Bayesian Games – Nature & Common Values A Bayesian Game (with nature and common values) consists of � a set of players N = {1, . . . , n}, � a set of states of nature Ω, � a set of actions Ai available to player i, � a set of possible types Ti of player i, � a type function τi : Ω → Ti assigning a type of player i to every state of nature, � a payoff function ui for every player i ui : A1 × · · · × An × Ω → R � a probability distribution P over Ω called common prior. As before, a pure strategy for player i is a function si : Ti → Ai. 314 Bayesian Games – Nature & Common Values Given a pure strategy si of player i and a state of nature ω ∈ Ω, we denote by si(ω) the action si(τi(ω)) chosen by player i when the state is ω. We denote by s(ω) the action profile (s1(τ1(ω)), . . . , sn(τn(ω))). Given a set A ⊆ Ω of states of nature and a type ti ∈ Ti of player i, we denote by P(A | ti) the conditional probability of A conditioned on the event that player i has type ti. We define the expected payoff for player i by ui(s1, . . . , sn; ti) = Eω∼P [ui(s(ω); ω) | τi(ω) = ti] Here the right hand side is the expected payoff of player i with respect to the probability distribution P conditioned on his type ti. Definition 93 A pure strategy profile s = (s1, . . . , sn) ∈ S in the Bayesian game is a pure strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium if for each player i and each type ti ∈ Ti and every pure strategy s� i of player i we have that ui(si, s−i; ti) ≥ ui(s� i , s−i; ti) 315 Adverse Selection � A firm C is taking over a firm D. � The true value d of D is not known to C, assume that it is uniformly distributed on [0, 1]. This is of course a bit artificial, more precise analysis can be done with a different distribution. � It is known that D’s value will flourish under C’s ownership: it will rise to λd where λ > 1. � All of the above is a common knowledge. Let us model the situation as a Bayesian game (with common values). 316 Adverse Selection (Cont.) � N = {C, D}, � Ω = [0, 1] where d ∈ Ω expresses the true value of D, � AC = [0, 1] where c ∈ AC expresses how much is the firm C willing to pay for the firm D, AD = {yes, no} (sell or not to sell), � TC = {t1} (a trivial type) and TD = Ω = [0, 1], � τC (d) = t1 and τD(d) = d for all d ∈ Ω, � uC (c, yes; d) = λd − c and uC (c, no; d) = 0 uD(c, yes; d) = c and uD(c, no; d) = d, � P is the uniform distribution on [0, 1]. Is there a BNE? 317 Adverse Selection (Cont.) What is the best response of firm D to an action c ∈ [0, 1] of firm C? Such a best response must satisfy: � say yes if d < c � say no if d > c So the expected value of the firm D (in the eyes of C) assuming that D says yes is c/2. Indeed, assuming that the firm D says yes, the value d is uniformly distributed between 0 and c, so the average is c/2. Therefore, the expected payoff of C is λ(c/2) − c = c � λ 2 − 1 � which is negative for λ ≤ 2. So it is not profitable (on average) for the firm C to buy unless the target D more than doubles in value after the takeover! 318 Committe Voting Consider a very simple model of a jury made up of two players (jurors) who must collectively decide whether to acquit (A), or to convict (C) a defendant who can be either guilty (G) or innocent (I). Each player casts a sealed vote (A or C), and the defendant is convicted if and only if both vote C. A prior probability that the defendant is guilty is q > 1 2 (i.e., P(G) = q) and is common knowledge. Assume that each player gets payoff 1 for a right decision and 0 for incorrect decision. We consider risk neutral players who maximize their expected payoff. We may model this situation using a strategic-form game: A C A 1 − q, 1 − q 1 − q, 1 − q C 1 − q, 1 − q q, q Is there a dominant strategy? 319 Committee Voting (Cont.) Let’s make things a bit more complicated. Assume that each juror has a different expertise and, when observing the evidence, gets a private signal ti ∈ {θG, θI} that contains a valuable piece of information. That is if the defendant is guilty, θG is more probable, if innocent, θI is more probable. For i ∈ {1, 2} : P(ti = θG | G) = P(ti = θI | I) = p > 1 2 P(ti = θG | I) = P(ti = θI | G) = 1 − p < 1 2 We also assume that the players get their signals independently conditional on the defendants condition: P(t1 = θX ∧ t2 = θY | Z) = P(t1 = θX | Z) · P(t2 = θY | Z) for all X, Y, Z ∈ {G, I}. 