Chris Sherman -Chris Sherman is Executive Editor of Sear ch Eng i neLand. com and President of Search wise LLC, a Boulder Colorado basEd Web consulting firm. - With over 25 years experience in i nteractive tech nolog ies, he is freeuently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Mew York Times. Business Week. USA Today and other publications, and has appeared on CNN, NPR, CBS and other television and radio networks. - Chris is a Web Search University faculty member, and is an honorary inductee of the Internet Librarian Hall of Fame. - He is the author of "Goog le Power: Un leash the Fu 11 Power of Goog le" from M cG raw-Hi 11. - From 2001 through 2006, Chris was Executive Editor of and Conference Chair of the international Search Engine Strategies events in Canada, China, France, Italy, Sweden and the U.K. - From 1993 to 2001, he was the Web Search Guide for -Chris holds a master's degree in Interactive Educational Tech nology from Stanford University and a bachelor's degree in Visual Arts and Communications from the University of Cal iforn ia, San Diego. With Apple's Help, Google Search Gets Special Info Boxes For iPhone 6 & Apple Watch Those looking for more about Apples latest gadgets will find special boxes where Google has hand-compiled information. Danny Sullivan on September 11, 20/14 at 7:32 pm Who says rivals can't work together? If you search on Google for "iPhone 6" or "Apple Watch,'1 you'll discover new information boxes about each product that Google created with the help of Apple. Here's how it looks for search on iPhone 6: Here's how it looks for search on iPhone 6: Go gle •Phon« 5 NxMl.JflÖJaMjÄO iPhona 6 at V«-izori - verizonwir 3b ■ wBnfl 1a wtBwwwM co- Ifflnbli i^lpui X. mop i-qU^i* J.C LTE WHMrii tof I ? »1 3 COW Or. BW1W. Ü« CA ■ fTUl *3H™ • A: First impressions. Pra-Ordar on Sep! 12th Aa** h*» ur in j r—M ! Apple i Phone 6 S#P?C IU Am tad lfctt i UAttS*r C«H£^!y Pnrf*» - Matthew McConaughey «" irn* #WVi# 14ft1 i'i W Ufrttiwr McCewghrr «■»twn m VnHt. Ti McC»Xfci*utMWute»tfKKtf ipiuwi DoywWytgmNwM j^i^y. Hh titter Matthew McConaugh«y - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia MwrUmr D*rid UeCHiMgtwy 2]« ■> American ■dor. Ha *ru gamd mice tor Im bwHM note In tn taring at hp* comedr Derad end Ctftuiad HBfcJj, end... Mdnrwa wA-c rwjrui ng ■ unn^ i p Matthew McConaughey fcWttw CM UcConai^irr* an Ampan tdor He B«d News for matthew mccon-oughcy Matthew McConaughey'* Lincoln Ad Just Got A True ... HuBogton PW 2 hwjn «rjr> n MkUliea MeCAfietiffiey ?eteeflflQ Bid MfHUfMfWW ^ t*)Wt ITiifc# BHilB* imr< Wl^Jy - 1 hour ago Bom: November+_ iBC9i.*o*4JJ. LhfflkV. TX ICtMi*: C*ml* Abet (tn. 20123 A—jii. Acwtony Award tor Btvt Actor. Mn ChlWrtrt LMTQinn Arm IHoCinughay. Vda Aha* McCvMiigPwy. In the box. you can see Wikipedia cited as a source, and information is drawn largely from McConaughey page at Wikipedia. Bing's URL Keyword Stuffing Filter Reduces Traffic to Spam Sites by 75% Lisa Lacy, September u, 2014 ] 0 Comments g+1 I !j9] f^Tweet ^295 R Like From Data-Driven Marketing to Social, Mobile, Display, Search and Email, seethe ClickZ Live Chicaoo agenda. Ijsing a relatively new spam filtering mechanism that targets URL keyword stuffing (KWS), Bing ^ says it has filtered out an average of approximately one in 10 URLs per impacted query, or about 3 percent of Bing queries overall. In addition. Bing says roughly 5 million sites with 130 million URLs have been impacted, resulting in a reduction of more than 75 percent of traffic to those sites from Bing. a ^To do so, Bing says it looked at a number of signals that suggest possible use of URL keyword stuffing, such as: site size, the number of hosts, and the number of words in host/domain names and path. According to Bing. examples of spam sites impacted,, and Content Is King in SEO, But User Signals Are Also "Crucial [Study] 11 Ashley ZEckman, September iof 2014 4- Comments S+T|{b3~| y Tweet] (515 ^ 134 (5j SEO Evolution: Sell, Discover, Delivers Report on Highly Converting Keywords tiy Krista LaRiviere, qShift SEO platform and search analytics firm Searchmetrics has released its 2014 SEO Ranking Factors and Rank Correlations report, which it says provides an "in-depth definition and evaluation of the factors that have a high rank correlation with organic search results." SEE REPORT The study, which is focused solely on Google results, found high-quality, relevant content ranks better on average and also rha= [he well-optimized technical performance of a page contributes to a good ranking. In addition, Searchmetrics says the quantity and quality of backlinks remains crucial because new features have been revised to improve the quality of results. What's more, the correlation values regarding coefficients out of the social sector have decreased slightly and the growth of the average total number of signals per position was small, Searchmetrics adds. And, finally, for the first time, Searchmetrics says it measured user signals and found there is a relationship between rankings and higher click-through rates, lower bounce rates, and a high time-on-site. Marin Software Adds Support for Russia's Largest Search Engine Jessica Lee, September io3 2014 1 Comment g+1 |{g~| SřTweet |3S4 R Like jtj Marin Software: Manage, optimize, and boost ROI on search, display, social, and mobile advertising. Advertising platform Marin Software announced support for Yandex - Russia's largest search service, which also serves Turkey, Ukraine. Belarus, and Kazakhstan. That means advertisers can analyze, report on, and automate paid search campaign bidding through the Marin platform for Yandex. This is another win for global advertising support for the platform, as Yandex joins the list of already supported engines like Google, Bing. Yahoo Japan, and Baidu. s o arm F T W A R E When it comes to the need for global brands to manage their advertising through one platform, Marin Software chief executive (CEO) David Yovanno says the demand is growing. Global brands often use different local agencies that use various tools to manage the brand's paid search efforts for that region, he says. One of the advantages of working with Marin is "you've got global ad spend managed in one consolidated platform," and "more and more, global brands are looking for a roll-up at a global level."