntax input and output Input: sequence of pairs (lemma, (morphological) tag) Output: sentence structure (tree) with annotated nodes (all lemmas, (morpho-syntactic tags, functions ) of various forms Deals with: The relation between lemmas & morphological categories and the sentence structure use syntactic categories such as subject, verb, object,… IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 23 / 40 Lecture 1 Syntactic representation Tree structure Two main ideas for the tree Phrase structure (derivation tree) Using bracketed grouping Brackets annotated by phrase type Heads (often) explicitly marked Dependency structure Basic relation: head (governor) – dependent Links annotated by syntactic functions Phrase structure implicitly present IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 24 / 40 Lecture 1 Dependency Tree vs. PS Tree IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 25 / 40 Lecture 1 Shallow parsing “the man chased the bear” “the man” “chased the bear” Subject - - Predicate Identify basic structures NP-[the man] VP-[chased the bear] IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 26 / 40 Lecture 1 Full parsing “John loves Mary“ S(Loves(John, Mary)) VP(∃x Loves(x, Mary)) Verb(∃y ∃x Loves(x, y)) loves NP(John)) Name(John) John NP(Mary) Name(Mary) Mary Help figuring out automatically questions like who did what and when? IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 27 / 40 Lecture 1 What is a natural language parsing ? One of the most commonly researched tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP) Parsing, in traditional sense, is what happens when a student takes the words of a sentences one by one, assigns each to a part of speech, specifies its grammatical categories, and lists the grammatical relations between words (identifying subject and various types of object for a verb, specifying the word with which some other word agrees, and so on). IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 28 / 40 Lecture 1 Characteristics of parsing Much of the history of parsing until a few decades ago can be understood as the direct consequence of the history of theories of grammar: Parsing is done by human beings, rather than by physical machines or abstract machine What is parsed is a bit of natural language, rather than a bit of some language-like symbolic system Parsing is heuristic rather than algorithmic IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 29 / 40 Lecture 1 New notions of parsing In the second half of 20th century the parsing has come to be extended to a large collection of operations in relation with theoretical linguistics, formal language theory, computer science, artificial intelligence and psycholinguistics: Parsing is the syntactic analysis of languages. The objective of Natural Language Parsing is to determine parts of sentences (such as verbs, noun phrases, or relative clauses), and the relationships between them (such as subject or object). Unlike parsing of formally defined artificial languages (such as Java or predicate logic), parsing of natural languages presents problems due to ambiguity, and the productive and creative use of language. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 30 / 40 Lecture 1 Parsing The grammar for Natural Language is ambiguous and typical sentences have multiple possible analyses (syntactically and semantically). Some parsing tools (i.e. grammatical, morphologic, syntactic, statistic, probabilistic, heuristic, …) help to find the most plausible parse tree of a given sentence. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 31 / 40 Lecture 1 Practical function of a parsing Parsing can tell us when a sentence is in a language defined by a grammar Parsing makes the extraction of the information possible by identifying relations between words, or phrases in sentences. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 32 / 40 Lecture 1 Practical function of a parsing Parsers are being used in a number of disciplines: In computer science Compiler construction, database interfaces, self-describing databases, artificial intelligence… In linguistics Text analysis, corpora analysis, machine translation… In document preparation and conversion In typesetting chemical formulae In chromosome recognition IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 33 / 40 Lecture 1 Practical function of a parsing However, Many different possible syntactic formalisms: Regular expressions, Context-free grammars, Context-sensitive grammars, … Many different ways of representing the results of parsing: Parse tree, Chart, Graph, … IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 34 / 40 Lecture 1 Historical overview of parsing methods Basically two ways to parse a sentence Top-down vs. Bottom-up We can characterize the search strategy of parsing algorithms in terms of the direction in which a structure is built: from the words upwards (bottom-up) or from the root node downwards (top-down) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 35 / 40 Lecture 1 Historical overview of parsing methods Directionality in these two ways Directional vs. Non-directional Non-directional top-down methods by S. Unger (1968) Non-directional bottom-up methods by CYK Directional top-down methods: The predict/match automaton, Depth-first search (backtrack), Breadth-first search (Greibach), Recursive descent, Definite Clause grammars Directional bottom-up methods: The shift/reduce automaton, Depth-first search (backtrack), Breadth-first search, restricted by Earley(1970) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 36 / 40 Lecture 1 Historical overview of parsing methods Methods originating at parsing of formal languages Linear directional top-down methods: LL(K) Linear directional bottom-up methods: Precedence, bounded-context, LR (k), LALR(1), SLR(1) Methods specifically devised for parsing of natural languages Generalized LR (Masaru Tomita) Chart parsing (Martin Kay) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 37 / 40 Lecture 1 Summary Natural language parsing as one of the NLP domain Extended notion of parsing in relation with different fields Ambiguity of language What is it to “parse”? Overview of basic parsing methods IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 38 / 40 Lecture 1 References I H. Bunt, J. Carroll & G. Satta (eds.): New Developments in Parsing Technology, Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London 2004 H. Bunt, P. Merlo, & J. Nivre (eds.): Trends in Parsing Technology: Dependency Parsing, Domain Adaptation, and Deep Parsing, Springer Dordrecht, Heidelberg/London/New York 2010 H. Bunt, M. Tamita (eds.): Recent advances in parsing technology, Kluwer, Boston, 1996 G. Dick: Parsing techniques: a practical guide, Springer, 2008 Roger G. Johnson: Andrew D. Booth – Britain’s Other “Fourth Man”. In: History of Computing. Learning from the Past, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010. J. Hutchins: From First Conception to First Demonstration: the Nascent Years of Machine Translation, 1947–1954. A Chronology. In: Machine Translation, Volume 12, Issue 3, Kluwer, 1997. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 39 / 40 Lecture 1 References II J. Hutchins: Milestones no.6: Bar-Hillel and the nonfeasibility of FAHQT. In: International Journal of Language and Documentation no.1, 1999. M. Kay: The proper place of men and machines in language translation. In: Machine Translation, Volume 12, Issue 1–2, Kluwer 1997 (reprint of 1980). More on history of MT: http://www.hutchinsweb.me.uk/history.htm IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 40 / 40