320 Committe Voting (Cont.) We obtain a Bayesian game: � N = {1, 2} � A1 = A2 = {A, C} � Ω = {(Z, θX , θY ) | Z, X, Y ∈ {G, I}} � T1 = T2 = {θG, θI} � τ1(Z, θX , θY ) = θX and τ2(Z, θX , θY ) = θY � For arbitrary U, V ∈ {A, C} and X, Y ∈ {G, I} we have that ui(U, V; (G, θX , θY )) =    1 if U = V = C, 0 otherwise. ui(U, V; (I, θX , θY )) =    0 if U = V = C, 1 otherwise. � P(Z, θX , θY ) = P(Z)P(t1 = θX | Z)P(t2 = θY | Z) I.e., P(Z, θX , θY ) is the probability of choosing (Z, θX , θY ) as follows: First, Z ∈ {G, I} is randomly chosen (Z = G has probability q). Then, conditioned on Z, θX and θY are independently chosen. 321 Committee Voting (Cont.) Now consider just one player i. If the player i would be able to decide by himself, how does his decision depend on his type ti ∈ {θG, θI}? If ti = θG, then how probable is that the defendant is guilty? P(G | ti = θG) = P(ti = θG | G)P(G) P(ti = θG) = pq qp + (1 − q)(1 − p) > q so that the posterior probability of G is even higher. If θI is received, then how probable is that the defendant is guilty? P(G | ti = θI) = P(ti = θI | G)P(G) P(ti = θI) = (1 − p)q q(1 − p) + (1 − q)p < q which means, clearly, that the player is less sure about G. In particular, player i chooses I instead of G if P(G | ti = θI) = q(1 − p) q(1 − p) + (1 − q)p < 1 2 which holds iff p > q. 322 Committee Voting (Cont.) So if p > q each player would choose to vote according to his signal. Denote by XY the strategy of player i in which he chooses X if ti = θG and Y if ti = θI. Question: Is (CA, CA) BNE assuming that p > q ? u1(CA, CA; θI) = P(I | t1 = θI) = P(I | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG)P(t2 = θG | t1 = θI) + P(I | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θI)P(t2 = θI | t1 = θI) u1(CC, CA; θI) = P(G ∧ t2 = θG | t1 = θI) + P(I ∧ t2 = θI | t1 = θI) = P(G | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG)P(t2 = θG | t1 = θI) + P(I | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θI)P(t2 = θI | t1 = θI) Note that the blue expressions are equal, so the payoff depends only on the red ones, where player 2 is assumed to consider the defendant guilty. Intuitively, if player 2 chooses A, then the decision of player 1 does not have any impact. On the other hand, if player 2 chooses C, then the decision is, in fact, up to player 1 (we say that he is pivotal). 323 Committee Voting (Cont.) So what is the probability that the defendant is guilty assuming that the vote of player 1 counts? That is, assuming t2 = θG and t1 = θI ? P(G | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG) = P(t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG | G)P(G) P(t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG) = (1 − p)pq p(1 − p) = q > 1 2 > (1 − q) = P(I | t1 = θI ∧ t2 = θG) which means that player 1 is more convinced that the defendant is guilty contrary to the signal! This means that even though individual decision would be "innocent", taking into account that the vote should have some value gives "guilty". Hence u1(CA, CA; θI) < u1(CC, CA; θI) and thus playing CC is a better response to CA. By the way, is (CC, CA) a BNE? 324 Winner’s Curse An auction for a new oil field (of unknown size), assume only two firms competing (two players). The field is either small (worth $10 million), medium (worth $20 million), large (worth $30 million). That is, the real value v of the field satisfies v ∈ {10, 20, 30}. Assume some prior information about the size of the filed: P(v = 10) = P(v = 30) = 1 4 P(v = 20) = 1 2 The government is selling the field in the second-price sealed-bid auction, so that in the case of a tie, the winner is chosen randomly (and pays his bid). That is, in effect, in case of a tie, the payoff of each player is (v − b)/2 where v is the value, b the (common) bid. Using the same argument as for the "ordinary" second-price auction with private values one may show that playing the true private value weakly dominates all other bids. 325 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) Each of the firms performs a (free) exploration that will provide the type ti ∈ {L, H} (low or high), correlated with the size as follows: � If v = 10, then t1 = t2 = L � If v = 30, then t1 = t2 = H � If v = 20, then for