Dynamic Games of Complete Information Repeated Games Infinitely Repeated Games 245 Infinitely Repeated Games Let G = ({1, 2}, (S1, S2) , (u1, u2)) be a strategic-form game of two players. An infinitely repeated game Girep based on G proceeds in stages so that in each stage, say t, players choose a strategy profile st = (st 1 , st 2 ). Recall that a history of length t ≥ 0 is a sequence h = s1 · · · st ∈ St of t strategy profiles. Denote by H(t) the set of all histories of length t. A pure strategy for player i in the infinitely repeated game Girep is a function τi : ∞� t=0 H(t) → Si which for every possible history chooses a next step for player i. Every pure strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep induces a sequence of pure strategy profiles wτ = s1 s2 · · · in G so that st i = τi(s1 · · · st−1 ). (Here for t = 0 we have that s1 · · · st−1 = �.) 246 Infinitely Repeated Games & Discounted Payoff Let τ = (τ1, τ2) be a pure strategy profile in Girep such that wτ = s1 s2 · · · Given 0 < δ < 1, we define a δ-discounted payoff by uδ i (τ) = (1 − δ) ∞� t=0 δt · ui(st+1 ) Given a strategic-form game G and 0 < δ < 1, we denote by Gδ irep the infinitely repeated game based on G together with the δ-discounted payoffs. 247 Infinitely Repeated Games & Discounted Payoff Definition 78 A strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) is a Nash equilibrium in Gδ irep if for both i ∈ {1, 2} and for every τ� i we have that uδ i (τi, τ−i) ≥ uδ i (τ� i , τ−i) Given a history h = s1 · · · st and a strategy τi of player i, we define a strategy τh i in the infinitely repeated game Girep by τh i (¯s1 · · · ¯s ¯t ) = τi(s1 · · · st ¯s1 · · · ¯s ¯t ) for every sequence ¯s1 · · · ¯s ¯t (i.e. τh i behaves as τi after h) Now τ = (τ1, τ2) is a SPE in Gδ irep if for every history h we have that (τh 1 , τh 2 ) is a Nash equilibrium. Note that (τh 1 , τh 2 ) must be a NE also for all histories h that are not visited when the profile (τ1, τ2) is used. 248 Example Consider the infinitely repeated game Girep based on Prisoner’s dilemma: C S C −5, −5 0, −20 S −20, 0 −1, −1 What are the Nash equilibria and SPE in Gδ irep for a given δ ? Consider a pure strategy profile (τ1, τ2) where τi(s1 · · · sT ) = C for all T ≥ 1 and i ∈ {1, 2}. Is it a NE? A SPE? Consider a "grim trigger" profile (τ1, τ2) where τi(s1 · · · sT ) =    S T = 0 S s� = (S, S) for all 1 ≤ � ≤ T C otherwise Is it a NE? Is it a SPE? 249 One-Shot Deviation Principle A pure strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep satisfies one-shot deviation property in Gδ irep if for every i ∈ {1, 2} and every ¯τi, differing from τi just on a single history h, we have uδ i (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) ≤ uδ i (τh 1 , τh 2 ). Theorem 79 Let G = ({1, 2}, (S1, S2), (u1, u2)) be a two-player strategic-form game such that both u1 and u2 are bounded on S = S1 × S2. Let 0 < δ < 1. A pure strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep is a SPE in Gδ irep iff it satisfies the one-shot deviation property in Gδ irep . Before proving Theorem 79, let us note the following: � The one shot deviation property is concerned with all strategies ¯τi that differ from τi on a single history. This means that we have to consider all histories h, even those that can not be visited using τi with any opponent. � The one-shot deviation property immediately implies the following: If ¯τi does not differ from τi on any history of the form h� = hh�� where h�� � ε (i.e., on any history obtained by prolonging h), then uδ i (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) ≤ uδ i (τh 1 , τh 2 ). Indeed, note that τh i differs from ¯τh i only on h. 250 One-Shot Deviation Principle Proof. ⇒: Trivial. ⇐: Assume that τ satisfies the one-shot deviation property but