Lecture 5 . ...... Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages Aleš Horák, Miloš Jakubíček, Vojtěch Kovář (based on slides by Juyeon Kang) ia161@nlp.fi.muni.cz Autumn 2013 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 1 / 56 Lecture 5 . ...... Parsing with (L)TAG and LFG IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 2 / 56 Lecture 5 (Lexicalized) Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) A) Same goal formal system to model human speech model the syntactic properties of natural language syntactic frame work which aims to provide a computaionally precise and psychologically realistic representation of language B) Properties Unfication based Constraint-based Lexicalized grammar IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 3 / 56 Lecture 5 How to parse the sentence in TAG? by Joshi, A. Levy, L and Takahashi, M. in 1975 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 4 / 56 Lecture 5 TAG’s basic component Representation structure: phrase-structure trees Finite set of elementary trees Two kinds of elementary trees Initial trees (α): trees that can be substituted Auxiliary trees (β): trees that can be adjoined IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 5 / 56 Lecture 5 TAG’s basic component The tree in (X ∪ Z) are called elementary trees. Initial tree: Auxiliary tree: terminal nodes or substitution nodes Z Z* X IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 6 / 56 Lecture 5 TAG’s basic component An initial tree (α) all interior nodes are labeled with non-terminal symbols the nodes on the frontier of initial tree are either labeled with terminal symbols, or with non-terminal symbols marked for substitution (↓) An auxiliary tree (β) one of its frontier nodes must be marked as foot node (∗) the foot node must be labeled with a non-terminal symbol which is identical to the label of the root node. A derived tree (γ) tree built by composition of two other trees the two composition operations that TAG uses adjoining and substitution. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 7 / 56 Lecture 5 Main operations of combination (1): adjunction Sentence of the language of a TAG are derived from the composition of an α and any number of β by this operation. It allows to insert a complete structure into an interior node of another complete structure. Three constraints possible Null adjunction (NA) Obligatory adjunction (OA) Selectional adjunction (SA) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 8 / 56 Lecture 5 Main operations of combination (1): adjunction Y S NP0↓ NP1↓ NP1↓ NP0↓ VP VP VP VP V VV VP*V has has lovedloved S X X X* X Y (α) (α2 ) Adjoining (β1 ) + → (β) (γ) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 9 / 56 Lecture 5 Main operations of combination (2): substitution It inserts an initial tree or a lexical tree into an elementary tree. One constraint possible Selectional substitution S NP0↓ NP1↓ N NP0↓ VP NP VP VP V D↓D↓ NV loved womanwomanloved S X A↓ A (α2 ) Substitution (α3 ) + → IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 10 / 56 Lecture 5 Adjoining constraints Selective Adjunction (SA(T)): only members of a set T ⊆ A can be adjoined on the given node, but the adjunction is not mandatory Null Adjunction (NA): any adjunction is disallowed for the given node (NA = SA(ϕ)) Obligatory Adjunction (OA(T)): an auxiliary tree member of the set T ⊆ A must be adjoined on the given node for short OA = OA(A) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 11 / 56 Lecture 5 Example 1: selective adjunction (SA) One possible analysis of “send” could involve selective adjunction: α1 β1 β2 S VP VP NP↓ VPSA(β1,β2,...) VP* away VP* PP send NP↓ P NP↓ to send send away send to send something IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 12 / 56 Lecture 5 Example 2: obligatory adjunction For when you absolutely must have adjunction at a node: α1 β1 β2 S VP VP NP↓ VPOA(β1,β2) Aux VP* Aux VP* V has is seen has is has seen is seen IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 13 / 56 Lecture 5 Elementary trees (initial trees and auxiliary trees) Yesterday a man saw Mary S NP Adv S* D D↓ N (βyest) (αa) (αman) yesterday a man S NP0 ↓ VP NP V NP1 ↓ N saw Mary *: foot node/root node ↓: substitution node IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 14 / 56 Lecture 5 Elementary trees (initial trees and auxiliary trees) S Ad S yesterday NP VP D N V NP a man saw N (α5) Mary IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 