i ∈ {1, 2}, conditioned on v = 20, the exploration results are uniformly distributed: There are four possible results, (L, L), (L, H), (H, L), (H, H), each with probability 1 4 . Given the signal ti, player i may estimate the true value of the field: P(v = 10 | ti = L) = 1 2 P(v = 10 | ti = H) = 0 P(v = 20 | ti = L) = 1 2 P(v = 20 | ti = H) = 1 2 P(v = 30 | ti = L) = 0 P(v = 30 | ti = H) = 1 2 Thus E(v | ti = L) = 1 2 10 + 1 2 20 = 15. and E(v | ti = H) = 1 2 20 + 1 2 30 = 25 326 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) Is it a good idea to bid the expected value? Define a strategy si for player i by � si(L) = E(v | ti = L) � si(H) = E(v | ti = H) Is (s1, s2) a Nash equilibrium? Consider t1 = L. Then player 1 bids 15. What is his expected payoff? Note that if t2 = H, then player 2 bids 25 and wins, which means that player 1 gets payoff 0. So player 1 can get a non-zero value only if t2 = L. This implies that u1(s1, s2; L) = P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · (20 − 15)/2 + P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · (10 − 15)/2 = P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · 5/2 + P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · (−5)/2 327 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) In what follows we show that P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) = 1 4 (31) P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) = 1 2 (32) which means that u1(s1, s2; L) = P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · 5/2 + P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) · (−5)/2 = 1 4 5 2 + 1 2 (−5) 2 = −5 8 < 0 and player 1 would be better off by bidding 0 and always losing!! Intuition: Player 1 wins only if the signal of player 2 is L, which in effect means, that assuming win, the effective expected value of the field is lower than the predicted expected value. In the rest of the proof we heavily use the Bayes’ theorem and the law of total probability. 328 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) : Proof of Equation (31) P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) = = P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) · P(t2 = L | t1 = L) + P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L ∧ t2 = H) · P(t2 = H | t1 = L) = P(v = 20 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) · P(t2 = L | t1 = L) Here P(t2 = L | t1 = L) = = P(t2 = L | t1 = L ∧ v = 10) · P(v = 10 | t1 = L) + P(t2 = L | t1 = L ∧ v = 20) · P(v = 20 | t1 = L) = 1 · 1 2 + 1 2 · 1 2 = 3 4 (Here we used the fact that t1 and t2 are independent assuming a fixed v) We show (see next slide) that P(v = 20 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 1 3 and thus P(v = 20 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) = 1 3 · 3 4 = 1 4 329 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) : Proof of Equation (31) First, note that P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L | v = 10) = 1 P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L | v = 20) = 1 4 Now by Bayes’ theorem P(v = 20 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = = [ P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L | v = 20) · P(v = 20) ] / P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = = 1 4 · 1 2 P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 1 8 · P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) But by the law of total probability P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = = P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L | v = 10)P(v = 10)+ + P(t1 = L ∧ t2 = L | v = 20)P(v = 20) = 1 · 1 4 + 1 4 · 1 2 = 3 8 which gives P(v = 20 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 1 3 . 330 Winner’s Curse (Cont.) : Proof of Equation (32) Finally, similarly as for (31), P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L) = = P(v = 10 ∧ t2 = L | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) · P(t2 = L | t1 = L) + P(v = 10 ∧ t1 = L | t1 = L ∧ t2 = H) · P(t2 = H | t1 = L) = P(v = 10 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) · P(t2 = L | t1 = L) = 2 3 · 3 4 = 1 2 Here P(v = 10 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 2 3 follows from P(v = 20 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 1 3 and P(v = 30 | t1 = L ∧ t2 = L) = 0. 331