is not a SPE. That is, a deviation may increase payoff of one of the players in a subgame. Assume, w.l.o.g., that player 1 gains by deviation to a strategy ¯τ1 in a subgame starting with a h, i.e., uδ 1(¯τh 1, τh 2) > uδ 1(τh 1, τh 2) (29) Since δ < 1 and ui are bounded on S, we may safely choose ¯τ1 so that ¯τ1(h� ) = τ1(h� ) for all sufficiently long histories h� . Indeed, since ui is bounded on pure strategies of G, the sum �∞ t=� δt · ui(st+1 ) goes to 0 as � goes to ∞; hence the strict inequality (29) remains valid even if ¯τ1 is arbitrarily modified in a very distant future. 251 One-Shot Deviation Principle Let h� be a history of maximum length such that h is a prefix of h� and ¯τ1(h� ) � τ1(h� ). (Note that then ¯τ1(h� h�� ) = τ1(h� h�� ) for all h�� � ε.) Let ¯τ11 be a strategy of player 1 obtained from ¯τ1 by changing ¯τ1(h� ) to τ1(h� ). Now note that the one-shot deviation property implies, that uδ 1(¯τh� 11, τh� 2 ) = uδ 1(τh� 1 , τh� 2 ) ≥ uδ 1(¯τh� 1 , τh� 2 ) and thus uδ 1 (¯τh 11 , τh 2 ) ≥ uδ 1 (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) > uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ). Note that ¯τh 11 has a strictly smaller number of deviations from τh 1 than ¯τh 1 . Repeating the same argument with ¯τ11 in place of ¯τ1 we obtain ¯τ12 such that uδ 1 (¯τh 12 , τh 2 ) ≥ uδ 1 (¯τh 11 , τh 2 ) > uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ). Here ¯τh 12 has even less deviations from τh 1 than ¯τh 11 . Then repeating with ¯τ12 in place of ¯τ1 we obtain ¯τ13 such that uδ 1 (¯τh 13 , τh 2 ) ≥ uδ 1 (¯τh 12 , τh 2 ) > uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ), etc., still decreasing the number of deviations from τh 1 . Eventually, as ¯τh 1 has only finitely many deviations from τh 1 , we get ¯τh 1k = τh 1 for some k and thus uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ) = uδ 1 (¯τh 1k , τh 2 ) > uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ), a contradiction. � 252 Example Consider the infinitely repeated game based on Prisoner’s dilemma: C S C −5, −5 0, −20 S −20, 0 −1, −1 The grim trigger profile (τ1, τ2) where τi(s1 · · · sT ) =    S T = 0 S s� = (S, S) for all 1 ≤ � ≤ T C otherwise is a SPE. 253 A Simple Version of Folk Theorem Let G = ({1, 2}, (S1, S2) , (u1, u2)) be a two-player strategic-form game where u1, u2 are bounded on S = S1 × S2 (but S may be infinite) and let s∗ be a Nash equilibrium in G. Let s be a strategy profile in G satisfying ui(s) > ui(s∗ ) for all i ∈ N. Consider the following grim trigger for s using s∗ strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep where τi(s1 · · · sT ) =    si T = 0 si s� = s for all 1 ≤ � ≤ T s∗ i otherwise Then for δ ≥ max i∈{1,2} maxs� i ∈Si ui(s� i , s−i) − ui(s) maxs� i ∈Si ui(s� i , s−i) − ui(s∗) we have that (τ1, τ2) is a SPE in Gδ irep and uδ i (τ) = ui(s). Proof: Consider a possible one-shot deviation ¯τ1 of player 1, i.e., there is exactly one h such that ¯τ1(h) � τ1(h). We distinguish two cases depending on h. 254 Proof of Simple Folk Theorem (Cont.) Case 1: h � s · · · s. Then there is a deviation from s in h and thus according to (τh 1 , τh 2 ) both players play s∗ forever : uδ 1(τh 1, τh 2) = (1 − δ) ∞� k=0 δk u1(s∗ ) = u1(s∗ )(1 − δ) ∞� k=0 δk = u1(s∗ ) Now (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) gives a sequence w(¯τh 1 ,τh 2 ) = (s� 1 , s∗ 2 )s∗ s∗ · · · where s� 1 is a strategy of player 1 to which he deviates after h. Here player 2 plays s∗ 2 all the time after h because one of the players has already deviated in h. We obtain u1(¯τh 1, τh 2) = (1 − δ)  u1(s� 1, s∗ 2) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s∗ )   ≤ (1 − δ)  u1(s∗ 1, s∗ 2) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s∗ )   = u1(s∗ ) So this deviation cannot be beneficial no