15 / 56 Lecture 5 Derivation tree Specifies how a derived tree was constructed The root node is labeled by an S-type initial tree. Other nodes are labeled by auxiliary trees in the case of adjoining or initial trees in the case of substitution. A tree address of the parent tree is associated with each node. saw man(1) Mary(2.2) yest (0) a (1) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 16 / 56 Lecture 5 Derivation tree and derived tree α5 saw man(1) Mary(2.2) yest (0) a (1) S Ad S yesterday NP VP D N V NP a man saw N (α5) Mary _ _ _ _ : substitution operation ______ : adjunction operation IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 17 / 56 Lecture 5 Example 1: Harry likes peanuts passionately Step 1 NP Harry NP peanuts S NP VP V NP likes VP VP* ADV passionatelyStep 2: substitution NP Harry S NP VP V NP likes NP peanuts + + S NP VP V NP likes Harry peanuts Step 3: adjunction S NP VP V NP likes Harry peanuts VP VP* ADV passionately + S NP VP V NP likes Harry peanuts VP ADV passionately IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 18 / 56 Lecture 5 Derivation tree and derived tree of Harry likes peanuts passionately likes Harry(1) peanuts(2.2) passionately(2) S NP VP V NP likes Harry peanuts VP ADV passionately IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 19 / 56 Lecture 5 Two important properties of TAG Elementary trees can be of arbitrary size, so the domain of locality is increased Extended domain of locality (EDL) Small initial trees can have multiple adjunctions inserted within them, so what are normally considered non-local phenomena are treated locally Factoring recursion from the domain of dependency (FRD) IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 20 / 56 Lecture 5 Extended domain of locality (EDL): Agreement The lexical entry for a verb like “loves” will contain a tree like the following: S NP3.sg↓ VP V NP↓ loves With EDL, we can easily state agreement between the subject and the verb in a lexical entry IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 21 / 56 Lecture 5 Factoring recursion from the domain of dependency (FRD): Extraction S’ NPi[+wh] S’ who COMP S that NP VP Bill V NP likes ei S’ COMP S Φ INFL NP VP did John V NP S’* tell Sam . ...... The above trees for the sentence “who did John tell Sam that Bill likes ?” allow the insertion of the auxiliary tree in between the WH-phrase and its extraction site, resulting a long distance dependency; yet this is factored out from the domain of locality in TAG. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 22 / 56 Lecture 5 Factoring recursion from the domain of dependency (FRD): Extraction S’ NPi[+wh] S’ who COMP S Φ INFL NP VP did John V NP tell Sam S’ COMP S that NP VP Bill V NP likes ei IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 23 / 56 Lecture 5 Variations of TAG Feature Structure Based TAG (FTAG: Joshi and Shanker, 1988) each of the nodes of an elementary tree is associated with two feature structures: top & bottom Substitution Substitution with features Adjoining with features Y X Xtr br t U tr br X Y t b Y tr br tf bf X Y t U tr br tf b U bf t Y Y* Y Y IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 24 / 56 Lecture 5 Variations of TAG Synchronous TAG (STAG: Shieber and Schabes, 1990) A pair of TAGs characterize correspondences between languages Semantic interpretation, language generation and translation Muti-component TAG (MCTAG: Chen-Main and Joshi, 2007) A set of auxiliary tree can be adjoined to a given elementary tree Probabilistic TAG (PTAG: Resnik, 1992, Shieber, 2007) Associating a probability with each elementary tree Compute the probability of a derivation IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 25 / 56 Lecture 5 XTAG Project (UPenn, since 1987 ongoing) A long-term project to develop a wide-coverage grammar for English using the Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) formalism Provides a grammar engineering platform consisting of a parser, a grammar development interface, and a morphological analyzer The project extends to variants of the formalism, and languages other than English IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 26 / 56 Lecture 5 XTAG system Input Sentence P.O.S Blender Tree Selection Derivation Structure Parser Morph Analyzer Tagger Tree Grafting Morph DB Stat DB Trees DB Syn DB Lex Prob DB IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 27 / 56 Lecture 5 Components in XTAG system Morphological Analyzer & Morph DB: 317K inflected items derived from over 90K stems POS Tagger & Lex Prob DB: Wall Street Journal-trained 3-gram tagger with N-best POS sequences Syntactic DB: over 30K entries, each consisting of: Uninflected form of the word POS List of trees or tree-families associated with the word List of feature equations Tree DB: 1004 trees, divided into 53 tree families and 221 individual trees IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 28 / 56 Lecture 5 (a) Morphology database (b) syntactic database Interfaces to the database maintenance tools IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 29 / 56 Lecture 5 Interface to the XTAG system Parser evaluation in XTAG Project by [Bangalore,S. et.al, 1998] http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~xtag/ IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 30 / 56 Lecture 5 How to parse the sentence in LFG? by Bresnan, J. and Kaplan, R.M. In 1982 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 31 / 56 Lecture 5 Main representation structures c-structure: constituent structure level where the surface syntactic form, including categorical information, word order and phrasal grouping of constituents, is encoded. f-structure: functional structure internal structure of language where grammatical relations are represented. It is largely invariable across languages. (e.g. SUBJ, OBJ, OBL, (X)COMP, (X)ADJ) a-structure: argument structure They encode the number, type and semantic roles of the arguments of a predicate. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 32 / 56 Lecture 5 Level of structures and their interaction in LFG Functional Projection architecture semantic structure information structure phonological structure argument structure functional structure constituent structure LFG's focus IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 33 / 56 Lecture 5 Level of structures and their interaction in LFG In LFG, the parsing result is grammatically correct only if it satisfies 2 criteria: 1 the grammar must be able to assign a correct c-structure 2 the grammar must be able to assign a correct well-formed f-structure IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 34 / 56 Lecture 5 c-structure C-structure PP P NP with N friends S NP VP N V NP I saw Det N the girl The constituent structure represents the organization of overt phrasal syntax It provides the basis for phonological interpretation Languages are very different on the c-structure level :external factors that usually vary by language . Properties of c-structure .. ...... c-structures are conventional phrase structure trees: they are defined in terms of syntactic categories, terminal nodes, dominance and precedence. They are determined by a context free grammar that describes all possible surface strings of the language. LFG does not reserve constituent structure positions for affixes: all leaves are individual words. IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 35 / 56 Lecture 5 f-structure PRED OBJ PRED NUM PLURAL'friend' 'with' PRED 'friend' NUM PLURAL PRED 'with' OBJ Attribute-Value notation for f-structure . ...... 1 representation of the functional structure of a sentence 2 f-structure match with c-structure 3 it has to satisfy three formal constraints: consistency, coherence, completeness 4 language are similar on this level: allow to explain cross-linguistic properties of phenomena IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 36 / 56 Lecture 5 Examples of f-structure OBJ TENSE PRED SUBJ OBJ2 PRED PAST SUBJ, OBJ, OBJ2 PRED PRED DEF NUM SG SUBJ TENSE PRED PRED DEF NUM SG PAST PCASE OBJ PRED DEF NUM SG 'homework' + OBLon + 'teacher' - 'e-mail' 'Sabine' 'Veit' OBLon SUBJ, OBJ ''insist OBLon 'send ' 1 2 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 37 / 56 Lecture 5 Constraint 1: f-structure must be consistent 1 Two paths in the graph structure may designate the same element-called unification, structure-sharing Ex: John must leave PRED XCOMP PRED SUBJ PRED 'leave' 'must' 'John' SUBJ PRED 'leave' SUBJ PRED 'must' SUBJ XCOMP PRED 'John' IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 38 / 56 Lecture 5 Constraint 1: f-structure must be consistent 2 attributes are functionally unique - there may not be two arcs with the same attribute from the same f-structure OBJOBJ PRED 'Veit' PRED 'Tom' SUBJ SUBJ PRED TENSE TENSE SUBJ ''sleep PAST FUT Incosnistent f-structure * IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 39 / 56 Lecture 