WebVisSE 7 Course – Sept 2014 Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Evaluation dates As discussed, there are TWO evaluation sessions, and to earn full credits for this course, you need to: a. Submit the Link Wheel Project on time (40% of overall mark), b. Write the Online Examination at the scheduled time, date and venue (60% of overall mark), and c. Obtain an overall combined mark of 70% or higher. The Link Wheel Project must be mailed to me (melius@gmail.com), as per the original specification given to you, on or before 17:00 on Friday 03 October 2014 (Brno time). Late submissions will be penalized by subtracting 10% off the final mark for every 24 hours (or part thereof) by which the project is submitted late. The mark rubric, showing how marks will be allocated for this project, is as follows: [5] Project submitted on time, complete with name, surname, stud, no., clear link wheel drawing, URLs of hub and 4x nodes, all text typed not handwritten, URL of Node 1 in email body. [3] Hub: themed, existing website chosen as hub? [8] Node 1: Approximately 200-300 words of own, human generated text, different for each node, themed to fit the hub, hosted on a blog or similar (but different for each node), with one link to the hub, and one link to Node 2? [8] Node 2: Approximately 200-300 words of own, human generated text, different for each node, themed to fit the hub, hosted on a blog or similar (but different for each node), with one link to the hub, and one link to Node 3? [8] Node 3: Approximately 200-300 words of own, human generated text, different for each node, themed to fit the hub, hosted on a blog or similar (but different for each node), with one link to the hub, and one link to Node 4? [8] Node 4: Approximately 200-300 words of own, human generated text, different for each node, themed to fit the hub, hosted on a blog or similar (but different for each node), with one link to the hub, and one link to Node 1? The Online Examination has been arranged for: PC room no. ______ (Botanická, building) on ____________________, from ________ to _________ (Brno time). There will be a MUNI staff member present to manage the process, and I will have continuous contact with this person before and during the examination, for handling any problems and student questions. Please ensure that you have full access to the Internet before the start of the examination, as this exam will require constant access to not only the examination website, but also to other websites needed for some questions.