matter what δ is. 255 Proof of Simple Folk Theorem (Cont.) Case 2: h = s · · · s. Clearly, u1(τh 1 , τh 2 ) = u1(s). Now (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) gives a sequence w(¯τh 1 ,τh 2 ) = (s� 1 , s2)s∗ s∗ · · · where s� 1 is a strategy of player 1 to which he deviates after h. As opposed to the previous case, here player 2 first plays s2 (since the deviation of player 1 to s� 1 is the first deviation in the history) and then both players react by playing s∗ forever. If u1(s� 1 , s2) < u1(s), then uδ 1(¯τh 1, τh 2) = (1 − δ)  u1(s� 1, s2) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s∗ )   < (1 − δ)  u1(s1, s2) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s∗ )   < (1 − δ)  u1(s) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s)   = u1(s) = uδ 1(τh 1, τh 2) and thus this deviation is also not beneficial no matter what δ is. 256 Proof of Simple Folk Theorem (Cont.) Finally, if u1(s� 1 , s2) ≥ u1(s), then uδ 1(¯τh 1, τh 2) = (1 − δ)  u1(s� 1, s2) + ∞� k=1 δk u1(s∗ )   = (1 − δ)u1(s� 1, s2) + (1 − δ)u1(s∗ ) · δ ∞� k=0 δk = u1(s� 1, s2) − δ · u1(s� 1, s2) + δ · u1(s∗ ) Thus uδ 1 (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) ≤ uδ 1 (τh 1 , τh 2 ) = u1(s) iff u1(s� 1 , s2) − δ · u1(s� 1 , s2) + δ · u1(s∗ ) ≤ u1(s) iff u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s) ≤ δ · (u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s∗ )) iff δ ≥ u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s) u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s∗) 257 Proof of Simple Folk Theorem (Cont.) Thus (τ1, τ2) satisfies the one-shot deviation property in Gδ irep w.r.t. player 1 if δ ≥ u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s) u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s∗) for all s� 1 ∈ S1 satisfying u1(s� 1, s2) ≥ u1(s) Note that the right-hand-side expression is maximized when u1(s� 1 , s2) is maximized and thus we get δ ≥ maxs� 1 ∈S1 u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s) maxs� 1 ∈S1 u1(s� 1 , s2) − u1(s∗) Proving the same for player 2 and putting the results together, we obtain that (τ1, τ2) satisfies the one-shot deviation property in Gδ irep if δ ≥ max i∈{1,2} maxs� i ∈Si ui(s� i , s−i) − ui(s) maxs� i ∈Si ui(s� i , s−i) − ui(s∗) (30) Thus by Theorem 79, (τ1, τ2) is a SPE in Gδ irep if δ satisfies ineq. (30). 258 Simple Folk Theorem – Example Consider the infinitely repeated game Girep based on the following game G: m f r M 4, 4 −1, 5 3, 0 F 5, −1 1, 1 0, 0 R 0, 3 0, 0 2, 2 NE in G : (F, f) Consider the grim trigger for (M, m) using (F, f), i.e., the profile (τ1, τ2) in Girep where � τ1 : Plays M in a given stage if (M, m) was played in all previous stages, and plays F otherwise. � τ2 : Plays m in a given stage if (M, m) was played in all previous stages, and plays f otherwise. This is a SPE in Gδ irep for all δ ≥ 1 4 . Also, ui(τ1, τ2) = 4 for i ∈ {1, 2}. Are there other SPE? Yes, a grim trigger for (R, r) using (F, f). This is a SPE in Gδ irep for δ ≥ 1 2 . 259 Tacit Collusion Consider the Cournot duopoly game model G = (N, (Si)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) � N = {1, 2} � Si = [0, κ] � u1(q1, q2) = q1(κ − q1 − q2) − q1c1 = (κ − c1)q1 − q2 1 − q1q2 u2(q1, q2) = q2(κ − q2 − q1) − q2c2 = (κ − c2)q2 − q2 2 − q2q1 Assume for simplicity that c1 = c2 = c and denote θ = κ − c. If the firms sign a binding contract to produce only θ/4, their profit would be θ2 /8 which is higher than the profit θ2 /9 for playing the NE (θ/3, θ/3). However, such contracts are forbidden in many countries (including US). Is it still possible that the firms will behave selfishly (i.e. only maximizing their profits) and still obtain such payoffs? In other words, is there a SPE in the infinitely repeated game based on G (with a discount factor δ) which gives the payoffs θ2 /8 ? 