5 Constraint 1: f-structure must be consistent 3 The symbols used for atomic f-structure are distinct - it is impossible to have two names for a single atomic f-structure (“clash”) PRED SUBJ PRED NUM 'pro' 'sleep' *They sleeps excludedSINGULAR /PLURAL IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 40 / 56 Lecture 5 Constraint 2: f-structure must be coherent All argument functions in an f-structure must be selected by the local PRED feature. SUBJ PRED TENSE PRED NUM SG PERS 3 PRES OBJ PRED NUM PERS 3 SG 'Mary' 'John' 'fall 'SUBJ SUBJ PRED TENSE PRED NUM SG PERS 3 PRES 'John' 'fall 'SUBJ ? Complete f-structure Incoherent f-structure IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 41 / 56 Lecture 5 Constraint 3: f-structure must be complete All functions specified in the value of a PRED feature must be present in the f-structure of that PRED. OBJ PRED NUM PERS 3 SG 'Mary' SUBJ PRED TENSE PRED NUM SG PERS 3 PRES 'John' 'like 'SUBJ OBJ Complete f-structure Incoherent f-structure ? SUBJ PRED TENSE PRED NUM SG PERS 3 PRES 'John' 'like 'SUBJ OBJ IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 42 / 56 Lecture 5 Correspondence between different levels in LFG C-structure PP P NP Nwith friends PRED OBJ PRED NUM PLURAL 'friend' 'with' + PP P NP Nwith friends PRED OBJ PRED NUM PLURAL 'friend' 'with' 1 2 3 4 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 43 / 56 Lecture 5 Structural correspondence c-structures and f-structures represent different properties of an utterance How can these structures be associated properly to a particular sentence? Words and their ordering carry information about the linguistic dependencies in thesentence This is represented by the c-structure (licensed by a CFG) LFG proposes simple mechanisms that maps between elements from one structure and those of another: correspondence functions A function allows to map c-structures to f-structures Φ : N → F IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 44 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping the c-structure into the f-structure Since there is no isomorphic relationship between structure and function LFG assumes c-structure and f-structure The mapping between c-structure and f-structure is the core of LFG‘s descriptive power The mapping between c-structure and f-structure is located in the grammar (PS) rules c-structure f-structure S NP VP D N V NP D Nthe mouse admired the elephant SUBJ TENSE PRED OBJ PRED DEF NUM PERS PAST SUBJ OBJ PRED DEF NUM PERS 3 SG SG + 3 'mouse' + 'elephant' 'admire ' ? IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 45 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 1: PS rules .. ...... Context-free phrase structure rules Annotated with functional schemata - EX.: mother node (without functional schemata) S NP VP ( SUBJ)= = daughter nodes (with (a list of) functional schemata) - EX.: NP NP NP = = VP V (NP) = ( SUBJ)= Note: is sometimes omitted! (this means nodes without functional schemata percolate their entire functional schema unchanged to the mother node = IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 46 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 2: Lexicon entries .. ...... Lexicon entries consists of three parts: representation of the word, syntactic category, list of functional schemata Ex.: mouse N (↑PRED)=’mouse’ (↑PERS)=3 (↑NUM)=SG the D (↑DEF)=+ admire V (↑PRED)=’admire ⟨(↑ SUBJ)(↑ OBJ)⟩’ -ed Aff (↑TENSE)=PAST IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 47 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 3: c-structure .. ...... Like the PS rules, each node in the tree is associated with a functional schemata With the functional schemata of the lexical entries at the leaves we obtain a complete c-structure ↔VP ↑=↓ NP (↑ SUBJ) =↓ S → S (↑ SUBJ) =↓ ↑=↓ NP VP S (↑ SUBJ) =↓ NP ↑=↓ VP ↑=↓ D ↑=↓ N ↑=↓ V (↑ OBJ) =↓ NP (↑ DEF) = + the (↑ PRED) = ’mouse’ (↑ PRED) = 3 (↑ PRED) = SG mouse (↑ PRED) = ’admire ⟨(↑ SUBJ)(↑ OBJ)⟩ ’ (↑ TENSE) = PAST admired ↑=↓ D (↑ DEF) = + the ↑=↓ N (↑ PRED) = ’elephant’ (↑ PRED) = 3 (↑ PRED) = SG elephant IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 48 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 4: Co-indexation .. ...... An f-structure is assigned to each node of the c-structure Each of these f-structures obtains a name (f1 − fn) Nodes in the c-structure and associated f-structure are co-indexed, i.e. obtain the same name F-structure names f1 − fn can be chosen freely but they may not occur