IA168 Algorithmic Game Theory Survey Tomáš Brázdil 364 Evaluation � Oral exam � Homework (occasionally) Strictly dominated strategies for the exam: � No preparation (skim-through) � Learn only a strict subset THE strictly dominant strategy: Learn all definitions, algorithms, theorems and proofs. 365 What we did ... Types of games: � strategic-form games � extensive-form games � (strict) incomplete information games & Bayesian games Types of strategies: � pure � mixed 366 What we did ... strategic-form games Solution concepts: � strictly dominant strategy equilibrium � iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies � rationalizability � Nash equilibria We studied all these concepts in both pure and mixed strategies. We studied computational complexity of solving strategic-form games w.r.t. all above concepts. In particular, we considered classical algorithms for computing mixed Nash equilibria for two-player games: � support enumeration � Lemke-Howson For zero-sum two-player games a polynomial time algorithm based on von Neumann’s theorem was presented. 367 What we did ... extensive-form games We considered three levels of expressiveness: � perfect-information extensive-form games � imperfect-information extensive-form games � perfect and imperfect-information extensive-form games with chance nodes In all cases we considered the following types of strategies: � pure � mixed � behavioral Solution concepts: � Nash equilibria � subgame perfect equilibria (SPE) 368 What we did ... extensive-form games ... results For finite perfect-information extensive-form games: � there always exists a pure strategy SPE (in pure as well as behavioral strategies) � backward induction for computing SPE (can be used also for perfect-information games with chance nodes) � equivalence of mixed and behavioral strategies For finite imperfect-information extensive-form games: � there always exists a behavioral strategy Nash equilibrium � backward induction on "perfect information" nodes � mixed and behavioral strategies are not equivalent in general, they are equivalent for games with perfect recall 369 What we did ... repeated games Strategic-form games played repeatedly for either finitely many, or infinitely many rounds. Behavior of players may depend (arbitrarily) on the history of the play. They are a special case of imperfect-information extensive-form games. Solution concepts: � For finitely repeated: average payoff (sum of payoffs) � For infinitely repeated: � discounted payoff � long-run average payoff We have considered only pure strategies. 370 What we did ... repeated games ... results For finitely repeated: � There is a unique SPE if the strategic-form game has a unique pure str. NE � SPE obtained by iterating a NE from the strategic-form game � other SPE (punishing equilibria) For infinitely repeated: � discounted payoff: � one-shot deviation property iff SPE (for bounded payoff functions) � grim trigger strategy profiles & simple Folk theorem for SPE (for bounded payoff functions) � an approximate version of general Folk theorem for SPE (repeated finite strategic-form games only) (feasible payoffs) � long-run average payoff: � (almost) general Folk theorems for SPE and NE (repeated finite strategic-form games only) (feasible and individually rational payoffs) 371 What we did ... incomplete information games � strict incomplete information games � solution concepts: weak dominance, ex-post-Nash equilibrium � Bayesian games � solution concepts: weak dominance, Bayesian Nash equilibrium Only pure strategies. Auctions: � Second-price auction: � truth telling strategies are weakly dominant in both strict imperfect information as well as Bayesian model � First-price auction: � Bayesian games needed to obtain a solution, solved for uniform common prior Revenue equivalence. 372