260 Tacit Collusion Consider the Cournot duopoly game model G = (N, (Si)i∈N , (ui)i∈N) � N = {1, 2} � Si = [0, ∞) � u1(q1, q2) = q1(κ − q1 − q2) − q1c1 = (κ − c1)q1 − q2 1 − q1q2 u2(q1, q2) = q2(κ − q2 − q1) − q2c2 = (κ − c2)q2 − q2 2 − q2q1 Assume for simplicity that c1 = c2 = c and denote θ = κ − c. Consider the grim trigger profile for (θ/4, θ/4) using (θ/3, θ/3) : Player i will � produce qi = θ/4 whenever all profiles in the history are (θ/4, θ/4), � whenever one of the players deviates, produce θ/3 from that moment on. Assuming that κ = 100 and c = 10 (which gives θ = 90), this is a SPE Gδ irep for δ ≥ 0.5294 · · · . It results in (θ/4, θ/4)(θ/4, θ/4) · · · with the discounted payoffs θ2 /8. 261 Dynamic Games of Complete Information Repeated Games Infinitely Repeated Games Long-Run Average Payoff and Folk Theorems 262 Infinitely Repeated Games & Average Payoff In what follows we assume that all payoffs in the game G are positive and that S is finite! Let τ = (τ1, τ2) be a strategy profile in the infinitely repeated game Girep such that wτ = s1 s2 · · · . Definition 80 We define a long-run average payoff for player i by u avg i (τ) = lim sup T→∞ 1 T T� t=1 ui(st ) (Here lim sup is necessary because τi may cause non-existence of the limit.) The lon-run average payoff u avg i (τ) is well-defined if the limit u avg i (τ) = limT→∞ 1 T �T t=1 ui(st ) exists. Given a strategic-form game G, we denote by G avg irep the infinitely repeated game based on G together with the long-run average payoff. 263 Infinitely Repeated Games & Average Payoff Definition 81 A strategy profile τ is a Nash equilibrium if u avg i (τ) is well-defined for all i ∈ N, and for every i and every τ� i we have that u avg i (τi, τ−i) ≥ u avg i (τ� i , τ−i) (Note that we demand existence of the defining limit of u avg i (τi, τ−i) but the limit does not have to exist for u avg i (τ� i , τ−i).) Moreover, τ = (τ1, τ2) is a SPE in G avg irep if for every history h we have that (τh 1 , τh 2 ) is a Nash equilibrium. 264 Example Consider the infinitely repeated game based on Prisoner’s dilemma: C S C −5, −5 0, −20 S −20, 0 −1, −1 The grim trigger profile (τ1, τ2) where τi(s1 · · · sT ) =    S T = 0 S s� = (S, S) for all 1 ≤ � ≤ T C otherwise is a SPE which gives the long-run average payoff −1 to each player. The intuition behind the grim trigger works as for the discounted payoff: Whenever a player i deviates, the player −i starts playing C for which the best response of player i is also C. So we obtain (S, S) · · · (S, S)(X, Y)(C, C)(C, C) · · · (here (X, Y) is either (C, S) or (S, C) depending on who deviates). Apparently, the long-run average payoff is −5 for both players, which is worse than −1. 265 Example Consider the infinitely repeated game based on Prisoner’s dilemma: C S C −5, −5 0, −20 S −20, 0 −1, −1 However, other payoffs can be supported by NE. Consider e.g. a strategy profile (τ1, τ2) such that � Both players cyclically play as follows: � 9 times (S, S) � once (S, C) � If one of the players deviates, then, from that moment on, both play (C, C) forever. Then (τ1, τ2) is also SPE. Apparently, u avg 1 (τ1, τ2) = 9 10 · (−1) + (−20)/10 = −29/10 and u avg 1 (τ1, τ2) = 9 10 (−1) = −9/10. Player 2 gets better payoff than from the Pareto optimal profile (S, S)! 