twice S (↑ SUBJ) =↓ NP ↑=↓ VP ↑=↓ D ↑=↓ N ↑=↓ V (↑ OBJ) =↓ NP (↑ DEF) = + the (↑ PRED) = ’mouse’ (↑ PRED) = 3 (↑ PRED) = SG mouse (↑ PRED) = ’admire ⟨(↑ SUBJ)(↑ OBJ)⟩ ’ (↑ TENSE) = PAST admired ↑=↓ D (↑ DEF) = + the ↑=↓ N (↑ PRED) = ’elephant’ (↑ PRED) = 3 (↑ PRED) = SG elephant f1 f2 f5 f3 f4 f6 f7 f8 f9 f1[ ] f2[ ] f3[ ] f4[ ] f5[ ] f6[ ] f7[ ] f8[ ] f9[ ] IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 49 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 5: Metavariable biding .. ...... All meta-variables are replaced by the names of the f-structure representation S (↑ SUBJ) =↓ ↑=↓ NP VP f1 f2 f5 −→ S (f1SUBJ) = f2 f1 = f5 NP VP f1 f2 f5 S (f1SUBJ) = f2 NP f1 = f5 VP f2 = f3 D f1 = f4 N f5 = f6 V (f5OBJ) = f7 NP (f3DEF) = + the (f4PRED) = ’mouse’ (f4PRED) = 3 (f4PRED) = SG mouse (f6PRED) = ’admire ⟨(f6SUBJ)(f6OBJ)⟩ ’ (f6TENSE) = PAST admired f7 = f8 D (f8DEF) = + the f7 = f9 N (f9PRED) = ’elephant’ (f9PRED) = 3 (f9PRED) = SG elephant f1 f2 f5 f3 f4 f6 f7 f8 f9 IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 50 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . ...... We introduce at this point the notion of functional equation By listing all functional equations from a c-structure we obtain the functional description, called f-description (f1SUBJ) = f2 (f6PRED) = ’admire ⟨(f6SUBJ)(f6OBJ)⟩ ’ f2 = f3 (f6TENSE) = PAST (f3DEF) = + (f5OBJ) = f7 f2 = f4 f7 = f8 (f4PRED) = ’mouse’ (f8DEF) = + (f4PERS) = 3 f7 = f9 (f4NUM) = SG (f9PRED) = ’elephant’ f1 = f5 (f9PERS) = 3 f5 = f6 (f9NUM) = SG Table : f-description IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 51 / 56 Lecture 5 Mapping mechanism: 6 steps . STEP 6: From f-description to f-structure .. ...... Computation of an f-structure is based on the f-description For the derivation of f-structures from the f-description it is important that no information is lost and that no information will be added The derivation is done by the application of the functional equations List of functional equations a) simple equations of the form: fnA) = B b) f-equations of the form: fn = fm c) f-equations of the form: fnA) = fm → Functional equations with the same name are grouped into an f-structure of the same name IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 52 / 56 Lecture 5 Application of the functional equation (a): (fnA) = B DEF =+ PRED ='mouse' PERS =3 NUM =SG PRED ='admire SUBJ OBJ ' TENSE =PAST DEF =+ PRED ='ELEPHANT' PERS =3 NUM =SG PRED 'mouse' PERS 3 NUM SG PRED 'admire TENSE PAST SUBJ OBJ ' DEF + DEF + PRED 'elephant' PERS 3 NUM SG Application of the functional equation (b): fn = fm PRED 'admire TENSE PAST SUBJ OBJ ' PRED 'mouse' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + DEF + PRED 'elephant' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + DEF + unification unification IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 53 / 56 Lecture 5 Application of the functional equation (c): (fnA) = fm SUBJ OBJ PRED 'mouse' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + PRED 'admire TENSE PAST SUBJ OBJ ' PRED 'elephant' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + PRED 'mouse' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + PRED 'elephant' PERS 3 NUM SG DEF + SUBJ OBJ unification unification IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 54 / 56 Lecture 5 . STEP 1: lexical entries .. ...... made: V (↑PRED)=’MAKE⟨SUBJ,OBJ,XCOMP⟩’ (↑XCOMP SUBJ)=(↑OBJ) (↑TENSE)=SIMPLEPAST gave: V (↑PRED)=’GIVE⟨SUBJ,OBJ,OBJ2⟩’ (↑TENSE)=SIMPLEPAST had said: V (↑PRED)=’SAY⟨SUBJ,OBJ⟩’ (↑TENSE)=PASTPERFECT the: D (↑PRED)=’THE’ (↑SPECTYPE)=DEF about: P (↑PRED)=’ABOUT⟨OBJ⟩’ which: N (↑PRED)=’PRO’ (↑PRONTYPE)=REL John’s: D (↑PRED)=’JOHN’ (↑SPECTYPE)=POSS many: D (↑PRED)=’MANY’ (↑SPECTYPE)=QUANT things: N (↑PRED)=’THINGS’ (↑NUM)=PLURAL . STEP 2: c-structure .. ...... a. S → NP (↑ SUBJ) =↓ VP ↑=↓ b. NP → { A N ↑=↓ ↑=↓ } c. VP → V ↑=↓ NP (↑ SUBJ) =↓ V (↑ XCOMP) =↓ (↑ XCOMP PRED) = ’be ⟨SUBJ, PREDIC⟩ ’ d. V → NP (↑ PREDIC) =↓ IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 55 / 56 Lecture 5 . STEP 3: f-structure .. ...... 'John made Peter angry' S SUBJ = = NP = N John VP = OBJ = XCOMP = made V NP = N Peter V PREDIC = NP = A angry = = SUBJ = = OBJ = = XCOMP = XCOMP PREDIC ='be SUBJ, PRED ' PREDIC = = . STEP 4: unification .. ...... PRED 'make 'SUBJ, XCOMP TENSE simplepast SUBJ , PRED 'John' , PRED 'Peter'OBJ PRED 'be SUBJ, PRED ' SUBJ PREDIC , PRED 'angry' XCOMP , , IA161 Syntactic Formalisms for Parsing Natural Languages 56 / 56