Offline in HTML5 Petr Kunc, LaSArIS 18. 9. 2013 WHY? ● offline web application ● migration from desktop ● cooperation ● mobile connection ● “bad click” ● syncing? HOW? ● WebStorage ● Databases ● FileAPI ● Offline Detection ● Application Cache Web Storage ● store dynamic data ● desktop apps ● web apps on server ● Cookies, userData, LSO, Gears, Air, Flash, … ● localStorage and sessionStorage Interface interface Storage { readonly attribute unsigned long length; DOMString? key(unsigned long index); getter DOMString getItem(DOMString key); setter creator void setItem(DOMString key, DOMString value); deleter void removeItem(DOMString key); void clear(); }; Example if (window.localStorage) { //these three examples of setting data is equivalent localStorage["key"] = "data"; localStorage.setItem("key","data"); localStorage.key = "data"; //these three examples of getting data is equivalent output = localStorage["key"]; output = localStorage.getItem("key"); output = localStorage.key; } Databases ● Dead WebSQL ● IndexedDB ● object store mechanism ● cursors, ranged queries, indexes ● asynchronous API //standard synchronous data access //usually developers obtain data by assigning //a returned value of some method to a //variable result = database.get("key"); //Indexed DB asychnronous request: var request = objectStore.get("key"); request.onerror = function(event) { //when IndexedDB fails when obtaining the key, //it triggers the onerror function }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { console.log("Value of key is " + request. result.value); }; File API ● sandbox ● dialog window ● asynchronous readAsBinaryString readAsText readAsDataURL readAsArrayBuffer Online/offline ● window.navigator.onLine (2 events - online and offline) ● appcache ● Comet, polling ● WebSockets Application cache ● main offline technology ● caching in browsers ● explicit control ● list of files and rules ● linked in html tag Browsers Browser Since version Internet Explorer 10 Firefox 3.5 Chrome 4 Safari 4 Opera 10.6 Limits ● Limits vary in browsers (from 10 MB to unlimited) ● Reactions vary in browsers (from prompt to decline) Structure ● First line CACHE MANIFEST ● blank lines ● comments (#) ● section headers ● section data CACHE MANIFEST #VERSION: 2013-04-18 16:45 #the explicit section is default, no #need for CACHE: CACHE: styles/default.css scripts/main.js FALLBACK: /images/avatars/ images/offline.png / /offline.html NETWORK: * SETTINGS: prefer-online NETWORK: # login page should not be cached # credentials need to be sent to server login.php # forbid to cache any resources in authorized section of web /authorized # access to any API URL has to be online ● ASTERISK!!! FALLBACK: #everything from /images/avatars #prefix link to default image /images/avatars/ /images/avatars/default.png #every other resource from /images/ #prefix link to offline.png /images/ /images/offline.png #any URL not matching the two above #link to offline.html / /offline.html Settings ● Currently only one PREFER-ONLINE Advantages ● Offline ● Fast ● Saves bandwidth And Disadvantages: Change of Resources ● just when the manifest changes ● 304 Not Modified ● version comments ● never far-future cache these files Double Reload Modularity ● one file for application ● error-prone lists ● process controlling ● basic static ● or modern JS MVC apps Proposed solution ● LESS CSS inspired ● extension to original language with processor ● imports ● filters (regexp, glob) ● extensible ● language check ● file check ● automatic version controls Thanks! Your questions?