266 Outline of the Folk Theorems The previous examples suggest that other (possibly all?) convex combinations of payoffs may be obtained by means of Nash equilibria. This observation forms a basis for a bunch of theorems, collectively called Folk Theorems. No author is listed since these theorems had been known in games community long before they were formalized. In what follows we prove several versions of Folk Theorem concerning achievable payoffs for repeated games. Ordered by increasing technical and conceptual difficulty, we consider the following variants: � Long-run average payoffs & SPE � Discounted payoffs & SPE � Long-run average payoffs & Nash equilibria 267 Folk Theorems – Feasible Payoffs Definition 82 We say that a vector of payoffs v = (v1, v2) ∈ R2 is feasible if it is a convex combination of payoffs for pure strategy profiles in G with rational coefficients, i.e., if there are rational numbers βs, here s ∈ S, satisfying βs ≥ 0 and � s∈S βs = 1 such that for both i ∈ {1, 2} holds vi = � s∈S βs · ui(s) We assume that there is m ∈ N such that each βs can be written in the form βs = γs/m. The following theorems can be extended to a notion of feasible payoffs using arbitrary, possibly irrational, coefficients βs in the convex combination. Roughly speaking, this follows from the fact that each real number can be approximated with rational numbers up to an arbitrary error. However, the proofs are technically more involved. 268 Folk Theorems – Long-Run Average & SPE Theorem 83 Let s∗ be a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in G and let v = (v1, v2) be a feasible vector of payoffs satisfying vi ≥ ui(s∗ ) for both i ∈ {1, 2}. Then there is a strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep such that � τ is a SPE in G avg irep � u avg i (τ) = vi for i ∈ {1, 2} Proof: Consider a strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep which gives the following behavior: 1. Unless one of the players deviates, the players play cyclically all profiles s ∈ S so that each s is always played for γs rounds. 2. Whenever one of the players deviates, then, from that moment on, each player i plays s∗ i . It is easy to see that u avg i (τ) = vi. We verify that τ is SPE. 269 Folk Theorems – Long-Run Average & SPE Fix a history h, we show that τh = (τh 1 , τh 2 ) is a NE in G avg irep . � If h does not contain any deviation from the cyclic behavior 1., then τh continues according to 1., thus u avg i (τh ) = vi. � If h contains a deviation from 1., then wτh = s∗ s∗ · · · and thus u avg i (τh ) = ui(s∗ ). � Now if a player i deviates to ¯τh i from τh i in G avg irep , then w(¯τh i ,τh −i ) = (s1 i , s� −i)(s2 i , s∗ −i)(s3 i , s∗ −i) · · · where s1 i , s2 i , . . . are strategies of Si and s� −i is a strat. of S−i. However, then u avg i (¯τh i , τh −i ) ≤ ui(s∗ ) ≤ vi since s∗ is a Nash equilibrium and thus ui(sk i , s∗ −i ) ≤ ui(s∗ ) for all k ≥ 1. Intuitively, player −i punishes player i by playing s∗ −i . � 270 Folk Theorems – Discounted Payoffs & SPE Theorem 84 Let s∗ be a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in G and let v = (v1, v2) be a feasible payoff satisfying vi > ui(s∗ ) for both i ∈ {1, 2}. Then there is a strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep and δ < 1 such that � τ is a SPE in Gδ� irep for every δ� ∈ [δ, 1) and � limδ�→1 uδ� i (τ) = vi. Proof: The following claim allows us to reduce the discounted payoff to the long-run-average. Claim 5 Let τ be a well-defined strategy profile. Then lim δ→1− uδ i (τ) = u avg i (τ) Now to prove Theorem 84, consider the strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep from the proof of Theorem 83. We check the one-shot deviation property in Gδ irep for δ close to 1. 271 Folk Theorems – Discounted Payoffs & SPE Fix a history h and consider τh = (τh 1 , τh 2 ). � If h does not contain any deviation from 1., then both players follow 1., and uδ i (τh ) is close to u avg i (τh ) = vi for δ close to 1. � If h contains any deviation from 1., then wτh = s∗ s∗ · · · and uδ i (τh ) = ui(s∗ ). � Now assume, w.l.o.g., that player 1 deviates exactly after h, which gives a strategy ¯τh 1 differing from τh 1 only on h. Thus w(¯τh 1 ,τh 2 ) = (s� 1 , s� 2 )s∗ s∗ · · · where s� 1 is a strategy of S1 and s� 2 is either the next step in the cyclic behavior described by 1. (if h follows 1.), or equal to s∗ 2 (h does not follow 1.) Note that for δ close to 1, we have that uδ i (¯τh i , τh −i ) is close to u avg i (¯τh i , τh −i ) = ui(s∗ ). � If h follows 1., then uδ 1 (τh ) is close to v1 which is greater than u1(s∗ ) to which uδ 1 (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) is close. � If h does not follow 1., then s� 2 = s∗ 2 (players punish due to a deviation in h), and thus uδ 1 (¯τh 1 , τh 2 ) ≤ u1(s∗ ) = uδ 1 (τh ). � 272 Folk Theorems – Individually Rational Payoffs Definition 85 v = (v1, v2) ∈ R2 is individually rational if for both i ∈ {1, 2} holds vi ≥ min s−i ∈S−i max si ∈Si ui(si, s−i) That is, vi is at least as large as the value that player i may secure by playing best responses to the most hostile behavior of player −i. Example: m f r M 4, 4 −1, 5 3, 0 F 5, −1 1, 1 0, 0 R 0, 3 0, 0 2, 2 Here any (v1, v2) such that v1 ≥ 2 and v2 ≥ 1 is individually rational. 273 Folk Theorems – Long-Run Average & NE Theorem 86 Let v = (v1, v2) be a feasible and individually rational vector of payoffs. Then there is a strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep such that � τ is a Nash equilibrium in G avg irep � u avg i (τ) = vi for i ∈ {1, 2} Proof: It suffices to use a slightly modified strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) in Girep from Theorem 83: � Unless one of the players deviates, the players play cyclically all profiles s ∈ S so that each s is always played for γs rounds. � Whenever a player i deviates, the opponent −i plays a strategy smin −i ∈ argmins−i ∈S−i maxsi ∈Si ui(si, s−i). It is easy to see that u avg i (τ) = vi. If a player i deviates, then his long-run average payoff cannot be higher than mins−i ∈S−i maxsi ∈Si ui(si, s−i) ≤ vi, so τ is a NE. � 274 Folk Theorems – Long-Run Average & NE Theorem 87 If a strategy profile τ = (τ1, τ2) is a NE in G avg irep , then � u avg 1 (τ), u avg 2 (τ) � is individually rational. Proof: Suppose that � u avg 1 (τ), u avg 2 (τ) � is not individually rational. W.l.o.g. assume that u avg 1 (τ) < mins2∈S2 maxs1∈S1 u1(s1, s2). Now let us consider a new strategy ¯τ1 such that for an arbitrary history h the pure strategy ¯τ1(h) is a best response to τ2(h). But then, for every history h, we have u1(¯τ1(h), τ2(h)) ≥ min s2∈S2 max s1∈S1 u1(s1, s2) > u avg 1 (τ) So clearly u avg 1 (¯τ1, τ2) > u avg 1 (τ) which contradicts the fact that (τ1, τ2) is a NE. � Note that if irrational convex combinations are allowed in the definition of feasibility, then vectors of payoffs for Nash equilibria in G avg irep are exactly feasible and individually rational vectors of payoffs. Indeed, the coefficients βs in the definition of feasibility are exactly frequencies with which the individual profiles of S are played in the NE. 275 Folk Theorems – Summary � We have proved that "any reasonable" (i.e. feasible and individually rational) vector of payoffs can be justified as payoffs for a Nash equilibrium in G avg irep (where the future has "an infinite weight"). � Concerning SPE, we have proved that any feasible vector of payoffs dominating a Nash equilibrium in G can be justified as payoffs for SPE in G avg irep . This result can be generalized to arbitrary feasible and strictly individually rational payoffs by means of a more demanding construction. � For discounted payoffs, we have proved that an arbitrary feasible vector of payoffs strictly dominating a Nash equilibrium in G can be approximated using payoffs for SPE in Gδ irep as δ goes to 1. Even this result can be extended to feasible and strictly individually rational payoffs. For a very detailed discussion of Folk Theorems see "A Course in Game Theory" by M. J. Osborne and A. Rubinstein. 276